HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPAC 2009-06-03 Minutes.pdf) / District of Maple Ridge SOCIAL PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee, held in the Blaney Room at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Road, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on Wednesday, June 3, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Ian Brooks, Chair Councillor Cheryl Ashlie Councillor Linda King Alex Bodden, Staff Sgt. Gwen Champagne Candace Gordon Mike Huber Betty Levens Katrina Elliot STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Shawn Matthewson Christine DiGiamberardine Tracy Camire GUESTS Dave Walsh REGRETS/ABSENTS Kathie Chiu Joshua Leyenhorst Paul Livingstone lneke Boekhorst Connie Schmid Caroline Wilkin Lyn Taylor-Scott Eleanor Palis Valerie Spurrell 1. Call to Order and Introductions The meeting was called to order 7:05 p.m. Community at Large Council Liaison Council Liaison RCMP Community Living BC Ridge Meadows Child, Youth & Family Network School Trustee, School District No. 42 Ridge Meadows Seniors Society Community at Large Community Services Recreation Coordinator Committee Clerk Superintendant, RCMP Community at Large Community at Large Community at Large Business Improvement Association Ridge Meadows Seniors Society Ministry of Children and Family Development Ridge Meadows Association for Community Living School Trustee (alternate), School District No. 42 Fraser Health The Superintendant of the RCMP, Dave Walsh was introduced. Superintendant Dave Walsh gave a brief history of his work with the RCMP. 2. Agenda Approval R09-017 Motion was moved and seconded Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 1 of6 Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes -June 3, 2009 That the Agenda for June 3, 2009 be adopted with the following change and addition: 5.6 Endorsement for Federation of Canadian Municipalities "Sustaining Momentum: Recommendations for a National Action Plan on Housing and Homelessness": Metro Vancouver Staff Report Recommendation and Request CARRIED 3. Minutes of May 6, 2009 Meeting R09-018 Motion was moved and seconded That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 6, 2009 be adopted CARRIED 4. Delegations & Presentations 4.1 RCMP 2009 Strategic Plan -Staff Sergeant Bodden, Ridge Meadows Detachment Staff Sergeant Alex Bodden gave a PowerPoint presentation on the Ridge Meadows RCMP Strategic Plan for 2009-2010 which included; mission statement, strategic priorities, framework, and Provincial expectations, strategic priorities (traffic, youth, organized crime, communication, and aboriginal affairs). The Committee then reviewed the statistical information for crime in Maple Ridge. Cheryl Ashlie reminded Staff Sergeant Bodden to utilize the District Student Advisory Committee for the Youth Consultative Group. 5. Unfinished & New Business 5.1 Alouette Home Start Society -Youth Safe House Lease Recommendation Shawn Matthewson reviewed a letter from Dave Spears from the Alouette Home Start Society and gave a brief history of the Society. Shawn Matthewson also advised the Committee that Dave Spears is looking for a 5 year extension of the lease that will provide considerable leverage for funding. R09-019 Motion was moved and seconded That a recommendation from the Social Planning Advisory Committee be forwarded to Council to extend the lease for the Alouette Home Start Society's Iron Horse Youth Safe House for another 5 years. CARRIED ACJ 19l'.-flTEM; Shawn Matthewson to invite Dave Spears to a future SPAC meeting. 5.2 SPAC 2009 Committee Budget Adoption Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 2 of 6 ) Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes -June 3, 2009 R09-020 Shawn Matthewson reviewed the 2009 budget for the Social Planning Advisory Committee. Motion was moved and seconded That the Social Planning Advisory Committee approve the 2009 Social Planning Advisory Committee Budget. CARRIED 5.3 Auditor General Report: Homelessness -A Clear Focus -Regional Steering Committee on Homelessness Review of Report 5.4 Shawn Matthewson advised the Committee that last month the Regional Steering Committee reviewed the Auditor General's Report on Homelessness. Peter Greenwell from Metro Vancouver will be preparing a response. The Homelessness Research Sub- Committee will have an opportunity for input. Shawn Matthewson advised that this will be done by September. Homeless Partnering Strategies for Capital Projects -Call for Proposals Shawn Matthewson advised the Committee that the Federal Government's HPI funding program has funds leftover for small capital projects. The Regional Steering Committee expects about 50 applications but likely only 25 projects will be funded. Ms. Matthewson also confirmed that the available funds are about $500,000 and the deadline for applications is August 31, 2009. Councillor King advised the Committee that they should be in contact with Laura Benson on how to find an organization that would like to apply for funding to complete a "green" renovation and Shawn Matthewson confirmed that she would pass on this information to the Community Network. 5.5 Comparative Stats; Food Bank 5.6 Candace Gordon provided the statistics from the Food Bank and advised the Committee that today they released the stats on Child poverty in Canada with the good news that it dropped from %16.5 to %13.5 but we still lead Canada in child poverty rates and are significantly higher then other places. The Committee further discussed the issue of poverty within our communities. ~CtlON _ITEM: Shawn Matthewson will contact Tiffany Parton from the Friends in Need Food Bank for a poster to highlight the "BC Share" coupon for Councillors King and Ashlie to show on the televised Council Meetings. Endorsement for Federation of Canadian Municipalities "Sustaining Momentum: Recommendations for a National Action Plan on Housing and Homelessness": Metro Vancouver Staff Report Recommendation and Request Shawn Matthewson advised the Committee that the Federation of Canadian Municipalities conference will be held from June 5-8, 2009 and Staff is still working on the action plan for Housing and Homelessness. Shawn Matthewson also advised the Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 3 of 6 Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes -June 3, 2009 Committee that Sue Wheeler has written a report to endorse the action plan that went before the Committee of Whole last week and once approved will need to be reviewed by SPAC. Councillor King advised that a letter was also sent to Randy Kamp. Councillor Ashlie advised that she will be attending this conference. 6 COMMITTEE UPDATES 6.1 Homelessness Research Sub-Committee Update Shawn Matthewson advised the Committee that the Homelessness Research Sub- Committee met on May 25th and were given some homework to review some lengthy documents on Homelessness research. Ms. Matthewson also advised that staff would like to look at an inventory of what services exist in our community for those that are at risk and will distribute this information along with the report. 6.2 Child, Youth & Family Network (CYFN) Update Candace Gordon advised the Committee that the CYFN has now changed their name to Community Network. She shared a copy of the draft Community Impact Profile-Snapshot and advised the Committee that the draft is going to the network next Tuesday for endorsement. Candace Gordon also advised the Committee that the Community Network's website is getting closer to being live and training sessions are currently taking place. Ms. Gordon also advised that the Community Network is still looking for a co-ordinator; and interviewing is going to commence in the near future. Ms. Gordon also advised that the Resource Fair is being held on September 26, 2009 at the Haney Place Mall and registration is currently taking place. 6.3 SPAC Spirit of Community Awards Shawn Matthewson handed out the criteria for the Good Neighbour Award and Good Business award along with the nomination forms and also advised that nomination forms are available on the District of Maple Ridge's website and will be accepted until June 15th; email or drop off nominations to Diana Dalton at reception. 6.4 School Community Connections Project Update Christine DiGiamberardine provided an update on the Eric Langton Community Connection Hub project. Ms. DiGiamberardine also advised the Committee that the next School Community Connections process will be held on June 18th from Noon -4pm at Eric Langton. 6.5 Building Community Solutions Project Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 4 of 6 Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes -June 3, 2009 Funding Application Christine DiGiamberardine advised that the funding application and a letter of intent have been sent in to Coast Capital and Staff should have an answer back by end of the month. A Celebration of Neighbourhoods June 4th, 2009 Christine DiGiamberardine advised the Committee that a celebration called "The Sweet Life" brought together people that applied for SEED Grants (have had 25 applications given out to date this year) to share what works, the challenges, and how to get the word out there that this funding exists and how can we design out neighbourhoods safer. -Haney Farmers Market Update Christine DiGiamberardine advised the Committee that this year marks the 5th year of Farmers Market and they have been averaging over 1000 people at the market each weekend. Ms. DiGiamberardine gave an overview of the services that are available at the market. Councillor King left the meeting at 8:47pm 7. ROUND TABLE Candace Gordon Ms. Gordon advised that the first meeting for the Food Policy Table was held and a lively discussion was had by all. The group is working on mapping a local food asset inventory to find out what is available within our communities. Gwen Champagne Ms. Champagne thanked the Committee for the opportunity to present the program LAST (Life After School Transition) to the last meeting and will be presenting at the June 15th Committee of the Whole meeting. Mike Huber Mr. Huber advised that the School Board Secretary Treasurer has taken a leave of absence and the Superintendent gave notice that he is retiring. Mr. Huber also advised that the School Board is finalizing their budget. Grad is coming up; and for the Grade 12 registration only had 5 kids that started and that won't be graduating which is encouraging information. Katrina Elliot Ms. Elliot advised the Committee that there is funding available under two job creation programs; the first is the Community Adjustment Program and next deadline is June 26, in which there is $125 million available and the second is the Recreation Rehabilitation program; there is $23 million available and the first intake was last Friday and they will be reserving %50 of the money for the next intake. Ms. Elliot reviewed the application process for both programs. Katrina Elliot's contact information was shared with the Committee Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 5 of6 Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes -June 3, 2009 Betty Levens Betty Levens advised the Committee that this is Senior's week and updated the Committee on the week's events. Christine DiGiamberardine Ms. DiGiamberardine advised the Committee that Canada Day is looming; wonderful event that is all local. Ms. DiGiamberardine also advised that the school gardens are fully planted and the big challenge is making sure they get watered. Shawn Matthewson Ms. Matthewson advised the Committee that the Parks and Leisure summer brochure is now available. Ms. Matthewson also attended the Connecting for Kids in Pitt Meadows which was very successful. Ms. Matthewson also advised that the Randy Herman building was dedicated and Social Planning had an open house. The Committee discussed the possibility of having a representative from Pitt Meadows on this Committee. 8. CORRESPONDENCE 9. 10. 8.1 The Inclusive City -Vancouver Workshop by Terra Housing on strategies to expand the supply of Affordable Housing (Attached) 8.2 Dignity for All: The Campaign for a Poverty-Free Canada (Attached) 8.3 Cities Fit for Children Provincial Summit (Attached) 8.4 Poverty Reduction Policies and Programs BC http://www.ccsd.ca/SDR2009/Reports/BC Social Development Report FINAL.pdf 8.5 Investing in the Early Year -State of the World's Mothers (Executive Summary Attached) (Full Report: http://www.savethechildren.org/publications/state-of-the-worlds- mothers-report/state-worlds-mothers-summary-2009.pdf) 8.6 2008 Citizens Report 8 .7 Council Appointed Advisory Committee Orientation Manual These items were received as information. Next Meeting: Agenda Deadline: Location: Adjournment - Wednesday, July 8 -7:00 p.m. Monday, June 22, 2009 Blaney Room, Maple Ridge Municipal Hall 9:04 p.m. Chairpe'fson /tc Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 6 of 6