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District of Maple Ridge
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee, held in the Blaney
Room, at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall on Wednesday, January 8, 2014 at 7:00 pm.
Annette Morgan
Arlana Kuzyk
Kathy Marshall
Candace Gordon
Councillor Cheryl Ashlie
Councillor Bob Masse
Sheila McLaughlin
S/Sgt. Roxanne Dowden
Inspector David Fleugel
Constable Cara Thomson RCMP
Corporal Alanna Dunlop
Shawn Matthewson
Joanne Georgelin
Siobhan Murphy
Sue Wheeler
John Heffernan
Rajinder Kalra
Sarah Nelson
lneke Boekhorst
Steven Lamothe
1. Call to Order and Introductions
Seniors Network
Community Health Specialist, Fraser Health Authority
School Trustee, School District No. 42
Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows-Katzie Community Network
Council Liaison
Council Liaison
Community at Large
Ridge-Meadows RCMP
Ridge-Meadows RCM P
Ridge-Meadows RCMP
Ridge-Meadows RCMP
Social Planning Coordinator
Committee Clerk
Planning Technician
Director Community Services
Ridge Meadows Association for Community Living
Community at Large
School Trustee, School District No. 42
Business Improvement Association
Community at Large
Councillor Cheryl Ashlie called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm.
2. Approval of the January 8, 2014 Agenda
R14-001 It was moved and seconded
That the Agenda of the Regular Meeting of January 8, 2014 be adopted.
Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 1 of 3
Social Planning Advisory Committee
Regular Meeting Minutes January 8, 2014 -Draft
Approval of the December 4, 2013 Meeting Minutes
It was moved and seconded
That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 4, 2013 be adopted.
Presentations and Delegations
4.1 RCMP presentation on cyclists in the downtown core contravening the Motor Vehicle
Inspector Dave Fleugel introduced and welcomed Corporal Alanna Dunlop as the new
SPAC liaison replacing S/Sgt. Major Andrew Martin with S/Sgt. Roxanne Dowden as her
Inspector Fleugel acknowledged concerns brought forward regarding cyclists in the
downtown core. Alanna Dunlop gave an overview of a 6 week project her team
undertook to do a "street check" focused primarily on 12 local individuals. A number of
common themes were noted including a history of petty crime, mental illness, poverty
and drug use. Many have numerous medical issues, no driver's licenses, are not
employable and have a lack up family support and/or minimal financial support from
social services.
Corporal Dunlop reported on current strategies set in place by RCMP to combat reported
problems with individuals as listed in her presentations.
Further recommendations included but were not limited to: lighting improvements, buy-
in from community/stakeholders, public education, community policing committee, a
review of the bylaw regarding cycling on sidewalks,
It was moved and seconded
That the Social Planning Advisory Committee forward a report to Council with
recommendations as presented by RCMP regarding cyclists in the downtown core as well as
a summary of the Committees discussions.
5. New Business
5.1 Business arising from the presentation -Nil
5.2 Update on new members
Shawn Matthewson gave an update on the service partner's letters which have gone
out, also noting that interviews have occurred with 3 community members. Ms.
Mathewson commented that Mr. Bob Goos and Ms. Treena lnnes's terms are now
6 Unfinished Business
6.1 Canadian Rental Housing Charter Motion to Council
Shawn Matthewson reviewed the Canadian Rental Housing Coalition Charter briefly
with Committee members.
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Social Planning Advisory Committee
Regular Meeting Minutes January 8, 2014 -Draft
R14-004 It was moved and seconded
That the Social Planning Advisory Committee recommends that Council endorse the
Canadian Rental Housing Charter as attached and that council requests that staff send a
letter to the Coalition requesting that the area of accessibility be addressed within the
6.2 Housing Planning Table Request regarding Trans/ink
Shawn Matthewson reviewed the recommendation from Transl ink as brought forward
at the December meeting (below) and be forwa rded to Maple Ridge Council for
endorsement on behalf of the Regional Transit Working Group.
Original motion: "Call on TransLink to establish a task force with representation of
provincial ministries responsible for public transit, health and housing, and the
Regional Transit Working Group, with the purpose of developing a Regional Homeless
Transit Plan that will make the system accessible to homeless people while
minimizing costs to TransLink, and;
Request that TransLink includes a reduced fare option for individuals on income
assistance along the lines of those now in place for persons with disabilities and low
income seniors."
Ms. Matthewson reviewed recent correspondence received from Karen
O'Shaughnessy from the Regional Transit Working Group which gave further
considerations to be ta ken into effect with this recommendation . Committee
members agreed this recommendation be ta ken back to the Housing Planning Table
which will host Karen O'Shaughnessy at a future meeting, as to formulate a better
understanding of what SPAC's recommendation should be for council.
6.3 Housing Action Plan Update -Staff Report
Siobhan Murphy updated committee members on the status of the Housing Action
Plan. This plan was launched in September 2013, with an anticipated completion
date of July 2014. Ms. Murphy explained the consultation plan document forwarded
to committee members along with the situation report.
Sue wheeler explained that a requirement of the RFP process was they select an
organization which would bring a unique and innovative consultation approach as a
platform for this Housing Action Plan.
R14-005 It was moved and seconded
That SPAC forward a staff report updating Council on the Housing Action Plan process.
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Social Planning Advisory Committee
Regular Meeting Minutes January 8, 2014 -Draft
7 Roundtable
Kathy Marshall reported that Kindergarten is now taking registration on line and that Maple
Ridge was one of the first districts to change the report card system.
Sheila McLaughlin reported that the Homelessness Partnership Strategy funding criteria has
changed. This will impact Alouette Home Start Society's funding for the Iron Horse Youth
Safe House. They are currently examining how they can fit within these guidelines.
Candace Gordon reported that Community Network is having a strategic planning day on
January 28 for the Facilitator's group.
Sue Wheeler thanked Shawn Matthewson and Siobhan Murphy for their work on the Housing
Action Plan.
Arlana Kuzyk reported that the ' myhealthmycommunity' survey is still ongoing and
encouraged all members to participate in it. Currently only 2% of the required 17% to create
statistical relevance has participated in this survey. Ms. Kuzyk also commented that a
Healthy Community Partnership grant has recently come through and they are looking at
another component for the next level. On February 19, Fraser Health is putting on a Healthy
People Places and Policies symposium. All SPAC members will be receiving an invitation
shortly, and it will be free for SPAC members to participate.
Siobhan Murphy reported that the new District of Maple Ridge website went live on
December 27 and the Housing Action Plan questionnaire will go live January 27.
8. Correspondence -Nil
Next Meeting:
Agenda Deadline:
9:06 PM
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Monday, January 27, 2014
Blaney Room, Maple Ridge Municipal Hall
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