HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-08-30 Adopted Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes.pdfAugust 30, 2010 1:00 p.m. Council Chamber PRESENT Elected Officials Mayor E. Daykin Councillor C. Ashlie Councillor J. Dueck Councillor A. Hogarth Councillor L. King Councillor M. Morden Councillor C. Speirs District of Maple Ridge COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING MINUTES Appointed Staff J. Rule, Chief Administrative Officer K. Swift, General Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services P. Gill, General Manager Corporate and Financial Services F. Quinn, General Manager Public Works and Development Services J. Pickering, Director of Planning C. Marlo, Manager of Legislative Services L. Marchand, Clerk's Department Other Staff as Required C. Goddard, Manager of Development and Environment Services R. Acharya, Planner 1. DELEGATIONS/STAFF PRESENTATIONS 2. PUBLIC WORKS AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Note: The following items have been numbered to correspond with the Council Agenda: 1101 RZ/039/10, 23788 and 23762 132 Avenue, RS-2 to RS-1 and R-1 Staff report dated August 16, 2010 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 67 45-2010 to allow for future subdivision be given first reading and that the applicant provide further information as described in Schedules A, B, F and G of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879- 1999. Committee of the Whole Minutes August 30, 2010 Page 2 of 10 The Planner gave a Power Point presentation providing the following information: • Application Information • Subject Map • Neighbourhood Context • 0CP Context • Site Characteristics • Preliminary Subdivision Plan RECOMMENDATION That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of August 31, 2010. 1102 RZ/063/10, 11655 Burnett Street, RS-1 and C-3 to RM-2 Staff report dated August 16, 2010 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6751-2010 to permit the development of a four (4) storey apartment building be given first reading and that the applicant provide further information as described in Schedules A, C, D and F of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. The Manager of Development and Environment Services gave a Power Point presentation providing the following information: • Application Information • Subject Map • Neighbourhood Context • 0CP Context • Site Characteristics Mr. Bissky -Applicant's Representative Mr. Bissky provided details of the proposed multi-family development, noting that the site is close to shopping, schools and transportation. He also advised on the challenges currently existing with the site. RECOMMENDATION That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of August 31, 2010. Committee of the Whol e Minutes August 30, 2010 Page 3 of 10 1103 RZ/012/10, 24930 110 Avenue, RS-3 to RS-1b Staff report dated August 16, 2010 recommending that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 67 46-2010 to designate an area around a watercourse as conservation be given first and second readings and be forwarded to Public Hearing and that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6722-2010 to permit a ten (10) lot single family subdivision be given second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing. The Manager of Development and Environmental Services gave a Power Point presentation providing the following information: • Application Information • Subject Map • Neighbourhood Context • OCP Context • Site Characteristics • Preliminary Subdivision Plans RECOMMENDATION That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of August 31, 2010. 1104 RZ/075/09, 23553 Larch Avenue, RS-3 to R-1 and RST-SV Staff report dated August 19, 2010 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6737-2010 to permit a future subdivision of 13 single family parcels and 17 multi-family parcels be given second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing. The Planner gave a Power Point presentation providing the following information: • Application Information • Neighbourhood Context • OCP Context • Site Characteristics • Preliminary Subdivision Plans RECOMMENDATION That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of August 31, 2010. Committee of the Whole Minutes August 30, 2010 Page 4 of 10 1105 RZ/018/10, 12580 243 Street, RS-3 to RS-2 Staff report dated August 16, 2010 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6734-2010 to permit a two (2) lot single family subdivision be given second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing. The Manager of Development and Environmental Services gave a Power Point presentation providing the following information: • Application Information • Subject Map • Neighbourhood Context • 0CP Context • Site Characteristics RECOMMENDATION That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of August 31, 2010. 1106 RZ/026/10, 24160 125 Avenue, RS-3 to RS-2 Staff report dated August 16, 2010 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6736-2010 to permit a two (2) lot single family subdivision be given second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing. The Manager of Development and Environmental Services gave a Power Point presentation providing the following information: • Application Information • Subject Map • Neighbourhood Context • 0CP Context • Site Characteristics RECOMMENDATION That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of August 31, 2010. Committee of the Whole Minutes August 30, 2010 Page 5 of 10 1107 RZ/054/10, 9975 272 Street, Text Amendment to CD-4-00 Staff report dated August 17, 2010 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 67 49-2010 to permit assembly use and place of worship as principle uses be given first and second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing. The Manager of Development and Environmental Services gave a Power Point presentation providing the following information: • Application Information • Subject Map • Neighbourhood Context • OCP Context • Site Characteristics RECOMMENDATION That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of August 31, 2010. 1108 RZ/065/10, Text Amendment for Licensee Retail Stores Staff report dated August 23, 2010 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6750-2010 to enable free standing licensee retail store use be given first and second readings and be forwarded to Public Hearing. RECOMMENDATION That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of August 31, 2010. 1109 RZ/107 /05, 117 44 236 Street, First Extension Staff report dated August 9, 2010 recommending that a one year extension be granted for rezoning application RZ/107 /05 to permit 1 single family dwelling under the RS-1d (One Family Urban (Half Acre) Residential) and 8 single family dwellings under the R-3 (Special Amenity Residential) zone. RECOMMENDATION That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of August 31, 2010. Committee of the Whole Minutes August 30, 2010 Page 6 of 10 1110 RZ/002/08, 11580 223 Street, Final One Year Extension Staff report dated August 9, 2010 recommending that a final one year extension be granted for rezoning application RZ/002/08 to permit development of an apartment building under the CRM (Commercial/ Residential) zone. RECOMMENDATION That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of August 31, 2010. 1111 DVP/019/10, SW Corner of 235 Street and 236 Street Staff report dated August 16, 2010 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DVP/019/10 to permit a road width variance for part of a new road (proposed 134 Avenue), an E-W extension of Rock Ridge Drive. The Planner gave a Power Point presentation providing the following information: • Application Information • Subject Map • Neighbourhood Context • OCP Context • Site Characteristics • Preliminary Design Plans RECOMMENDATION That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of August 31, 2010. 1112 DP/DVP/056/08, 10389, 10351240 Street and 10390 Slatford Place Staff report dated August 16, 2010 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DVP/056/08 for variances to required minimum setbacks, height and permitted storeys in the RM-1 zone and that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DP/056/08 to permit a 40 unit townhouse development. Committee of the Whole Minutes August 30, 2010 Page 7 of 10 The Planner gave a Power Point presentation providing the following information: • Application Information • Subject Map • Neighbourhood Context • OCP Context • Site Characteristics • Preliminary Design Plans RECOMMENDATION That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of August 31, 2010. 1113 VP/085/09, 22890 and 22920 Gilbert Drive Staff report dated August 17, 2010 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal VP/085/09 to vary the maximum height for the R-1 and R-3 lots. The Manager of Development and Environmental Se rvices gave a Power Point presentation providing the following information: • Application Information • Subject Map • Neighbourhood Context • OCP Context • Site Characteristics Ingrid Milne -Applicant Representative Ms. Milne provided details regarding the height variance. She advised that she is will ing to respond to concerns of residents on Gilbert Drive. RECOMMENDATION That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of August 31, 2010. Committee of the Whole Minutes August 30, 2010 Page 8 of 10 1114 DP/085/09, 22890 and 22920 Gilbert Drive Staff report dated August 16, 2010 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DP/085/09 to permit multi-family residential development of 29 lots zoned R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) RECOMMENDATION That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of August 31, 2010. 1115 VP/035/10, 21513 124 Avenue Staff report dated August 17, 2010 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal VP/035/10 to reduce a front yard setback to permit construction of an attached garage. The Manager of Development and Environmental Services gave a Power Point presentation providing the following information: • Application Information • Neighbourhood Context • OCP Context • Site Characteristics RECOMMENDATION That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of August 31, 2010. 1116 Maple Ridge Taxi Regulation Bylaw No. 6409-2006 Amendment Staff report dated August 20, 2010 recommending that Maple Ridge Taxi Regulation Amending Bylaw No. 6754-2010 to clarify the permit application process be given first, second and third readings. RECOMMENDATION That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of August 31, 2010. Committee of the Whole Minutes August 30, 2010 Page 9 of 10 1117 2010 Translink MRN Minor Capital Program Agreement 1002-1101 Staff report dated August 13, 2010 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and execute Major Road Network Minor Capital Program Agreement No. 1002-1101 for work on 232 Street between 124 Avenue and 128 Avenue. RECOMMENDATION That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of August 31, 2010. 1118 Terry Fox Run, Use of Streets Staff report dated August 4, 2010 recommending that the use of municipal streets be authorized for the Terry Fox Run on Sunday, September 19, 2010. RECOMMENDATION That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of August 31, 2010. 3. FINANCIAL AND CORPORATE SERVICES (including Fire and Police) 1131 Disbursements for the Month Ended July 31, 2010 Staff report dated August 6, 2010 recommending that disbursements for July 2010 be approved. RECOMMENDATION That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of August 31, 2010. 4. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND RECREATION SERVICES Note: Item 1151 has been postponed to a future meeting. 1151 Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Arts Council Fee for Service Agreement Staff report dated August 23, 2010 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the amended Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Arts Council Fee for Service Agreement 2009 to 2011. Committee of the Whole Minutes August 30, 2010 Page 10 of 10 5. CORRESPONDENCE -Nil 6. OTHER ISSUES -Nil 7. ADJOURNMENT 2:14 pm 8. COMMUNITY FORUM Sarah Gibson Ms. Gibson advised on a recently organized Neighbourhood Watch group. She expressed concern with the lack of lighting in the park area at Callaghan Avenue and St. Anne Avenue and queried whether lights can be installed to prevent vandal ism and loitering. The General Manager of Public Works and Development Services will meet with Ms. Gibson . Ms. Gibson also sought information with regards to the demolition of the building on 224th Street housing "The Gym". The Chief Adm inistrative Officer advised that staff is working toward a resolution of the issue. • ' Presiding M e Committee