HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-02-19 Adopted Committee of the Whole Minutes.pdfCity of Maple Ridge COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING MINUTES February 19, 2019 1:30 p.m. Council Chamber PRESENT Elected Officials Mayor M. Morden Councillor J. Dueck Councillor K. Duncan Councillor C. Meadus Councillor R. Svendsen Councillor A. Yousef ABSENT: Councillor Robson Appointed Staff K.Swift, Acting Chief Administrative Officer, General Manager, Parks, Recreation and Community Engagement F. Quinn, General Manager Public Works and Development Services L. Benson, Director of Corporate Administration T. Thompson, Chief Financial Officer Other Staff as Required C. Goddard, Manager of Development and Environmental Services B. Elliott, Manager of Community Planning A. Kopystynski, Planner 2, Development and Environmental Services D. Boag, Director of Parks and Facilities D. Pope, Director of Recreation and Community Engagement Y. Chui, Recreation Manager, Arts and Community Connections *Councillor Duncan joined the meeting at 1:46p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER Councillor Judy Dueck, Presiding Member, called the meeting to order at 1:35 pm. The Corporate Officer advised on the procedural rules for the meeting. Committee of the Whole Minutes February 19, 2019 Page 2 of 5 2. ADOPTION AND RECEIPT OF MINUTES 2.1 Minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting of February 5, 2019 It was moved and seconded That the minutes of the February 5, 2019 Committee of the Whole Meeting be adopted. CARRIED 4. PUBLIC WORKS AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 1101 2013-087-RZ, 23500 and 23550 Larch Avenue, RS-3 and RS-2 to RM-1 and P-1 Staff report dated February 19, 2019 recommending that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7526-2018 to establish a defined boundary between the portion of the site to be developed and the portion proposed to be developed as neighborhood park to the west be given first and second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing and that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7068-2018 to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) and RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) and P-1 (Park and School) to allow future development of approximately 19 townhouses with 0.53 ha (1.3 acres) allocated for a future neighborhood park and conservation lands be given second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing. A. Kopystynski, Planner 2, Development and Environmental Services, provided background on the application advising that this application has been ongoing for quite some time and was previously deferred to allow staff time to work with the applicant relative to various parks issues. Those have been dealt with. He gave a Power Point presentation including the following information: • Applicant Information • Subject Map • Official Community Plan Context • Neighbourhood Plan Context • Site Characteristics • Development Proposal • Proposed Site Plan • Site Cross Sections and Elevations • Parking • Landscape Plan • Front/Back Yard Elevations • Terms and Conditions Committee of the Whole Minutes February 19, 2019 Page 3 of 5 Staff answered questions relative to the tandem parking and the possibility of extending aprons to all units to accommodate all resident vehicles. It was moved and seconded That the staff report dated February 19, 2019 titled "First and Second Reading, Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7526-2018; Second Reading, Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7068-2014 23500 and 23550 Larch Avenue" be forwarded to the Council Meeting of February 26, 2019. CARRIED 1102 2016-109-DVP, 21137 River Road Staff report dated February 19, 2019 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2016-109-DVP respecting property located at 21137 River Road. It was moved and seconded That the staff report dated February 19, 2019 titled "Development Variance Permit 21137 River Road" in relation to permit number 2016-109-DVP be forwarded to the Council Meeting of February 26, 2019. CARRIED 1103 2018-448-RZ, 12061 Laity Street, Maple Ridge Heritage Designation and Revitalization and Tax Exemption Agreement Bylaw Staff report dated February 19, 2019 recommending that Maple Ridge Heritage Designation and Revitalization and Tax Exemption Agreement Bylaw No. 7532- 2019 be given first reading and that the applicant provide further information as described on Schedule D of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879- 1999 and Schedules Band C of the Maple Ridge Heritage Procedures Bylaw No. 6951-2012. A. Kopystynski, Planner 2, Development and Environmental Services; gave a Power Point presentation including the following information: • Applicant Information • Subject Map • Official Community Plan Context • Neighbourhood Plan Context • Site Characteristics • Development Proposal • Gillespie Residence History • Proposed Site Pian Committee of the Whole Minutes February 19, 2019 Page 4 of 5 • Building Elevations and Views • Terms and Conditions Staff answered questions relative to whether this type of application had been before Council in the past where there is only one access into the property from the street. It was moved and seconded That the staff report dated February 19, 2019 titled "First Reading, Maple Ridge Heritage Designation and Revitalization and Tax Exemption Agreement Bylaw No. 7532-2019, 12061 Laity Street" be forwarded to the Council Meeting of February 26, 2019. CARRIED 5. CORPORATE SERVICES -Nil 6. PARKS, RECREA T/ON & CULTURE 1151 Festival Grant Program Recommendations -Intake One Staff report dated February 19, 2019 recommending that festival support allocations totaling $77,120 for events taking place between May 1 and October 31, 2019 as outlined in Attachment A of this report titled "Festival Grant Program Summary Chart -Intake One 2019" be approved. Y. Chui, Recreation Manager, Arts and Community Connections, provided background and statistical information relative to festivals and the two grant application opportunities the City hosts. She spoke to the opportunity to expand existing festivals and festival season to year round. Ms. Chui answered questions from Council relative to budget, festival locations and public safety. It was moved and seconded That the staff report dated February 19, 2019 titled "Festival Grant Program Recommendations -Intake One" be forwarded to the Council Meeting of February 26, 2019. CARRIED 1152 Region View Lease Renewal Staff report dated February 19, 2019 recommending that the lease renewal request from Region View Recreation Services be approved on the same terms Committee of the Whole Minutes February 19, 2019 Page 5 of 5 and conditions as the original lease agreement, which includes a rate that is the greater of $120,000 per annum or 20% of gross revenue. It was moved and seconded That the staff report dated February 19, 2019 titled "Region View Lease Renewal" be forwarded to the Council Meeting of February 26, 2019. CARRIED 7. ADMINISTRATION (including Fire and Police) -Nil 8. OTHER COMMITTEE ISSUES -Nil 9. ADJOURNMENT 1:59 p.m. C ueck Pres, ing Member of the Committee