HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-08-31 Adopted Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes.pdfAugust 31, 2015
1:00 p.m.
Council Chamber
Elected Officials
Mayor N. Read
Councillor C. Bell
Councillor K. Duncan
Councillor B. Masse
Councillor G. Robson
Councillor T. Shymkiw
Councillor C. Speirs
City of Maple Ridge
Appointed Staff
J. Rule, Chief Administrative Officer
K. Swift, General Manager of Community Development,
Parks and Recreation Services
P. Gill, General Manager Corporate and Financial Services
F. Quinn, General Manager Public Works and Development
C. Carter, Director of Planning
C. Marlo, Manager of Legislative Services
Other Staff as Required
C. Goddard, Manager of Development and Environmental
A. Kopystynski, Planner 2
M. Baski, Planner 1
C. Nolan, Manager of Accounting
Note: The following items have been numbered to correspond with the Council
1101 2015-160-RZ, Bylaw Amendment, Residential Building Height
Staff report dated August 31, 2015 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone
Amending Bylaw No. 7165-2015 to create a unified maximum building height
of 11.0 m for principal dwellings in single family and in low rise multi-family
zones be given first and second reading and forwarded to Public Hearing.
The Manager of Development and Environmental Services reviewed the
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That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of September 8,
1102 2014-070-RZ, 10470 2458 Street and 24589 104 Avenue, RS-2 to RS-1b
Staff report dated August 31, 2015 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone
Amending Bylaw No. 7157-2015 to rezone from RS-2 (One Family Suburban
Residential) to RS-1b (One Family Urban [Medium Density] Residential) to
permit a subdivision of approximately 16 lots be given first reading and that
the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules A, B, and
F of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999, along with the
information required for a Subdivision application.
The Manager of Development and Environmental Services gave a Power Point
presentation providing the following information:
• Application Information
• Subject Map
• Neighbourhood Context
• Official Community Plan Context
• Site Characteristics
• Development Proposal
• Proposed Site Plan
• Site Context Map
That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of September 8,
Note: Mayor Read excused herself from discussion of Item 1103 at 1:16 p.m. due
to conflict of interest.
1103 2013-086-RZ, 23262 Silver Valley Road, 13738, 13702 and 13660 232
Street, RS-3 to RS-1, RS-1b, R-1, R-3, RST-SV, C-5 and P-1
Staff report dated August 31, 2015 recommending that Maple Ridge Official
Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7160-2015 to revise land use
designation boundaries and an equestrian trail location be given first and
second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing and that Maple Ridge
Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7023-2013 to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural
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Residential) to RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential), RS-1b (One Family Urban
[Medium Density] Residential), R-1 (Residential District), R-3 (Special Amenity
Residential District), RST-SV (Street Townhouse -Silver Valley), C-5 (Village
Centre Commercial) and P-1 (Park and School) be given second reading and
be forwarded to Public Hearing.
The Manager of Development and Environmental Services gave a Power Point
presentation providing the following information:
• Application Information
• Subject Map
• Neighbourhood Context
• Official Community Plan Context
• Site Characteristics
• Development Proposal
• Proposed Site Plan
• Proposed Street View Rendering
• Commercial Site Plan
• Proposed Elevations and Street Views
• Habitat Balance Plan
The Municipal Engineer advised on the multi-use pathway planned for 232
That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of September 8,
Note: Mayor Read returned to the meeting at 1:48 p.m.
1104 2014-110-RZ, 11716 Burnett Street, RS-1 to R-1
Staff report dated August 31, 2015 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone
Amending Bylaw No. 7123-2014 to rezone from RS-1 (One Family Urban
Residential) to R-1 (Residential District) to permit a subdivision of
approximately three single family lots be given second reading and be
forwarded to Public Hearing.
That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of September 8,
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1105 2011-082-DVP, 10150 and 10190 Jackson Road
Staff report dated August 31, 2015 recommending that the Corporate Officer
be authorized to sign and seal 2011-082-DVP to increase the maximum
p8rmitted R-1 zone building height and to reduce the R-:1 zone n,ar yard
setback for lots 29-39.
That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of September 8,
1106 2012-047-DVP, 2012-047-DP, 22577, 22569 and 22557 Royal Crescent,
11771226 Street
Staff report dated August 31, 2015 recommending that the Corporate Officer
be authorized to sign and seal 2012-04 7-DVP to reduce front yard setbacks,
to reduce interior yard setbacks and to increase maximum height and that the
Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2012-04 7-DP to permit
construction of a 48 unit apartment building in the RM-2 (Medium Density
Apartment Residential) zone.
The Manager of Development and Environmental Services gave a Power Point
presentation providing the following information:
• Application Information
• Subject Map
• Neighbourhood Context
• Official Community Plan Context
• Site Characteristics
• Development Proposal
• Proposed Variances
• Proposed Elevations
• Landscape Plan and Shrub Plan
James Pernu -McElhanney Consulting
Mr. Pernu advised on the amenity spaces and amenity areas to be provided within
the proposed development. He also provided clarification on the height of the
building and on possible plans for the strata.
That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of September 8,
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1107 2015-158-DVP, 23980 Kanaka Way
Staff report dated August 31, 2015 recommending that the Corporate Officer
be authorjzed to sign and seal 2015-158-DVP to reduce the parking
requirement for the Child Care Centre and to reduce the parking requirement
for commercial uses.
That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of September 8,
Note: Councillor Shymkiw excused himself from the discussion of Items 1108 and
1109 at 2:05 p.m. as he has a property in the immediate area.
1108 2013-082-DVP, 13260 236 Street
Staff report dated August 31, 2015 recommending that the Corporate Officer
be authorized to sign and seal 2013-082-DVP to increase maximum building
height, to increase maximum retaining wall heights and to reduce minimum
setbacks to the property line.
The Manager of Development and Environmental Services gave a Power Point
presentation providing the following information:
• Application Information
• Subject Map
• Neighbourhood Context
• Official Community Plan Context
• Site Characteristics
• Development Proposal
• Proposed Site Plan
• Proposed Elevation, Retaining Wall and Setback Variances
David Stoyko -Sharp & Diamond Landscape Architecture
Mr.Stoyko provided additional information on materials to be used for retaining walls
on the site. He provided clarification on the locations of the various retaining walls.
That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of September 8,
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1109 2013-082-DP, 13260 236 Street
Staff report dated August 31, 2015 recommending that the Corporate Officer
be authorized to sign and seal 2013-082-DP to permit development of a 61
unit townhouse project.:.
The Manager of Development and Environmental Services gave a Power Point
presentation providing the following information:
• Application Information
• Subject Map
• Neighbourhood Context
• Official Community Plan Context
• Site Characteristics
• Development Proposal
• Proposed Site Plan, Elevation Variances and Landscape Plan
• Various Building Elevations
• Colours and Materials
That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of September 8,
Note: Councillor Shymkiw returned to the meeting at 2:23 p.m.
1110 2015-257-SD, 12016 York Street, Stata Conversion
Staff report dated August 31, 2015 recommending that the issuance of a
Certificate of Approval for strata conversion of residential townhouse buildings
located at 12016 York Street be approved and that the Corporate Officer be
authorized to sign the Certificate of Approval.
The Planner 2 gave a Power Point presentation providing the following
• Application Information
• Subject Map
• Neighbourhood Context
• Official Community Plan Context
• Site Characteristics
• Development Proposal
• Evaluation Criteria
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He outlined the history of the heritage building.
That the ~taff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of September 8,
1111 2011-095-SD, 2% Money in Lieu of Parkland Dedication, 11219 243 Street
Staff report dated August 31, 2015 recommending that the owner of the
subject property pay an amount that is not less than $30,000.00
That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of September 8,
1112 2013-103-SD, 5% Money in Lieu of Parkland Dedication, 12366 Laity Street
Staff report dated August 31, 2015 recommending that the owner of the
subject property pay an amount that is not less than $37,500.00.
That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of September 8,
3. FINANCIAL AND CORPORATE SERVICES (including Fire and Police)
1131 Disbursements for the month ended July 31, 2015
Staff report dated August 31, 2015 recommending that the disbursements for
the month ended July 31, 2015 be received for information.
That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of September 8,
1132 2015 Council Expenses
Staff report dated August 31, 2015 providing updated Council expenses
recorded to the end of July for 2015.
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That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of September 8,
1l33 2016-2020 Financial Planniog Guidelines
Staff report dated August 31, 2015 recommending that staff be directed to
prepare the 2016-2020 Financial Plan, incorporating the Financial Plan
That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of September 8,
1134 2016 Permissive Tax Exemptions
Staff report dated August 31, 2015 recommending that Maple Ridge Tax
Exemption Bylaw No. 7170-2015 be given first, second and third readings.
The Manager of Accounting advised on the exemption for the Maple Ridge
Golf Course.
That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of September 8,
1135 Assurance Requirements -Downtown Parking Society
Staff report dated August 31, 2015 recommending that the agreement with
the Downtown Parking Society be amended to require a financial statement
audit once every five years with assurance achieved in intervening years
either through the work of City staff or through a review engagement, as
recommended by the Audit & Finance Committee.
That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of September 8,
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1136 Partnering Agreements, Employment Land Investment Incentive Program and
Town Centre Investment Incentive Program
Staff report dated August 31, 2015 recommending that the Corporate Officer
be authorized to execute Partl'!e~ing Agreements with Meridian Acquisitions
Ltd. under building permit number 15-107398 and Anmore Holdings Inc.
under building permit number 15-111021.
That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of September 8,
Councillor Robson -OPPOSED
7. ADJOURNMENT -2:36 p.m.
Chris Bossley
Ms. Bossley expressed concern over the issue of homelessness. She commended
Mayor and Council for actions taken with respect to the issue. She stated that she
felt the closing of the Salvation Army and opening of a new shelter were good moves
and asked why the temporary shelter will only be open for six months.
Mayor Read advised on the rationale behind having the temporary shelter open for
six months.
Eric Phillips
Mr. Phillips inquired as to what information was used for the vote passed by Council
pertaining to the defunding for the Caring Place.
Mayor Read provided background information and outlined the concerns which led to
the request by Council.
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Mr. Phillips asked whether the ESS was activated during the wind storm on August
29. He expressed concern that information he provided to the RCMP was not passed
onto the Operations Department as per his request and spoke to safety issues at an
intersection as a result of the storm. He commented that he did not see any
municipal vehicles in the area to rlea! w:th ;1ro b!em intP.rser.tions.
Mr. Phillips was advised that although the ESS was not activated, the City did have an
ongoing response. Staff will follow up on Mr. Phillip's concerns.
Heather Meisner
Ms. Meisner spoke to Item 1103. She expressed her concerns with the application
and outlined the drastic impact the proposed development will have on the lifestyle
of her family. She advised that she had. not been approached by the developer and
asked for assistance from the City in dealing with the developer and obtaining
answers to questions and concerns. She distributed her letter to Council.
Chris Bossley
Ms. Bossley recommended that the Housing First model be investigated with respect
to dealing with the homeless issue.
Mayor Read advised that the Housing First model is the crux of all discussion points
pertaining to the homeless issue.
~uncan, Acting Mayor
Presiding Member of the Committee