HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPAC 2015-10-07 Minutes.pdfCity of Maple Ridge SOCIAL PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee, held in the Blaney Room, at Maple Ridge City Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on Wednesday, October 7, 2015 at 7:00 p.m . COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Councillor Bob Masse Delaram Farshad Annette Morgan Candace Gordon Bob Daley Councillor Shymkiw Josee Brazeau Pierre Welbedagt Jassy Maghera lneke Boekhorst GUESTS Roberta O'Brien ; STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Sunny Schiller Wendy McCormick REGRETS/ABSENTS Steven Lamothe, Chair Sgt. Brenda Gresiuk Jenny Tan Rajinder Kalra Stephanie Ediger, Vice-Chair Korleen Carreras Vicki Kipps Dr. Shovita Padhi John Heffernan Council Liaison Fraser Health Seniors Network Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows-Katzie Community Network Member at Large Council Liaison Community at Large Member at Large Family Education & Support Centre Downtown BIA / Friends in Need Researcher, Family Education & Support Centre Committee Clerk Staff Liaison / Director of Recreation Ministry of Social Development & Social Innovation RCMP Member at Large -Youth Representative Community at Large Poverty Alleviation School District #42 Trustee Community Network Fraser Health Ridge Meadows Association for Community Living 1. CALL TO ORDER AND INTRODUCTIONS There being a quorum present, Councillor Shymkiw called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. and introductions were made. lneke Boekhorst entered the meeting at 7:07 pm. ) SPAC Minutes October 7, 2015 Page 2 of 4 2. AGENDA ADOPTION R15-019 It was moved and seconded That the Agenda be amended to add Item 5.2 Research Project, Item 5.3 Interim Shelter and Cliff Avenue Encampment and Item 5.4 Strong Kids and be adopted as amended. CARRIED 3. MINUTE ADOPTION R15-020 It was moved and seconded That the Minutes of September 10, 2015 be adopted. CARRIED 4. DELEGATIONS 4.1 "Local Immigration Partnerships Asset Map, Trends, and Research" Family Education & Support Centre Presenters: Jassy Maghera, Coordinator and Roberta O'Brien, Researcher Jassy Maghera introduced the Local Immigration Partnerships (LIPs) -a local level and multi-sectorial partnership working to engage local service providers in the newcomers' integration process. The LIPs Council is made up of 22 community groups who share insights and information on trends and gaps related to immigration. Roberta O'Brien presented the research gathered by LIPs. A goal of the research is to improve the coordination of services in the Maple Ridge, Pitt Meadows and Katzie communities. Asset maps have been created and will be shared online soon. Strategic planning priorities will now be based on the research done. 5. NEW BUSINESS 5.1 SPARC BC Deryck Thomson Award The Staff Liaison shared that nominations for the Deryck Thomson Award are being accepted until Friday December 18th. The award is given to individuals and organizations working on social justice issues. More information is available on line. 5.2 Research Project 5.3 The Staff Liaison reported that SPARC BC has been selected to carry out an analysis of social services in the community. Scott Graham , lead, will be invited to the November meeting to provide a briefing. Interim Shelter and Cliff Avenue Encampment The Staff Liaison provided a financial update regarding the outreach workers, staffing, enhanced security and consulting services. BC Housing has agreed to take responsibility for all costs associated with the outreach workers. BC Housing is covering the costs of operating the interim shelter. ) SPAC Minutes October 7, 2015 Page 3 of 4 5.4 The interim shelter opened October 1st. 27 people have now been registered and are staying at the shelter. The role of the shelter is to work with each individual to secure the services they require with the goal of obtaining permanent housing. The shelter is scheduled to close after six months. 15 tents currently remain at the Cliff Avenue encampment. Although voluntary compliance with the move to the interim shelter is the goal an injunction will be sought to remove campers if necessary. Strong Kids The Staff Liaison provided an update on the Strong Kids team, chaired by Susan Carr, School District 42 trustee. The Strong Kids team is planning a community forum on resilience for Spring 2016. In preparation for the forum a survey will be created to gather feedback. The Strong Kids team has expressed interest in attending an upcoming SPAC meeting to share an update. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 6.1 Maple Ridge Resilience Initiative Update Councillor Shymkiw commended the work done by the RCMP over the last few months to build relationships at the camp. That effort has contributed to a smooth transition from camp to shelter. Councillor Shymkiw also commended the residents of Cliff Avenue for their leadership and patience throughout the duration of the camp. 7. COMMITTEE UPDATES 7.1 Community Network An update will be provided at the next meeting. 7.2 Neighbourhood Development The Staff Liaison reported on the recent visit of neighbourhood activist Jim Diers. Mr. Diers took part in a bus trip around the city to tour community activities. Mr. Diers made presentations to Staff, Council and the public at the Ridge Meadows Seniors Society. A neighbourhood barbeque was recently held in the Memorial Peace Park for Cliff Avenue residents. 8. CORRESPONDENCE 9. QUESTION PERIOD 10. ROUNDTABLE Candace Gordon reported on two food related events being held on October 16th. A "stone soup" community event is planned for UN World Food Day. A sign up sheet was provided. Also on October 16th is Golden Harvest, featuring local food prepared by local chefs and high school students. Golden Harvest tickets are available from Candace Gordon (and all members of the Agricultural Advisory Committee). Homelessness awareness week is also coming up. SPAC Minutes October 7, 2015 Page 4 of 4 Annette Morgan reported the second Age Friendly Community workshop was well attended. The Age Friendly action plan will be available by mid-October. Presentations will be made to Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Councils in November with the final report delivered to UBCM at the end of December. Council Shymkiw addressed the recent conversations between Council and Fraser Health in regards to needle distribution and pickup. lneke Boekhorst reported that the Community Resource Fair will be taking place on Saturday October 17th. On Friday the 23rd the BIA is holding their annual zombie walk. The BIA is currently holding a scarecrow event. Businesses have been provided with bare scarecrows to decorate. The public can vote for the best scarecrow by providing donations for the food bank. 11. ADJOURNMENT It was moved and seconded that the meeting be adjourned at 8:24 pm. /ss