HomeMy WebLinkAboutCHC 2015-08-11 Minutes.pdfr~-:-\., r-"~ "-V -- \" MAPLE RIDGE / (OMMTTNlTY HFRlTA.C F COMMJSSION ~-.:· •• , ., ••• ,.,., • .I •• .-, •••• , \ The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Community Heritage Commission, held in the Blaney Room, at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place Road, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on Tuesday, August 11, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT Len Pettit Eric Phillips Sandra Ayres Brenda Smith, Chair Faye Isaac, Vice-chair Cyndy Johnson-McCormick Steven Ranta Councillor Speirs STAFF PRESENT Lisa Zosiak Sunny Schiller GUESTS Annette Fulford REGRETS/ABSENT 1. CALL TO ORDER Community at Large Community at Large Community at Large Maple Ridge Historical Society Maple Ridge Historical Society Community at Large Community at Large Council Liaison Staff Liaison, Community Planner Committee Clerk History of the Maple Ridge Heritage Awards Project Report There being a quorum present, the Chair called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm and introductions were made. 2. R15-023 AGENDA ADOPTION It was moved and seconded That the Agenda be amended with the following additions: Item 7.4 Hammond Area Plan Update and Item 6.2 Volunteer Appreciation Invitation and be adopted as amended. CARRIED Community Heritage Commission Minutes Page 1 \ _J / 3. MINUTE ADOPTION R15-024 It was moved and seconded That the Minutes of June 2, 2015 be approved. CARRIED Steven Ranta and Cyndy Johnson-McCormick entered the meeting at 7:08 pm. 4. DELEGATIONS 4.1 Annette Fulford -History of the Maple Ridge Heritage Awards Project Report Annette Fulford presented the results of her Heritage Awa rds research project, which reviewed the history of the program since the inception of this Committee of Council (originally called the Heritage Advisory Committee). Ms. Fulford explained her research methods and related her experience viewing the archives of the local News and the Times newspapers. Ms. Fulford has created a binder which includes an overview of the project, copies of the newspaper articles and the list of winners. Ms. Fulford suggested some further steps to complete the records. The Chair expressed to Ms. Fulford the appreciation of the Commission for undertaking and completing this project. 5. FINANCE R15-025 5.1 2016 Business Plan The Staff Liaison reported that the draft 2016 CHC business plan will be due at the end of September, with the final report due in October. Updating the Heritage Inventory was the main project scheduled for 2015 in the Heritage Plan, however it may need to be postponed as funding has not yet been secured. The existing Heritage Inventory was created in 1998. The Commission discussed options for obtaining funding, including investigating the option of fundraising, applying for grants and seeking advice from City staff. It was moved and seconded That the Chair and Councillor Speirs speak to Paul Gill, General Manager, Corporate and Financial Services, that the Staff Liaison contact the project consultant to discuss the project and contact the Real Estate Foundation of BC to discuss a possible grant, and then proceed or cancel the intended update starting in 2015, and (if cancelled) then renew the request for funds in 2016. CARRIED 6. CORRESPONDENCE 6.1 Maple Ridge Historical Society notification of revision to Haney House history Erica Williams, President of the Maple Ridge Historical Society was present and read her recent letter to the CHC regarding some inconsistencies in the history of Haney House. Community Heritage Commission Minutes Page 2 ~R15-026 It was moved and seconded That the Maple Ridge Historical Society be thanked for their research. CARRIED 6.2 Volunteer Appreciation Invitation An invitation for a Volunteer Appreciation event on September 12th has been received from Yvonne Chui, Arts and Community Connections Manager. 7. NEW & UNFINISHED BUSINESS 7.1 Membership 7.2 7.1.1 Calendar of Events -Brenda Smith The Chair reviewed upcoming events including the Volunteer Appreciation event on September 12th, Music on the Wharf on August 24th, Local Voices starting September 3rd and GETIFest on September 19th. 7.1.2 CHC Binder Updates The Committee Clerk gave a demonstration of the electronic CHC Binder including how to navigate the file and a review of the Calendars section. St. Andrews Heritage Church The Staff Liaison reported that the property adjacent to the St. Andrews Heritage Church has been sold. The Staff Liaison will report when the property line issue is fully resolved. 7.3 Presentation to Council -October The Chair will make a presentation to Council on October 27, 2015 with an update on the activities of the CHC. 7.4 Hammond Area Plan The Staff Liaison provided an update on the development of the Hammond Area Plan. Public input has been gathered and a conceptual plan is being developed. The draft Concept Plan will be presented to Council in the Fall, with a future open house to follow. 8. SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS 8.1 Communications Subcommittee 8.1.1 Heritage Here Newsletter The Chair reported the latest issue was released in June. The next deadline for article submission is September 15th. 8.1.2 Proposal to re-brand CHC publications The Chair has received a quote to have the Commission logo updated or redesigned for use on business cards, the newsletter template, and letterhead. 8.1.3 GETIFest Volunteers needed to support the booth on September 19th, 2015. Community Heritage Commission Minutes Page 3 \ -1 8.2 Recognitions Subcommittee 8.2.1 Heritage Marker Inventory Project The Chair reported that this project is moving forward and the database should be delivered in September. 8.2.2 Heritage Awards -Faye Isaac Faye Isaac announced that the next meeting of the Heritage Awards subcommittee will be held on October 6th at 6:00 pm Uust prior to the next regular meeting). All CHC members are invited to the meeting and should bring nomination ideas. Ways to advertise the event were discussed. The Chair will update the Heritage Awards brochure. 8.2.3 10th Anniversary Plaque Book Project The Staff Liaison is working on this project. 8.3 Education Subcommittee 8.3.1 Fall CHC Field Trip 8.4 Sandra Ayres reported the CHC and invited guests will take a field trip on October 24th at 10:00 or 10:30 am for a private tour of the North Vancouver archives and planned museum. The Staff Liaison will book the City bus for this field trip. Digitization Project Subcommittee The Digitization Project subcommittee has met with Stephanie Riley, Records Management Coordinator, to discuss steps to begin the digitization project. The Records Management Coordinator has the First Council book available for viewing electronically. 8.5 Heritage Inventory Project Update Previously discussed during Item 5.1. One additional item is the need to ensure all past issues of both local newspapers are properly archived. It was suggested that these old newspapers could be digitized to preserve them. 8.6 Robertson Family Cemetery Project Subcommittee The Staff Liaison reported that the City has received advice on how to resolve ownership and obtain a 'Place of Interment' designation for this property. This project is underway and a future update will be provided. 9. LIAISON UPDATES 9.1 BC Historical Federation 9.2 Heritage BC The issue with the 2013 Networking Conference fees and membership fees has been resolved. The Chair will correspond with Heritage BC. 9.3 Maple Ridge Historical Society The three Music on the Wharf events held so far have been well attended. The final Music on the Wharf is on August 24th. Volunteers recently carried out a cemetery clean up. Community Heritage Commission Minutes Page 4 ... 9.4 Council Liaison Councillor Speirs suggested holding a draw to include a couple of members of the public in the upcoming North Vancouver museum field trip. 10. COMMUNITY FORUM -Nil 11. ROUNDTABLE -Nil It was moved and seconded that the meeting be adjourned at 9:00 pm. Chai~ /ss Community Heritage Commission Minutes Page 5