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District of Maple Ridge
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee, held in the Blaney Room
at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Road, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on
Wednesday, July 8, 2009 at 7:00 p.m.
Ian Brooks, Chair
Councillor Cheryl Ashlie
Councillor Linda King
Alex Bodden, Staff Sgt.
Gwen Champagne
Candace Gordon
Mike Huber
Joshua Leyenhorst
Lyn Taylor-Scott
Eleanor Palis
Valerie Spurrell
Shawn Matthewson
Sue Wheeler
Tracy Camire
Rain Daniels
Betty Levens
Katrina Elliot
Paul Livingstone
lneke Boekhorst
Connie Schmid
Caroline Wilkin
Kathie Chiu
1. Call to Order and Introductions
Community at Large
Council Liaison
Council Liaison
Community Living BC
The Community Network of Maple Ridge, Pitt Meadows &
School Trustee, School District No. 42
Community at Large
Ridge Meadows Association for Community Living
School Trustee (alternate), School District No. 42
Fraser Health
Community Services
Director of Community Services
Committee Clerk
Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows Community Services
Ridge Meadows Seniors Society
Community at Large
Community at Large
Business Improvement Association
Ridge Meadows Seniors Society
Ministry of Children and Family Development
Community at Large
The meeting was called to order 7:08 p.m.
2. Agenda Approval
R09-021 Motion was moved and seconded
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That the Agenda for July 8, 2009 be adopted with the following additions:
5.3 Alouette Home Start Society -Iron Horse Youth Safe House -Extension of lease
5.4 Alouette Home Start Society Supportive Housing Rezoning Public Information Meeting
3. Minutes of June 3, 2009 Meeting
R09-022 Motion was moved and seconded
That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 3, 2009 be adopted as circulated
4. Delegations & Presentations
4.1 Development of an Aboriginal Association -Community Consultation Results -Rain
Daniels, Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows Community Services
Rain Daniels gave a presentation called "Acknowledging the Aboriginal Voice of Maple
Ridge, Pitt Meadows, Katzie and Kwantlen" a consultation summary which included;
project background, acknowledgements, timeline, advisory committee information,
demographics, questions and main themes. Rain Daniels advised that the Anishnaabe
Place formed the Aboriginal Joint Working Group to assist in the process by providing
cultural direction and that the next steps in the process are to begin the selection process
for an advisory committee in September 2009. Ms. Daniels noted that this group will
review the report and identify the findings, choose a name for the committee and develop
the Vision and Mission Statements. Rain Daniels advised to the Committee that both
service providers and residents acknowledged a shortfall of services for Aboriginal people
and especially the opportunity for ceremonial activity.
Rain Daniels advised that the only funding the committee has right now is for Ms. Daniels
to continue in her work to create the advisory committee and they are looking for funding
to keep Rain going until the Committee is formed.
Ms. Daniels also advised that the committee will consist of 8 people; and will depend on
the applications that are received and she would like the committee to be diverse and
have experience that can mentor younger generations.
Rain Daniels advised that the Maple Ridge Community Services will be the umbrella for
this project with the hope that eventually it will be free standing and independent. Ms.
Daniels also noted that any leads for funding would be key for this process to
5. Unfinished & New Business
5.1 Review of Council's Endorsement for Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM)
"Sustaining Momentum: Recommendations for a National Action Plan on Housing and
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Sue Wheeler reviewed a recommendation for the national action plan on housing and
homelessness and noted that the Social Planning Advisory Committee supported this
recommendation and the report then went forward to Council which was supported with
an additional recommendation. Ms. Wheeler reviewed the recommendations with the
Ms. Wheeler advised the Committee that the first part of the motion was inline with the
Metro Vancouver Housing staff report and the second recommendation was requesting
the FCM review and update their information annually and consider including
accessibility issues in their recommendations. Ms. Wheeler advised that the letter of
support went forward and the recommendation was endorsed.
Councillor Ashlie advised that she attended the FCM conference and reviewed the
resolution debating process which she found to be a very complex process. Councillor
Ashlie also noted that the UBCM is where we will make our impact.
Councillor King advised the Committee that we can look to our member of parliament for
these issues that need some Federal attention. Sue Wheeler advised that the Alouette
Home Start Society has met with the Federal Member of Parliament to start addressing
the housing strategy.
Candace Gordon noted that all the homelessness money has not gone to the Province;
but rather it's gone to the Regional Homeless Committee and was distributed at that
level. The Committee discussed the "Housing First" model that is currently being used in
Victoria .
Ian Brooks advised that the first place to start this process is with the Homelessness
5.2 Proposed Affordable Housing Resolution for the 2009 UBCM Convention -Regional
Steering Committee on Homeless Request to Council for Endorsement
Sue Wheeler advised the Committee that Community Services work with the Regional
Steering Committee to address homelessness, coordinate research, and provide
guidance to Service Canada. Ms. Wheeler also advised that at the last meeting the
group talked about a resolution going forward to the Union of British Columbian
Municipalities (UBCM) at a provincial level. Ms. Wheeler also advised that the group
looked at the Auditor General's report on how homelessness is being addressed
provincially and a joint resolution was formed and sent forward to Council that was
Sue Wheeler reviewed the resolution with the Committee.
5.3 Alouette Home Start Society -Iron Horse Youth Safe House -Lease extension
Sue Wheeler advised that the Social Planning Advisory Committee sent a
recommendation to the Committee of the Whole on Monday, July 6th recommending that
the Iron Horse Youth Safe House be extended another five years and Council
recommended that this resolution be forwarded to the July 14th Council meeting for
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5.4 Alouette Home Start Society Supportive Housing Rezoning Public Information Meeting
Sue Wheeler updated the Committee on the agreement between BC Housing, the District
of Maple Ridge and the Alouette Home Start Society in which the District of Maple Ridge
will be donating the land and an application has been submitted to have that land
rezoned. Ms. Wheeler also advised that a public meeting will be held on Tuesday, July
28th between 5:30 -8:30pm in the Fraser Room and also noted that any feedback and
information will go back to Council for review. Ms. Wheeler noted that the development
application will be presented to the Advisory Design Panel on July 14th and then in early
October it will go before Council for final review.
Candace Gordon advised that the name of the building will be the "Alouette Heights".
Councillor King advised the Committee that public information meetings are common for
new developments to give residents the opportunity to review the project prior to its
completion and encouraged the Committee Members to attend the public information
6.1 Community Network (Formerly CYFN) Update
Candace Gordon advised the Committee that the Community Network is getting used to
the new name and is in the midst of interviewing for the coordinate position which
should be filled by the end of the month. Ms. Gordon also noted that training for the
website is continuing and the public launch will happen at the resource fair on
September 26th and the snapshot will also be presented at this event.
6.2 SPAC Spirit of Community Awards
Shawn Matthewson advised the Committee that the sub-committee will meet early next
week to review the nominees and will keep the Committee updated on this information.
Ms. Matthewson also advised that the presentations will be made to Council in
6.3 School Community Connections Project Update
Sue Wheeler advised the Committee that the grants process has been completed for the
Eric Langton project and several consultations are going on with neighbours and school
teachers and in late June all the information was gathered and put together a process to
bring in services providers to respond to the needs of the neighbourhood. Ms. Wheeler
reviewed the renovations that have taken place at Eric Langton and Shawn Matthewson
spoke about the "Preschool around the Corner" that has been set up. Sue Wheeler
advised that the hub has been named "The Hive at the Haney Neighbourhood Centre"
6.4 School Neighbourhood Gardens Update
Sue Wheeler advised the Committee that there are currently two School Neighbourhood
Gardens located at Glenwood and Blue Mountain Elementary Schools. Ms. Wheeler also
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advised that the School Neighbourhood Gardens group has partnered with the Alouette
Woman 's Centre and the School District to give the women an opportunity to work in the
gardens which is connecting them with the community and giving them an opportunity to
give something back to the community which is working really well.
Sue Wheeler also noted that Mount Crescent School and Maple Ridge Secondary School
formed a partnership to pursue getting a community garden started.
Eleanor Palis advised the Committee that Blue Mountain is having a corn roast at the
end of September.
6.5 Building Community Solutions Project
6.5.1 Funding Application
Sue Wheeler advised the Committee that after many years of having United Way
support this project; this is the last year that there funding will be available
through the United Way. Ms. Wheeler advised that the project put in a letter of
intent to the Coast Capital Bank but just heard that they are not going to receive
this funding. Candace Gordon advised that Coast Capital have forwarded the
application to a more appropriate area of their organization to see if they can still
receive the funding. Ms. Wheeler noted that this project will continue throughout
the summer.
Sue Wheeler advised that the books that were purchased under a grant by
Building Community Solutions; how to build healthy communities will be on
display this month.
6.5.2 Haney Farmers Market Update
Sue Wheeler advised the Committee that the Haney Farmers Market is having
their most amazing year; its their fifth year of business and have hired two
marketing Managers; Irene and Paul Dilis. Ms. Wheeler also noted that the
Farmer's Market is averaging over 1000 people per market and sales have been
over $5000 with 20-40 vendors per week. Ms. Wheeler also noted that the
Farmer's Market has been hired by the City of Port Coquitlam to do a mid week
day market.
Alex Bodden -Youth Justice Advocacy Group 1-Sue can you elaborate on this as I couldn't hear
~taf(_$erg~~~t }3odden" very__~~//· • • • •
Staff Sergeant Bodden noted that the Youth Diversion program had their funding pulled back
and the challenge is that staff is attached to this program. Staff Sergeant Bodden also noted
that the yare trying to engage more with community programming and are looking at Gaming
Funding but this is not enough and will have to let the staff go.
Candace Gordon
Ms. Gordon noted that the Community Network has sent in their letter of support for the Youth
Justice Advocacy Group and are encouraging other service providers to do the same. Ms.
Gordon also noted that the food security planning table is already doubled in population and
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we've been working on a joint project with the Seniors network to address the issue of having
enough 'nutritional' food for seniors. The Food Security Network and Community Network are
working on a grant application from the United Way.
Mike Huber
Mr. Huber advised that Jan Unwin has been hired as the Superintendent for the SD No. 42 and
the School Board Secretary Treasurer has signed a one year extension while the board can hire a
new one.
Councillor King
Councillor King noted that she has seen "Free things to do" on the local news channel and this
might have some good information for The "Hive" families.
Joshua Leyenhorst
M. Leyenhorst advised the Committee that in regards to the funding for the Building Community
Solutions it would be a good idea to request smaller funding amounts from a number of financial
Gwen Champagne
Ms. Champagne noted that the Life After School Transition (LAST) was presented to the
Committee Of the Whole a few weeks ago. Ms. Champange also noted that after a suggestion
was made to put the 10X10 challenge on the Municipal website it was done the next day. Ms.
Champagne also talked about Council hosting a lunch for the top 10 employers to pitch the
inclusive employee program and Community Living will be setting up a meeting with the Mayor in
July to get something organized. Ms. Champagne also advised the Committee that she attended
a conference in Victoria hosted by CanAssist that invents technology to assist people with
disabilities and is completely free. Gwen will forward he notes on to anyone that is requesting
Lyn Taylor-Scott-Sue can you elaborate on this one piease?
The apartment will be occupied end of September beginning of October. Good mix, couples,
Shawn Mathewson
Ms. Matthewson advised the Committee that the ECD Committee has their budget approved and
it was clawed back and are trying to make the best of a difficult situation and the Going Places
funding is gone; this was universal funding for families with children under the age of six. Ms.
Matthewson also noted that the funding will be more targeted next year and the ECD will
continue to put out a quarterly newsletter. Shawn also noted that the summer camps are
underway but have seen a smaller number of participants this year. Sue Matthewson also noted
that the Active Kids Club will be opening at Albion Elementary in September. L
Sue Wheeler
Sue'wheeier advised the CommitteethattheSubstarice]vHsuse_P_rcigram wa (s'uccessful in
•.. ·redeivi~giheir funding. Pildt projectsworkiniwith 3:sth~ols,fbGLfied on r . dcing{isk.factors • ·-~ ··1·<·'··. ,.; .t; ., ,,, . ' ,"./ ., ""··· ... ~" ,~ .. ,.. ' -~ ,o; .:..-.r· .. :· .... ~] .. ~.: .•. ' .. ~ .,;-J • .,,_, ._,.,. '
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RO9-O23 Motion was m·ovecfaric:J ~~conded {) (JJ ~
Thaffh~ ·social Plann ing Advfsory:C~mn:iittee ai\ho~ze ~t -~ .. !P_pe~dtlett1~ s~pp0rtmg any grant
that may be made by the Health _Canada Strategy V' D-
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Regular Meeting Minutes -July 8, 2009 DRAFT
Cheryl Ashlie
Councillor Ashlie noted that the Disability Games will be held between July 22-26th and
encouraged Committee members to come out and support our athletes. Councillor Ashlie also
noted that the Jim Byrnes concert will be held on July 24th at the Golden Ears Winter Club.
8.1 Homeless have less run-ins with the law after they are housed -Victoria Times Colonist
8.2 Federal Senate Report on Population Health
http://www. parl. gc. ca/40/2/parlbus/comm bus/senate/com-e/popu-e/rep-e/rephealth 1 ju n09-
e. pdf
8.3 New Provincial Cabinet Announcements (File Attached)
These items were received as information.
9. Next Meeting: Wednesday, September 2 -7:00 p.m.
Monday, August 17, 2009 Agenda Deadline:
Location: Blaney Room, Maple Ridge Municipal Hall
10. Adjournment -9:12 p.m.
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