HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-01-22 Adopted Regular Council Meeting Minutes.pdfDistrict of Maple Ridge COUNCIL MEETING January 22, 2008 The Minutes of the Municipal Council Meeting held on January 22, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of the Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia for the purpose of transacting regular Municipal business. PRESENT Elected Officials Mayor G. Robson Councillor E. Daykin Councillor J. Dueck Councillor A. Hogarth Councillor L. King Councillor C. Speirs Councillor K. Stewart Appointed Staff J. Rule, Chief Administrative Officer M. Murray, General Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services P. Gill, General Manager Corporate and Financial Services F. Quinn, General Manager Public Works and Development Services J. Pickering, Director of Planning C. Marlo, Manager of Legislative Services A. Gaunt, Confidential Secretary Note: These Minutes are also posted on the Municipal Web Site at www.mapleridge.ca The meeting was filmed by Shaw Communications Inc. 100 CALL TO ORDER 200 OPENING PRAYERS Pastor Henry Kriete, Open Door Church 300 INTRODUCTION OF ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS 400 APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA The agenda was approved with the following amendment: Item 1103 Withdrawn Council Minutes January 22, 2008 Page 2 of 13 500 ADOPTION AND RECEIPT OF MINUTES 501 Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of December 18, 2007 R/08-011 501 Minutes Council It was moved and seconded December 18,2007 That the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of December 18, 2007 be adopted as circulated 502 Minutes of the Public Hearing of January 15, 2008 R/08-012 502 Minutes Public Hearing January 15, 2008 It was moved and seconded CARRIED That the minutes of the Public Hearing of January 15, 2008 be received . 503 Minutes of the Development Agreements Committee Meetings of December 17 and 19, 2007 and January 2(4), 3, and 11, 2008 R/08-013 503 Minutes Development Agmts It was moved and seconded Committee CARRIED That the minutes of the Development Agreements Committee Meetings of December 17 and 19, 2007 and January 2(4), 3, and 11, 2008 be received. CARRIED 600 PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL -Nil Council Minutes January 22, 2008 Page 3 of 13 700 DELEGATIONS 701 Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Arts Council -Roger Welch, President, Board of Directors and Jennifer Shaver, Marketing & Events Manager Ms. Shaver gave a PowerPoint presentation highlighting the activities of the Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Arts Council during the 2006/2007 season. Mr. Welch provided details on the ACT's 5th Anniversary Gala to be held on May 10th. 800 UNFINISHED BUSINESS -Nil 900 CORRESPONDENCE -Nil 1000 BY-LAWS Note: Items 1001 to 1001.2 are from the Public Hearing of January 15, 2008 Bylaws for Second and Third Reading 1001 RZ/030/07, 12367 224 Street 1001.1 Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6522-2007 To amend the conservation boundary. Second and third readings R/08-014 RZ/030/07 BL No. 6522-2007 It was moved and seconded Second and third That Bylaw No. 6522-2007 be given second and third readings. CARRIED 1001.2 Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6523-2007 To rezone from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) to permit a 33 unit stacked townhouse development. Second and third readings Council Minutes January 22, 2008 Page 4 of 13 R/08-015 RZ/030/07 BL No. 6523-2007 It was moved and seconded Second and third That Bylaw No. 6523-2007 be given second and third readings. CARRIED Bylaws for Final Reading 1002 RZ/062/07, 23045 117 Avenue Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6517-2007 Staff report dated December 31, 2007 recommending final reading. To rezone from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to R-1 (Residential District) to permit subdivision into 2 lots. Final reading R/08-016 RZ/062/07 BL No. 6517-2007 It was moved and seconded Final reading That Bylaw No. 6517-2007 be adopted. CARRIED Note: Councillor Speirs excused himself from the meeting as he is employed in the liquor service industry. 1003 RZ/061/07, 20690 Lougheed Highway and 11839 207 Street Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6510-2007 Staff report dated January 11, 2008 recommending final reading. To rezone from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) and CS-1 (Service Residential) to C-2 (Community Commercial) to permit a commercial complex containing a liquor store, pub and commercial space. Final reading R/08-017 RZ/061/07 BL No. 6510-2007 It was moved and seconded Final reading That Bylaw No. 6510-2007 be adopted. Note: Councillor Speirs returned to the meeting. CARRIED Council Minutes January 22, 2008 Page 5 of 13 1004 RZ/049/07, 12931 Alouette Road, 12891 Alouette Road Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6518-2007 Staff report dated January 11, 2008 recommending that Bylaw No. 6518- 2007 not be adopted. To amend the conservation area. Final reading R/08-018 RZ/049/07 BL No. 6518-2007 It was moved and seconded Final reading That Bylaw No. 6518-2007 not be adopted. COMMITTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1100 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Minutes -January 14, 2008 R/08-019 Minutes -COW January 14, 2007 It was moved and seconded CARRIED That the minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting of January 14, 2007 be received. CARRIED Public Works and Development Services 1101 RZ/083/06, 28461 Dewdney Trunk Road, A-2 to A-1 Staff report dated December 21, 2007 recommending that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6536-2007 and Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6447-2006 to permit a seven lot subdivision be given first reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing. R/08-020 RZ/083/06 BL No. 6536-2007 It was moved and seconded BL No. 644 7-2006 First reading 1. That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6536-2007 be given first reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing; Council Minutes January 22, 2008 Page 6 of 13 2. That in accordance with Section 879 of the Local Government Act opportunity for early and on-going consultation has been provided by way of posting Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6536-2007 on the municipal website, and Council considers it unnecessary to provide any further consultation opportunities, except by way of holding a public hearing on the bylaw; 3. That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6536-2007 be considered in conjunction with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 4. That it be confirmed that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6536-2007 is consistent with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 5. That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6447-2006 be given first reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing; and 6. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: i) Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement including the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement; ii) Amendment to Schedule "B" & "C" of the Official Community Plan; iii) Road dedication as required; iv) Registration of a Section 219 Covenant for flood control; v) Removal of the existing buildings within the proposed park and covenant areas; vi) Registration of a Section 219 Covenant for watercourse protection; vii) Park dedication as required. CARRIED Mayor Robson, Councillor King, Councillor Speirs -OPPOSED 1102 RZ/101/06, 12250 McNutt Road, RS-3 to RS-2 Staff report dated January 2, 2008 recommending that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6540-2007 and Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6541-2007 to permit a 2 lot subdivision be given first reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing. Council Minutes January 22, 2008 Page 7 of 13 R/08-021 RZ/101/06 BL No. 6540-2007 It was moved and seconded BL No. 6541-2007 First reading 1. That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6540-2007 be given first reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing; 2. That in accordance with Section 879 of the Local Government Act, opportunity for early and on-going consultation has been provided by way of posting Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6540-2007 on the municipal website, and Council considers it unnecessary to provide any further consultation opportunities, except by way of holding a public hearing on the bylaw; 3. That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6540-2007 be considered in conjunction with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 4. That it be confirmed that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6540-2007 is consistent with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 5. That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6541-2007 be given first reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing; and 6. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: i) Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement including the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement; ii) Amendment to Schedule "B" & "C" of the Official Community Plan; iii) Section 9 Notification to the Ministry of Environment for Changes In and About a Stream; iv) Approval from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans; v) Registration of a Section 219 Covenant for Flood Protection; Council Minutes January 22, 2008 Page 8 of 13 vi) Relocation of servicing to the proposed panhandle portion of the property to ensure that they do not encroach into park land; vii) Park dedication as required. CARRIED Mayor Robson, Councillor King, Councillor Speirs -OPPOSED Note: Item 1103 was withdrawn from the agenda. 1103 DP/DVP/061/07, 20690 Lougheed Highway and 11839 207 Street Staff report dated December 31, 2007 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DVP/061/07 to vary building height, second storey area, front lot line setback and rear yard setback and further that, the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DP/061/07 in support of a commercial complex containing a liquor store, pub and commercial space. 1104 Local Area Service, 267 Street between 118 Avenue & Dewdney Trunk Road Staff report dated December 21, 2007 recommending that staff prepare a bylaw to establish a Local Area Service to provide water service to 12 lots on 267 Street between 118 Avenue and Dewdney Trunk Road and to amend to capital program to provide for the construction of the water main. The General Manager, Public Works and Development Services advised that Water Local Improvements and Sewer Local Improvements are based on one connection per property and current conditions. R/08-022 Local Area Service 267 Street It was moved and seconded That staff be authorized to prepare a bylaw to establish a Local Area Service to provide water service to 12 lots on 267 Street between 118 Avenue and Dewdney Trunk Road; and further That the capital program be amended to provide for the construction of the water main. CARRIED Council Minutes January 22, 2008 Page 9 of 13 Financial and Corporate Services (including Fire and Police) 1131 Disbursements for the month ended November 30, 2007 Staff report dated December 17, 2007 recommending that the disbursements for November 2007 be approved. R/08-023 Disbursements November 30, 2007 It was moved and seconded That the disbursements as listed below for the month ended November 30, 2007 now be approved. General Payroll Purchase Card $5,350,493. $1,130,638. $ 94,358. $6,575,489. CARRIED 1132 Disbursements for the month ended December 31, 2007 Staff report dated January 8, 2008 recommending that the disbursements for December 2007 be approved. R/08-024 Disbursements December 31, 2007 It was moved and seconded That the disbursements as listed below for the month ended December 31, 2007 now be approved. General Payroll Purchase Card $6,459,837. $1,282,282 $ 90,593. $7,832,712. CARRIED Council Minutes January 22, 2008 Page 10 of 13 Note: Item 1133 is submitted for information only. 1133 Adjustments to the 2007 Collector's Roll Staff reports dated December 17 and 27, 2007 submitting information on changes to the 2007 Collector's Roll through the issuance of Supplementary Rolls 10/2007 and 11/2007. 1134 Sewer, Water and Recycling Amending Bylaws Staff report dated January 8, 2008 recommending: 1134.1 Maple Ridge Sewer Rate Amending Bylaw No. 6537-2007 That Maple Ridge Sewer Rate Amending Bylaw No. 6537-2007 be given three readings. R/08-025 BL No. 6537-2007 Three readings It was moved and seconded That Bylaw No. 6537-2007 be given first, second and third readings. CARRIED 1134.2 Maple Ridge Water Service Amending Bylaw No. 6521-2007 That Maple Ridge Water Service Amending Bylaw No. 6521-2007 be given three readings. R/08-026 BL No. 6521-2007 Three readings It was moved and seconded That Bylaw No. 6521-2007 be given first, second and third readings. CARRIED Council Minutes January 22, 2008 Page 11 of 13 1134.3 Maple Ridge Recycling Charges Amending Bylaw No. 6538-2007 That Maple Ridge Recycling Charges Amending Bylaw No. 6538-2007 be given three readings. R/08-027 BL No. 6538-2007 Three readings It was moved and seconded That Bylaw No. 6538-2007 be given first, second and third readings. CARRIED 1135 Door-to-Door Soliciting Staff report dated December 19, 2007 recommending the request of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of B.C. and Yukon for permission to canvass door-to-door during the month of February 2008 be approved. R/08-028 Heart and Stroke Foundation February 2008 It was moved and seconded That the request of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of B.C. and Yukon for permission to canvass door-to-door during the month of February 2008 be approved. CARRIED Community Development and Recreation Service -Nil Correspondence -Nil Other Committee Issues -Nil 1200 STAFF REPORTS -Nil Council Minutes January 22, 2008 Page 12 of 13 1300 1400 1500 RELEASE OF ITEMS FROM CLOSED COUNCIL Remediation of Municipal Lands -Jackson Road at 103 Avenue (from the January 14, 2008 Closed Council Meeting) The Manager of Legislative Services advised that Item 1300 dealt with the approval of a Section 219 covenant prohibiting the use or construction of water wells in an specific area off Jackson Road at 103 Avenue. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Robson advised that he would provide an update on Council accomplishments and plans for the final year of this term at an upcoming Council meeting. The Mayor expressed his thoughts on the passing away of Dr. Hugh Morse and expressed condolences to the Morse family. COUNCILLORS' REPORTS Councillor Hogarth Councillor Hogarth attended a Municipal Advisory Committee for Accessibility Issues meeting. He expressed condolences and sympathy to the family of Dr . Hugh Morse. Councillor Dueck Councillor Dueck attended a Fraser Health Municipal Government Advisory Committee meeting and a Social Planning Advisory Committee meeting. She also attended a meeting including Maple Ridge Treatment Centre representatives, Randy Hawes, MLA and RCMP Inspector Jim Wakely. Councillor Dueck paid her respects to the late Dr. Hugh Morse and expressed her condolences to the family. Councillor Daykin Councillor Daykin attended a Fraser Basin Council flood forum and a meeting of the Metro Vancouver Waste Management Committee. He spoke about the late Dr. Hugh Morse and added his condolences. Councillor Stewart Councillor Stewart attended a meeting with RCMP Inspector Jim Wakely. He also reported that the Alouette River Flood Management Task Force will be holding a public meeting on February 13. Councillor Stewart expressed his regret at having been unable to attend the memorial of Dr. Hugh Morse as well as that of Mr. Tom Charters. Council Minutes January 22, 2008 Page 13 of 13 Councillor Speirs Councillor Speirs attended the Kanaka Education and Environmental Partnership Society Annual General meeting. He attended a Community Heritage Committee meeting and also had several meetings with SPCA volunteers and management. Councillor Speirs expressed his condolences for the loss of Dr. Hugh Morse and Mrs. Sadie Brayford. Councillor King Councillor King attended a Social Planning Advisory Committee meeting and a Bicycle Advisory Committee meeting. She spoke to the late Dr. Hugh Morse's contributions to the community and gave her condolences to his family members. 1600 OTHER MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT-Nil 1700 NOTICES OF MOTION AND MATTERS FOR FUTURE MEETINGS -Nil 1800 QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC -Nil 1900 ADJOURNMENT -7:56 p.m. Certified Correct C. Marlo, Corporate Officer