HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-07-22 Adopted Regular Council Meeting Minutes.pdfDistrict of Maple Ridge
July 22, 2014
The Minutes of the Municipal Council Meeting held on July 22, 2014 at 7:00 p.m . in
the Council Chamber of the Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British
Columbia for the purpose of transacting regular Municipal business.
Elected Officials
Mayor E. Daykin
Councillor C. Ashlie
Councillor C. Bell
Councillor J. Dueck
Councillor A. Hogarth
Councillor B. Masse
Councillor M. Morden
Appointed Staff
J. Rule, Chief Administrative Officer
K. Swift, General Manager of Community Development,
Parks and Recreation Services
P. Gill, General Manager Corporate and Financial Services
F. Quinn, General Manager Public Works and Development
C. Carter, Director of Planning
C. Marlo, Manager of Legislative Services
A. Gaunt, Confidential Secretary
Other Staff as Required
D. Denton, Assistant Property and Risk Manager
Note: These Minutes are also posted on the Municipal Web Site at www.mapleridge.ca
The meeting was filmed by Shaw Communications Inc. and recorded by the District of
Maple Ridge.
The agenda was approved as circulated.
Council Minutes
July 22, 2014
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501 Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of July 8, 2014
Regular Council
July 8. 2014
It was moved and seconded
That the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of July 8,
2014 be adopted as circulated
502 Minutes of the Public Hearing of July 15, 2014
Public Hearing
It was moved and seconded
That the minutes of the Public Hearing of July 15, 2014 be
adopted as circulated.
503 Minutes of the Development Agreements Committee Meeting of July 8(2),
R/2014-324 503
Development Agmt It was moved and seconded
That the minutes of the Development Agreements Committee
Meeting of July 8(2), 2014 be received.
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July 22, 2014
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701 Friends in Need Foodbank
-Mary Robson, Executive Director
Ms. Robson distributed a handout on the Friends in Need Foodbank. She
provided information on the background, volunteers and operation,
community support, partnerships and programs, and clients served by the
food bank.
702 Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Agricultural Association
-Lorraine Bates
Ms. Bates provided an update on the Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows
Agricultural Association and highlighted the upcoming Country Fest Event.
801 Motion by Councillor Morden (notice provided at the July 7, 2014 Council
Councillor Morden spoke to the motion.
Peer Review
Authorization by
It was moved and seconded
Whereas a peer review may be ordered by staff on work
directed by Council;
Whereas there is no clear language as to when this can
happen in any policy;
Whereas there would likely be budget implications;
Be it resolved that only Council will authorize peer reviews on
Council directed work, subsequent to Council receiving from
staff the rationale and budget for the review, and that staff be
directed to put this process into the appropriate existing
Mayor Daykin, Councillor Ashlie, Councillor Dueck -OPPOSED
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July 22, 2014
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Note: Items 1001 to 1002 are from the July 15, 2014 Public Hearing
Bylaws for Third Reading
Note: Councillor Bell excused herself from discussion of Item 1001 at 7:58 p.m.
due to conflict of interest as her child attends Meadowridge School.
1001 2013-105-RZ, 12162 240 Street
1001.1 Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7073-2014
To designate from Estate Suburban Residential to Institutional
Third reading
BL No. 7073-2014
Third reading
It was moved and seconded
That Bylaw No. 7073-2014 be given third reading.
1001.2 Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7047-2013
To rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to P-1 (Park and
School) to facilitate the expansion of the existing Meadowridge School by
rezoning and amalgamating the site into the existing school site at 12224
240 Street
Third reading
BL No. 7047-2013
Third reading
It was moved and seconded
That Bylaw No. 7047-2013 be given third reading.
Note: Councillor Bell returned to the meeting at 7:59 p.m.
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1002 2013-013-RZ, 24286 102 Avenue
Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6983-2013
To rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to R-3 (Special Amenity
Residential District) to permit the future subdivision into approximately 18
single family lots
Third reading
BL No. 6983-2013
Third reading
It .was moved and seconded
That Bylaw No. 6983-2013 be given third reading.
Bylaws for Final Reading
1003 RZ/024/09, 25467 Bosonworth Avenue
Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6867-2011
Staff report dated July 22, 2014 recommending final reading
To rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-2 (One Family
Suburban Residential) to permit subdivision into 4 lots
Final reading
BL No. 6867-2011
Final reading
It was moved and seconded
That Bylaw No. 6867-2011 be adopted.
1004 2011-122-RZ, 11956 267 Street
Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6880-2011
Staff report dated July 22, 2014 recommending final reading
To rezone from RS-3 (One Family Urban Residential) to RS-2 (One Family
Suburban Residential) to permit subdivision into 2 lots
Final reading
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BL No. 6880-2011
Final reading
It was moved and seconded
That Bylaw No. 6880-2011 be adopted.
1005 2011-136-RZ, 20724 River Road
Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6896-2012
Staff report dated July 22, 2014 recommending final reading
To rezone from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to R-1 (Residential
District) to permit subdivision into 2 single family lots
Final reading
BL No. 6896-2012
Final reading
It was moved and seconded
That Bylaw No. 6896-2012 be adopted.
1006 2014-008-RZ, 12032 216 Street
Staff report dated July 22, 2014 recommending final reading
1006.1 Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7084-2014
To designate land use from Urban Residential to Institutional
Final reading
BL No. 7084-2014
Final reading
It was moved and seconded
That Bylaw No. 7084-2014 be adopted .
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1006.2 Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7063-2014
To rezone from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to P-2 (Special
Institutional) to bring the existing licensed care use (Beckman House) into
compliance and to allow construction of a two storey building that will
provide 20 independent living units
Final reading
BL No. 7063-2014
Final reading
It was moved and seconded
That Bylaw No. 7063-2014 be adopted.
1007 2012-040-SD, Local Area Service Bylaw, 10406-10520 Jackson Road
(even numbers only), 10411-10526 Robertson Street, 24705-24737 104
Avenue (odd numbers only), 10408-10523 McEachern Street, 24776,
24786 and 24796105AAvenue, 10433-10515 248 Street (odd numbers
Robertson Heights Local Area Service Bylaw No. 7014-2013
To authorize enhanced landscape maintenance costs for the benefitting
Final reading
BL No. 7014-2013
Final reading
It was moved and seconded
That Bylaw No. 7014-2013 be adopted.
1008 2013-116-SD, Local Area Service Bylaw, 22802 to 22870 and 22930 to
22962 136 Avenue (even numbers only); 13501 to 13586, 13589 and
13593 Nelson Peak Drive
Nelson Peak Local Area Service Bylaw No. 7091-2014
To authorize enhanced landscape maintenance costs for the benefitting
Final reading
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BL No. 7091-2014
Final reading
It was moved and seconded
That Bylaw No. 7091-2014 be adopted.
Minutes -July 7, 2014
July 7, 2014
It was moved and seconded
That the minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting of
July 7, 2014 be received.
Public Works and Development Services
1101 2014-043-RZ, 13065 Katonien Street, Site-specific Text Amendment
Staff report dated July 21, 2014 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone
Amending Bylaw No. 7090-2014 for a site-specific text amendment to the
M-2 (General Industrial) zone to permit an "Indoor Mountain and BMX
Biking" facility be given first reading and that the applicant provide further
information and details of the proposed building and on-site landscaping
prior to consideration of second reading.
BL No. 7090-2014
First reading
It was moved and seconded
That Bylaw No. 7090-2014 be given first reading; and
That the applicant provide further information and details of
the proposed building and on-site landscaping, prior to
consideration of second reading.
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1102 2014-028-RZ, 12080 Edge Street and 22554, 22566 and 22576 121
Avenue, RS-1 to RM-3
Staff report dated July 21, 2014 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone
Amending Bylaw No. 7092-2014 to rezone from RS-1 (One Family Urban
Residential) to RM-3 (High Density Apartment Residential) with a site
specific text amendment to increase floor space ratio to permit a 5 storey
apartment building with approximately 75 units be given first reading and
that the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules A,
C and D of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999.
BL No. 7092-2014
First reading
It was moved and seconded
In respect of Section 879 of the Local Government Act,
requirement for consultation during the development or
amendment of an Official Community Plan, Council must
consider whether consultation is required with specifically:
i. The Board of the Regional District in which the area
covered by the plan is located, in the case of a Municipal
Official Community Plan;
ii. The Board of any Regional District that is adjacent to the
area covered by the plan;
iii. The Council of any municipality that is adjacent to the
area covered by the plan;
iv. First Nations;
v. School District Boards, greater boards and
improvements district boards; and
vi. The Provincial and Federal Governments and their
and in that regard it is recommended that no additional
consultation be required in respect of this matter beyond the
early posting of the proposed Official Community Plan
amendments on the District's website, together with an
invitation to the public to comment, and;
That Bylaw No. 7092-2014 be given first reading; and
That the applicant provide further information as described on
Schedules A, C and D of the Development Procedures Bylaw
No. 5879-1999.
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1103 2013-107-RZ, 24009, 24005 and 24075 Fern Crescent, RS-3 and RS-2 to
RS-1, RS-1b and R-2
Staff report dated July 21, 2014 recommending that Maple Ridge Official
Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7088-2014 to adjust conservation
designation boundaries be given first and second readings and be
forwarded to Public Hearing and that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw
No. 7053-2014 to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) and RS-
2 (One Family Suburban Residential) to RS-1 (One Family Urban
Residential), RS-1b (One Family Urban [Medium Density] Residential) and
R-2 (Urban Residential District) be given second reading and be forwarded
to Public Hearing.
BL No. 7088-2014
First, Second, PH
BL No. 7053-2014
It was moved and seconded
1. That in accordance with Section 879 of the Local
Government Act opportunity for early and on-going
consultation has been provided by way of posting Bylaw
No. 7088-2014 on the municipal website and requiring
that the applicant host a Development Information
Meeting, and Council considers it unnecessary to
provide any further consultation opportunities, except by
way of holding a Public Hearing on the bylaw;
2. That Bylaw No. 7088-2014 be considered in conjunction
with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste
Management Plan;
3. That it be confirmed that Bylaw No. 7088-2014 is
consistent with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste
Management Plan;
4. That Bylaw No. 7088-2014 be given first and second
readings and be forwarded to Public Hearing;
5. That Bylaw No. 7053-2014 be given second reading and
be forwarded to Public Hearing; and
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6. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to
Final Reading:
i. Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as
a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of
a security, as outlined in the Agreement;
ii. Amendment to Official Community Plan Schedule
"A", Chapter 10.3, Part VI, A -Silver Valley, Figure
2 -Land Use Plan, and Figure 3D -Horse Hamlet;
iii. Road dedication as required;
iv. Consolidation of the development site;
v. Registration of a Geotechnical Report as a
Restrictive Covenant at the Land Title Office which
addresses the suitability of the site for the
proposed development;
vi. Removal of the existing buildings;
vii. An Engineer's certification that adequate water
quantity for domestic and fire protection purposes
can be provided;
viii. A disclosure statement must be submitted by a
Professional Engineer advising whether there is any
evidence of underground fuel storage tanks. If
there is evidence, a site profile pursuant to the
Waste Management Act must be provided in
accordance with the regulations; and
ix. Pursuant to the Contaminated Site Regulations of
the Environmental Management Act, the property
owner will provide a Site Profile for the subject
1104 2012-119-RZ, 24108 104 Avenue and 10336 240A Street, RS-3 and RS-2
to RM-1
Staff report dated July 21, 2014 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone
Amending Bylaw No. 6969-2013 to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural
Residential) and RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) to RM-1
(Townhouse Residential) to permit development of 104 townhouse units be
given second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing.
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Second reading, PH
It was moved and seconded
1. That Bylaw No. 6969-2013 be given second reading,
and be forwarded to Public Hearing; and
2. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to
final reading:
i. Approval from the Ministry of Transportation and
ii. Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as
a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of
a security, as outlined in the Agreement;
iii. Consolidation of the development site;
iv. Registration of a geotechnical report as a
Restrictive Covenant at the Land Title Office which
addresses the suitability of the site for the
proposed development;
v. Registration of a Cross Access Easement
Agreement at the Land Title Office;
vi. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant at the Land
Title Office protecting the Visitor Parking;
vii. Removal of the existing buildings; and
viii. A disclosure statement must be submitted by a
Professional Engineer advising whether there is any
evidence of underground fuel storage tanks.
It was moved and seconded
That Application No. 2012-119-RZ be deferred.
1105 2013-080-RZ, 24086104 Avenue, RS-3 to RM-1
Staff report dated July 21, 2014 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone
Amending Bylaw No. 7027-2013 to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural
Residential) to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) to permit development of 18
townhouse units be given second reading and be forwarded to Public
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BL No. 7027-2013
Second reading, PH
It was moved and seconded
1. That Bylaw No. 7027-2013 be given second reading,
and be forwarded to Public Hearing; and
2. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to
final reading:
i. Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement
as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the
deposit of a security, as outlined in the
ii. Registration of a geotechnical report as a
Restrictive Covenant at the Land Title Office
which addresses the suitability of the site for the
proposed development;
iii. Registration of a Cross Access Easement
Agreement at the Land Title Office;
iv. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant at the Land
Title Office protecting the Visitor Parking
v. Removal of the existing buildings;
vi. A disclosure statement must be submitted by a
Professional Engineer advising whether there is
any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks.
Items 1103, 1105 It was moved and seconded
September 16, 2014
Public Hearing
That Items 1103 and 1105 be rescheduled to the September
16, 2014 Public Hearing.
1106 2013-101-RZ, 20758 Lougheed Highway, CS-1 to C-2
Staff report dated July 21, 2014 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone
Amending Bylaw No. 7048-2013 to rezone from CS-1 (Service Commercial)
to C-2 (Community Commercial) to permit construction of a commercial
building to accommodate a new Mark's Work Wearhouse be given second
reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing.
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BL No. 7048-2013
Second reading, PH
It was moved and seconded
1. That Bylaw No. 7048-2013 be given second reading,
and be forwarded to Public Hearing; and
2. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to
final reading:
i. Approval from the Ministry of Transportation and
ii. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant at the Land
Titles Office for on-lot stormwater management;
iii. Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as
a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of
a security, as outlined in the Agreement;
iv. Road dedication as required;
v. Registration of a geotechnical report as a
Restrictive Covenant at the Land Title Office which
addresses the suitability of the site for the
proposed development.
1107 2011-082-RZ, 10150 and 10190 Jackson Road
Staff report dated July 21, 2014 recommending that a final one year
extension for application 2011-082-RZ not be granted, that third reading of
Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6928-2012 and
Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6861-2011 be rescinded and that
a revised geotechnical report be submitted by the applicant.
Final extension
Not granted
BL No. 6928-2012
BL No. 6861-2011
It was moved and seconded
1. That a final one year extension for application 2011-
082-RZ not be granted; and
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2. That third reading of Maple Ridge Official Community
Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6928-2012 and Maple Ridge
Zone Amending Bylaw No.6861-2011 be rescinded; and
3. That the applicant submit a revised geotechnical report
outlining how the slope failure issues will be resolved to
the satisfaction of the District of Maple Ridge; and
4. That the following conditions be addressed prior to
consideration of final reading:
i. Approval from the Ministry of Transportation and
ii. Amendment to Schedule "A" & "C" of the Official
Community Plan;
iii. Registration of a geotechnical report as a
Restrictive Covenant which addresses the
suitability of the site for the proposed
iv. That the applicant undertakes the mitigation
recommendations outlined in the revised
geotechnical report and provides a performance
security equivalent to the cost of the remediation
v. Road and park dedication as required;
vi. Consolidation of the development site;
vii. Purchase of the eastern portion of Lot B of BCP
46878 (10190 Jackson Road) and
consolidation of the western portion with
Jackson Farm Park; and
viii. A disclosure statement must be submitted by a
Professional Engineer advising whether there is
any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks.
If there is evidence, a site profile pursuant to the
Waste Management Act must be provided in
accordance with the regulations.
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1108 2011-122-DVP, 11956 267 Street
Staff report dated July 21, 2014 recommending that the Corporate Officer
be authorized to sign and seal 2011-122-DVP to vary required road
carriageway width on 267 Street.
Sign and seal
It was moved and seconded
That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal
2011-122-DVP respecting property located at 11956 267
1109 2014-008-DVP, 12032 216 Street
Staff report dated July 21, 2014 recommending that the Corporate Officer
be authorized to sign and seal 2014-008-DVP to reduce building setbacks
for the interior side yard setback on the north and south of the property and
the rear yard setback on the east side.
Sign and seal
It was moved and seconded
That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal
2014-008-DVP respecting property located at 12032 216
Note: Item 1110 was deferred from the July 8, 2014 Council Meeting
1110 2014-042-RZ, 11678 Burnett Street, RS-1 to RS-1b
Staff report dated July 21, 2014 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone
Amending Bylaw No. 7096-2014 to rezone from RS-1 (One Family Urban
Residential) to RS-1b (One Family Urban [Medium Density] Residential) to
allow subdivision into 2 lots, each with a single family dwelling and a
garden suite, be given first reading and that the applicant provide further
information as described on Schedule B of the Development Procedures
Bylaw No. 5879-1999, along with the information required for a
Subdivision application.
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BL No. 7096-2014
First reading
It was moved and seconded
That Bylaw No. 7096-2014 be given first reading; and
That the applicant provide further information as described on
Schedule B of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-
1999, along with the information required for a Subdivision
Note: Item 1111 was deferred from the June 10, 2014 Council Meeting
1111 2013-111-AL, 23154128 Avenue, Non-Farm Use Application in the
Agricultural Land Reserve
Staff report dated June 9, 2014 recommending that Application No. 2013-
111-AL for non-farm use within the Agricultural Land Reserve for a cell
phone tower be authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission.
The Assistant Property and Risk Manager provided a presentation and
reviewed the staff report.
Forward to the
It was moved and seconded
That Application 2013-111-AL be authorized to proceed to the
Agricultural Land Commission.
Councillor Bell, Councillor Hogarth,
Councillor Morden -OPPOSED
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1112 Award of Contract: I1T-EN14-29, 104 Avenue Road and Drainage
Improvements (244 Street to 245 Street)
Staff report dated July 21, 2014 recommending that Contract ITT-EN14-29,
104 Avenue Road and Drainage Improvements, be awarded to King Hoe
Excavating Ltd., that a contract contingency be approved and the financial
plan be amended to increase project funding and that the Corporate Officer
be authorized to execute the contract.
Award of Contract
King Hoe
Excavating Ltd.
It was moved and seconded
That Contract I1T-EN14-29, 104 Avenue Road and Drainage
Improvements, be awarded to King Hoe
Excavating Ltd. in the amount of $1,114,072.80 excluding
taxes; and
That a contract contingency of 10% or $114,000 be approved
to address additional contract items and the financial plan be
amended to increase project funding by $142,000; and
That the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the
1113 Award of Contract: I1T-EN14-36: Downtown Road Improvements
Staff report dated July 21, 2014 recommending that Contract ITT-EN14-36:
Downtown Road Improvements, be awarded to Arsalan Construction Ltd., a
contract contingency be identified and that the Corporate Officer be
authorized to execute the contract.
Award of Contract
Arsalan Construction
It was moved and seconded
That Contract I1T-EN14-36, Downtown Road Improvements, be
awarded to Arsalan Construction Ltd. in the amount of
$1,077,398.89 excluding taxes; and
That a contract contingency of 5% or $54,000 be approved to
address additional contract items and the financial plan be
amended to reallocate the $111,000 to this project; and
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That the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the
Financial and Corporate Services (including Fire and Police)
1131 Maple Ridge Revitalization Tax Exemption Program Amending Bylaw No.
Staff report dated July 21, 2014 recommending that Maple Ridge
Revitalization Tax Exemption Program Amending Bylaw No. 7066-2014 be
given first, second and third readings.
BL No. 7066-2014
First, Second and
Third readings
It was moved and seconded
That Bylaw No. 7066-2014 be given first, second and third
1132 Disbursements for the month ended June 30, 2014
Staff report dated July 21, 2014 recommending that the disbursements for
the month ended June 30, 2014 be approved .
Month ended
June 30, 2014
It was moved and seconded
That the disbursements as listed below for the month ended June
30, 2014 be approved:
Purchase Card
$ 1,641,836.
$ 120,901.
$ 11,800,215.
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1133 2014 Council Expenses
Staff report dated July 21, 2014 providing Council expenses for 2014
updated to the end of June 2014.
For information only
No motion required
Community Development and Recreation Service
1151 Proposed Maple Ridge Parks Bylaw No. 7085-2014
Staff report dated July 21, 2014 recommending that Maple Ridge Parks
and Recreation Facilities Regulation Bylaw No. 7085-2014 be given first,
second and third readings.
BL No. 7085-2014
First, Second and
Third readings
It was moved and seconded
That Bylaw No. 7085-2014 be given first, second and third
1152 224 Street and Brown Avenue Neighbourhood Park
Staff report dated July 21, 2014 recommending that the neighbourhood
concept plan for improvements at 224 Street and Brown Avenue be
Concept Plan
It was moved and seconded
That the neighbourhood concept plan which includes
walkways, benches and minor landscape improvements at
224 Street and Brown Avenue be approved.
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1153 Alouette Home Start Society Request for Advocacy Support for Iron Horse
Youth Safe House Funding
Staff report dated July 21, 2014 recommending that a request for an
extension of funding to allow the Alouette Home Start Society to operate
the Iron Horse Youth Safe House be sent to Member of Parliament Randy
Kamp and the Regional Steering Committee on Homelessness and that a
letter be sent requesting that the Ministry of Children and Family
Development contribute funding to the operation of the Iron Horse Youth
Safe House.
Support request
for extension of
It was moved and seconded
That a joint letter with the Social Planning Advisory Committee
{SPAC) be sent to Member of Parliament Randy Kamp and the
Regional Steering Committee on Homelessness requesting
that Alouette Home Start Society be given an extension of
Homelessness Partnering Strategy {HPS) funding to operate
until March 31, 2015 to allow time for alternate funding
partnerships to be developed if HPS funding is not renewed;
and further
That a joint letter with the Social Planning Advisory Committee
be sent to Minister Cadieux requesting that the Ministry of
Children and Family Development {MCFD) contribute funding
for the operation of the Iron Horse Youth Safe House.
1154 Maple Ridge Tennis Club Funding Request
Staff report dated July 21, 2014 recommending that the request from the
Maple Ridge Rotary Tennis Club for a grant or loan toward completion of
their clubhouse project be referred to staff.
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Tennis Club
Funding Request
Refer to staff
It was moved and seconded
That the request from the Maple Ridge Rotary Tennis Club for
a grant or loan in the amount of $30,000 toward the
completion of their clubhouse project at the Thomas Haney
Tennis Courts be referred to staff to identify a potential funding
source and to request more detailed information on the size,
form and placement of the proposed building.
Correspondence -Ni I
Other Committee Issues -Nil
Mayor Daykin attended Canada Day events, Pitt Meadows Airport Day, and
a Community-to-Community forum co-hosted by Metro Vancouver and
Katzie First Nation. He advised that funding for Alisa's Wish, a program run
through the Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Community Services, has been
made available for an additional two years.
Councillor Morden
Councillor Morden attended the Union of British Columbia Municipalities
conference and a Community-to-Community forum co-hosted by Metro
Vancouver and Katzie First Nation
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Councillor Masse
Councillor Masse attended numerous events. He wished residents a happy
and safe holiday.
Councillor Hogarth
Councillor Hogarth attended the Inner Visions Golf Fundraisers, Pitt
Meadows Airport Day, a Fraser Basin Council event and a meeting of the
Maple Ridge Economic Advisory Committee. He wished all a safe and
relaxing holiday.
Councillor Dueck
Councillor Dueck wished all a safe and restful break.
Councillor Bell
Councillor Bell participated in a walk with the Friends of Jackson Farm and
attended the Community-to-Community forum co-hosted by Metro
Vancouver and Katzie First Nation. She wished all a great break.
Councillor Ashlie
Councillor Ashlie attended various events including the Community-to-
Community forum co-hosted by Metro Vancouver and Katzie First Nation.
She wished all a wonderful break.
ADJOURNMENT -9:38 p.m.
Certified Correct
C. Marlo, Corporate Officer