HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-03-14 Adopted Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes.pdfMarch 14, 2016 1:00 p.m. Council Chamber PRESENT Elected Officials Mayor N. Read Councillor C. Bell Councillor K. Duncan Councillor B. Masse Councillor G. Robson Councillor T. Shymkiw Councillor C. Speirs GUEST K. Day, Executive Director, Ridge- Meadows Recycling City of Maple Ridge COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING MINUTES Appointed Staff E.C. Swabey, Chief Administrative Officer K. Swift, General Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services P. Gill, General Manager Corporate and Financial Services F. Quinn, General Manager Public Works and Development Services C. Carter, Director of Planning C. Marlo, Manager of Legislative Services Other Staff as Required D. Pollock, Municipal Engineer P. Frederick, Recreation Coordinator, Leisure Access D. Olivieri, Administrative Assistant C. Goddard, Manager of Development and Environmental Services Note: Mayor Read was not in attendance at the start of the meeting. 1. DELEGATIONS/STAFF PRESENTATIONS -Nil 2. PUBLIC WORKS AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Note: The following items have been numbered to correspond with the Council Agenda: 1101 2016-044-AL, 12725 Laity Street, Non-Farm Use Report Staff report dated March 14, 2016 recommending that Application 2016-044- AL for a second dwelling to accommodate accessory farm help be forwarded to the Agricultural Land Commission. Committee of the Whole Minutes March 14, 2016 Page 2 of 7 RECOMMENDATION That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of April 12, 2016. 1102 2013-085-RZ, 23154 136 Avenue, RS-3 to R-2 Staff report dated March 14, 2016 recommending that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7028-2013 to revise the Eco-Cluster and Conservation land use boundaries and the location of a multi-purpose trail be given first and second readings and that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7029-2013 to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to R-2 (Urban Residential District) to permit a subdivision of approximately 27 lots be given second reading. The Manager of Development and Environmental Services gave a Power Point presentation providing the following information: • Application Information • Development Proposal • Subject Map • Official Community Plan Context • Neighbourhood Context • Site Characteristics • Proposed Subdivision Plan • Existing House Survey Plan • Road Width Variances • Context Map with Road Connections • Recommendations in staff report RECOMMENDATION That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of April 12, 2016. 1103 2015-350-RZ, 24341112 Avenue, RS-2 to RS-1b Staff report dated March 14, 2016 recommending that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7227-2016 to adjust area designated Urban Residential be given first and second reading and that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7197-2015 to rezone from RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) to RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) to permit a future subdivision of approximately 9 lots be given second reading. Committee of tile Whole Minutes Marcil 14, 2016 Page 3 of 7 RECOMMENDATION That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of April 12, 2016. Note: Item 1104 was deferred from the March 7, 2016 Committee of the Whole Meeting 1104 Award of Contract, Recycling Trucks Staff report dated March 7, 2016 recommending that Request for Proposal (RFP-0P15-70) for replacement of recycling trucks be collapsed and that a new Request for Proposal be issued for supply of up to six recycling trucks, suitable for curbside collection, for a minimum two-year lease. The Municipal Engineer and the Executive Director of the Ridge Meadows Recycling Society gave a Power Point presentation providing information on the City's recycling program. Note: Mayor Read joined the meeting at 1:20 p.m. RECOMMENDATION That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of April 12, 2016. 3. FINANCIAL AND CORPORATE SERVICES (including Fire and Police) 1131 Disbursements for the month ended February 29, 2016 Staff report dated March 14, 2016 recommending that the disbursements for the month ended February 29, 2016 be received for information. RECOMMENDATION That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of April 12, 2016. 1132 2016 Council Expenses Staff report dated March 14, 2016 providing on update on Council expenses to the end of February 2016 and the end of December 2015. RECOMMENDATION That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of April 12, 2016. Committee of the Whole Minutes March 14, 2016 Page 4 of 7 1133 2016 Tax Rates Bylaws -Maple Ridge Road 13 Dyking District and Albion Dyking District Staff report dated Mr=i rch 14, .201.6 recommending that Maple Ridge Road 13 Dyking District Tax Rates Bylaw No. 7230-2016 be given first, second and third readings and that Albion Dyking District Tax Rates Bylaw No. 7231-2016 be given first, second and third readings. The Manager of Legislative Services reviewed the staff report. RECOMMENDATION That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of April 12, 2016. Councillor Robson -OPPOSED 4. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND RECREATION SERVICES 1151 Age Friendly Action Plan Staff report dated March 14, 2016 recommending that the Age Friendly Initiatives Action Plan for the purpose of applying for Age Friendly Community Status be approved. The Recreation Coordinator reviewed the staff report. RECOMMENDATION That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of April 12, 2016. 5. ADMINISTRATION 1171 Partnering Agreement -Employment Land Investment Incentive Program Staff report dated March 14, 2016 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute a Partnering Agreement to MCF Holdings and MDZ Holdings Ltd. The Administrative Assistant gave a Power Point presentation summarizing the staff report. Committee of tile Whole Minutes Marcil 14, 2016 Page 5 of 7 RECOMMENDATION That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of April 12, 2016. 6. CORRESPONDENCE -Nil 7. OTHER ISSUES -Nil 8. ADJOURNMENT -2:02 p.m. 9. COMMUNITY FORUM Rhonda Murray Ms. Murray asked how Council determined that the majority of the community supports a shelter and the Quality Inn as a supportive housing project. She stated that Council has seen a previous petition against the temporary shelter and asked whether Council was aware of current petitions against the proposed use of the Quality Inn as a shelter. Ms. Murray spoke to public sentiment over lack of inclusion in decisions being made. She urged Council to consider their constituents, provide more information and include all in the process. Kim Engele Ms. Engele referred to a resolution passed by Council with respect to BC Housing and a purpose built housing site to be provided by the municipality. She asked where such a facility will be located and what its purpose will be. She expressed concern with the mixed information available. She asked whether or not Council will consider reconsider its decision. A Power Point previously shown at the Council Workshop meeting was provided. Mayor Read explained the process and discussions with BC Housing on the extension of the temporary shelter and the proposed use of the Quality Inn. Kim Engele Ms. Engele reiterated her question as to whether or not Mayor and Council are prepared to reconsider their decision. Committee of the Whole Minutes March 14, 2016 Page 6 of 7 Judy Dueck Ms. Dueck expressed concern with the lack of information for the public and indicated that it would serve Council well to have an information meeting where residents have a question and answer session. She referred to the timeline ;.irP.sP.nt.ed in the Power Point and expressed concern thrit if thP. Q11ality Inn were purchased by BC Housing prior to rezoning, the likelihood of changing anyone's mind would be slim. She asked whether the discussion pertaining to the shelter and the Quality Inn at the morning Council Workshop had been added to the agenda. Mayor Read indicated that the item had been added at the meeting. Ms. Dueck expressed that she is hearing from the community, particularly the business community, that they want a voice in the process. She again encouraged Council to hold a public information session. Pam Banks Ms. Banks spoke to needs assessments done by service workers on Cliff Avenue to determine the needs of the people in the camp prior to moving people into the temporary shelter and that these assessments were done in order to provide services for these individuals so that the shelter could close at the end of March with no extensions. She expressed concern with the proposal to open another shelter down the road from the first and move shelter residents there. She asked how long residents will stay at the new shelter. Ms. Banks referred to problems encountered by the residents of Cliff Avenue when the homeless camp was on Cliff Avenue and indicated that the same issues are ongoing. She expressed that she is upset with the Quality Inn proposal and asked when all this will stop and when residents will get their community back. Mayor Read addressed the question on timing and the vulnerability assessment done as per BC Housing prior to moving campers into the temporary shelter. Ms. Banks encouraged community discussion. Chair Duncan advised that Council will be working with BC Housing to ensure a forum where questions will be answered. Juan Rahm Mr. Rahm referred to the statement that 30-40 residents remain at the current shelter and asked why a building with 61 units is proposed for purchase. Mayor Read advised that this question was asked of BC Housing who indicated that there are individuals who aren't in the shelter who require support. Committee of the Whole Minutes March 14, 2016 Page 7 of 7 Mr. Rahm expressed concern that many of the people who are on the streets are not from Maple Ridge. He indicated that he had spoken with numerous persons at another camp who had come to Maple Ridge from other communities. He personally fel\ mor~ 9cceptine; of the 11urchase of a smaller building with less units. Rhonda Murray Ms. Murray asked Council for a commitment for an open community forum, separate from BC Housing, which is not so time limited to allow Council to hear from citizens directly and engage in discussion. Chair Duncan advised that Council will be working with BC Housing to ensure that their public information session is properly done. Ms. Murray clarified that she would like a commitment from Council for a community forum separate from BC Housing to provide an opportunity for citizens and people who work in Maple Ridge to express their views. Mayor Read advised that Council will work to ensure all necessary experts and partners are at the public information session to be held by BC Housing. ~_?uncan, Chair PresidingMember of the Committee