HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-12-14 Adopted Regular Council Meeting Minutes.pdfDistrict of Maple Ridge COUNCIL MEETING December 14, 2010 The Minutes of the Municipal Council Meeting held on December 14, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of the Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia for the purpose of transacting regular Municipal business. PRESENT Elected Officials Mayor E. Daykin Councillor C. Ashlie Councillor J. Dueck Councillor A. Hogarth Councillor L. King Councillor M. Morden Councillor C. Speirs Appointed Staff J. Rule, Chief Administrative Officer K. Swift, General Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services P. Gill, General Manager Corporate and Financial Services F. Quinn, General Manager Public Works and Development Services J. Pickering, Director of Planning C. Marlo, Manager of Legislative Services A. Gaunt, Confidential Secretary Note: These Minutes are also posted on the Municipal Web Site at www.mapleridge.ca The meeting was filmed by Shaw Communications Inc. 100 CALL TO ORDER 200 OPENING PRAYERS Pastor Dan Ost, Albion Fellowship Church 300 INTRODUCTION OF ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS Item 1202 Award of Contract Extension No. ITT-EN10-131 and ITT-EN10- 137 -Downtown Road and Utility Rehabilitation Project - Phase 2 400 APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA The agenda was approved with the addition of Item 1202 Council Minutes December 14, 2010 Page 2 of 15 500 ADOPTION AND RECEIPT OF MINUTES 501 Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of November 23, 2010 R/2010-599 501 Minutes Regular Council It was moved and seconded November 23, 2010 That the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of November 23, 2010 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED 502 Minutes of the Development Agreements Committee Meetings of November 18 and 22(4) R/2010-600 503 Minutes Development Agmt It was moved and seconded Committee That the minutes of the Development Agreements Committee Meetings of November 18 and 22(4) be received. CARRIED 600 PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL 601 Maple Ridge 2011-2015 Financial Plan Presentation -General Manager, Corporate and Financial Services The General Manager of Corporate and Financial Services gave a PowerPoint presentation outlining the 2011-2015 Financial Plan for the District of Maple Ridge. He reviewed the context as to how the financial plan is developed, looked at the District's business plan methodology and spoke to the financial outlook. He provided an overview of changes to municipal revenues and expenditures, key strategic directions discussed by Council, infrastructure maintenance and sustainability and succession planning in the District. The General Manager of Corporate and Financial Services also provided an overview of the District's capital works program, changes in cost sharing between the City of Pitt Meadows and the District of Maple Ridge and Maple Ridge's budgeted surplus. He spoke to average home tax increases as well as other major cost increases and outlined the recommendations built into the Financial Plan Bylaw coming forward for Council approval. He provided information on water, sewer and recycling rates and spoke to sustainability funding. Council Minutes December 14, 2010 Page 3 of 15 Note: Item 1002 was dealt with prior to Item 700 700 DELEGATIONS 701 RCMP False Alarm Policy -N. Fowell Ms. Fowell spoke to her history as a business owner in Maple Ridge. She outlined her concerns with break-in incidences at her business and the response received by the local RCMP detachment in dealing with the incidences. She felt the billing for the false alarms is unjust. She expressed a lack of confidence in the RCMP and put forward that the false alarm policy is excessive and unfair and asked that the policy be reconsidered. The General Manager Corporate and Financial Services stated the either RCMP Inspector Lench or Superintendent Walsh will contact Ms. Fowell to address her concerns with the RCMP response. 702 United Way Lower Mainland -BC 211 -L. Ng and R. Kimoto Ms. Ng thanked the District for its support of the United Way campaign. She gave a presentation providing a background and history of the United Way and outlining the new BC 211 service, explaining what the service is and what it does. 703 Maple Ridge Mountain Festival Society -Sport Hero Carvings -E. Phillips, C. Johnson, L. Sisson, I. Boekhorst Ms. Johnson, introduced the Maple Ridge Mountain Festival Society and its directors. Ms. Sisson provided information on the BC Spirit Festivals program. Ms. Beokhorst provided information on the Festival of Light celebration. Ms. Johnson provided an overview of the upcoming Spirit of Wood Festival, and the Sport Hero Carvings. She announced that the unveiling ceremony of Maple Ridge's "Cam Neely" Sport Hero carving will be held on February 23, 2011. 800 UNFINISHED BUSINESS -Nil 900 CORRESPONDENCE -Nil Council Minutes December 14, 2010 Page 4 of 15 1000 BYLAWS Note: Item 1001 is from the Public Hearing of December 14, 2010 Bylaws for Third Reading 1001 RZ/021/10, 9990 240 Street 1001.1 Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6768-2010 To amend conservation area Third reading R/2010-601 RZ/021/10 BL No. 6768-2010 It was moved and seconded Third reading That Bylaw No. 6768-2010 be given third reading. 1001.2 Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6735-2010 CARRIED To rezone from RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) & CS-1 (Service Commercial) to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) to permit a 16 unit townhouse development Third reading R/2010-602 RZ/021/10 BL No. 6735-2010 It was moved and seconded Third reading That Bylaw No. 6735-2010 be given third reading. Bylaws for Final Reading Note: Item 1002 was dealt with following Item 601 1002 Maple Ridge 2011-2015 Financial Plan Bylaw No. 6781-2010 To establish the 2011-2015 Financial Plan Final reading CARRIED Council Minutes December 14, 2010 Page 5 of 15 R/2010-603 BL No. 6781-2010 Final reading It was moved and seconded That Bylaw No. 6781-2010 be adopted. CARRIED 1003 RZ/040/09, 24554 102 Avenue, 10175, 10125, 10075 and 10025 248 Street Staff report dated November 17, 2010 recommending final reading 1003.1 Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 667 4-2009 To amend Schedule "B" of the Official Community Plan from Urban Reserve to Urban Residential, Conservation and Park and to amend Schedule "C" of the Official Community Plan to add conservation. Final reading R/2010-604 RZ/040/09 BL No. 667 4-2009 It was moved and seconded Final reading That Bylaw No. 667 4-2009 be adopted. Councillor Ashlie, Councillor King -OPPOSED 1003.2 Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6675-2009 CARRIED To rezone from A-1 (Small Holdings Agricultural) to R-1 (Residential District), P-1 (Park and School), and RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) to allow for future subdivision of 112 lots Final reading R/2010-605 RZ/040/09 BL No. 6675-2009 It was moved and seconded Final reading That Bylaw No. 6675-2009 be adopted. Councillor Ashlie, Councillor King-OPPOSED CARRIED Council Minutes December 14, 2010 Page 6 of 15 Note: Councillor Morden advised that he owns property in the downtown core and excused himself from the discussion of Item 1004. 1004 Maple Ridge Building Amending Bylaw No. 6780-2010 To amend the fees regulating the construction, alteration, repair, demolition or moving of buildings and structures in order to provide for building permit fee reduction for qualifying development under the Town Centre Investment Incentives Program Final reading R/2010-606 BL No. 6780-2010 Final reading It was moved and seconded That Bylaw No. 6780-2010 be adopted. CARRIED 1005 Maple Ridge Off-Street Parking & Loading Amending Bylaw No. 677 4-2010 To expand reduced parking standards beyond the current Central Business District boundaries Final reading R/2010-607 BL No. 677 4-2010 Final reading It was moved and seconded That Bylaw No. 677 4-2010 be adopted. Note: Councillor Morden returned to the meeting CARRIED 1006 Formosa Plateau Enhanced Landscape Maintenance Bylaw No. 6769-2010 Staff report dated December 7, 2010 recommending final reading To provide for enhanced landscape maintenance of 3 specific "Parkettes" areas located on municipal road and park lands within the subdivision. Final reading R/2010-608 BL No. 6769-2010 Final reading It was moved and seconded That Bylaw No. 6769-2010 be adopted. CARRIED Council Minutes December 14, 2010 Page 7 of 15 1007 Maple Ridge Cemetery Amending Bylaw No. 6776-2010 To amend fees and charges to include the sale of rights of interment for the columbaria niche{s) as well as the relevant service and marker changes Final reading R/2010-609 BL No. 6776-2010 Final reading It was moved and seconded That Bylaw No. 6776-2010 be adopted. CARRIED 1008 Maple Ridge Council Procedure Amending Bylaw No . 6777-2010 Staff report dated December 7, 2010 recommending final reading To amend the bylaw by deleting Section 31(b) in its entirety and replacing with: (b) Moment of Reflection; Final reading R/2010-610 BL No. 6777-2010 Final reading It was moved and seconded That Bylaw No. 6777-2010 be amended as highlighted on Schedule 'A' of the staff report dated December 7, 2010 and that Bylaw No. 6777-2010 be adopted as amended. CARRIED Councillor Ashl ie, Councillor Morden -OPPOSED COMMITTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1100 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Minutes -December 6, 2010 R/2010-611 Minutes cow December 6, 2010 It was moved and seconded That the minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting of December 6, 2010 be received. CARRIED Council Minutes December 14, 2010 Page 8 of 15 Public Works and Development Services 1101 RZ/094/08, 22313 124 Avenue, First Extension Staff report dated November 25, 2010 recommending that a one year extension be granted for rezoning application RZ/094/08 to permit development of a duplex under the RT-1 (Two Family Urban Residential) zone. R/2010-612 RZ/094/08 First Extension It was moved and seconded That a one year extension be granted for rezoning application RZ/094/08 and that the following conditions be addressed prior to consideration of final reading: i. Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement; ii. Removal of the existing building/s; iii. A Restrictive Covenant for the duplex design and landscaping must be registered at the Land Title Office; iv. A disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks. If there is evidence, a site profile pursuant to the Waste Management Act must be provided in accordance with the regulations; v. Pursuant to the Contaminated Site Regulations of the Environmental Management Act, the subdivider will provide a Site Profile for the subject land . CARRIED 1102 RZ/044/09, 11213, 11247, 11263, 11299 and 11333 240 Street, First Extension Staff report dated November 24, 2010 recommending that a one year extension be granted for rezoning application RZ/044/09 to permit construction of a commercial/mixed use building and 165 townhouses. Council Minutes December 14, 2010 Page 9 of 15 R/2010-613 RZ/044/09 First extension It was moved and seconded That a one year extension be granted for rezoning application RZ/044/09 and that the following conditions be addressed prior to consideration of final reading: i. Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement; ii. Amendment to Schedule "B" and "C" of the Official Community Plan; iii. Registration of a geotechnical report as a Restrictive Covenant which addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed development; iv. Registration of a "Housing Agreement" stating that the apartment units above the commercial building will be restricted to residential rental units; v. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant protecting the parking dedicated to the residential rental units; vi. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the habitat protection areas outside the dedicated park area vii. A Statutory right of way plan and agreement for municipal services must be registered at the Land Title office; viii. A Statutory right of way plan and agreement for the multi- purpose trail on strata property must be registered at the Land Title Office; ix. Road dedication as required; x. Park dedication as required; xi. Consolidation of the development site; xii. Removal of the existing buildings; xiii. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant protecting the Visitor parking on the townhouse strata lot. CARRIED 1103 AL/094/10, Non-Farm Use Within the Agricultural Land Reserve Staff report dated November 30, 2010 recommending that application AL/094/10 for non-farm use to allow a second dwelling on land within the Agricultural Land Reserve be authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission. Coun cil Minutes December 14, 2010 Page 10 of 15 R/2010-614 AL/094/10 Proceed to the ALC It was moved and seconded That Application AL/094/10 be authorized to go forward to the Agricultural Land Commission. CARRIED 1104 Excess Capacity/Extended Services Agreement LC 143/10, 239 Street and 1198 Avenue Staff report dated December 1, 2010 recommending that Latecomer Charges be imposed and that the Corpo rate Officer be authorized to sign and seal Latecomer Agreement LC 143/10. R/2010-615 Latecomer Agreement LC 143/10 It was moved and seconded That with respect to the subdivision of lands involved in Subdivision SD/064/09 located at 239 Street and 1198 Avenue, be it resolved: 1. That the cost to provide the excess or extended services is, in whole or in part, excessive to the municipality and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid by the owner of the land being developed, and 2. That Latecomer Charges be imposed for such excess or extended services on the parcels and in the amounts as set out in the staff report dated December 1, 2010; and further 3. That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal Excess Capacity Latecomer Agreement LC 143/10 with the subdivider of said lands. CARRIED 1105 Award of Contract, 240 Street Storm and Sidewalk Improvements North of Dewdney Trunk Road Staff report dated November 25, 2010 recommending that Contract No. ITT- EN10-188; 240 Street Storm and Sidewalk Improvements North of Dewdney Trunk Road, be awarded to Progressive Contracting (Surrey) Ltd. and that the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contract. Council Minutes December 14, 2010 Page 11 of 15 R/2010-616 Award of Contract It was moved and seconded That Contract (Reference No. ITT-EN10-188; Project No. E05- 010-028) 240 Street Storm and Sidewalk Improvements North of Dewdney Trunk Road, be awarded to Progressive Contracting (Surrey) Ltd. in the amount of $380,657.00 plus applicable taxes; and That the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contract. CARRIED Financial and Corporate Services (including Fire and Police) 1131 Water, Sewer and Recycling Amending Bylaws Staff report dated December 1, 2010 recommending: 1131.1 Maple Ridge Sewer Rate Amending Bylaw No. 6782-2010 That Maple Ridge Sewer Rate Amending Bylaw No. 6782-2010 be given first, second and third readings. R/2010-617 BL No. 6782-2010 Three readings It was moved and seconded That Bylaw No. 6782-2010 be given first, second and third readings. CARRIED 1131.2 Maple Ridge Water Service Amending Bylaw No. 6783-2010 That Maple Ridge Water Service Amending Bylaw No. 6783-2010 be given first, second and third readings. Council Minutes December 14, 2010 Page 12 of 15 R/2010-618 BL No. 6783-2010 Three readings It was moved and seconded That Bylaw No. 6783-2010 be given first, second and third readings .. CARRIED 1131.3 Maple Ridge Recycling Charges Amending Bylaw No. 6784-2010 That Maple Ridge Recycling Charges Amending Bylaw No . 6784-2010 be given first, second and third readings. R/2010-619 BL No. 6784-2010 Three readings It was moved and seconded That Bylaw No. 6784-2010 be given first, second and third readings. CARRIED 1132 Adjustments to the 2010 Collector's Roll Staff report dated November 26, 2010 submitting information on changes to the 2010 Collector's Roll through the issuance of Supplementary Roll 9. Submitted for information only Community Development and Recreation Service -Nil Correspondence -Ni I Other Committee Issues -Nil Council Minutes December 14, 2010 Page 13 of 15 1200 STAFF REPORTS 1201 CPR Holiday Train -Friends In Need Food Bank Staff report dated December 7, 2010 recommending that the use of municipal streets be authorized for the CPR Holiday Train event on Friday, December 17, 2010. R/2010-620 Use of Streets It was moved and seconded That use of municipal streets be authorized for the CPR Holiday Train event on Friday, December 17, 2010, provided the conditions outlined in Schedule "A" attached to the staff report dated December 7, 2010 are met. CARRIED 1202 Award of Contract Extension No. ITT-EN10-131 and ITT-EN10-137 Downtown Road and Utility Rehabilitation Project -Phase 2 Staff report dated December 13, 2010 recommending award of Contract Extension No. ITT-EN10-131 and ITT-EN10-137 Downtown Road and Utility Rehabilitation Project -Phase 2 to Imperial Paving Limited and that the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contracts. R/2010-621 Award of Contract It was moved and seconded That Contract ITT-EN10-131 for Downtown Road and Utility Rehabilitation with Imperial Paving Limited be extended by the amount of $831,439 plus taxes; and That the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contracts. CARRIED Council Minutes December 14, 2010 Page 14 of 15 1300 1400 1500 RELEASE OF ITEMS FROM CLOSED COUNCIL From the December 6, 2010 Closed Council Meeting • Appointment of Mr. Murray Day to the Pitt Meadows Airport Society Board • Appointment of Ms. Maria Gallo to the Economic Advisory Commission For information only MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Daykin reported on the local firefighters Boot Drive. He expressed thanks to the firefighters for volunteering their time to hold this event and thanked residents for their generosity in donations. He encouraged residents to attend the CP Holiday Train event. Mayor Daykin attended the 8th annual Meals on Wheels concert. COUNCILLORS' REPORTS Councillor King Councillor King advised that the employees at Extra Foods have been on strike for 2 years and encouraged residents to attend an upcoming rally to support the employees. She wished all citizens a Happy Christmas and Merry New Year. Councillor Morden Councillor Morden attended his regular meetings. He highlighted Operation Red Nose and thanked all the volunteers involved with the program. He encouraged residents to volunteer for the Salvation Army Kettle program. He wished all safe and happy holidays. Councillor Speirs Councillor Speirs attended the District of Maple Ridge staff convocation ceremony and the Albion concept plan process. He advised that he will attend the Rally on the Ridge in front of Extra Foods in support of the employees. Councillor Speirs wished all a Happy New Year and a Merry Christmas. Councillor Ashlie Councillor Ashlie spoke to the Meals on Wheels fundraiser. She participated in her regular meetings. Councillor Ashlie wished all a Happy New Year and many healthy happy days in 2011. Council Minutes December 14, 2010 Page 15 of 15 Councillor Dueck Councillor Dueck volunteered her time to the Salvation Army Kettle Drive. She thanked staff for the work done during the year and wished a Merry Christmas and best of the season to everyone. Mayor Daykin thanked Council members and staff for quality work done over the last year. He wished all a Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy and prosperous 2011. 1600 OTHER MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT-Nil 1700 NOTICES OF MOTION AND MATTERS FOR FUTURE MEETINGS -Nil 1800 QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC 1900 Ted Ingram Mr. Ingram expressed concern with the effects of gambling on members of the community and the funding put aside to deal with the issue. Allen Montgomery Mr. Montgomery thanked the District of Maple Ridge on behalf of the Shaw volunteers for providing the opportunity to broadcast Council meetings. ADJOURNMENT -9:34 p.m. Certified Correct C. Marlo, Corporate Officer