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City of Maple Ridge
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee, held in the Blaney
Room, at Maple Ridge City Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on Wednesday,
March 2, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.
Annette Morgan
Vicki Kipps, Chair
Councillor Bob Masse
Const. Brenda Gresiuk
Candace Gordon
Susan Carr
Kathy Doull
Sunny Schiller
Shawn Matthewson
Delaram Farshad
Pierre Welbedagt, Vice-Chair
Mike Murray
lneke Boekhorst
Seniors Network
Community Network
Council Liaison
Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows-Katzie Community Network
School District #42 Trustee
Fraser Health
Committee Clerk
Staff Liaison / Director of Recreation
Fraser Health
Member at Large
School District #42 Trustee
Downtown BIA / Friends in Need
There being a quorum present, the Staff Liaison called the meeting to order at 7:07 pm and
introductions were made.
It was moved and seconded
That the Agenda be amended to add Item 5.6 Advisory Committee Recruitment and Item 5.7
Agenda Items Procedure and be adopted as amended.
It was moved and seconded
That the Minutes of January 13, 2016 be adopted.
SPAC Minutes
March 2, 2016
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5.1 Draft Affordable Housing Strategy Response
The Staff Liaison reported the Metro Vancouver Draft Affordable Housing Strategy
was previously reviewed by municipal governments. The Strategy covers topics such
as rental housing supply and factors (such as addiction and mental illness) that
contribute to homelessness. The Strategy has been revised based on the feedback
received from municipal governments. The Committee discussed the Strategy and
how it affects local planning. The Staff Liaison reported that recommendations from
the Maple Ridge Housing Action Plan are moving forward, with some items coming
through Planning in April.
Annette Morgan provided an update on recent Senior's Network housing related
meetings and grant applications.
Rain city Temporary Winter Shelter -Exit Strategy
The Staff Liaison reported the interim shelter is scheduled to close March 31, 2016.
Beds are being removed as people are being housed. There are concerns that not
everyone currently at the shelter will be housed by March 31st and community service
providers and the City continue to seek additional housing. The Resilience Initiative
is making an effort to keep the neighborhood updated. Communication strategies
regarding the issue were discussed. Raincity and the RCMP were praised for their
work over the last few months. Sgt. Brenda Gresiuk reported on some of the
initiatives local members are currently working on. Vicki Kipps reported that the
Community Network has gained some valuable insights from discussions with
Raincity around the exit strategy. It was suggested that community service provide:s
participate in a debrief once the shelter is closed to share lessons learned.
"How Many is Too Many for BC Youth'
Councillor Masse shared his thoughts on the report on youth
McCreary Centre Society. The report can
http://www.mcs.bc.ca/pdf/how many is too many.pdf
alcohol use by the
be found at:
5.4 Community Resource Fair -Request for Funding
Letter received January 11th requesting $2500 to support the 2016 Community
Resource Fair which provides an opportunity for service providers to share the work
they do with each other and with members of the public.
It was moved and seconded
That $2500 be allocated from the SPAC budget for the Community Resource Fair.
The Staff Liaison will contact Sharon Sargent, Community Resource Fair Chair. A
request was made to receive a copy of the overall budget for the Fair.
5.5 Budget Update
It was suggested that changes to the SPAC budget being implemented next year
should be communicated to groups that have been supported in the past. Budget
figures will be confirmed at the next meeting.
SPAC Minutes
March 2, 2016
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It was agreed that the committee will meet monthly until the new structure is
5.6 Advisory Committee Recruitment Update
The Committee Clerk provided an update on the recruitment process for SPAC.
5.7 Agenda Items Procedure
The Committee Clerk reminded the committee of the process for requesting the
addition of items to the agenda.
6.1 Update on the Maple Ridge Resilience Initiative
Susan Carr reminded the committee of the Strong Kids forum coming up on March
7th . Service providers will be making presentations and sharing what services they
provide. Topics covered will include youth mental health, stress, substance abuse,
social media. Tips will be provided for parents and caregivers on how to recognize if
there is a problem with youth in their care.
Sgt. Brenda Gresiuk shared some websites that contain youth related information:
Canadian Red Cross -Youth Relationship Skills
Stats Can -Youth at Risk and Youth Offending Statistics
Bully Stop Hackathon -The Canadian Safe Schools Network
6.2 Update on the Youth Strategy -Deferred
Meghan MacMillan, Youth Programmer will provide a full update at an upcoming
7.1 Community Network
The Chair provided an update on the Community Superheroes campaign. The
Community Network may hire a summer student to aid with their communications.
Youth related initiatives were shared. Community service providers will work together
to coordinate and communicate the initiatives.
7.2 Neighbourhood Development
The Staff Liaison reported that Port Haney and Cliff Avenue are areas of focus this
year for the Neighbourhood Development team. Sgt. Brenda Gresiuk related some of
the benefits of increased community ownership of public spaces. It was suggested
that Dave Speers, Recreation Coordinator, be invited to make a presentation on
community development at an upcoming meeting.
8.1 Community Resource Fair
Letter requesting funding previously dealt with -Item 5.4.
SPAC Minutes
March 2, 2016
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Susan Carr reported that School District #42 is partnering with the City to make a proposal to
the provincial Ministry of Education for a school and community centre in Albion. Some
concept drawings have been created based on the feedback received. A second online
survey seeking feedback on the proposal is still available.
Annette Morgan reported Fraser Health and the Seniors Network (with support from
Recreation and Leisure Services) continue to work on the Age-friendly Initiative. An action
plan will be presented to Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Councils this month. If the action
plan is approved at the municipal level an application will be made to the province for H:e
Age-friendly designation.
The Senior's Network has secured funding until the end of May 2016. A $10,000 grant has
been obtained by the Community Network to support the design of services for seniors.
The Senior's Network meets next on Thursday March 31st in the Hilton Hader room.
Kathy Doull provided an update on Fraser Health, which is increasing their focus on
community based initiatives. The goal is less acute care, more home care. Fraser Health is
adding home health supports for the most frail population and looking for innovative ways to
support people staying at home for as long as possible. Community forums will be held soon
on home care and dementia care. Fraser Health is launching a new initiative called CARES
with the goal of identifying pre-frail seniors. CARES will include GPs and peer coaches and
work to delay the onset of frailty. Fraser Health is working with the Division of Family Practice
to recruit physicians for this program. Vicki Kipps outlined a program that the Community
Network provides which also supports keeping seniors at home. Ms. Kipps will provide
contact information regarding the CN program to Kathy Dou II.
Sgt. Brenda Gresiuk reported the Victim Services program is being modernized as part of the
Ridge Meadows RCMP work plan for 2016. The RCMP Auxiliary Constable program has
recently undergone some changes nationally, including the removal of the ride along
Candace Gordon reported that Golden Ears Feast has received a grant from the public health
authority which will allow a food security inventory to be done. Data will be collected in such a
way that an asset map can be created. The Senior's Network recently held a very successful
pub night fund raiser which will allow the addition of ten seniors to the food coupon program
with the Haney Farmers Market.
Councillor Masse reported that Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Councils recently had a
successful meeting. Councillor Masse provided an update from the Metro Vancouver
Environmental table. Councillor Masse raised some recent headlines regarding
homelessness and shared how that might affect municipalities.
The Staff Liaison reported she recently attended a provincial Substance Use conference.
This was a very positive conference where interesting ideas were shared. Ms. Matthewson
recently toured some low barrier housing in local communities. She had the opportunity to
see many positive features of the housing and remarked on the high number of
accomplished artists encountered.
SPAC Minutes
March 2, 2016
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It was moved and seconded that the meeting be adjourned at 9:06 pm. \ , c --~-----v ,lr-
Chair (