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District of Maple Ridge
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee, held in the
Blaney Room at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Road, Maple Ridge, British
Columbia, on Wednesday, May 6, 2009 at 7:00 p.m.
Ian Brooks, Chair
Councillor Cheryl Ashlie
Alex Bodden, Staff Sgt.
lneke Boekhorst
Gwen Champagne
Katrina Elliot
Candace Gordon
Mike Huber
Councillor Linda King
Betty Levens
Joshua Leyenhorst
Eleanor Palis
Valerie Spurrell
Sue Wheeler
Lynn Marchand
Shawn Matthewson
Tiffany Parton
Margaret Ickert
Gertie Goudswaard
Roger Larmer
Risha Golby
Kathie Chiu
Paul Livingstone
Connie Schmid
Caroline Wilkin
Lyn Taylor-Scott
Community at Large
Council Liaison
Business Improvement Association
Community Living BC
Community at Large
Ridge Meadows Child, Youth & Family Network
School Trustee, School District No. 42
Council Liaison
Ridge Meadows Seniors Society
Community at Large
School Trustee (alternate), School District No. 42
Fraser Health
Director of Community Services
Committee Clerk
Community Services
Friends in Need Food Bank
L.A.S.T (Life After School Transition)
L.A.S.T (Life After School Transition)
L.A.S.T (Life After School Transition)
L.A.S.T (Life After School Transition)
Community at Large
Community at Large
Ridge Meadows Seniors Society
Ministry of Children and Family Development
Ridge Meadows Association for Community Living
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Social Planning Advisory Committee
Regular Meeting Minutes -May 6, 2009
1. Call to Order and Introductions
The meeting was called to order 7:06 p.m.
2. Agenda Approval
R09-014 Motion was moved and seconded
That the Agenda for May 6, 2009 be adopted with the following change and addition:
Item 5.1 be deferred
Item 6.5 be deferred
The following be added as correspondence:
8. 7 "3 Ways to Home" News Bulletin, Issue 14 April 2009
8.8 Bridges Out of Poverty -Elizabeth Fry Society -May 20th
3. Minutes of April 1, 2009 Meeting
R09-015 Motion was moved and seconded
That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 1, 2009 be adopted
4. Delegations & Presentations
4.1 L.A.S. T. (Life After School Transition)
Gwen Champagne Community Living BC
Margaret Ickert Bowman Employment Services
Gertie Goudswaard Community Services
Roger Larmer Ridge Meadows Association for Community
Risha Go/by School District #42
Gwen Champagne provided an overview of mandate of L.A.S.T. (Life After School Transition) to
educate community, and support youth with developmental disabilities to gain meaningful
employment. Each of the presenters shared their agencies' role and connection to the
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Social Planning Advisory Committee
Regular Meeting Minutes -May 6, 2009
The Committee discussed the challenges that they face in finding employers that will embrace
hiring people with disabilities. Although there are high levels of support for both the clients and
the potential employers, the community is not responding by providing employment
opportunities. L.A.S.T.'s goal of presenting to SPAC is to ask for help in promoting the
opportunity and to ask for suggestions to address the challenges.
Suggestions included approaching Council to renew the 10 X 10 Challenge, work with business
owners who currently provide employment opportunities to share their experiences, consider
working with the farming community to explore opportunities, and work with the BIA to
participate in the Business to Business Campaign.
Margaret Ickert, Gertie Goudswaard, Roger Larmer and Risha Golby left the meeting at 7:44 pm
4.2 Friends in Need Food Bank Tiffany Parton
Tiffany Parton gave a PowerPoint presentation which provided an overview of the Friends in
Need Food Bank operation and the current increase in community numbers accessing the
service. The number of people accessing the food bank has increased by 30% since November
2008 with the current number of 5700 people registered. The numbers continue to grow at a
rate of approximately 30 new people per month with a dramatic increase in the number of
children under 12 years of age and an increase in the number of seniors.
ACTION ITEM: Sue Wheeler to provide the comparison of Quarter 1, 2008 Food Bank
statistics to Quarter 1, 2009 statistics to the Committee members at the June meeting.
Tiffany Parton left the meeting at 8:17 p.m.
5. Unfinished & New Business
5.1 Alouette Home Start Society -Youth Safe House Lease Recommendation
Item 5.1 deferred to the June 3 rd , 2009 meeting.
5.2 The Federation of Canadian Municipalities "Sustaining Momentum:
Recommendations for a National Action Plan on Housing and Homelessness":
Metro Vancouver Staff Report Recommendations and Request
The January 23, 2008 Metro Vancouver Staff Report was reviewed and discussion took place
regarding the recommendation that the Action Plan be endorsed by the Committee and sent to
Maple Ridge Council to seek their endorsement. Sue Wheeler circulated a letter dated March
25, 2008 from Metro Vancouver.
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Social Planning Advisory Committee
Regular Meeting Minutes -May 6, 2009
R09-016 Motion was moved and seconded
That the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, Sustaining the Momentum:
Recommendations for a National Action Plan on Housing and Homelessness be sent to
Maple Ridge Council for endorsement.
It was recognized by the Committee that the recommendation from Metro Vancouver is to
endorse the report but that the targets included in the report need to be considered as
minimums and reviewed regularly. The Committee is supporting the document but taking note
of the target.
5.3 Metro Vancouver Regional Growth Strategy "Shaping our Future" -Draft and
Sue Wheeler circulated a copy of "Metro Vancouver 2040 -Shaping Our Future" for perusal
and Mr. Brooks advised that Metro Vancouver is holding meetings throughout the Metro
Vancouver up until May 31st. He provided an overview of the April 29th meeting he attended
and encouraged the members to complete a feedback form.
Ms. Wheeler advised that this information was being brought to the Committee for information
only and gave an overview of the process.
6.1 SPAC Spirit of Community Awards
Shawn Matthewson provided an overview of the SPAC Spirit of Community Awards and advised
of the sub-committee members. She provided information regarding the Good Business Award
and the Good Neighbour Award including the nomination process and time line.
6.2 Child, Youth & Family Network (CYFN) Update
Candace Gordon advised that the CYFN is now called "The Community Network of Maple Ridge,
Pitt Meadows and Katzie". She advised that they are currently seeking a new coordinator and
that there are currently over 145 members. Ms. Gordon indicated that the new Community
Network Website project is nearly operational with training of community partners currently
taking place.
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Social Planning Advisory Committee
Regular Meeting Minutes -May 6, 2009
6.3 School Community Connections Project Review
Ms. Wheeler provided an overview of the School Community Connections Project and advised
that a facilitated process will be held in early June to share the results of the consultation
processes and to encourage agencies to consider a combined response to the demonstrated
6.4 Building Community Solutions Project
Katrina Elliott provided an update of the April Building Community Solutions (BCS) meeting and
advised that the group received the news that the Coast Capital Savings grant "expression of
interest" which was submitted was approved and that they were invited to apply under the
Community Investment Grant for up to $30,000.00. Ms. Elliott advised that the group will be
submitting an application and that in the meantime they are continuing to seek alternate
funding sources.
Ms. Elliott gave an overview of other events supported by the BCS including: Westridge Good
Neighbours Movie Night, March 27th and semi-annual Plant Swap, April 4th; the Mountainview
Community Association's 4th Annual Easter Egg Hunt, April 11th; and the upcoming BCS
Celebration of Neighbourhoods -Sharing the Sweet Life", June 4th.
She Wheeler advised that the Community Indicator Snapshot project is nearing completion and
will be available at the July meeting. This document will be utilized during the strategic planning
process to assist in determining the community priorities for Social Planning for the next few
6.5 Neighbourhood School Garden
Item 6.5 deferred to June 3, 2009 Agenda.
Valerie Spurre/1
Ms. Spurrell provided an update on the flu outbreak and advised that there have been over 100
cases reported in British Columbia. She advised that the public can access information at
Cheryl Ashlie
Councillor Ashlie advised of the quarterly Substance Misuse Prevention Committee meetings
and that the current focus is on growing evidence of prescription medication and substance
misuse in our community's senior population.
Alex Bodden
Staff Sgt. Bodden provided an overview of the status of filling vacancies at the RCMP:
announcement of the new Superintendent Dave Walsh , new Teen Resource Team Leader
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Social Planning Advisory Committee
Regular Meeting Minutes -May 6, 2009
Corporal Alannah Dunlop will commence June 3 rd, and the position of Inspector has been
posted. He advised that property crime numbers are falling but serious crime numbers are on
the rise. He will bring community crime stats to future meetings to report.
lneke Boekhorst
Ms. Boekhorst advised that the Business Improvement Association has signed an agreement
with the District of Maple Ridge and the Chamber of Commerce for the Our Spirit Our Town
initiative and provided an overview.
Shawn Matthewson
Ms. Matthewson provided an overview of the Hearts at School event, an initiative from the
Happy Heart Program that took place at the Greg Moore Youth Centre with almost 300 Grade 6
participants. Ms. Matthewson advised that the CYFN Early Childhood Development's
Connecting for Kids public forum taking place on May 30th at the Heritage Hall in Pitt Meadows.
8.1 Seniors Forum Fact Sheet
8.2 Seniors Forum Flyer
8.3 Seniors Forum Pamphlet
8.4 Maple Ridge, Pitt Meadows and Katzie Seniors Network
8.5 McCreary Adolescent Health Survey -Media Release and Report: "A Picture of
Health"; www.mcs.bc.ca (Press Release and Adolescent Health Survey)
8.6 BC Teachers' Federation (BCTF) Research Report -Poverty and Education
8. 7 "3 Ways to Home " News Bulletin, Issue 14 April 2009
8.8 Bridges Out of Poverty -Elizabeth Fry Society -May 20th
These items were received as information.
9. Next Meeting: Wednesday, June 3 -7:00 p.m.
Location: Blaney Room, Maple Ridge Municipal Hall
10. Adjournment -9:05 p.m.
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