HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-03-07 Adopted Council Workshop Minutes.pdfDistrict of Maple Ridge
March 7, 2011
The Minutes of the Municipal Council Workshop held on March 7, 2011 at 9:00 a.m.
in the Blaney Room of the Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British
Columbia for the purpose of transacting regular Municipal business.
Elected Officials
Mayor E. Daykin
Councillor C. Ashlie
Councillor J. Dueck
Councillor A. Hogarth
Councillor L. King
Councillor M. Morden
Councillor C. Speirs
Appointed Staff
J. Rule, Chief Administrative Officer
K. Swift, General Manager of Community Development,
Parks and Recreation Services
P. Gill, General Manager Corporate and Financial Services
F. Quinn, General Manager Public Works and Development
C. Marlo, Manager of Legislative Services
L. Marchand, Acting Confidential Secretary
Other Staff as Required
E. Mitchell, Superintendent of Waterworks
C. DiGiamberardine, Recreation Coordinator,
Neighbourhood Development
Note: These Minutes are posted on the Municipal Web Site at www.mapleridge.ca
The agenda was adopted as circulated.
It was moved and seconded
That the minutes of the Council Workshop Meeting of February
21, 2011 be adopted as circulated.
Council Workshop Minutes
March 7, 2011
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4.1 Port Haney Neighbourhood Change Initiative
Presentation by representatives of the Port Haney Neighbourhood Initiative -
Chris Iversen, Yvonne Desabrais and Michelle Ninow
The General Manager of Community Development gave a brief overview of the
Port Haney Neighbourhood Change Initiative.
The Recreation Coordinator, Neighbourhood Development, advised that the
Port Haney Change Initiative was started in September 2010 through the
direct support of the Social Planning Advisory Committee. To date they have
had six meetings. She introduced members of the Port Haney Change
Initiative, Chris Iversen, Yvonne Desabrais and Michelle Ninow.
Mr. Iverson and Ms Desabrais, co-chairs of the Initiative, gave an overview of
the goals of the group and provided examples of some of the changes that
have been identified and dealt with. Mr. Iverson provided information
regarding the history of the area. He sought the support of Council to refer to
the lnititaive as "Port Haney" rather than "South Haney".
Port Haney
Change Initiative
It was moved and seconded
That the name change of the initiative from "South Haney
Neighbourhood Change Initiative" to "Port Haney
Neighbourhood Change Initiative" be supported.
4.2 Cross Connection Control Program
Presentation by the Superintendent of Waterworks
The General Manager Public Works and Development gave a brief overview of
the Cross Connection Control Program and advised that it is mandated by the
Provincial Government.
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March 7, 2011
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The Superintendent of Waterworks gave a Power Point presentation providing
information regarding the program.
4.3 Bylaw Dispute Adjudication System
Staff report dated March 7, 2011 recommending that Council authorize staff
to pursue the development of a Bylaw Dispute Adjudication System for Maple
The General Manager Public Works and Development gave a brief overview.
The Director of Licences, Permits and Bylaws gave an overview of the
proposed Adjudication System and advised that the adjudicators would be
contracted out with no additional expense to the District. She provided
information regarding the current dispute process and the advantages of an
adjudication system.
Bylaw Dispute
It was moved and seconded
1. That Council authorize staff to pursue the development of a
Bylaw Dispute Adjudication System for Maple Ridge, as
outlined in the report dated March 7, 2011; and
2. That Council direct the Manager of Legislative Services to
write to the Court Services Branch of the Ministry of
Attorney General to advise of Council's intent to establish a
Bylaw Adjudication System; and
3. That a follow-up report and bylaw be brought to a future
Committee of the Whole for Council's consideration.
Council Workshop Minutes
March 7, 2011
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4.4 Scrap Metal Initiative Follow-Up
Verbal report by the Director of Licences, Permits and Bylaws
The General Manager Public Works and Development gave an overview of the
Scrap Metal Initiative and advised that a Lower Mainland Task Force has been
formed and that the Director of the Licences, Permits and Bylaws is the lead
person of that group.
The Director of Licences, Permits and Bylaws gave a PowerPoint Presentation
of the current scrap metal theft situation and the problems associated with it.
4.5 Preliminary 2010 Year End Update (General Revenue Fund)
Staff report dated March 7, 2011 recommending that the report be received
and that $500,000 be set aside in the preparation of the 2010 Consolidated
Financial Statements, to support Council's Town Centre Incentive Program.
The Manager of Accounting reviewed the report and gave an overview of the
general cost savings. She advised that the 2010 Consolidated Financial
Statements have been drafted and are awaiting completion of the audit,
whereupon they will finalize the statements and appear back before Council.
2010 General
Revenue Fund
It was moved and seconded
That the report from the CAO dated March 7, 2011 be
received, and that $500,000 be set aside in the preparation of
the 2010 Consolidated Financial Statements, to support
Council's Town Centre Incentive Program.
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March 7, 2011
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4.6 BC Water Act Modernization
Discussion of Policy Proposal dated December 2010
Councillor Ashlie advised that the deadline for submissions on the Policy
Proposal has been extended to the end of March. She suggested that the
original committee who reviewed the initial phase of the British Columbia's
Water Act Modernization policy process come together to develop a
submission from the District.
BC Water Act It was moved and seconded
That the group who reviewed the initial phase of the British
Columbia's Water Act Policy process prepare a submission on
behalf of the District.
The following correspondence has been received and requires a response. Staff is
seeking direction from Council on each item. Options that Council may consider
a) Acknowledge receipt of correspondence and advise that no further action will be
b) Direct staff to prepare a report and recommendation regarding the subject
c) Forward the correspondence to a regular Council meeting for further discussion.
d) Other.
Once direction is given the appropriate response will be sent.
5.1 Global Cities Covenant on Climate -"Mexico City Pact"
Deferred from February 21, 2011 Workshop for further discussion.
Letter dated January 28, 2011 from Lois E. Jackson, Chair, Metro Vancouver
Board, providing a report on the Global Cities Covenant on Climate, also
Council Workshop Minutes
March 7, 2011
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known as the "Mexico City Pact" and asking municipalities to join as a
The Manager of Sustainability and Corporate Planning provided an overview of
the request and information regarding the emissions control and costs of
signing onto the registry.
Recommendation: join as a signatory
Mexico City Pact
Signatory It was moved and seconded
That the District of Maple Ridge join as a signatory to the
Global Cities Covenant on Climate -"Mexico City Pact" and that
a letter be sent noting that the program should not result in
future costs to municipalities.
Councillor Hogarth advised of a recent lawsuit filed against the Kelowna Fire
Department concerning a chemical spill and he sought information regarding
what precautions are in place to avoid such an instance in this community.
The Chief Administrative Officer advised that he would discuss the concerns
with the Fire Department.
8. ADJOURNMENT -11:07 a.m. V
Certified Correct
C. Marlo, Corporate Officer