HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-07-28 Adopted Regular Council Meeting Minutes.pdfCity of Maple Ridge COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES July 28, 2020 The Minutes of the City Council Meeting held on July 28, 2020 at 7:01 p.m. as an online virtual meeting hosted in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia for the purpose of transacting regular City business. PRESENT Elected Officials Mayor M. Morden Councillor J. Dueck Councillor K. Duncan Councillor C. Meadus Councillor G. Robson Councillor R. Svendsen Councillor A. Yousef Appointed Staff D. Boag, Acting Chief Administrative Officer C. Crabtree, Acting General Manager Corporate Services C. Goddard, Acting General Manager Planning & Development Services D. Pollock, General Manager Engineering Services S. Nichols, Corporate Officer T. Thompson, Chief Financial Officer Other Staff as Required C. Goddard, Director of Planning M. McMullen, Manager of Planning and Environmental Services Note: These Minutes are also posted on the City's Web Site at www.mapleridge.ca Video of the meeting is posted at media.mapleridge.ca/Mediasite/Showcase Note: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Councillor Robson, Councillor Svendsen and Councillor Yousef participated electronically. The Mayor chaired the meeting from Council Chambers. -• - Note: Councillor Duncan was absent at the start of the meeting. 100 CALL TO ORDER 200 AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA R/2020-320 It was moved and seconded That the agenda be amended by adding to Item 704 "Release of Items from _ ___ Clo?ed C...0une:U-Stat!)_s" the following item from the Closed Cou_ncil Meeting · -· ,_ ., • of July 28, 2020 • Item 04.02 Mr. Peter Hill -Request for Commemorative Naming of a Sport Field CARRIED Council Meeting Minutes July 28, 2020 Page 2 of 19 300 APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA R/2020-321 It was moved and seconded That the agenda of the Regular Council Meeting of July 28, 2020 be adopted as amended. CARRIED 400 ADOPTION AND RECEIPT OF MINUTES 401 Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of July 14, 2020 R/2020-322 It was moved and seconded That the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of July 14, 2020 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED 402 Report of the Public Hearing of July 21, 2020 R/2020-323 It was moved and seconded That the report of the Public Hearing of July 21, 2020 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED 500 PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL -Nil 600 DELEGATIONS -Nil 700 ITEMS ON CONSENT 701 Minutes 701.1 Development Agreements Committee Meetings • July 8, 2020·: '_· • July 15, 2020 • July 16, 2020 • July 21, 2020 Council Meeting Minutes July 28, 2020 Page 3 of 19 701.2 Committees and Commissions of Council Meetings • Transportation Advisory Committee -March 25, 2020 702 Reports -Nil 703 Correspondence -Nil 704 Release of Items from Closed Council Status From the April 21, 2020 Closed Council Meeting: • Item 4.1 Proposed Commuter Lot -22625 & 22631119 Avenue -36 month lease to construct a commuter parking lot to be completed and executed • Item 4.2 Southwest Neighbourhood Park Naming-Neighbourhood Park at 11683 223 Street to be formally named "Beckett Park" From the July 28, 2020 Closed Council Meeting: • Item 04.02 -Mr. Peter Hill -Request for Commemorative Naming of a Sport Field -request to name soccer field at Albion Park to commemorate Peter Hill respectfully declined; approval to dedicate a tree or bench at a chosen park to celebrate Peter Hill's long term volunteer accomplishment in supporting soccer in Maple Ridge. 705 Recommendation to Receive Items on Consent R/2020-324 It was moved and seconded That items on the "Items for Consent" agenda be received into the record. CARRIED Council Meeting Minutes July 28, 2020 Page 4 of 19 800 UNFINISHED BUS/NESS Note: Item 801 was forwarded at the July 14, 2020 Council Workshop Meeting 801 Business and Financial Planning Guidelines 2021-2025 Staff report dated July 28, 2020 recommending that the 2021-2025 Business and Financial Plan Guidelines be approved. R/2020-325 Moved and seconded That the 2021-2025 Business and Financial Plan Guidelines be approved. CARRIED Councillor Robson -OPPOSED Note: Councillor Yousef left the meeting due to technical difficulties at 7:24 p.m. and returned to the meeting at 7:27 p.m. Note: Item 802 was forwarded at the June 23, 2020 Council Workshop Meeting 802 Corporate Communication and Community Engagement Policy No. 5.57 Staff report dated July 28, 2020 recommending that Communication Policy No. 5.41 be repealed and that Corporate Communication and Community Engagement Policy No. 5.57 be adopted. R/2020-326 Moved and seconded That Communication Policy No. 5.41 be repealed in its entirety: and further That the new City of Maple Ridge Corporate Communication and Community Engagement Policy No. 5.57 be adopted. CARRIED Councillor Robson -OPPOSED 900 CORRESPONDENCE -Nil Council Meeting Minutes July 28, 2020 Page 5 of 19 1000 BYLAWS Note: Item 1001 is from the July 21, 2020 Public Hearing Bylaws for Third Reading 1001 2019-310-RZ, 11232 Dartford Street Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7603-2019 To rezone from C-4 (Neighbourhood Public House Commercial) to H-1 (Heritage Commercial) to allow for the continued operation of a stand-alone liquor store R/2020-327 Moved and seconded That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7603-2019 be given third reading. CARRIED Bylaws for Adoption 1002 2017-066-RZ, 21241 Wicklund Avenue Staff report dated July 28, 2020 recommending adoption Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7322-2017 To rezone from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RT-1 (Two Family Urban Residential) to permit the development of a duplex R/2020-328 Moved and seconded That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7322-2017 be adopted. 1003 2017-117-RZ, 11831, 11839 and 11865 232 Street Staff report dated July 28, 2020 recommending adoption Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7351-2017 CARRIED To rezone from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) to permit construction of 46 residential townhouse units R/2020-329 Moved and seconded That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7351-2017 be adopted. CARRIED Council Meeting Minutes July 28, 2020 Page 6 of 19 1004 2017-390-RZ, 23084 and 23100 Lougheed Highway Staff report dated July 28, 2020 recommending adoption 1004.1 Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7 499-2018 To amend the boundary of the Conservation designation and Urban Residential designation for ground-truthing R/2020-330 Moved and seconded That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7 499-2019 be adopted. CARRIED Councillor Robson, Councillor Yousef -OPPOSED 1004.2 Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7 442-2018 To rezone a portion of the subject property from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RM-4 (Multiple Family Residential District) to permit construction of 30 townhouses R/2020-331 Moved and seconded That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7442-2018 be adopted. CARRIED Councillor Robson, Councillor Yousef -OPPOSED 1005 Maple Ridge Highway and Traffic Amending Bylaw No. 7652-2020 To allow the Maple Ridge Business Centre and Edge Street parking lots to change to a "pay by plate" model R/2020-332 Moved and seconded That Highway and Traffic Amending Bylaw No. 7652-2020 be adopted. CARRIED Council Meeting Minutes July 28, 2020 Page 7 of 19 1100 REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Planning and Development Services 1101 2017-231-RZ, Supportive Recovery Housing Staff report dated July 21, 2020 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7651-2020 to regulate supportive recovery homes be given first and second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing. MAIN MOTION R/2020-333 That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7651-2020 be given first and second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing. MOTION TO AMEND R/2020-334 That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7651-2020 be given first and second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing with the addition of the requirement that supportive recovery housing facilities be separated from schools, daycares and other comparable facilities by 250m. AMENDMENT DEFEATED Councillor Dueck, Councillor Meadus, Councillor Robson -OPPOSED Question on the main motion The question was then called on the Main Motion MAIN MOTIONCARRIED Councillor Svendsen -OPPOSED 1102 2019-245-RZ, 22780 Dewdney Trunk Road, CS-1 to C-3 Staff report dated July 21, 2020 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7573-2019 to rezone from CS-1 (Service Commercial) to C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) to permit the construction of a six-storey, mixed-use building with 30 apartment units be given first reading and that the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules C, D, and E -·:ofthe Development-Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. ___ _ Council Meeting Minutes July 28, 2020 Page 8 of 19 R/2020-335 Moved and seconded 1. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7573-2019 be given first reading; and 2. That the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules C, D, and E of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. CARRIED 1103 2020-051-RZ, 11980 Glenhurst Street, RS-3 to R-1 Staff report dated July 21, 2020 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7658-2020 to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential} to R-1 (Residential District) to permit a subdivision of two lots of approximately 534 m2 each in area be given first reading and that the applicant provide further information as described on Schedule B of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. R/2020-336 Moved and seconded 1. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7658-2020 be given first reading; and 2. That the applicant provide further information as described on Schedule B of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999, along with the information required for a Subdivision application. CARRIED 1104 2019-081-RZ, 21358 and 21366 Dewdney Trunk Road, RS-1 and RS-1b to RM-2 Staff report dated July 21, 2020 recommending that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7657-2020 to allow an increase in maximum permitted height for an apartment building from four to five storeys be given first and second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing and that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7540-2019 to rezone from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) and RS-1b (One Family Urban [Medium Density] Residential) to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential District) to permit construction of a five-storey, 54 unit, purpose-built rental apartment • buildinfbe given second reading and be forwarded to Pu blic Heari~Q_ Council Meeting Minutes July 28, 2020 Page 9 of 19 R/2020-337 Moved and seconded 1) That, in accordance with Section 4 75 of the Local Government Act, opportunity for early and ongoing consultation has been provided by way of posting Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7657-2020 on the municipal website and requiring that the applicant host a Development Information Meeting (DIM), and Council considers it unnecessary to provide any further consultation opportunities, except by way of holding a Public Hearing on the bylaw; 2) That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7657-2020 be considered in conjunction with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 3) That it be confirmed that Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7657-2020 is consistent with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 4) That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7657-2020 be given first and second readings and be forwarded to Public Hearing; 5) That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7540-2019 be given second reading, and be forwarded to Public Hearing; and 6) That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: i) Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of a security, as outlined in the Agreement; ii) Approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure; iii) Site specific text amendment to Official Community Plan to permit five storeys on the subject properties; iv) Road dedication on Hood Street and Dewdney Trunk Road, as required; v) Consolidation of the subject properties; vi) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Geotechnical Report, which addresses the suitability of the subject properties for the proposed development; vii) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for Stormwater Management; viii) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for Visitor Parking; · ··, -ix) Registration of a Housing-Agreement in accordance witlT Section 483 of the Local Government Act and a Restrictive Covenant stating that all units will be restricted to residential rental units; x) Removal of existing buildings; and Council Meeting Minutes July 28, 2020 Page 10 of 19 xi) In addition to the site profile, a disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks on the subject properties. If so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the subject property is not a contaminated site. xii) Payment of the cash contribution for the additional density, from 1.8 FSR to 2.1 FSR, at a rate of $161.46 / m2 X 360 m2 (3,875 ft2), for a total of approximately $58,125.00. Note: Councillor Duncan joined the meeting at 8:16 p.m. R/2020-338 Moved and seconded That Application No. 2019-081-RZ be referred back to staff. CARRIED Councillor Robson, Councillor Svendsen -OPPOSED 1105 2019-425-RZ, 25057, 25123 and 25171112 Avenue, RS-3 to R-1, R-2 and R-3 Staff report dated July 21, 2020 recommending that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7605-2020 to re-designate land use to single family and to re-designate portions of the property to Conservation be given first and second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing and that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7606-2020 to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to R-1 (Residential District), R-2 (Urban Residential District) and R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) to permit a subdivision of approximately 84 lots be given second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing. R/2020-339 Moved and seconded 1) That, in accordance with Section 4 75 of the Local Government Act, opportunity for early and ongoing consultation has been provided by way of posting Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7605-2020 on the municipal website and requiring that the applicant host a Development Information Meeting (DIM}, and Council considers it . ,-. unnecessary to proviae any f~:'th::;r consu !tat !on 0!')portun1ties, except by way of holding a Public Hearing on the bylaw; 2) That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7605-2020 be considered in conjunction with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; Council Meeting Minutes July 28, 2020 Page 11 of 19 3) That it be confirmed that Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7605-2020 is consistent with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 4) That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7605-2020 be given first and second readings and be forwarded to Public Hearing; 5) That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7606-2020 be given second reading, and be forwarded to Public Hearing; 6) That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: i) Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of a security, as outlined in the Agreement; ii) Amendment to Official Community Plan Schedule "A", Chapter 10.2 Albion Area Plan, Schedule 1: Albion Area Plan, Figure 1: Northeast Albion and Schedule "C"; iii) Road dedication on 112 Avenue and a traffic circle at the corner of 252 Street and 112 Avenue, as required; iv) Park dedication as required, including construction of multi- purpose trails; and removal of all debris and garbage from park land; v) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Geotechnical Report, which addresses the suitability of the subject properties for the proposed development; vi) Registration of a Statutory Right-of-Way plan and agreement for . the sanitary sewer and any other servicing Statutory Right-of-Ways that may be required once detailed designs are provided; vii) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for Stormwater Management; viii) Removal of existing buildings; ix) Notification to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans and the Ministry of Environment and approvals for in-stream works as required; x) A Professional Engineer's certification that adequate water quantity for domestic and fire protection purposes can be provided; xi) In addition to the site profile, a disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is •• -··· •• • any evidei1ce ·of underground fuel -storage tanks on the subject. property(ies). If so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the subject property is not a contaminated site; and Council Meeting Minutes July 28, 2020 Page 12 of 19 xii) That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of $5,100.00 per lot be provided in keeping with the Council Policy with regard to Community Amenity Contributions. CARRIED Councillor Duncan -OPPOSED 1106 2020-117-RZ, 11903 and 11917 Burnett Street, Temporary Use Permit Area Staff report dated July 21, 2020 recommending that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7659-2020 to designate the subject properties as a Temporary Use Permit Area to allow for a sales centre for a future apartment site be given first reading and that the applicant provide further information as described on Schedule H of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. R/2020-340 Moved and seconded 1. In respect of Section 4 75 of the Local Government Act, requirement for consultation during the development or amendment of an Official Community Plan, Council must consider whether consultation is required with specifically: i. The Board of the Regional District in which the area covered by the plan is located, in the case of a Municipal Official Community Plan; ii. The Board of any Regional District that is adjacent to the area covered by the plan; iii. The Council of any municipality that is adjacent to the area covered by the plan; iv. First Nations; v. Boards of Education, Greater Boards and Improvements District Boards; and vi. The Provincial and Federal Governments and their agencies. and in that regard it is recommended that no additional consultation be required in respect of this matter beyond the early posting of the proposed Official Community Plan amendments on the City's website, together with an invitation to the public to comment, and; 2. That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7659-2020 be given • first-re?)diilg; and ! • --... ·, • • 3. That the applicant provide further information as described on Schedule Hof the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. CARRIED Council Meeting Minutes July 28, 2020 Page 13 of 19 1107 2018-394-RZ, Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw Staff report dated July 21, 2020 recommending that Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 to regulate zoning in the City of Maple Ridge be given second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing. R/2020-341 Moved and seconded That Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 be given second reading, and be forwarded to Public Hearing. CARRIED 1108 2017-117-DVP and 2017-117-DP, 11831, 11839 and 11865 232 Street Staff report dated July 21, 2020 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2017-117-DVP to vary front yard setbacks, rear line setbacks and reduce north and south interior side lot setbacks and that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2017-117-DP to allow construction of a 46 unit residential townhouse development. R/2020-342 Moved and seconded 1. That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2017-117-DVP respecting property located at 11831, 11839 and 11865 232 Street; and 2. That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2017-117-DP respecting property located at 11831, 11839 and 11865 232 Street. CARRIED 1109 2017-390-DVP and 2017-390-DP, 23084 and 23100 Lougheed Highway Staff report dated July 21, 2020 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2017-390-DVP to reduce minimum building setbacks for specified buildings, vary the requirements for parking, increase maximum height of specified buildings, and reduce view arc requirements from living room windows for specified units and that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2017-390-DP to permit construction of 30 tuwnl1ouse units. Council Meeting Minutes July 28, 2020 Page 14 of 19 R/2020-343 Moved and seconded 1. That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2017-390-DVP respecting property located at 23084 and 23100 Lougheed Highway; and 2. That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2017-390-DP respecting property located at 23084 and 23100 Lougheed Highway. CARRIED Councillor Robson, Councillor Yousef -OPPOSED 1110 2020-198-DVP, 12182 and 12184 228 Street Staff report dated July 21, 2020 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2020-198-DVP to waive the requirement to provide underground utilities and allow servicing by overhead utility poles. Note: Councillor Duncan and Councillor Yousef left the meeting at 8:50 p.m. and did not return. R/2020-344 Moved and seconded That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2020-198-DVP respecting property located at 12182 and 12184 228 Street. CARRIED Engineering Services 1131 Award of Contract RFP-EN20-30: Engineering Consulting Services for Roadway Data Collection and Pavement Management System Reporting Staff report dated July 21, 2020 recommending that Contract RFP-EN20-30: Engineering Consulting Services for Roadway Data Collection and Pavement Management System Reporting be awarded to Tetra Tech Canada Inc., that a contingency for unanticipated additional works be approved and that the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contract. R/2020-345 Moved and seconded Th,at Contract HFP-EN20-30: Eigineerinq; Co nsL.;lting Services for Roadway Data Collection and Pavement Management System Reporting be awarded to Tetra Tech Canada Inc. in the amount of $159,604.00 excluding taxes; and Council Meeting Minutes July 28, 2020 Page 15 of 19 That a contingency of $15,960.00 be approved for unanticipated additional works; and further That the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the Contract. CARRIED 1132 Award of Contract ITT-EN20-33: Culvert Replacements on 132 Avenue Staff report dated July 21, 2020 recommending that Contract ITT-EN20-33: Culvert Replacements on 132 Avenue be awarded to RTR Terra Contracting Ltd., that a contingency to address potential variations in field conditions be approved and that the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contract. R/2020-346 Moved and seconded That Contract ITT-EN20-33: Culvert Replacements on 132 Avenue be awarded to RTR Terra Contracting Ltd. in the amount of $250,451.50 excluding taxes; and That a contract contingency of $50,000.00 be approved to address potential variations in field conditio.ns; and further That the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contract. CARRIED 1133 Award of Contract ITT-EN20-34: Culvert Replacement 100 m east of 28269 104 Avenue Staff report dated July 21, 2020 recommending that Contract ITT-EN-32: Culvert Replacement on 104 Avenue, 100m east of 28269 be awarded to Mission Contractors Ltd., that a contingency to address potential variations in field conditions be approved and that the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contract. R/2020-347 Moved and seconded That Contract ITT-EN20-34: Culvert Replacement on 104 Avenue 100m east of 28269 . -be awarded.:.to-J\1ission Contractors Ltd. in the amount of • '"·-· -·• $180,477.44 excluding taxes; and Council Meeting Minutes July 28, 2020 Page 16 of 19 That a contract contingency of $36,000.00 be approved to address potential variations in field conditions; and further That the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contract. CARRIED 1134 Renewal of Contract: Hydrovac Services Staff report dated July 21, 2020 recommending that a one year renewal agreement for hydrovac services be awarded to Badger Daylighting Limited Partnership and McRae's Environmental Services Ltd. and that the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the agreements. R/2020-348 Moved and seconded That a one (1) year renewal agreement for Hydrovac services on an as, if and when required basis be awarded to Badger Daylighting Limited Partnership and McRae's Environmental Services Ltd: for a second year, with the option to renew for three (3) additional one (1) year periods; and That the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the agreements. CARRIED Corporate Services 1151 2019 Annual Report and 2019 Statement of Financial Information Staff report dated July 21, 2020 recommending that the 2019 Annual Report be received and that the 2019 Statement of Financial Information be approved. R/2020-349 Moved and seconded That the 2019 Annual Report be received as required by the Community Charter; and That the 2019 Statement of Financial Information be approved as required by the Financial Information Act. CARRIED Council Meeting Minutes July 28, 2020 Page 17 of 19 1152 2020 Property Tax Sale Deferral Staff report dated July 21, 2020 recommending that 2020 Property Tax Sale Deferral Bylaw No. 7660-2020 to defer the 2020 property tax sale be given first, second and third readings and be adopted. R/2020-350 Moved and seconded That 2020 Property Tax Sale Deferral Bylaw No. 7660-2020 be given first, second and third readings and be adopted. CARRIED Parks. Recreation & Culture 1171 Award of Contract-Ridge Canoe and Kayak Club ("RCKC") Docks and Floating Boathouse Platform Construction Staff report dated July 21, 2020 recommending that Contract RFP-PL20-01: RCKC Docks and Floating Boathouse Platform Construction be awarded to Blue Water Systems Ltd., that a contingency be authorized and that the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contract. R/2020-351 Moved and seconded That Contract RFP-PL20-01: RCKC Docks and Floating Boathouse Platform Construction be awarded to Blue Water Systems Ltd. for the total base bid price of $481,000.00 excluding taxes; and That a contingency of $48,000.00 be authorized; and further That the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contract. CARRIED 1172 Award of Contract -Albion Community Centre Construction Phase Two Staff report dated July 21, 2020 recommending that the contract for the Albion Community Centre Construction Phase Two be awarded to Double V Construction Ltd ., that a contingency be authorized, that the Financial Plan Bylaw be amended to include additional funds from Accumulated Surplus and .from the Parks & Recreation Improvements Reser:ve, and that the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contract. Council Meeting Minutes July 28, 2020 Page 18 of 19 R/2020-352 Moved and seconded That the Contract for the Albion Community Centre Construction Phase Two be awarded to Double V Construction Ltd. in the amount of $13,070,170 excluding taxes, and that a contingency of $1,300,000 be authorized; and That the Financial Plan Bylaw be amended to include an additional $1,000,000 from Accumulated Surplus and $1,200,000 from the Parks & Recreation Improvements Reserve; and further That the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contract. CARRIED Councillor Robson -OPPOSED Administration -Nil 1200 STAFF REPORTS -Nil 1300 OTHER MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT-Nil 1400 PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD -Nil During Mayor and Councillors' Reports, E. Comninos entered the meeting and asked that Council not proceed with the Hood Street development noting traffic and parking concerns. Staff advised that the development is now back with staff and the applicant. 1500 MAYOR AND COUNCILLORS' REPORTS Council members provided their reports on activities participated in during the past few weeks. The Mayor provided a quarterly update video presentation. Council Meeting Minutes July 28, 2020 Page 19 of 19 1600 NOTICES OF MOTION AND MATTERS FOR FUTURE MEETINGS -Nil 1700 ADJOURNMENT -9:26 p.m. Certified Correct orate Officer