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The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Community Heritage Commission, held in the Blaney
Room, at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place Road, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on
Tuesday, March 3, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.
Brenda Smith, Chair
Steven Ranta
Sandra Ayres
Faye Isaac, Vice-chair
Councillor Speirs
Eric Phillips
Lisa Zosiak, Chair
Sunny Schiller
Len Pettit
Cyndy Johnson-McCormick
Maple Ridge Historical Society
Community at Large
Community at Large
Maple Ridge Historical Society
Council Liaison
Community at Large
Staff Liaison, Community Planner
Committee Clerk
Community at Large
Community at Large
There being a quorum present, the Chair called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm.
R15-010 It was moved and seconded
That the Agenda for the Regular Meeting of March 3, 2015 be adopted.
R15-011 It was moved and seconded
That the Minutes of the February 3, 2015 Regular Meeting be adopted.
4.1 Gerry Pine!, Golden Ears Transition Initiative (GETI)
As Mr. Pinel was not available the Chair made a presentation on his behalf on the
Golden Ears Transition Initiative (GETI) and GETIFest. This will be the fourth year for
GETI Fest and the theme of this year's festival will be "Our Heritage".
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Community Heritage Commission
Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Ideas for CHC's participation in GETIFest were discussed. It was suggested that
heritage neighbourhood associations should be engaged. This is a large event, in
years past the festival has had between 20 and 30 organizations participating. It was
decided that Faye Isaac would attend the upcoming GETIFest planning workshop.
The Staff Liaison, the Chair, Steven Ranta and Councillor Speirs will be meeting with Catherine
Nolan, Manager of Accounting on March 18th to review the committee budget.
A letter from Babs McLaren praising the recent Heritage Awards ceremony was received and
distributed to committee members.
A letter was received from the Maple Ridge Historical Society expressing concern about the St.
Andrews Church property. The church is a heritage building. There is some question about the
property line between the church and the privately owned property adjacent to it. The Staff
Liaison updated the Commission on the issue. Further research is needed to determine
exactly how the heritage designation was done. The Planning department is working on this
issue and will propose a solution.
7.1 Membership
7.1.1 Calendar
GETIFest workshop coming up. March 19th is the Historical Society's AGM.
March 22nd is the Mad Hatters Tea Party at Haney House. March 24th is the
CHC presentation to Council. March 25th is the next Local Voices. The
Heritage Tea at the Seniors Centre is on April 11th . The Chair encouraged
members to provide feedback on the calendar format.
7.1.2 Binders
CHC binders for new members were distributed by the Committee Clerk.
Flash drives with all the documents were also provided to new members and
offered to existing members.
7.1.3 Recruitment
Three vacancies remain on the Commission. The Commission is seeking
candidates with an interest in the areas of Education, Fundraising or Public
The Chair reported that member at large Cyndi Johnson-McCormick will
remain on the Commission however she is not able to attend meetings
regularly or participate in sub-committee work.
7.2 CHC Update to Council
CHC will be reporting to Council on March 24th. The Chair is preparing a presentation
and asked for ideas and photos from Commission members.
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Community Heritage Commission
Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, March 3, 2015
7.3 Dynamic Downtowns Webinar
Councillor Speirs reported on the Dynamic Downtowns webinar. Councillor Speirs
found it to be a good experience and successful, with approximately ten attendees.
The Staff Liaison will contact the presenters to request a copy of their toolkit.
8.1 Communications Sub-committee
8.1.1 Heritage Here Newsletter
The first newsletter using the new format has been completed. The Chair
encouraged Commission members to provide feedback on the format and
content suggestions. April 15th is the deadline for article submissions for the
next edition. The Chair will write an article on the Heritage Awards, Councillor
Speirs will report on the Dynamic Downtowns Webinar. A Hammond Area
Plan update will be provided by the Staff Liaison. New member Len Pettit's
bio will be included.
8.1.2 GETIFest 2015
Item previously dealt with. Faye Isaac will attend the planning workshop
(schedule permitting, the date is still to be determined).
8.2 Recognitions Sub-committee
8.2.1 Marker Inventory
A proposal has been received from Andrea Lister to create the desired marker
inventory database for $500. The CHC would like an Access database
created to contain all the information about all the plaques and markers in
Maple Ridge.
It was moved and seconded
That the Commission spend $500 to have the Marker Inventory database designed by Andrea
A meeting with other groups within the City (Public Art Steering Committee,
Parks, Engineering) should be organized as part of the database creation
process to explain the role of the database.
8.2.2 Heritage Awards
The Commission viewed photos and videos from the 2015 Awards. Faye
Isaac provided a report on the 2015 Awards and also presented an idea for a
potential nomination for a 2016 Award. Nominations are open up until
October 2015 for the 2016 Awards.
8.3 Project Sub-committee
A couple of projects are in the works with details to be provided in the future.
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Community Heritage Commission
Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, March 3, 2015
8.4 Education Sub-committee
Steven Ranta will research a project that would provide a heritage themed curriculum
that could be used in schools (report in May). Sandra Ayres will develop a field trip
project (report in April). Brenda Smith will report on the workshop series project in
9.1 BC Historical Federation
The annual conference is currently being planned.
9.2 Heritage BC/BC Heritage Branch
The Staff Liaison reported there was an issue with the billing for the recent webinar.
Steven Ranta will investigate why the CHC was charged in US dollars.
9.3 Maple Ridge Historical Society
Erica Williams (attending the meeting as a member of the public) reported on the
recent meeting of the MRHS. There was a presentation made on goal setting and five
year plans. The Society is planning for their upcoming AGM. There will be a potluck
dinner at the meeting -please bring your own plate and utensils.
9.4 Council Liaison
Councillor Speirs reported on the current work of Council. The Advisory Committee
Review Task Force is working to improve communication between the Advisory
Committees and Council. Towards this end Council is now accepting the Advisory
Committee minutes during Council meetings to keep updated on the work of the
The Chair asked for an update on the Intersections event. Councillor Speirs reported
that planning for this event is on hold due to a number of potential changes within
the Committees.
Steven Ranta expressed his concern about vinyl signage on heritage buildings. He was
encouraged to contact Bylaws in regards to the sign bylaw.
The Staff Liaison reported that the Hammond Area Plan went to Council Workshop on
Monday. A video summarizing the consultation process is available through the Council
agenda on the website.
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