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The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Community Heritage Commission, held in the Blaney
Room, at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place Road, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on
Tuesday, October 6, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.
Len Pettit
Eric Phillips
Sandra Ayres
Brenda Smith, Chair
Faye Isaac, Vice-chair
Councillor Speirs
Lisa Zosiak
Sunny Schiller
Cyndy Johnson-McCormick
Steven Ranta
Community at Large
Community at Large
Community at Large
Maple Ridge Historical Society
Maple Ridge Historical Society
Council Liaison
Staff Liaison, Community Planner
Committee Clerk
Community at Large
Community at Large
There being a quorum present, the Chair called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm.
It was moved and seconded
That the Agenda be amended to include Item 6.1 Maple Ridge Historical Society Collections,
Item 7.3 Canda150, Item 8.1.4 Local Voices and be adopted as amended.
It was moved and seconded
That the Minutes of August 11, 2015 be amended to remove the mention of "BC Heritage
Branch" from Item 9.2 and be approved as amended.
CHC Minutes
October 6, 2015
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Steven Ranta entered the meeting at 7:07 pm.
5.1 2016 Business Plan
The Staff Liaison provided a printed copy of the business plan, which is due at the
end of the week. The Staff Liaison will email out a copy of the finalized business
5.2 Budget Adjustment Discussion re: funding for Heritage Inventory Update
The Chair led a discussion regarding options to fund the updating of the Heritage
It was moved and seconded
That the CHC 2015 budget be revised to assign existing funds to start the Heritage Inventory
Update project, and that additional multi-year funding be requested in the CHC Business
Plan 2016.
It was moved and seconded
That the 2015 CHC budget be adjusted as discussed.
6.1 Maple Ridge Historical Society Collections
The Chair presented information received from the Maple Ridge Historical Society
(MRHS) that the space available for storing collections is currently full and new items
can no longer be accepted. Possible options for increasing storage space were
discussed. More information on the collection has been requested from the MRHS.
7.1 Membership
7.1.1 Calendar of Events
The Chair reviewed the many community events that have happened since
the August meeting. Members were asked to email the Chair their
attendance for the record.
7.1.2 CHC Binder Review
The Committee Clerk reviewed the Contacts and Governance section of the
CHC flash drive. It was suggested that the History Society website be added
to the Contacts page.
CHC Minutes
October 6, 2015
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7.2 Presentation to Council
The Chair outlined the upcoming presentation to Council on October 27th . The
presentation will show how the work done by the Commission reflects the plans and
priorities of Council. As part of the presentation the support of Council for the
planned direction of the Commission will be sought. Commission members were
invited to email suggestions to the Chair.
7.3 Canada 150
The Chair reported that a meeting is planned for many departments within the City of
Maple Ridge to work together on one application for Canada 150 funding. The
application deadline has been extended past October. Yvonne Chui, Recreation
Manager; Art and Commun ity Connections, will be organizing the meeting and
suggestions can be submitted to Ms. Chui.
8.1 Communications Subcommittee
8.1.1 Heritage Here Newsletter
The Chair reported the latest edition of the Heritage Here Newsletter will be
finalized next week. Suggestions for the next edition included the heritage
homes moved to Maple Ridge over the summer, the Heritage Awards, the
Hammond Forever house being lifted, the Hammond Area Plan.
8.1.2 Re-branding of CHC publications
As previously reported, The Chair has gathered estimates on rebranding. This
project is now on hold due to budget constraints.
8.1.3 GETIFest
The Chair reported the CHC was well represented at GETIFest. As the
Heritage component of GETIFest will continue on to next year, plans for next
year should be considered now.
8.1.4 Local Voices
Fall Local Voices sessions have been scheduled for the first Thursdays of
October, November and December at the library. The October session
included lectures and music. Suggestions on communicating the events were
8.2 Recognitions Subcommittee
8.2.1 Heritage Marker Inventory Project
The Staff Liaison reported that the database is under development.
8.2.2 Heritage Awards
Faye Isaac reported that nominations for the Heritage Awards have been
received. The next meeting of the Awards subcommittee is November 3rd at
6:00 pm to review nominations.
8.2.3 10th Anniversary Plaque Book Project
The Staff Liaison reported she had contacted the author of the 10th
Anniversary Plaque Book with the hope of obtaining a PDF of the book that
could be shared on the website.
CHG Minutes
October 6, 2015
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8.3 Education Subcommittee
8.3.1 Fall CHC Field Trip
Sandra Ayres reported a field trip to the North Vancouver Archives is planned
on Saturday Oct 24. Participants are to meet in front of the ACT at 9:00 am.
A (no host) lunch will follow the tour. It was suggested that invitations be
extended to the MRHS and Council. Ms. Ayres will confirm the details via
email. The Staff Liaison will review and clarify the policy regarding the use of
the bus.
Faye Isaac left the meeting at 8:00 pm.
8.4 Digitization Project Subcommittee
The Staff Liaison has contacted Val Billesburger in regards to the Digitization Project.
8.5 Heritage Inventory Project Update
Previously discussed (Item 5.2).
8.6 Robertson Family Cemetery Project Subcommittee
The Staff Liaison will report next month after discussing the matter with Darrell
Denton, Property and Risk Manager. More information on the provincial process and
the current status of the property is needed.
9.1 BC Historical Federation
The Chair reported a BC Historical Foundation newsletter has been released.
(http://bchistory.ca/pu blications/newsletter Ii ndex. htm I).
The "Local History" and "Family History" collections available through the Fraser
Valley Regional Library was explained.
9.2 Heritage BC
The Chair reported that a letter was sent to Heritage BC expressing that the CHC is
looking forward to working with Heritage BC going forward.
9.3 Maple Ridge Historical Society
The Chair read a report prepared by Faye Isaac on the work of the MRHS. Music on
the Wharf was very well attended over the summer. Maple Ridge's Birthday was
celebrated in September. A Cemetery tour was organized by Erica Williams, MRHS
President. The CHC shared a booth with MRHS at GETIFest. During Culture Days the
Brickyard office was opened up for viewing. A large donation of pictures was
received from the Maple Ridge Times.
9.4 Council Liaison
Councillor Speirs reported on Council priorities and recent discussions. The findings
of the Advisory Committee Task Force will be released soon. New revenue streams
for advancing heritage conservation are being investigated. Councillor Speirs
encouraged the Chair to request clarification on future funding from Council and
shared his thoughts on funding the updating of the Heritage Inventory.
' I
CHG Minutes
October 6, 2015
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The Chair provided Heritage Awards brochures and nomination forms and copies of the
Heritage Here newsletter.
Eric Phillips will email a suggestion for Local Voices to the Chair. Mr. Phillips shared his
experience visiting museums in Steveston.
Steven Ranta shared his experience at the recent Volunteer Appreciation event.
Councillor Speirs reminded members that Golden Harvest is coming up on October 16 and
explained the event features local food, chefs and culinary artists.
It was moved and seconded that the meeting be adjourned at 8:58 pm.