HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-07-06 Adopted Council Workshop Minutes.pdfDistrict of Maple Ridge
July 6, 2009
The Minutes of the Municipal Council Workshop held on July 6, 2009 at 9:00 a.m. in
the Blaney Room of the Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British
Columbia for the purpose of transacting regular Municipal business.
Elected Officials
Mayor E. Daykin
Councillor C. Ashlie
Councillor J. Dueck
Councillor A. Hogarth
Councillor L. King
Councillor M. Morden
Councillor C. Speirs
Appointed Staff
J. Rule, Chief Administrative Officer
M. Murray, General Manager of Community Development,
Parks and Recreation Services
P. Gill, General Manager Corporate and Financial Services
F. Quinn, General Manager Public Works and Development
J. Leeburn, Executive Director
C. Marlo, Manager of Legislative Services
A. Gaunt, Confidential Secretary
Other Staff as Required
J. Pickering, Director of Planning
P. Grootendorst, Fire Chief/Director of Operations
D. Spence, Fire Chief/Director of Safety
R. Carmichael, Director of Operations
T. Fryer, Manager of Corporate and Development
G. Manson, Manager of Communications
S. Blue, Manager of Economic Development
Note: These Minutes are posted on the Municipal Web Site at www .mapleridge.ca
The agenda was approved with the following additions:
4.7 Inspection Levels
4.8 Signage at Abernethy and 210th
Council Workshop Minutes
July 6, 2009
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June 15, 2009
It was moved and seconded
That the minutes of the Council Workshop Meeting of June 15,
2009 be adopted as circulated.
3.1.1 Fire Department Update
-Peter Grootendorst, Fire Chief/Director of Operations
-Dane Spence, Fire Chief/Director of Safety
The Fire Chief/Director of Operations gave a PowerPoint presentation
highlighting the accomplishments of the Fire Department for January to July
The Fire Chief/Director of Safety provided an update on the progress in the
construction of the new fire hall.
3.1.2 Fire Department Mutual Aid Agreement
Staff report dated June 18, 2009 recommending that the Corporate Officer be
authorized to execute the Fire Department Mutual Aid Agreement.
The Fire Chief/Director of Operations reviewed the report.
Fire Department
Mutual Aid
It was moved and seconded
That the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the Fire
Department Mutual Aid Agreement as attached to the staff
report dated June 18, 2009.
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July 6, 2009
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3.2 BC Hydro Phase Ill Ductbank Project, Dewdney Trunk Road East of New Sub
-Roy Siebold, Project Manager, Distribution Engineering; Steve Higginbottom,
Public Affairs Coordinator; Nimesh Shah, Regional Planner; Rajesh Solanki,
Field Service Engineer; Darrel Filafilo, Project Manager
Letter dated June 22, 2009 from Roy Siebold, Project Manager, Distribution
Engineering, BC Hydro regarding BC Hydro plans to install ductbank on
Dewdney Trunk Road.
Mr. Siebold gave a PowerPoint presentation outlining the function of the BC
Hydro system in Maple Ridge. He reviewed past, present and future BC Hydro
distribution system improvement projects scheduled for the Maple Ridge
area, focusing on the Haney Phase 3 project. He advised on the public
information process for the upcoming project.
The BC Hydro Public Affairs Coordinator advised that the District will be
provided information to place on the website.
4.1 Spirit Square Grand Opening Ceremony
Staff report dated June 30, 2009 recommending that use of municipal streets
be authorized for the Spirit Square Grand Opening Ceremony on Saturday, July
11, 2009.
The Manager of Communication reviewed the report and provided details on
the opening ceremony.
Use of Streets
Spirit Square
July 11, 2009
It was moved and seconded
That the use of municipal streets be authorized for the Spirit
Square Grand Opening Ceremony on Saturday, July 11, 2009,
provided the conditions outlined in Schedule "A" attached to
the staff report dated June 30, 2009 are met.
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July 6, 2009
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4.2 Snow Removal and Ice Control Plan
Staff report dated June 24, 2009 recommending that approval of the
District's snow removal and ice control priorities in given areas with respect to
the Snow Removal and Ice Control Plan.
The Director of Engineering Operations reviewed the report.
Snow Removal and
Ice Control Policy It was moved and seconded
That the District of Maple Ridge Snow Removal and Ice Control
on Municipal Roadways Policy be adopted.
4.3 Planning Committee Discussion Points
Staff report dated June 30, 2009 providing information on the creation of a
Planning Committee.
The Chief Administrative Officer reviewed the report. He suggested that
issues causing concern be identified and staff provide a follow up report in the
Solution Matrix
It was moved and seconded
That the Solution Matrix be used to address identified issues
and assist in issue clarification and definition with respect to
discussion of a Planning Committee.
Councillor Speirs -OPPOSED
Council members identified issues of concern.
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Note: Councillor Hogarth left the meeting.
4.4 Review of the Regional Growth Strategy -Update
Staff report dated June 29, 2009 providing information on resolutions which
required additional information from Metro Vancouver.
The General Manager, Public Works and Development Services provided a
summary of previous discussions.
Note: Councillor Hogarth returned to the meeting
The Manager of Community Planning reviewed the Mapping Decisions Chart
and the items deferred pending clarification from Metro Vancouver.
Area No. 2
Area No. 3
It was moved and seconded
That the regional designation for the area south-east of Silver
Valley indicated as Area No. 2 on the map attached to the staff
report dated June 29, 2009 be Rural based on the fact that
the District of Maple Ridge can apply the appropriate zoning as
per the municipality's Official Community Plan.
Councillor Hogarth -OPPOSED
It was moved and seconded
That the regional designation for the Smith Avenue Area
indicated as Area No. 3 on the map attached to the staff report
dated June 29, 2009 be Rural based on the fact that the
District of Maple Ridge can apply the appropriate zoning as per
the municipality's Official Community Plan.
Councillor Dueck, Councillor Hogarth, Councillor Morden -
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Note: The meeting was recessed at 12:30 p.m. and reconvened at 2:55 p.m.
Area No. 4
Agricultural It was moved and seconded
That the regional designation for the Area outside of Smith
Avenue indicated as Area No. 4 on the map attached to the
staff report dated June 29, 2009 be Agricultural noting that
some lands in the area do not fall into the agricultural
Councillor Hogarth -OPPOSED
Council agreed to advise Metro Vancouver that decisions on the designations
of Area No.s 6 and 7 are pending due to current activity in the area.
Area No. 12
Removal of
Agricultural Land
Simple Majority
It was moved and seconded
That the regional designation for the 256th Street Industrial
Area indicated as Area No. 12 on the map attached to the staff
report dated June 29, 2009 be Industrial.
Councillor Hogarth and Councillor Speirs -OPPOSED
It was moved and seconded
That the required vote of the Metro Vancouver Board of
Directors for change of designation of property approved for
removal from the Agricultural Land Reserve by the Agricultural
Land Commission be a simple majority.
Councillor Speirs and Councillor King-OPPOSED
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July 6, 2009
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Mayor Daykin proposed a resolution suggesting a condition which is to be a
component of Maple Ridge's acceptance of the Metro Vancouver Regional
Growth Strategy.
The resolution was tabled until the next meeting to allow for further input from
Council members.
Special Council
Workshop It was moved and seconded
That a Special Council Workshop Meeting be scheduled for
Monday, July 13, 2009 for 9:00 a.m.
4.5 Fraser Valley Regional Library
Councillor King conveyed concern over the lack of funding for the libraries
from provincial grants. She advised that a letter has been sent to the
Provincial Government.
4.6 Agricultural Plan Update
Councillor Ashlie provided an update on the status of the development of the
agricultural plan.
4. 7 Inspection Schedules
Councillor Morden referred to notice received from the Manager of Inspector
Services advising on a cap on inspections during the months of July and
August. He expressed concern about service delivery during these months.
The General Manager, Public Works and Development Services advised that
this has been discussed with the building community through forums and that
a notice providing information on summer inspections has been sent out the
last few years. He will follow up with the Director of Licences, Permits and
Bylaws regarding feedback.
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4.8 Signage at Abernethy and 210th
The General Manager, Public Works and Development Services advised that
staff is working through signage improvements for the Golden Ears Bridge
with Translink.
5.1 City of Burnaby -Local Government Liability in Building Regulation
Letter dated June 4, 2009 from Mayor Derek R. Corrigan, City of Burnaby,
requesting support in petitioning the Provincial Government and asking for
changes to Local Governm~nt liability in building construction regulation.
Note: Councillor King left the meeting at 3:54 p.m.
Local Government
Liability It was moved and seconded
That a letter be written to the Provincial Government and the
local MLA's in support of removing the joint and several
liabilities of m·unicipalities under the Local Government Act
while retaining proportionate liability.
5.2 Honourable Jim Karygiannis, M.P. Scarborough-Agincourt -Bill C-319
Letter dated May 2009 from the Honourable Jim Karygiannis, M.P.
Scarborough-Agincourt providing information and asking for support for
Private Member's Bill C-319 to amend the section of the Motor Vehicle Safety
Act pertaining to speed limiters.
Bill C-319
It was moved and seconded
That the letter dated May 2009 from the Honourable Jim
Karygiannis, M.P. Scarborough-Agincourt be received for
information and no further action taken.
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July 6, 2009
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8. ADJOURNMENT -3:55 p.m.
Certified Correct
C. Marlo, Corporate Officer