HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPAC 2013-09-04 Minutes.pdf) District of Maple Ridge SOCIAL PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee, held in the Blaney Room, at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall on Wednesday, September 4, 2013 at 7:00 pm. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Councillor Cheryl Ashlie Councillor Bob Masse Arlana Kuzyk Candace Gordon lneke Boekhorst John Heffernan Sarah Nelson Sheila McLaughlin Steven Lamothe STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Shawn Matthewson Joanne Georgelin Sue Wheeler REGRETS/ABSENTS Bob Goos, Chair Treena Innes, Vice-Chair Inspector David Fleugel Kathy Marshall Rajinder Kalra Staff Sergeant Major Andrew Martin GUESTS Dr. Paul Kershaw Paul Gordon 1. Call to Order and Introductions Council Liaison Council Liaison Community Health Specialist, Fraser Health Authority Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows-Katzie Community Network Business Improvement Association Ridge Meadows Association for Community Living School Trustee, School District No. 42 Community at Large Community at Large Social Planning Coordinator Committee Clerk Director of Social Planning Community at Large Community at Large Ridge-Meadows RCMP School Trustee, School District No. 42 (Alternate) Community at Large Ridge-Meadows RCMP Acting Chair Cheryl Ashlie called the meeting to order at 7:06 pm . Introductions of guests and Committee members were made. 2. Agenda Approval R13-025 It was moved and seconded That the Agenda of the Regular Meeting of September 4, 2013 be adopted. CARRIED Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Pagel of5 Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes September 4, 2013 -Draft 3. R13-026 Approval of the July 3, 2013 Meeting Minutes It was moved and seconded I That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 3, 2013 be adopted. • CARRIED 4. Delegations & Presentations 4.1 Presentation by Dr. Paul Kershaw -H.E.L.P. BC Dr. Paul Kershaw, founder of Generation Squeeze and professor from UBC gave an overview of his work on family policy. 5. New Business 5.1 Introduction to the Tuning into a Compassionate Community Project Paul Gordon is a Community Consultant working on the "Me to We " project. Shawn Matthewson introduced Paul Gordon ... Ms. Matthewson shared that the Asante Centre has taken the lead role on this project and that SPAC has made a commitment to go before council in December to bring forward research regarding the benefits of signing the Compassionate Cities Charter. 5.2 UBCM Resolution Discussion Deferral of Utility Portion of Property Taxes for People with Disabilities Councillor Bob Masse gave an overview of the deferral of utility portion of property taxes for people with disabilities. Shawn Matthewson gave an overview of deferral programs available for people with disabilities. Ms. Matthewson suggested a resolution requesting an increase in the provincial disability income amounts for the next round of UBCM resolutions. R13-027 It was moved and seconded A formalized list of action items is created for SPAC to track action items which this committee would like to discuss as possible future UBCM resolutions. 5.3 CARRIED Research on the M.U.R.B. Program Councillor Bob Masse gave an overview of a recent meeting held in Burnaby regarding M.U.R.B. Councillor Masse suggested follow up with the Canadian Rental Housing Coalition is in order. Shawn Matthewson gave an overview about how tax incentives were quite successful at increasing rental housing stocks within the U.S. and possibly a letter should be sent to council from this committee suggesting our community sign on to the Canadian Coalition Housing Charter and to recognize the validity of this charter. Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page2 of5 ) Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes September 4, 2013 -Draft 5.4 This committee recommends inviting a representative from the Canadian Coalition Housing Coalition to present to this group at a future date. CRHC Charter This discussion was combined with item 5.3. 5.5 FCM Resolutions Shawn Matthewson gave an overview of the FCM resolutions. January 25, 2014 is the deadline for FCM resolutions. 5.6 Business Planning Meeting Date Discussion Shawn Matthewson proposed to this membership a separate meeting for SPAC to work on their Business Plan. The selected date will be September 18, 2013 6:00- 7:30 pm in the Blaney Room. 6 Unfinished Business 7 6.1 Vibrant Downtown Task Force Update 6.2 Shawn Matthewson reported that recommendations and a presentation from the Vibrant Downtown Task Force will be coming to SPAC at the October 2nd meeting, followed by a report going to council mid October. Membership Review with Committee Recommendations Shawn Matthewson reported that the amended SPAC membership bylaw passed through council. Ms. Matthewson will be working with the committee clerk to send letters out to organizations addressed within the bylaw membership amendment. 6.3 Spirit of Community Awards Committee Update Shawn Matthewson reported that the Vibrant Downtown Task Force has shown a strong desire in adjusting the business portion of the Spirit of Community Award with an enhanced focus towards businesses that create vibrancy. The Sub-Committee suggested that the neighbourhood champions be involved in the Spirit of Community Award Good Neighbour Awards. 6.4 Housing Action Plan Update Shawn Matthewson updated SPAC that a report regarding the Housing Action Plan will be going to council on September 9th and that a proponent has been awarded the contract for the Housing Action Plan through a Request for Proposal. SPAC will be working closely as an advisor/steering committee around this. Committee Reports 7.1 Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows-Katie Community Network Update Candace Gordon reported that their first meeting back after summer break will be happening next week. Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page3 of5 ) Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes September 4, 2013 -Draft 8 Bob Masse mentioned to Candace Gordon that the Community Heritage Commission is embarking on their 5 year Heritage Plan soon and a large piece of heritage work will focus on Katzie/first nations. Roundtable John Heffernan reported that Community Living month is in October with a free event happening on October 2, 2013 from 12:00-2:00 pm followed by a speaker in the evening at the ACT to discuss the financial benefits of an inclusive workplace. Candace Gordon reported that through Golden Ears Feast and United Way they are funding a kitchen to begin a supported seniors kitchen, also the Gourmet Grannies Program is beginning a gourmet granny buddies program to work with kids at Eric Langton. lneke Boekhorst reported that she was a panel member on the Welcoming Communities Immigration and Economic Development Forum. Additionally, Ms. Boekhorst reported the BIA recently conducted a consumer survey at their markets throughout the summer and will be coming before council on October 8 with a presentation on the survey outcomes. Ms. Boekhorst mentioned she has had many concerned business approach her about the new sign bylaw at the Business 2 Business meetings. Additionally Ms. Boekhorst reported on a new Junior BIA program which has been very successful throughout the summer and the success she has had with sending weekly updates to business regarding interruptions during construction within the downtown core. Steve Lamothe reported he would share the invitation with Shawn Matthewson to send out toe SPAC members for the Life Afterschool Dinner happening on October 2 at the ACT. Arlana Kuzyk reported many changes are happening at Fraser Health with her department being re-arranged and they are working on now filling vacancies. The big push through Fraser Health right now is the My Health My Community survey which was launched recently through UBC and Vancouver Coastal. Ms. Kuzyk urges everyone to visit www.myhealthmycommunity.org and fill out the on line survey as they need 2% of this community's participation to be included in the survey results. The deadline to fill out this survey is the end of December. Shawn Matthewson handed out poster copies of the upcoming Port Haney Day on September 8. Additionally, Ms. Matthewson mentioned that GetiFest was looking for SPAC's support in participating in their parade at GetiFest. 9. Correspondence 9.1 Changes to Healthy Living Support Arrangements Fraser Health 9.2 'Crack Baby' study ends with unexpected but clear result 9.3 GetiFest Parade Invitation GetiFest is asking SPAC to be part of their parade. Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page4 of5 ~ ) ) Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes September 4, 2013 -Draft 9.4 What Makes Us Sick http://www.cma.ca/multimedia/CMA/Content Images/Inside cma/Advocacy/HCT I What-makes-us-sick en.pdf 10. 11. Adjournment: Next Meeting: Agenda Deadline: Location: Chairperson /jg 9:08 PM Wednesday, October 2, 2013 Monday, September 23, 2013 Blaney Room, Maple Ridge Municipal Hall Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Pages of5