HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-12-07 Adopted Council Workshop Minutes.pdfDistrict of Maple Ridge COUNCIL WORKSHOP December 7, 2009 The Minutes of the Municipal Council Workshop held on December 7, 2009 at 9:00 a.m. in the Blaney Room of the Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia for the purpose of transacting regular Municipal business. PRESENT Elected Officials Mayor E. Daykin Councillor C. Ashlie Councillor J. Dueck Councillor A. Hogarth Councillor L. King Councillor M. Morden Councillor C. Speirs GUEST C. Gordon, Chair, Agricultural Advisory Committee Appointed Staff J. Rule, Chief Administrative Officer M. Murray, General Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services P. Gill, General Manager Corporate and Financial Services F. Quinn, General Manager Public Works and Development Services J. Leeburn, Executive Director C. Marlo, Manager of Legislative Services A. Gaunt, Confidential Secretary Other Staff as Required S. Blue, Manager of Economic Development T. Fryer, Manager of Corporate and Development Engineering J. Pickering, Director of Planning C. Carter, Manager of Community Planning D. Hal l, Planner J. Bastaja, Chief Information Officer Superintendent D. Walsh, Officer-in-Charge, Ridge- Meadows RCMP Inspector D. Lench, Operations Officer, Ridge- Meadows RCMP Note: These Minutes are posted on the Municipal Web Site at www.mapleridge.ca Note: Councillor Hogarth was not present at the start of the meeting 1. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA The agenda was adopted as circulated. Council Workshop Minutes December 7, 2009 Page 2 of 4 2. MINUTES -Nil 3. PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL 3.1 BC Hydro -Dewdney Trunk Road Ductbank Construction Darrell Filafilo, Project Manager, BC Hydro Steve Higginbottom, Community Relations Coordinator, BC Hydro Mustafa Hassen, Project Manager, Tyam Construction Ltd. John Buchanan, Superintendent, Tyam Construction Ltd. Mr. Filafilo provided an update on BC Hydro's Haney Phase 3 Project on Dewdney Trunk Road between 240 Street and 256 Street. He spoke to the importance of the new feeder system in the provision of power to east Maple Ridge and outlined the work schedule for completion of the project. He addressed the necessity of scheduling work around school hours, safety concerns and advised on causes of delays experienced during the project. 3.2 PRIMECorp Sam Macleod, Executive Director, Security Programs and Policy Technology Division, Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General Russ Sanderson, General Manager, PRIMECorp Mr. Sanderson gave a PowerPoint presentation providing background information on PRIMECorp and detailing the history, formation, costs, features and current uses of the PRIME-BC ("Police Records Information Management Environment -British Columbia") system. Note: Item 4.1 was dealt with prior to 3.2 4. UNFINISHED AND NEW BUSINESS 4.1 Agricultural Plan Update Staff report dated December 2, 2009 recommending that the Agricultural Advisory Committee's responses to Council be accepted, that the Agricultural Plan be endorsed and that the Agricultural Advisory Committee establish priorities for implementation. The revised Agricultural Plan was reviewed and members of Council provided further feedback and comments to be passed on to the Agricultural Advisory Committee. Council Workshop Minutes December 7, 2009 Page 3 of 4 R/09-484 Agricultural Plan Update It was moved and seconded That Council refer the plan to the Agricultural Advisory Committee with Council's comments of December 7, 2009 and that the document then be returned to the regular Council Meeting of December 15, 2009. Note: The meeting recessed at 11:41 p.m. and reconvened at 2:00 p.m. Note: Councillor Hogarth joined the meeting at 2:00 p.m. 4.2 Metro Vancouver Draft Regional Growth Strategy Review CARRIED Letter dated November 25, 2009 from Lois Jackson, Chair, Metro Vancouver Board, requesting review and comment by January 29, 2010 on the latest draft of the Metro Vancouver Regional Growth Strategy. The Director of Planning distributed a package which included a letter from Metro Vancouver dated November 5, 2009 responding to a number of the District's land issue requests, the mapping decisions chart dated May 4, 2009 and three maps from the draft regional growth strategy. She reviewed the mapping decisions chart to demonstrate that Metro Vancouver has addressed all the District's requests. Council agreed to further discuss the draft Regional Growth Strategy in January 2010. 5. CORRESPONDENCE -Nil 6. BRIEFING ON OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST/QUESTIONS FROM COUNCIL -Nil 7. MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT-Nil Council Workshop Minutes December 7, 2009 Page 4 of 4 8. ADJOURNMENT -2:18 p.m. Certified Correct C. Marlo, Corporate Officer