HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPAC 2014-05-07 Minutes.pdf) District of Maple Ridge SOCIAL PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee, held in the Blaney Room, at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall on Wednesday, May 7, 2014 at 7:00 pm. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT John McKenzie Steven Lamothe, Chair Robert Daley Josee Brazeau Ken McDonald Stephanie Ediger Cpl. Alanna Dunlop Councillor Bob Masse Candace Gordon lneke Boekhorst Dr. Lisa Mu STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Shawn Matthewson Joanne Georgelin GUEST Theresa Harding Nora Gibson REGRETS/ABSENTS Rajinder Kalra John Heffernan Arlana Kuzyk Mike Murray Annette Morgan Councillor Cheryl Ashlie Sheila McLaughlin, Vice-chair S/Sgt. Roxanne Dowden Avexnim Cojti 1. Call to Order and Introductions Community at Large Ministry of Social Housing & Development Community at Large Community at Large Fraser Health Ridge-Meadows RCMP Council Liaison Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows-Katzie Community Network BIA & Friends in Need Food Bank Fraser Health Social Planning Coordinator Committee Clerk Metro Vancouver, Regional Steering Committee on Homelessness -Manager Service Canada Community at Large Ridge Meadows Association for Community Living Community Health Specialist, Fraser Health Authority School Trustee, School District No. 42 Seniors Network Council Liaison Community at Large Ridge-Meadows RCMP Family Education & Support Centre There being quorum present, Chair Steven Lamothe called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm and introductions were made. 2. Approval of the May 7, 2014 Agenda Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 1 of 3 Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes May 7, 2014 R14-016 ) It was moved and seconded ) 3. R14-017 That the Agenda of the Regular Meeting of May 7, 2014 be adopted. Approval of the April 2, 2014 Meeting Minutes It was moved and seconded CARRIED That the minutes of the regular meeting of April 2, 2014 be adopted with the following amendment; • Item 5.5 -Ken McDonald, Fraser Health Regarding Beckman House CARRIED 4. Presentations and Delegations 4.1 Presentation from the Metro Vancouver RSCH Regarding Housing First Nora gave an overview of the Housing First model which works to move individuals who are homeless into permanent housing with supports. Ms. Gibson explained the types of supports available, transition timelines and ineligibilities with Housing First. Please note: Dr. Lisa Mu entered the meeting at 7:21 pm. 5. R14-018 Ms. Gibson went on to further explain the "At Home Chez Soi" pilot program. This program used a housing first model to house chronically and episodically homeless individuals across Canada. This program has shown an 80% success model. New Business 5.1 Proposed Budget 2014 Shawn Matthewson updated members the carry forward was approved from last year and the regular committee budget was approved also. Ms. Matthewson explained how the SPAC budget is broken down into various task forces and projects. It was moved and seconded That the Social Planning Advisory Committee adopts the proposed 2014 budget as presented. 5.2 Homeless Count 2014 CARRIED Shawn Matthewson explained the homeless count was 84 this year, versus 110 in 2011. In addition the youth count is down to only 15 this year. The total count for the overall region is 2,270 versus 2,650 in 2011. 5.3 Homelessness Partnering Strategy Funding Update Shawn Matthewson indicated there will be a funding application put forward through the Caring Place with the oversight of the Housing Planning Table. This funding is for Housing First readiness planning. Ms. Matthewson explained a community engagement process on Housing First will be happening June 2, 4 and 18. Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 2 of 4 ) Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes May 7, 2014 5.4 Update on Riverview Councillor Bob Masse gave an update that Maple Ridge Council has been invited to participate in the review of Riverview. Findings so far from stakeholders meetings indicate that the grounds on Riverview are very significant, which includes the arboretum and trees. This Riverview process is hearing clearly of an expectation for a mental health component to be at Riverview. 5.5 Beckman House -Ken McDonald, Fraser Health Regarding Ken McDonald explained the process underway for the new mental health facility attached to the current Beckman House site. The new facility is proposed to be a 2 storey building on the back lot with 20 units for individuals that need some support to live independently. 6. Unfinished Business 6.1 Housing Action Plan Update 6.2 Shawn Matthewson explained the housing action plan is moving forward. The consultation report came out next month and has been received by Council. A timeline was handed out to committee members and Ms. Matthewson explained a workshop occurring on May 22 to review of the current working draft. Update on the Implementation Plan with RCMP Regarding Bicycle Safety in the Downtown Core Cpl. Alanna Dunlop explained an upcoming meeting titled Awareness Day on May 29 which coincides with Bike Week. RCMP will have various activities happening throughout Bike Week which includes bike safety material. 6.3 UBCM Motion Shawn Matthewson reviewed the recent suggested motions for UBCM from the last SPAC meeting. 6.4 Letter from Council Regarding HPS Funding Shawn Matthewson reported on a recent motion forwarded from Council regarding 3 areas of concern regarding the Homelessness Patterning Strategy Funding. 1. Lack of communication around the Homelessness Partnering Strategy Funding and how difficult it was to manage it with the tight turn around in the funding timeline. 2. The change in the criteria. 3. There is not a level playing field across the region with delivery of housing first models. Some communities have more rental supplements than Maple Ridge has. 7. Roundtable Councillor Bob Masse commented on an observation regarding an increase in homeless individuals around the downtown. Cpl Alanna Dunlop confirmed these individuals have been displaced recently from an area they were living in . Dr. Lisa Mu commented on the myhealthmycommunity survey which is still active, and encouraged all members to forward the link to ensure more participation. Sue Wheeler commented she is working with Maple Ridge's Communications Manager to help promote this. Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 3 of 4 ) Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes May 7, 2014 8. 9. 10. /jg Cpl. Alanna Dunlop commented that RCMP bike patrol are now getting underway and that Youth Diversions received a $10,000 grant to work with local high school kids who are a risk of becoming involved in criminal activity. lneke Boekhorst reported that the Food Bank recently installed a walk-in cooler and freezer which they have been saving up for and that the senior's food delivery program for groceries currently has 15 individuals in the program and the Food Bank is working with the Save On Foods on 228th. This program helps seniors receive approximately $100 in groceries every 2 weeks. Save On Foods shops for them, and delivers the groceries to the seniors. Ms. Boekhorst further reported that the BIA recently did their annual presentation to Council and their AGM occurs on May 12 in Council Chambers. Candace Gordon reported on behalf of Golden Ears Feast that the stone soup for Earth Day was a huge success with more than 75 litres of soup made. In addition Golden Ears Feast recently had a forum on setting up a Food Coop with over 40 attendees; the next step is a feasibil ity study. Stephanie Ediger commented that an implication of the Housing First model being imposed will see the Iron Horse Youth Safe House closing on September 30, however there is opportunity for provincial funding which they are looking into. Shawn Matthewson reminded members of the Housing Action Plan meeting happening May 22. Steven Lamothe asked for members to start saving any old gym shoes for his organization. More information will follow next month. Correspondence Adjournment: Next Meeting: Agenda Deadline: Location: 8:49 pm Wednesday, June 4, 2014 Monday, May 26, 2014 Blaney Room, Maple Ridge Municipal Hall Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 4 of 4