HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-03-11 Adopted Regular Council Meeting Minutes.pdfDistrict of Maple Ridge COUNCIL MEETING March 11, 2008 The Minutes of the Municipal Council Meeting held on March 11, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of the Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia for the purpose of transacting regular Municipal business. PRESENT Elected Officials Mayor G. Robson Councillor E. Daykin Councillor J. Dueck Councillor A. Hogarth Councillor L. King Councillor C. Speirs Councillor K. Stewart Appointed Staff J. Rule, Chief Administrative Officer M. Murray, General Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services P. Gill, General Manager Corporate and Financial Services F. Quinn, General Manager Public Works and Development Services J. Pickering, Director of Planning C. Marlo, Manager of Legislative Services A. Gaunt, Confidential Secretary Note: These Minutes are also posted on the Municipal Web Site at www.mapleridge.ca The meeting was filmed by Shaw Communications Inc. 100 CALL TO ORDER 200 OPENING PRAYERS 300 INTRODUCTION OF ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS 601 Whonnock Lake Update Council Minutes March 11, 2008 Page 2 of 10 400 APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA The agenda was adopted with the following amendments: Addition of Item 601 Whonnock Lake Update Deferral of Item 1103 to the March 25, 2008 Council Meeting 500 ADOPTION AND RECEIPT OF MINUTES 501 Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of February 26, 2008 R/08-093 501 Minutes Council It was moved and seconded February 26, 2008 That the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of February 26, 2008 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED 502 Minutes of the Development Agreements Committee Meeting of February 26, 2008. R/08-094 503 Minutes Development Agmts It was moved and seconded Committee That the minutes of the Development Agreements Committee Meetings of February 26, 2008 be received. CARRIED 600 PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL 601 Whonnock Lake Update Th_e General Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services advised that work had begun on the water level restoration project at Whonnock Lake. Council Minutes March 11, 2008 Page 3 of 10 700 DELEGATIONS -Nil 800 UNFINISHED BUS/NESS -Nil 900 CORRESPONDENCE -Nil 1000 BY-LAWS Bylaws for Final Reading 1001 Development Cost Charges Imposition Charge Bylaw No. 6462-2007 Staff report dated March 4, 2008 recommending final reading. A bylaw to amend development cost charges Final reading R/08-095 BL No. 6462-2007 Final reading It was moved and seconded That Bylaw No. 6462-2007 be adopted. Councillor Hogarth -OPPOSED COMMITTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1100 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Minutes -March 3, 2008 R/08-096 Minutes cow March 3, 2008 It was moved and seconded CARRIED That the minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting of March 3, 2008 be received. CARRIED Council Minutes March 11, 2008 Page 4 of 10 Public Works and Development Services 1101 RZ/045/06, 11566 224 Street, RS-1 to CRM Staff report dated February 26, 2008 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No . 6527-2007 to permit the construction of a four storey apartment building be given first reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing. R/08-097 HZ/045/06 BL No. 6527-2007 It was moved and seconded First reading 1. That Bylaw No. 6527-2007 be given first reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing 2. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: i) Approval from the Ministry of Transportation; ii) Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement including the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement; iii) Section 219 Restrictive Covenant for the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Green Building Rating System components that will be included on the final project design plans; iv) Registration of a geotechnical report which addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed development; v) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant protecting the Visitor Parking. CARRIED 1102 DP/DVP/091/07, 22858 Lougheed Highway Staff report dated February 21, 2008 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DVP/091/07 to vary setbacks for the 3rd and 4th floors and further that, the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DP/091/07 in support of a 21 unit apartment building. The Manager of Legislative Services advised that no correspondence had been received on this application. Council Minutes March 11, 2008 Page 5 of 10 R/08-098 DP/DVP/091/07 Sign and seal It was moved and seconded That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DVP/091/07 respecting property located at 22858 Lougheed Highway; and further That the Corporate Officer be authorized to .sign and seal DP/091/07. CARRIED 1103 DP/DVP/105/07, DP/106/07, 11952, 11958 and 11962 224Street Item 1103 has been deferred to the March 25, 2008 Council meeting upon request of the applicant. 1104 DP/004/08, DVP/025/07, 240A Street, 241 Street, Hawkins Avenue and 241A Street Staff report dated February 29, 2008 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DVP/025/07 to vary maximum building height on lots 17-20, 36-42 and 56 and further, that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DP/004/08 in support of a 56 lot subdivision. The Manager of Legislative Services advised that correspondence opposing the development permit has been received from Garry Tiemstra, Wilf McIntyre, Emily Moey and George Ng. She also advised that a petition with 48 signatures opposing the application has been submitted. The Director of Planning provided an explanation of the variances requested by the applicant. R/08-099 DP/004/08 DVP/025/07 Sign and seal It was moved and seconded That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DVP/025/07 respecting Lots: 17-20, 36-42 and 56, Section: 3, Township: 12, New Westminster District BCP28011 · and further; Council Minutes March 11, 2008 Page 6 of 10 That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DP/004/08 respecting Lots: 1-56, Section: 3, Township: 12, New Westminster BCP28011. CARRIED 1105 2006 Translink Bicycle Infrastructure Capital Cost Sharing (BICCS) Program Staff report dated February 15, 2008 recommending that the Mayor and the Corporate Office be authorized to sign and execute the 2006 TransUnk Bicycle Infrastructure Capital Cost Sharing (BICCS) Program (Block Allocation) Agreement. R/08-100 BICCS Program Agreement It was moved and seconded That the Mayor and the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and execute the agreement titled "2006 Translink Bicycle Infrastructure Capital Cost Sharing (BICCS) Program" (Block Allocation) Agreement No. 0629-4630701 as attached to the staff report dated February 15, 2008. • CARRIED 1106 Municipal Equipment Purchase, Two Tandem Axle Dump Trucks with accessories Staff report dated February 13, 2008 recommending that the contract for the purchase of two tandem axle dump trucks be awarded to Freightliner of Vancouver Ltd. R/08-101 Contract Award Freightliner of Vancouver Ltd. It was moved and seconded That the contract for the purchase of two tandem axle dump trucks and accessories be awarded to Freightliner of Vancouver Ltd.; and further That the Mayor and the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign the contract. CARRIED Council Minutes March 11, 2008 Page 7 of 10 Financial and Corporate Services (including Fire and Police) 1131 October 2008 Council and Public HearingMeeting Schedule Staff report dated February 20, 2008 recommending rescheduling of October 2008 Council Meetings and Public Hearing Meetings. R/08-102 October 2008 Council and Public Hearing Meeting Rescheduling It was moved and seconded That the Council meetings scheduled for October 7 and 21, 2008 be rescheduled to October 14 and 28, 2008 and that the Public Hearing of October 14, 2008 be rescheduled to October 21, 2008. CARRIED 1132 Indemnification of Municipal Officials Staff report dated February 15, 2008 recommending Maple Ridge Municipal Officials Indemnification Bylaw No. 6548-2008 be given three • readings. R/08-103 BL No. 6548-2008 It was moved and seconded That Bylaw No. 6548-2008 be given first, second and third readings. CARRIED Community Development and Recreation Service -Nil Correspondence -Ni I Other Committee Issues -Nil Council Minutes March 11, 2008 Page 8 of 10 1200 STAFF REPORTS -Nil 1300 RELEASE OF ITEMS FROM CLOSED COUNCIL -Nil 1400 MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Robso·n attended a Metro Vancouver Land Use and Transportation Committee meeting and .attended meetings involving Translink. He also attended a Ridge Meadows Basketball Tournament and participated in a fundraising event for the Child Development Centre. 1500 COUNCILLORS' REPORTS Councillor Hogarth -no report Councillor Dueck Councillor Dueck attended the Annual General Meeting for the Youth Diversion Program, a Ridge Meadows Foundation Education fundraising dinner ahd a fundraising event for the Child Development Centre. Councillor Daykin Councillor Daykin attended a Child Development Centre fundraiser and a Ridge Meadows Foundation Education fundraising dinner. He •invited residents to attend Earth Day events on April 26th and advised that backyard composters or rain barrels can be preordered from the Maple Ridge Recycling Society. Councillor King Councillor King attended a Maple Ridge Agricultural Advisory Committee meeting and a Metro Vancouver Agriculture Committee meeting. Councillor Speirs Councillor Speirs attended a Pitt Meadows Airport Society meeting, a Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee meeting and meetings with the SPCA. He also attended the official launch for the Spirit Dancer Canoe in Pitt Meadows. Councillor Speirs advised that on March 29 the Farmers Market will be screening a film in the Randy Herman Building and encouraged attendance. Council Minutes March 11, 2008 Page 9 of 10 Councillor Stewart Councillor Stewart attended the Ridge Meadows Foundation Education fundraising dinner, the opening of the Maple Ridge School expansion and the Pitt Meadows Career Fair. He also attended an open house for the Translink/BCIT joint maintenance and transportation training centre and attended the 25th annual dinner for DUCKS Unlimited. 1600 OTHER MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT-Nil. 1700 NOTICES OF MOTION AND MATTERS FOR FUTURE MEETINGS -Nil 1800 QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC David Wilson {Item 1104) Mr. Wilson questioned height variances on specific lots in the proposed subdivision, the affect of the height on neighbouring existing houses and why the new houses proposed had the appearance of townhouses rather than that of the existing Creek's Crossing houses. He questioned why the application for height variances was passed despite the negative affect on the neighbouring houses. Mayor Robson advised that Mr. Wilson could meet with the Director of Planning to further discuss the process. Emily Moey (Item 1104) Ms. Moey questioned the fairness of the approval of the request for height variances. She also asked for clarification on the issue with the height of the sewer services and questioned why height variances had to be made for certain lots in the proposed subdivision but not for existing houses in the same area. Mayor Robson pointed out that the developer had incorporated design changes as a result of neighbourhood concerns. Garry Tiemstra (Item 1104) Mr. Tiemstra stated that he was not in favour of the request for height change. He questioned whythe sewer line height issue.could not be dealt with in this development as it had been in others and asked if there remained any recourse for neighbours opposing the application. Mayor Robson advised that there is no further recourse for those opposed to the application. Council Minutes March 11, 2008 Page 10 of 10 The Mayor advised that Council would be meeting in a Closed session. WAIVER OF NOTICE OF MEETING R/08-104 Waiver of Notice Of Meeting It was moved and seconded That notice of the Special Closed Council Meeting of March 11, 2008 be waived. CARRIED SPECIAL CLOSED COUNCIL MEETING R/08-105 Notice of Special Closed Council Meeting It was moved and seconded That the meeting be closed to the public pursuant to Section 90(1)(a) of the Community Charter as the subject matter being considered includes personal information about an identifiable individual who is being considered for a position on a Commission of Council. CARRIED 2001 ADJOURNMENT -7:29 p.m. Certified Correct C. Marlo, Corporate Officer