HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-11-16 Adopted Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes.pdfNovember 16, 2015
1:00 p.m.
Council Chamber
Elected Officials
Mayor N. Read
Councillor C. Bell
Councillor K. Duncan
Councillor B. Masse
Councillor G. Robson
Councillor T. Shymkiw
Councillor C. Speirs
City of Maple Ridge
Appointed Staff
F. Quinn, General Chief Administrative Officer/General
Manager Public Works and Development Services
K. Swift, General Manager of Community Development,
Parks and Recreation Services
P. Gill, General Manager Corporate and Financial Services
C. Carter, Director of Planning
C. Marlo, Manager of Legislative Services
Other Staff as Required
C. Goddard, Manager of Development and Environmental
A. Kopystynski, Planner 2
M. Baski, Planner 1
D. Denton, Property and Risk Manager
M. Pym, Environmental Technician
1.1 My Health, My Community
• Delaram Farshad, Community Health Specialist -Maple Ridge & Pitt
Meadows, Healthy Living/Healthier Communities
• Dr. Shovita Padhi, Medical Health Officer, Fraser Health
Ms. Farshad presented on behalf of Dr. Padhi. She gave a power point
presentation that provided an overview of the My Health, My Community
survey results.
Note: The following items have been numbered to correspond with the Council
Committee of the Whole Minutes
November 16, 2015
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1101 2015-279-RZ, 22833 122 Avenue, RS-1 to R-3
Staff report dated November 16, 2015 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone
Amending Bylaw No. 7182-2015 to rezone from RS-1 (One Family Urban
Residential) to R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) for subdivision into
three single family lots be given first reading and that the applicant provide
further information as described on Schedule B of the Development
Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999.
The Manager of Development and Environmental Services reviewed the
recommendation in the staff report.
That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of November 24,
Note: Councillor Duncan excused herself from discussion of Item 1102 at 1:33 p.m.
as her property is within a block of the application.
1102 2015-297-RZ, 11305 233 Street, 11383 and 11438 232 Street, 11428,
23020, 23025, 23054, 23060, 23075, 23089 and 23095 Lougheed
Highway, RS-3 to R-2, RM-1 and C-1
Staff report dated November 16, 2015 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone
Amending Bylaw No. 7183-2015 to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural
Residential) to R-2 (Urban Residential District), RM-1 (Townhouse Residential)
and C-1 (Neighbourhood Commercial) be given first reading and that the
applicant provide a voluntary community amenity contribution and further
information as described on Schedules A, B, C, D, F and G of the Development
Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999.
A. Kopystynski gave a Power Point presentation providing the following
• Application Information
• Subject Map
• Neighbourhood Context
• Official Community Plan Context
• Site Characteristics
• Development Proposal
• Considerations
• Proposal
• Recommendation in staff report
Committee of tl1e Whole Minutes
November 16, 2015
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Ryan Lucy, Morningstar Homes: Maginnis Cocivera, Polygon Homes
Mr. Lucy presented further information on the single-family residential
component of the development. Mr. Cocivera presented details of the multi-
family component of the development and the benefits to be realized from the
development to Maple Ridge.
That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of November 24,
Councillor Robson -OPPOSED
Note: Councillor Duncan returned to the meeting at 1:58 p.m.
1103 2014-104-RZ, 23050 136 Avenue, R-1 and R-3 to R-2
Staff report dated November 16, 2015 recommending that Maple Ridge
Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7167-2015 to designate land
adjacent to proposed Lot 8 from Eco Clusters to Conservation be given first
and second hearings and be forwarded to Public Hearing and that Maple
Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7124-2014 to rezone from R-1 (Residential
District) and R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) to R-2 (Urban
Residential District) to permit a future subdivision of 12 lots be given second
reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing.
The Manager of Development and Environmental Services reviewed the
recommendation in the staff report.
That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of November 24,
1104 2015-283-RZ, 14160 and 14170 256 Street, Site Specific Text Amendment
Staff report dated November 16, 2015 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone
Amending Bylaw No. 7177-2015 to permit the cleaning of low hazard
transformers and the storage and minor processing of hydrocarbons be given
first and second readings and be forwarded to Public Hearing.
Committee of the Whole Minutes
November 16, 2015
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The Manager of Development and Environmental Services gave a Power Point
presentation providing the following information:
• Application Information
• Subject Map
• Neighbourhood Context
• Official Community Plan Context
• Site Characteristics
• Development Proposal
• Recommendation in staff report
Glen Froese, CHP Architects
Mr. Froese provided details of the process to clean the transformers and
dispose of the effluent.
That the staff report be deferred to an appropriate meeting to receive
information on the ownership of the business, potential risk to the community,
transferability of the business licence and the definition of M5 zoning.
Note: Councillor Speirs left the meeting at 2:29 p.m.
1105 2012-013-RZ, 24152 112 Avenue, RS-3 to RS-1b and P-1, Update Report
Staff report dated November 16, 2015 recommending that Maple Ridge
Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7040-2013 to designate from Institutional
and Low Density Residential to Low/Medium Density Residential and Park
and to adjust the conservation area be given first and second reading and be
forwarded to Public Hearing and that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No.
7041-2013 to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-1b (One
Family Urban [Medium Density] Residential) and P-1 (Park and School) to
allow for future subdivision into approximately 25 lots and a neighbourhood
park using the Density Bonus option be given second reading as amended
and be forwarded to Public Hearing.
M. Baski, Planne r reviewed th e recommendation in th e staff repo rt.
That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of November 24,
Committee of the Whole Minutes
November 16, 2015
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1106 2013-041-SD, 20738 123 Avenue, Local Area Service
Staff report dated November 16, 2015 recommending that West Ridge Local
Area Service Bylaw No. 7166-2015 to allow for enhanced landscape
maintenance of road bioswales and two rain gardens be given first, second
and third readings.
The Manager of Development and Environmental Services reviewed the
recommendation in the staff report.
That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of November 24,
1107 2012-119-RZ, 24108 104 Avenue and 10336 240A Street, First One Year
Staff report dated November 16, 2015 recommending that a first one year
extension be granted for Application 2012-119-RZ to permit 97 townhouse
units under the RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) zone.
The Manager of Development and Environmental Services reviewed the
recommendation in the staff report.
That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of November 24,
1108 2014-012-RZ, 24263 112 Avenue and 24295 112 Avenue, First One Year
Staff report dated November 16, 2015 recommending that a first one year
extension be granted for Application 2014-012-RZ to allow for future
subdivision of approximately 12 single family lots.
M. Baski, Planner reviewed the recommendations in the staff report.
That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of November 24,
Committee of the Whole Minutes
November 16, 2015
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1109 2014-024-RZ, 24990 110 Avenue, First One Year Extension
Staff report dated November 16, 2015 recommending that a first one year
extension be granted for Application 2014-024-RZ to permit future
subdivision into 5 single family lots under the RS-lb (One Family Urban
[Medium Density] Residential) zone.
The Manager of Development and Environmental Services reviewed the
recommendations in the staff report.
Note: Councillor Duncan left the meeting at 2:46 p.m.
That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of November 24,
1110 2011-089-DP, 22309, 22319 and 22331 St. Anne Avenue
Staff report dated November 16, 2015 recommending that the Corporate
Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2011-089-DP to govern form and
character of a proposed apartment building and site landscaping.
A. Kopystynski, Planner, reviewed the recommendation in the staff report.
That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of November 24,
Note: Councillor Duncan returned to the meeting at 2:50 p.m.
1111 2015-287-DP, 22309, 22319 and 22331 St. Anne Avenue
Staff report dated November 16, 2015 recommending that the Corporate
Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2015-287-DP to govern the
conservation works for the Morse/Turnock Residence.
That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of November 24,
Committee of the Whole Minutes
November 16, 2015
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1112 2015-151-SP, 9842 264 Street, Soil Deposit Permit
Staff report dated November 16, 2015 recommending that Application 2015-
151-SP for a fill permit to improve agricultural utilization of the property be
approved and be forwarded to the Agricultural Land Commission.
The Manager of Development and Environmental Services gave a Power Point
presentation providing the following information:
• Application Information
• Subject Map
• Development Proposal
• Site Characteristics
• Recommendation in staff report
The Environmental Technician provided information on the City's procedures
for oversight of soil deposit permits.
That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of November 24,
1113 Ridge Brewing Company Ltd. Liquor License Amendment Application -
Brewery Lounge Endorsement
Staff report dated November 16, 2015 recommending that the application by
Ridge Brewing Company Ltd . for a brewery lounge endorsement not be
supported and that a copy of the resolution be forwarded to the Liquor Control
and Licensing Branch.
That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of November 24,
3. FINANCIAL ANO CORPORA TE SERVICES (including Fire and Police)
1131 Proposed Cellular Tower at Golden Ears Park
Staff report dated November 16, 2015 recommending that satisfactory
completion of the public consultation process by Rogers Communications Inc.
be acknowledged and that there were no objections to the proposed cellular
communications tower for Golden Ears Park.
Committee of the Whole Minutes
November 16, 2015
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The Property and Risk Manager provided an overview of the report.
That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of November 24,
1132 Disbursements for the month ended October 31, 2015
Staff report dated November 16, 2015 recommending that the disbursements
for the month ended October 31, 2015 be received for information.
That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of November 24,
1133 2015 Council Expenses
Staff report dated November 16, 2015 providing on update on Council
expenses to the end of October for 2015.
That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of November 24,
1134 Adjustments to 2015 Collector's Rolls
Staff report dated November 16, 2015 submitting information on changes to
the 2015 Collector's Roll through the issuance of Supplementary Rolls 7 and
That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of November 24,
Committee of the Whole Minutes
November 16, 2015
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7. ADJOURNMENT -3:07 p.m.
Allen Lees
Mr. Lees sought clarification of comments at Workshop concerning protection
of trees on Shady Lane. He asked whether the heritage trees and the City
trees on Shady Lane are protected. The Manager of Development and
Environmental Services explained that the trees are protected.
Ms. Lees also sought clarification of a comment that a section of the bylaw
would be challengeable in court. He indicated that his research has not
shown any court challenges.
T. r
Presiding Member of the Committee