HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-04-12 Adopted Regular Council Meeting Minutes.pdfCity of Maple Ridge
April 12, 2022
The Minutes of the City Council Meeting held virtually and hosted in Council Chambers on
April 12, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia
for the purpose of transacting regular City business.
Elected Officials
Mayor M. Morden
Councillor J. Dueck
Councillor G. Robson
Councillor R. Svendsen
Councillor A. Yousef
Councillor C. Meadus
Councillor K. Duncan
Appointed Staff
S. Hartman, Chief Administrative Officer
C. Carter, General Manager Planning & Development
C. Crabtree, General Manager Corporate Services
S. Labonne, General Manager Parks, Recreation &
D. Pollock, General Manager Engineering Services
P. Hlavac-Winsor, Acting Corporate Officer, General
Counsel and Executive Director, Legislative Services
Other Staff as Required
C. Goddard, Director of Planning
F. Smith, Director of Engineering
Note: These Minutes are also posted on the City's Web Site at www.mapleridge.ca
Video of the meeting is posted at med ia.mapleridge.ca/Med iasite/Showcase
Note: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Mayor and Councillors Dueck, Robson, Yousef, and
Mead us participated electronically. The Acting Mayor chaired the meeting from Council
Council Meeting Minutes
April 12, 2022
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It was moved and seconded
That the agenda of the Regular Council Meeting of April 12, 2022 be adopted as
401 Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of March 29, 2022
It was moved and seconded
That the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of March 29, 2022 be adopted
with an amendment to the Note immediately above section 1200, inserting the
word 'Mayor' in front of the word 'reentered'.
601 Alouette River Management Society (A.R.M.S.)
Presentation by Greta Barick-Cunningham, Executive Director, on 2021 activities.
701 Minutes
701.1 Meetings of the Development Agreements Committee
• March 30, 2022
• March 31, 2022
• April 6, 2022
701.2 Meetings of Committees and Commissions of Council
• Advisory Design Panel -February 16, 2022
• Parks, Recreation and Culture Advisory Committee -January 5, 2022
• Transportation Advisory Committee -November 24, 2021
702 Reports -Ni I
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703 Correspondence
703.1 South Coast mass forestry herbicide spraying against native plant species
Correspondence dated March 26, 2022, from Colleen & Roy Anspach, requesting
support in opposition to mass forestry herbicide spraying.
703.2 Motion at LMLGA and UBCM Protecting BC Coasts from Acidic Washwater
Dumping being brought forward by Vancouver
Letter dated March 24, 2022, from Anna Barford, Stand.earth, requesting
support for the motion "Protecting B.C. Coasts from Acidic Washwater Dumping."
704 Re/ease of Items from Closed Council Status -Nil
705 Recommendation to Receive Items on Consent
It was moved and seconded
That Item 703.1 "South Coast mass forestry herbicide spraying against native
plant species" be pulled from Items on Consent; and further,
That the remainder of items under "Items for Consent" agenda be received into
the record .
Council discussed forestry herbicide spraying and letter to the Province on the issue.
It was moved and seconded
That Council prepare and submit a letter of support in opposition to mass
forestry herbicide spraying to the Ministry of Environment.
801 Notice of Motion -Prohibition of Single Use Plastics
Councillor Yousef submitted the following Notice of Motion in response to the
recent prohibition of single use plastics by a number of municipalities:
That staff prepare a single use and other items bylaw for council consideration.
It was moved and seconded
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That staff prepare a single use and other items bylaw for council consideration.
Note: Items 1001 is from the December 1, 2020 Public Hearing
Bylaws for Adoption
1001 2018-325-RZ, 12581243 Street, RS-3 to RS-2
Staff report dated April 12, 2022, recommending that Zone Amending Bylaw No.
7 495-2018 be adopted.
It was moved and seconded
That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7 495-2018 be adopted.
1002 Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Amending Bylaw
A bylaw to change the Head function to align with the reorganization of the Legal
and Legislative Services Department.
It was moved and seconded
That Maple Ridge Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Amending
Bylaw No. 7840-2022 be adopted.
1003 Maple Ridge Drinking Water Conservation Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7831-2022
A bylaw to maintain the City's alignment with Metro Vancouver member
jurisdictions in the consistent application of Metro Vancouver's Drinking Water
Conservation Plan.
It was moved and seconded
That Maple Ridge Drinking Water Conservation Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7831-
2022 be adopted.
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Planning and Development Services
1101 2021-008-RZ, 12387 203 Street, RS-1 to RT-2
Staff report dated April 5, 2022, recommending that Zone Amending Bylaw No.
7815-2021 to rezone from RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) to RT-2 (Ground-
0riented Residential Infill) to permit a future construction of a triplex building, be
given first reading and that applicant provide information as described in the staff
It was moved and seconded
That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7815-2021 be given first reading; and further
That the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules C and
D of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999.
1102 2019-402-RZ, 9450 287 Street, Discharge of Land Use Contract
Staff report dated April 5, 2022, recommending that Zone Amending Bylaw No.
7833-2022 to discharge the land use contract from the subject property be given
first and second reading and forwarded to Public Hearing.
It was moved and seconded
That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7833-2022 be given first and second reading;
and further
That a Public hearing be waived in accordance with the Local Government Act
Section 464(2).
1103 2020-421-RZ, 12026 Dunbar Street and 22137 Dewdney Trunk Road, RS-1 to
Staff report dated April 5, 2022, recommending that Zone Amending Bylaw No.
7690-2020 to rezone from RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) to C-3 (Town
Centre Comme rcial) to permit the future construction of a si x storey mixed use
commercial/residential apartment be given second reading and forwarded to
Public Hearing.
It was moved and seconded
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1. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7690-2020 be given second reading and forwarded
to a Public Hearing; and further
2. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading of Zone
Amending Bylaw No. 7690-2020:
i. Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant
and receipt of the deposit of a security, as outlined in the Agreement;
ii. Approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure;
iii. Road dedication on Dewdney Trunk Road and Dunbar Street as required;
iv. Consolidation of the subject properties;
v. Confirmation from the applicant's engineer of record and acceptance from
the City that a Traffic Impact Assessment is not required. If a Traffic Impact
Assessment is required then it must be done to the City's satisfaction;
vi. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Geotechnical Report, which
addresses the suitability of the subjectproperties for the proposed
vii. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for protecting the Visitor Parking and
Stormwater Management;
viii. Removal of existing buildings;
ix. In addition to the Ministry of Environment Site Disclosure Statement, a
disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer
advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks
on the subject properties. If so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is
required to ensure that the subject property is not a contaminated site;
x. Payment of a bonus density contribution for 876.99m2 of residential floor
area (at a rate of $161.46 per m2) totaling approximately $141.599.38;
xi. That a voluntary contribution be provided in keeping with the Council Policy
6.31 with regard to Community Amenity Contributions applicable at the
time of third reading of this rezoning application.
1104 2018-429-RZ, 11052 240 Street, RS-3 to R-3
Staff report dated April 5, 2022, recommending that Official Community Plan
Amending Bylaw No. 7514-2018 be given second reading and forwarded to
Public Hearing and that Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7515-2018 to rezone from
RS-3 (Single Detached Rural Residential) to R-3 (Single Detached (Intensive)
Urban Residential) to permit a future subdivision of approximately five lots, be
given second reading and forwarded to Public Hearing.
It was moved and seconded
1. That, in accordance with Section 4 75 of the Local Government Act, opportunity for
early and on-going consultation has been provided by way of posting Official
Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7514-2018 on the municipal website and
requiring that the applicant host a Development Information Meeting (DIM), and
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Council considers it unnecessary to provide any further consultation opportunities,
except by way of holding a Public Hearing on the bylaw;
2. That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7514-2018 be given first and
second reading and forwarded to Public Hearing;
3. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7515-2018 be given second reading as amended,
and forwarded to Public Hearing; and further
4. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading:
i. Amendment to Official Community Plan Schedule 11A11, Chapter 10.2
Albion Area Plan, Schedule 1 Albion Area Plan, and Schedule "C" for
Conservation areas;
ii. Road dedication on 240 Street as required;
iii. Park dedication as required, and removal of all debris and garbage from
park land;
iv. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Geotechnical Report, which
addresses the suitability of the subject property for the proposed
v. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the protection of the
Environmentally Sensitive areas on the subject property;
vi. Removal of existing building(s);
vii. In addition to the Ministry of Environment Site Disclosure Statement, a
disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer
advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage
tanks on the subject property. If so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is
required to ensure that the subject property is not a contaminated site;
viii. That a voluntary contribution be provided in keeping with the Council
Policy 6.31 with regard to Community Amenity Contributions, and such
rates as may be amended prior to third reading of this bylaw.
Councillors Yousef and Robson Opposed
1105 2019-001-RZ, 24440 128 Avenue, RS-3 to RS-2
Staff report dated April 5, 2022, recommending that official Community Plan
Amending Bylaw No. 7832-2022 be given first and second reading and forwarded
to Public Hearing and that Zon e Amending Bylaw No. 7528-2019 to rezone from
RS-3 (Single Detached Rural Residential) to RS-2 (Single Detached Suburban
Residential) to permit a future subdivision to create six bare-land strata single-
family lots, be given second reading and forwarded to Public Hearing.
It was moved and seconded
1. That, in accordance with Section 4 75 of the Local Government Act, opportunity for
early and on-going consultation has been provided by way of posting Official
Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7832-2022 on the municipal website and
requiring that the applicant host a Development Information Meeting (DIM), and
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Council considers it unnecessary to provide any further consultation opportunities,
except by way of holding a Public Hearing on the bylaw;
2. That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7832-2022 be considered in
conjunction with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan;
3. That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7832-2022 be given first and
second reading and forwarded to Public Hearing;
4. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7528-2019 be given second reading and forwarded
to Public Hearing; and further
5. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading:
i. Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive
Covenant and receipt of the deposit of a security, as outlined in the
ii. Registration of a Bare-land Strata Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive
Covenant and receipt of the deposit of a security, as outlined in the
iii. Amendment to Official Community Plan Schedules 11B11 and & "C":
iv. Park dedication as required, including construction of equestrian trails;
and removal of all debris and garbage from park land;
v. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Geotechnical Report which
addresses the suitability of the subject property for the proposed
vi. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the protection of the
Environmentally Sensitive Areas (wetlands) on the subject property;
vii. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for Stormwater Management;
viii. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for No-Build/ No-Disturb for
Environmentally Sensitive Areas;
ix. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for Tree Protection and
x. Registration of an Easement for Stormwater Management on Lot 2
benefitting Lot 1;
xi. Registration of an Enhancement and Maintenance Agreement;
xii. Removal of existing buildings and structures;
xiii. Registration with Fraser Health for septic disposal and registration of a
Restrictive Covenant for the protection of the septic field areas;
xiv. In addition to the site profile, a disclosure statement must be submitted
by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of
underground fuel storage tanks on the subject property. If so, a Stage 1
Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the subject property
is not a contaminated site; and
xv. That a contribution be provided in keeping with Council Policy 6.31 with
regard to Community Amenity Contributions applicable at the time of
third reading of this rezoning application.
Councillors Yousef and Robson Opposed
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1106 2020-250-RZ, 23939 Fern Crescent, RS-2 to RS-1 b
Staff report dated April 5, 2022 recommending that Official Community Plan
Amending Bylaw No. 7691-2020 be given first and second reading and forwarded
to Public Hearing and that Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7692-2020 to rezone from
RS-2 (Single Detached Suburban Residential) to RS-1 b (Single Detached
(Medium Density) Residential) to permit a future subdivision of approximately five
lots be given second reading and forwarded to Public Hearing.
It was moved and seconded
1. That, in accordance with Section 475 of the Local Government Act, opportunity for
early and on-going consultation has been provided by way of posting Official
Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7691-2020 on the municipal website and
requiring that the applicant host a Development Information Meeting (DIM), and
Council considers it unnecessary to provide any further consultation opportunities,
except by way of holding a Public Hearing on the Bylaw;
2. That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7691-2020 be considered in
conjunction with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan;
3. That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7691-2020 be given first and
second reading and forwarded to Public Hearing;
4. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7692-2020 be given second reading and forwarded
to Public Hearing; and further
5. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading:
i. Amendment to Official Community Plan Schedule "A" Chapter 10.3, Part VI,
A -Silver Valley, Figure 2 -Land Use Plan, and Figure 3D -Horse Hamlet;
ii. Road dedication on Sheldrake Court as required;
iii. Road dedication on Fern Crescent as required;
iv. Park dedication as required, and removal of all debris and garbage from
park land;
v. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Geotechnical Report which
addresses the suitability of the subject property for the proposed
vi. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for Stormwater Management on the
subject property;
vii. Removal of existing buildings;
viii. In addition to the Ministry of Environment Site Disclosure Statement, a
disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer
advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks
on the subject properties. If so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is
required to ensure that the subject property is not a contaminated site; and
ix. That a contribution be provided in keeping with Council Policy 6.31 with
regard to Community Amenity Contributions applicable at the time of third
reading of this rezoning application.
Councillor Robson Opposed
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1107 2021-131-RZ, 23103 136 Avenue, A-2 to R-2
Staff report dated April 5, 2022, recommending that Official Community Plan
Amending Bylaw No. 7839-2022 be given first and second reading and forwarded
to Public Hearing and that Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7725-2021 to rezone from
A-2 (Upland Agricultural) to R-2 (Single Detached (Medium Density) Urban
Residential) to permit a future subdivision of approximately 20 lots be given
second reading and forwarded to Public Hearing.
It was moved and seconded
1. That, in accordance with Section 475 of the Local Government Act, opportunity for
early and ongoing consultation has been provided by way of posting Official
Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7839-2022 on the municipal website and
requiring that the applicant host a Development Information Meeting (DIM) and
Council considers it unnecessary to provide any further consultation opportunities,
except by way of holding a Public Hearing on the Bylaw;
2. That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7839-2022 be considered in
conjunction with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan;
3. That it be confirmed that Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7839-2022
is consistent with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan;
4. That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7839-2022 be given first and
second reading and forwarded to Public Hearing;
5. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7725-2021 be given second reading and forwarded
to Public Hearing; and further
6. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading:
i. Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant
and receipt of the deposit of a security, as outlined in the Agreement;
ii. Amendment to Official Community Plan Schedule "A" Chapter 10.3, Part
VI, A -Silver Valley, Figure 2 -Land Use Plan, Figure3A -Blaney Hamlet,
and Figure 4 -Trails/ Open Space;
iii. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Geotechnical Report which
addresses the suitability of the subject property for the proposed
iv. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for Stormwater Management;
v. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for Tree Protection; and
vi. That a voluntary contribution be provided, in keeping with the Council
Policy 6.31 with regard to Community Amenity Contributions, as may be
adopted by Council and applicable at the time of third reading of this
rezoning application.
Councillors Yousef and Robson Opposed
Note: Councillor Robson left the meeting at 7:50 pm
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1108 2017-184-DVP, 12841235A Street
Staff report dated April 5, 2022, recommending that the Corporate Officer be
authorized to sign and seal 2017-184-DVP to reduce the front yard setback.
The Corporate Officer advised that 3 notices were mailed out in relation to the
application and zero pieces of correspondence were received expressing
opposition and/or concerns.
It was moved and seconded
That the Corporate Office be authorized to sign and seal 2017-184-DVP,
respecting property located at 12841 235A Street.
1109 2021-493-DVP, 22311119 Avenue, Development Variance Permit and
Payment-in-lieu of Parking
Staff report dated April 5, 2022, recommending that the Corporate Officer be
authorized to sign and seal 2021-493-DVP to reduce the number of parking
The Corporate Officer advised that 95 notices were mailed out in relation to the
application and zero pieces of correspondence were received expressing
opposition and/or concerns.
It was moved and seconded
That the Corporate Office be authorized to sign and seal 2021-493-DVP
respecting property located at 22311119 Avenue; and further
That payment is taken in the amount of $50,000.00 for four parking spaces
through the Payment In-lieu Option in the Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw
No. 4350-1990 respecting property located at 22311119 Avenue.
1110 2021-264-DP, 25123 and 25171112 Avenue, Intensive Residential
Development Permit
Staff report dated April 5, 2022, recommending that the Corporate Officer be
authorized to sign and seal 2021-264-DP respecting the form and character if
22 R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) zones lots.
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It was moved and seconded
That the Corporate Office be authorized to sign and seal 2021-264-DP,
respecting properties located at 25123 and 25171112 Avenue.
1111 2016-195-CP, Employment Lands: Re-designation of the Yennadon Lands to
Industrial (Employment Park Category)
Staff report dated April 5, 2022, recommending that Official Community Plan
Amending Bylaws 7734-2021 (Policy) and 7735-2021 (Land Use Designation)
be given second reading and forwarded to Public Hearing and that Official
Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7838-2022 (Land Use Designation) be
given second reading and forwarded to Public Hearing to ensure the development
of a cohesive road network, servicing access and environmental package, while
maximizing employment potential.
Note: Councillor Robson reentered the meeting at 7:55 pm
It was moved and seconded
1. That in respect of Section 4 75 of the Local Government Act, opportunity for early
and on-going consultation has been provided by way of posting Official Community
Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7734-2021, Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw
No. 7735-2021, and Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7838-2022 on
the municipal website and the referral process together with an invitation to the
public, Metro Vancouver and the Agricultural Land Commission to comment; and
Council considers it unnecessary to provide any further consultation opportunities,
except by way of holding a Public Hearing on the bylaws;
2. That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7734-2021, as amended, be
given second reading and forwarded to Public Hearing;
3. That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No . 7735-2021, as amended, be
given second reading and forwarded to Public Hearing;
4. That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7838-2022 be given first and
second reading and forwarded to Public Hearing;
5. Subject to third reading of Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7734-
2021, Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7735-2021 and Official
Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7838-2022, that staff be directed to include
the Type 2 Minor Amendments related to the Yennadon Land Regional Growth
Strategy amendment package, that will be forwarded to Metro Vancouver; and
6. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading of Official
Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7838-2022:
i. That 23154 128 Avenue be removed from the Agriculture Land Reserve;
ii. That the Metro Vancouver Urban Containment Boundary be amended;
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iii. That the subject properties are included in the Fraser Sewerage Area
and/or request, via Council resolution, for permission to connect to the
City of Maple Ridge sewer mains.
Engineering Services
1131 Award on Contract: Annual Pavement Rehabilitation Program -Various Locations
Contract Renewal: ITT-OP21-30
Staff report dated April 5, 2022, recommending that the Corporate Officer be
authorized to execute the contract extension with B.A. Blacktop Ltd.
Note: Councillor Robson declared that he may have a perceived conflict of interest and left
the meeting at 8 pm
It was moved and seconded
That the contact extension for the 2021 contract for the Pavement Rehabilitation
Program (ITT-OP21-30) be renewed with B.A. Blacktop Ltd. In the amount of
$3,357,983.63 excluding taxes; and
That a contingency for any adjustments, including Charges and agreed to Extra
Work in the contract up to 15% of the value of the contract ($503,697.54
excluding taxes), be approved; and further
That the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contract.
Corporate Services -Nil
Parks. Recreation & Culture -Nil
Administration -Ni l
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Councillor Yousef, Councillor Dueck, Councillor Svendsen and the Mayor provided
their reports on activities participated in during the past few weeks.
1700 ADJOURNMENT -8:09 pm.
R. Svendsen, Acting Mayor
Certified Correct
P. Hlavac-Winsor, Acting Corporate Officer