HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPAC 2013-06-05 Minutes.pdf) District of Maple Ridge SOCIAL PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee, held in the Blaney Room, at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall on Wednesday, June 5, 2013 at 7:01 pm. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Bob Goos, Chair Councillor Cheryl Ashlie Councillor Bob Masse Arlana Kuzyk Inspector David Fleugel Rajinder Kalra Sheila McLaughlin Steven Lamothe STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Shawn Matthewson Joanne Georgelin REGRETS/ABSENTS Candace Gordon lneke Boekhorst John Heffernan Kathy Marshall Sarah Nelson Staff Sergeant Major Andrew Martin Sue Wheeler Treena Innes, Vice-Chair GUESTS 1. Call to Order and Introductions Community at Large Council Liaison Council Liaison Community Health Specialist, Fraser Health Authority Community at Large Community at Large Community at Large Social Planning Coordinator Committee Clerk Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows-Katzie Community Network Business Improvement Association Ridge Meadows Association for Community Living School Trustee, School District No. 42 (Alternate) School Trustee, School District No. 42 Ridge-Meadows RCMP Director of Community Services Community at Large Chair Bob Goos called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm. Introductions of the Committee were made. 2. Agenda Approval R13-018 It was moved and seconded That the Agenda of the Regular Meeting of June 5, 2013 be adopted with the addition of: • 9.3 Correspondence -Mayors of Canada's Biggest Cities Call on Government Partners to Address Growing Housing Crisis. CARRIED Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 1of5 Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes June 5, 2013 -Draft 3. R13-019 Approval of the May 1, 2013 Meeting Minutes It was moved and seconded That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 1, 2013 be adopted. CARRIED 4. Delegations and Presentations -Nil 5. New Business R13-020 5.1 Report on the Regional Steering Committee on Homelessness Constituency Table: Staff Report and Submission from RSCH Secretariat Shawn Matthewson gave an overview of the Regional Steering Committee on Homelessness which she recently attended along with, Darrell Pilgrim and Stephanie Ediger. Ms. Matthewson noted that the District of Maple Ridge has sat on this committee for the past 9 years. 5.2 FCM Resolutions Shawn Matthewson asked the committee if they were interested in sending any resolutions for FCM. A suggestion was made to bring back the M.U.R.B. program for multi-unit residential buildings. Action item: Shawn Matthewson will investigate the M.U.R.B. program and report back to this committee. It was moved and seconded That the Social Planning Advisory Committee develop a resolution for FCM that recommends that the Federal Government maintain or enhance current levels of funding for drug prevention and harm reduction strategies, recognizing that the public health Implications of diminishing this funding and focus are considerable. CARRIED Please note the Committee members chose to discuss another topic at this time. 5.3 Neighbourhood Champions Event Shawn Matthewson gave an update on the Neighbourhood Champions and their Neighbourhood Forum event last weekend which had 40 people in attendance. Ms. Matthewson also updated the committee on the 2nd annual Port Haney Day celebration happening September 3rd. More information will follow. Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page2of5 Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes June 5, 2013 -Draft 6. Unfinished Business R13-020 6.1 Meeting with Randy Kamp Update Shawn Matthewson gave an overview of the recent meeting with Randy Kampthat included discussion of; drug misuse, the national housing strategy, funding for housing, and an experiential learning program. It was recommended by committee members to make this a bi-annual meeting with Mr. Kamp. It was moved and seconded That a letter be sent from Chair Bob Goos from this committee and council thanking Mr. Kamp for the recent meeting. CARRIED Action item: Shawn Matthewson is to compose the above noted for Mr. Kamp. 6.2 Vibrant Downtown Task Force Update Arlena Kuzyk gave an overview of the recent Downtown Task Force committee meeting, the upcoming walk-about with the Vibrant Downtown Task Force and upcoming projects. Ms. Matthewson further reported that the Vibrant Downtown Task Force has put a call-out to artists for their upcoming project on window painting within the downtown core. Please note the Committee members chose to discuss another topic at this time. 6.3 Membership Review with Committee Recommendations Shawn Mathewson gave an overview of the proposed changes to the SPAC bylaw. Recommended changes include: • The removal of membership for the Joint Parks and Leisure Citizen's Advisory Committee. • The addition of membership for a post-secondary representative. • The removal of membership for a UWLM representative. • The addition of membership for a youth group representative. • The addition of membership for an organization that focuses on aboriginal services • The addition of membership for the Ministry of Social Housing and Development- Income Assistance Branch. • The addition of membership from an organization that focuses on poverty alleviation service. • To review membership from the senior's community to ensure that the senior's community is being appropriately and adequately represented. • The addition of membership for a SD42 senior staff • The addition of membership from Immigrant Services. It was moved and seconded Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page3 of5 Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes June 5, 2013 -Draft That the Social Planning Advisory Committee forward a recommendation to Council that the proposed changes to the SPAC membership bylaw be adopted. CARRIED 7. Committee Reports 7.1 Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows-Katzie Community Network Update Shawn Matthewson gave updates on the Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows-Katzie Community Network including the development of a marketing committee, web site changes, and that the community van will be going back into the Ministry. 8. Roundtable Arlena Kuzyk presented a video created for the recent Healthy Living Trade Show in Langley attended by Fraser Health. Sheila McLaughlin reported that the Alouette Heights has been open for 1 year now with great success. Inspector David Fleugel reported that the RCMP was recently in attendance at Pitt Meadows Day and was involved in a Police Fair at Valley Fair Mall this week. Inspector Fleugel further reported that RCMP have implemented enhanced initiatives for the summer which will include more foot patrols in the downtown area additional funding for seasonal policing in rural areas. A press release went out regarding the unhealthy social activities that youth are participating in online. This W.I.T.S. (walk-away, ignore, talk to someone, seek help) program is a modernization of the D.A.R.E. program. Inspector Fleugel also reported that the Musical Ride is returning to Maple Ridge on September 5 at the Albion Fairgrounds. Shawn Matthewson reported that Substance Misuse Committee is working on education around why children should not be participating in underage drinking and how underage drinking can have negative impact to a child's brain development. 9. Correspondence 9.1 Housing a Child Health Issue: More Than Shelter 9.2 The Caledon Institute: The Case for a Social Report 9.3 Mayors of Canada's Biggest Cities Call on Government Partners to Address Growing Housing Crisis 10. Adjournment -9:03 11. Next Meeting: Agenda Deadline: Location: Wednesday, July 3, 2013 Monday, June 24, 2013 Blaney Room , Maple Ridge Municipal Hall Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page4 of5 Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes June 5, 2013 -Draft Chairperson /jg i '--.......-/ Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Pages of5