HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPAC 2018-02-07 Minutes.pdf10 City of Maple Ridge SOCIAL POLICY ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Social Policy Advisory Committee, held in the Blaney Room, at Maple Ridge City Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on Wednesday, February 7, 2018 at 7:00 pm COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Councillor Masse Tarel Swansky, Vice Chair Annette Morgan Brenna Ayliffe Cathy Bennett Hailey Robinsmith lneke Boekhorst Dr. Ingrid Tyler Laura Butler Cst. Michael Turner Valerie Spurell STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Tony Cotroneo Amanda Allen GUESTS Bruce Smith Jason Payne Renay Bajkay Tracy Schonfeld REGRETS/ABSENTS Susan Carr, Chair Mike Murray Candace Gordon Council Liaison Member at Large Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows-Katzie Seniors Network Fraser Health Member at Large Member at Large -Youth Rep Downtown Maple Ridge Business Improvement Association Fraser Health Member at Large RCM P -Alternate Fraser Health -Alternate Recreation Manager, Community Services/ Staff Liaison Committee Clerk Chief Operating Officer, Coast Mental Health Manager, Alouette Heights Director of Housing Services, Coast Mental Health Director of Community Services, Coast Mental Health School District 42 School District #42 -Alternate Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows-Katzie Community Network 1. CALL TO ORDER AND INTRODUCTIONS The Staff Liaison called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm and introductions were made. 2. 2018 CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR ELECTIONS The Staff Liaison opened the floor to nominations for a Chair. R/2018-001 It was moved and seconded That Susan Carr be elected Chair of the Social Policy Advisory Committee for 2018. CARRIED ) Social Policy Advisory Committee Minutes February 7, 2018 Page 2 of 4 The Staff Liaison opened the floor to nominations for a Vice Chair. R/2018-002 It was moved and seconded That Ta rel Swansky be elected Vice Chair of the Social Policy Advisory Committee for 2018. CARRIED Note: In absence of Chair Susan Carr, Vice Chair Ta rel Swansky chaired the meeting. 3. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA R/2018-003 It was moved and seconded That the agenda for the February 7, 2018 Social Policy Advisory Committee meeting be approved. CARRIED 4. ADOPTION OF THE MINUTES R/2018-004 It was moved and seconded 5. 5.1 That the minutes of the Maple Ridge Social Policy Advisory Committee meeting dated May 3, 2017 be adopted. CARRIED DELEGATIONS Coast Mental Health • Bruce Smith, Chief Operating Officer, Coast Mental Health • Renay Bajkay, Director of Housing, Coast Mental Health • Tracy Schonfeld, Director of Community Services, Coast Mental Health • Jason Payne, Manager, Alouette Heights Bruce Smith made a presentation on Coast Mental Health (CMH) and the 3 pillars of recovery of which the organization concentrates: housing, support services, and employment and education. Coast Mental Health operates 4 7 sites across Metro Vancouver and Alouette Heights illustrates the housing first approach of Coast Mental Health. Renay Bajkay, Tracy Schonfeld, and Jason Payne made a presentation on Alouette Heights. Coast Mental Health has been operating Alouette Heights for one year. Upon taking over operations, Coast Mental Health immediately addressed the safety issues in the building in order to keep residents and staff safe as well as instituted procedural changes. Staff work with clients using the principles of psycho-social rehabilitation and have a good working relationship with the RCMP, Fire Department and City staff. The presentation highlighted the different work of the outreach teams and reported on their client-centered approach to improving their client's well-being. Coast Mental Health staff answered questions from the Committee. Note: Item 7 New & Unfinished Business was dealt with following Item 5. ) Social Policy Advisory Committee Minutes February 7, 2018 Page 3 of4 7. NEW & UNFINISHED BUSINESS 7.1 Meeting schedule for 2018 There was discussion around the proposed 2018 schedule and the potential subcommittee projects for 2018. R/2018-005 It was moved and seconded That the 2018 Social Policy Advisory Committee meeting schedule, as attached to the February 7, 2018 SPAC agenda, be adopted. CARRIED 7.2 Presentation schedule for 2018 The Staff Liaison reported that the ICM team is booked for the April 4, 2018 meeting. There was discussion on other potential presentations for the year. The Committee would like to review the 2018 work plan and goals in order to determine the priority of upcoming presentations. 7 .3 Social Policy Engagement Workshop 7.4 Dr. Tyler provided an update on the Social Policy Engagement Workshop on Opioid Overdose Response held on January 30, 2018. The Workshop was well attended and provided robust discussion. Brenna Ayliffe advised that the Photo Voice Project will be featured at the ACT on April 9, 2018 from 12:00pm -8:00pm. There was discussion on holding a presentation at a future SPAC meeting on understanding how to frame language around stigma. Housing First Innovation Labs The Staff Liaison reviewed the goal of Housing First Innovation lab. 7 .5 BC Non-Profit Housing Youth Homeless Count http://stophomelessness.ca/homeless-counts/2018-youth-homeless-count/ The Staff Liaison advised that the Metro Vancouver Youth count is scheduled for April 4-12. A local magnet event will be held by City of Maple Ridge staff to draw Youth to the count at the Greg Moore Youth Centre . 7 .6 Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction-Poverty Reduction Strategy for British Columbia -Opportunities for Input https://engage.gov.bc.ca/bcpovertyreduction/ Community meetings are slated to help inform the Poverty Reduction Strategy. A community meeting is scheduled in Maple Ridge on March 26, 2018 from 2:30pm-5:00pm. The Vice Chair encouraged members to attend the meeting and requested the next SPAC agenda include a follow up item regarding the Poverty Reduction Strategy for BC. 6. ROUND TABLE Annette Morgan advised that the Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Katzie Seniors Network has received a City of Maple Ridge grant for a dementia friendly community initiative they will be working on with the Alzheimer's Society. The Age Friendly Initiative subcommittee received a grant from UBCM and will be reviewing options for a Maple Ridge model of accessible transportation for seniors -a "senior's bus" initiative. Hailey Robinsmith reported that MP Ruimy and the Constituency Youth Council is hosting a Town hall on Cyber Security. This workshop for seniors on how to stay safe on line is scheduled for Saturday, March 3, 2018 from 1:00-3:00pm at the Ridge Meadows Seniors Centre. Sign up for the workshop via e-mail to dan.ruimy@parl.gc.ca. \ ) Social Policy Advisory Committee Minutes February 7, 2018 Page 4 of 4 8. COMMITTEE UPDATES 8.1 Community Network Ms. Ayliffe reported that at the February 6, 2018 CN facilitators meeting Jenny Earley and Trish Salisbury were chosen to be the 2018 CN representatives on the Social Planning Advisory Committee. CN is partnering with Family Ed to host a Q-munity workshop scheduled for February 26, 2018 at the Family Education and Support Centre. The topic at the Service Providers workshop is learning how to honour the diversity in the LGBTQ2S community starting with words. Registration for the workshop is through Family Ed. CN is working to update their annual work plan with a focus on the following three priorities: Youth, Poverty, and Healthy Living and Community Well-being. 8.2 Youth Strategy Update 8.3 The Staff Liaison provided an update on the Youth Strategy. At the December 12, 2017 Council Workshop meeting, Council passed a recommendation directing staff to facilitate the formation of a Youth Planning Table to steward the work of the Youth Strategy. Staff will be attending a Community Network meeting to request participation in the Youth Planning Table. Upon Council endorsement of representation on the Youth Planning Table, a terms of reference will be drafted and submitted to Council for approval. Update from the Opioid Overdose Working Group Dr. Ingrid Tyler provided a report on the Opioid Overdose Working Group. A strategic planning session was held in January and the notes from the January 30, 2018 Social Policy Engagement Workshop will help form part of the strategic plan. The Province has announced funding for Community Action Teams and the Opioid Overdose Working Group will investigate applying for a grant to support the continued operation of the Working Group. Dr. Tyler advised that the BC Coroners Service released the updated illicit drug overdose death stats and reported on the Fraser Health statistics within the report: https://news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2017PSSG0067-001873 8.4 Youth Wellness Centre Update The Staff Liaison provided an update on the Youth Wellness Centre. The Youth Wellness Centre has been awarded $500,000 in Foundry funding. This is annualized provincial funding for operations. At the December 5, 2017 Council meeting, staff received approval to work with the Province and Foundry to explore a funding model for the Youth Wellness Centre concept. The Staff Liaison advised that consultants have indicated an estimated cost of $4.2-$4.6 million for a purpose built youth wellness facility adjacent to the Greg Moore Youth Centre, an ideal location to engage youth in the community due to its proximity to the existing Youth Centre and bus loop. 9. CORRESPONDENCE -Nil 10. QUESTION PERIOD-Nil 11. ADJOURNMENT It was moved and seconded that the meeting be adjourned at 9:10 pm. T. Swantky, Vice Cha · /aa