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District of Maple Ridge
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee, held in the Blaney
Room at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall,11995 Haney Place, Road,Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on
Wednesday, December 2, 2009 at 7:00 p.m.
Ian Brooks, Chair Community at Large
Councillor Linda King Council Liaison
Councillor Cheryl Ashlie Council Liaison
Joshua Leyenhorst Community at Large
Candace Gordon Ridge Meadows Child, Youth & Family Network
Paul Livingstone Community at Large
Alex Bodden, Staff Sgt.RCMP
Katrina Elliot Community at Large
Cheryl Brobbins Fraser Health
Inspector Darren Lynch Ridge Meadows RCMP
Sue Wheeler Director of Community Services
Shawn Matthewson
Tracy Camire Committee Clerk
Ineke Boekhorst Business Improvement Association
Valerie Spurrell Fraser Health
Connie Schmid Ridge Meadows Seniors Society
Caroline Wilkinson Ministry of Children and Family Development
Lyn Taylor-Scott Ridge Meadows Association for Community Living
Gwen Champagne Community Living BC
Kathie Chiu Community at Large
Eleanor Palis School Trustee (alternate), School District No. 42
Betty Levens Ridge Meadows Seniors Society
Mike Huber School Trustee, School District No. 42
Please Note: Due to there being no quorum the following notes were taken.
1.Call to Order and Introductions
The meeting was called to order 7:10 p.m.
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2.Agenda Approval
R09-032 Motion was moved and seconded
That the Agenda for December 2, 2009 be adopted with the following amendment;
Item 5.1 will be deferred to the January 6, 2010 regular meeting.
3.Minutes of October 7 , 2009 Meeting
R09-033 Motion was moved and seconded
That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 7, 2009 be approved as circulated,
the meeting notes from November 4, 2009 were approved as circulated.
4.Holiday Celebration
Shawn Matthewson gave a holiday rendition of what SPAC means to
5.Delegations & Presentations
5.1 Alouette Home Start Society - Supportive Housing Project Update: Sheila
This item was deferred to the January 2010 meeting.
6.Unfinished Business
6.1 Homelessness Action Week 2009 –October 16th Local Harvest Chili Event, Final
Sue Wheeler reviewed the Local Harvest Chilli Event final report prepared by Dave
Speers,Alouette Homestart Society.Ms.Wheeler also noted that this year’s event
was extremely successful and was held in collaboration with the World Food Day
Candace Gordon noted that last year 100 people were served and this year over 240
people were served;due to the increase in need in the community;it was a wonderful
event and strongly supported by the community.
Sue Wheeler reviewed how the funding that SPAC provided was distributed
throughout this event.
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Councillor King advised the Committee that a video capturing the day of events was
viewed by SPAC committee members at the last meeting and was shared with
Council at a Closed Council Meeting.
ACTION ITEM:Committee Clerk to add Video Viewing of the Chili Harvest to
the January meeting.
6.2 Federal Bill C-304 – Act to Secure Adequate, Accessible, Affordable Housing for all
Sue Wheeler gave an update on the Bill C-304 Act to Secure Adequate,Accessible,
Affordable Housing for all Canadians and noted that there will be a Steering
Committee meeting next week and therefore another update will be available for the
January SPAC meeting.
Councillor Ashlie reviewed the last paragraph of the Wellesley Institute Submission
with the Committee
ACTION ITEM:Staff to provide another update at the January meeting.
6.2.1 Wellesley Institute Submission
This item was dealt with under Item 6.2
6.3 Provincial B18 Proposed Assistance to Shelter Act
Sue Wheeler reviewed the B18 Proposed Assistance to Shelter Act with the
Staff Sergeant Alex Bodden advised that this isn’t currently an issue within our
Sue Wheeler advised that there is a concern that someone that has been taken into
custody and has charges laid against them that this would affect their ability to apply
for income assistance.
Councillor Ashlie noted that it is difficult to set a standard for extreme weather as the
levels as to what a person can tolerate vary and would like SPAC to send a letter that
we iterate that the root of homelessness need to be addressed not the symptoms.
Katrina Elliot is concerned that this legislation could do more harm by separating
individuals from their possessions or from whatever networks of support that they
have established.
R09-034 Motion was moved and seconded
That SPAC send a response letter to Maple Ridge Council and Rich Coleman on
the shelter act expressing concerns around the legislation.
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Inspector Lench left the meeting at 7:53p.m.
6.3.1 Greater Vancouver Shelter Strategy Response
This item was dealt with under Item 6.3
6.4 2010 Proposed Business Plan
Sue Wheeler advised the Committee that the 2010 Business Plan has received
Council approval and Ms.Wheeler reviewed the Business Plan Addendum with the
6.4.1 Environmental Scan
Sue Wheeler reviewed the Environmental Scan with the Committee.
Katrina Elliot noted that the Business community needs to be a part of the
solution to discuss and resolve social issues in our community.
Candace Gordon would like to ensure that any references to CYFN are
changed to Community Network.Sue Wheeler advised that this couldn’t be
changed because it was taken verbatim from the 2009 plan;however,this
has been updated for the 2010 Business Plan.
R09-035 Motion was moved and seconded
That the Social Planning Advisory Committee endorse the 2010 Business
Plan .
6.4.2 Update Project Schedule Review
Sue Wheeler reviewed the Project Schedule and advised that our Project
Schedule now meets our Business Plan.
6.5 SPAC Membership Review
Sue Wheeler advised the Committee that Ian Brooks and Paul Livingstone’s terms
with the Committee are coming to an end on December 31,2009.Ms.Wheeler also
noted that Mr.Brooks has served the maximum allowed time on SPAC and Mr.
Livingstone has 1 more year to serve (1/2 a term).
Councillor Ashlie presented a gift to Ian Brooks and thanked him for his hard work
and dedication to SPAC.
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Sue Wheeler advised that there are currently five applicants and reviewed the
interview process with the Committee.
7. Committee Report
7.1 Community Network (Formerly CYFN) Update
7.1.1 Resource Fair Final Report
Candace Gordon provided an update on the Resource Fair which provided
good resources for the community and this was the first year that the
Community Network had their own booth set up.Ms.Gordon also advised
that the Community Network launched their website
www.resourceyourcommunity.com at the event.
Candace Gordon advised that the Community Network is working to track
funding reductions and changes in funding criteria and the subsequent
impacts to the community.
Ms. Gordon provided an update on the Food Security Planning table.
7.1.2 Substance Misuse Prevention Update to Council
Sue Wheeler reviewed the update that was provided to Council on the
Substance Misuse Prevention task force.Ms.Wheeler also noted that a
Harm Reduction Committee has since been formed and is working in the
community to develop a public information campaign.
Sue Wheeler advised that the group meets quarterly and report back to the
Community Network.
Staff Sergeant Bodden reviewed a presentation that he gave to the
Community Network reviewing how domestic violence has increased over the
last three years and informed the committee that a Violence Coordinator
(Chris Wilson)has been hired to deal with domestic violence and noted that
this role will help to ensure everyone is working towards a common goal.
The Committee discussed the different factors that have contributed to the
rise in domestic violence.
Katrina Elliot noted that we need to get the abuser help as well;having the
“Violence Coordinator”position working and connected to the Community
Network is such a great idea due to the richness of the network.
Sue Wheeler confirmed that she will arrange an orientation with the new
officers and the Community Network.
7.2 SPAC Spirit of Community Awards
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Shawn Matthewson advised that the Spirit of Community Awards were handed out at
a Council Meeting and confirmed that she will write an article for The News covering
the winning recipients.
7.3 Sub-Committee Healthy Communities Initiative – Fraser Health
Sue Wheeler advised the Committee that Valeria Spurrell brought forward a proposal
for SPAC to consider the Healthy Communities Initiative and noted that a sub-
committee was formed and the first meeting will be on Tuesday,December 8th at
5:00 p.m.
The Sub-Committee consists of Candace Gordon,Ian Brooks,Valerie Spurrell,
Councillor King and Councillor Ashlie however Joshua Leyenhorst might want to
take Ian Brooks’ place as his term is over at the end of the year.
7.4 School Community Connections Project Update
Sue Wheeler advised the Committee that the Hive at Eric Langton will have its
opening ceremonies on Monday,December 7th at 5:00p.m.and noted that all of the
physical renovations have been completed and the requirements of the grant have
been fulfilled.
Shawn Matthewson reviewed the programs that will be available through The Hive.
Councillor King commended the project and noted that this is a terrific community
9.1 BC Healthy Living Alliance – Community Capacity Building Strategy
9.2 BC Healthy Living Alliance – Healthy Futures for BC Families (Policy
Recommendations for Improving the Health of British Columbians
9.3 BC First Call Child Poverty Report Card
Shawn Matthewson reviewed the BC First Call Child Poverty Report Card with the
Committee and noted that not only is the percentage of children living in poverty of
poverty for BC’s children has become a significant issue.
Councillor Ashlie
Councillor Ashlie advised that she attended a Bar Watch Meeting in Chilliwack with
Sergeant Lynch and Brock McDonald to discuss their Bar Watch Program.Councillor Ashlie
noted that there is an obligation on our part to ensure that bars are behaving properly and
Chilliwack Council was kind enough to entertain some discussion on this subject.Councillor
Ashlie also noted that it was encouraging to hear the discussion around the table in
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Chilliwack as to how a few bars have been turned around.
Councillor Ashlie also provided an update on the Matrix Program.
Sue Wheeler advised that there is a new Maple Ridge Treatment Centre (MRTC)nurse that
can help with detox and assist in the community.
Councillor Ashlie also noted that there were some operational changes that had occurred at
the Matrix house that we were not aware of and encouraged the Matrix representatives to
share these changes at the tables.
Paul Livingstone
Paul Livingstone confirmed that the One Way Club has signed a three year contract with
Staff Sergeant Bodden
Staff Sergeant Bodden confirmed that Critical Incident Team working with Mental Health and
other service providers had their first meeting lead by Constable Cara Thom so n He also
noted that the RCMP will be having their strategic planning exercise on Jan 13th,2010 to
review their key areas for the year and have asked Staff to attend.Staff Sergeant Bodden
also noted that the Diversion Youth Justice Advocacy program has received funding for $35,
10 .Next Meeting:Wednesday, January 6, 2010 - 7:00 p.m.
Agenda Deadline:Monday, December 21, 2009
Location:Blaney Room, Maple Ridge Municipal Hall
11. Adjournment - 9:13 p.m.