HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-05-24 Adopted Council Workshop Minutes.pdfCity of Maple Ridge COUNCIL WORKSHOP MINUTES May 24, 2022 The Minutes of the City Council Meeting held on May 24, 2022 at 9:02 a.m . held virtually and hosted in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia for the purpose of transacting regular City business. PRESENT Elected Officials Mayor M. Morden Councillor J. Dueck Councillor C. Meadus Councillor G. Robson Councillor R. Svendsen Councillor A. Yousef ABSENT Councillor K. Duncan Appointed Staff S. Hartman, Chief Administrative Officer C. Carter, General Manager Planning & Development Services C. Crabtree, General Manager Corporate Services D. Pollock, General Manager Engineering Services P. Hlavac-Winsor, General Counsel and Executive Director, Legislative Services, Acting Corporate Officer A. Nurvo, Deputy Corporate Officer Other Staff as Required F. Smith, Director of Engineering T. Thompson, Director of Finance K. Stewart, Chief Information Officer D. Pope, Director of Recreation & Community Engagement H. Singh, Computer Support Specialist These Minutes are posted on the City Web Site at www.mapleridge.ca Note: Councillor G. Robson participated virtually. 1. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA R/2022-WS-024 It was moved and seconded That the agenda of the May 24, 2022 Council Workshop Meeting be approved as circulated . CARRIED 2. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 2.1 Minutes of the April 26, 2022 and May 10, 2022 Council Workshop Meeting R/2022-WS-025 It was moved and seconded Council Workshop Minutes May 24, 2022 Page 2 of 5 That the Minutes of the Council Workshop Meeting of May 10, 2022 be adopted as circulated. That the Minutes of the Council Workshop Meeting of April 26, 2022 be adopted as circulated with resolution R/2022-WS-018 stating: • That the current bylaw enforcement related to the issue of unregistered secondary suites be held in abeyance during the review of the bylaw unless there is an obvious nuisance situation that staff ae to enforce. And further, with the following summary and table included in discussion of Item 4.2 Market Update and Secondary Suites Regulatory Options: Council discussed the various recommendations from the Staff report: Secondary Suite Recommendations: Support Opposed Outcome 1.That staff prepare amendments to the Dueck, Meadus, Robson General support Zoning Bylaw to remove the maximum and Mayor, Svendsen, minimum gross floor area requirement for Yousef (would secondary suites; support no minimum but wants maximum) 2.That staff develop 'Alternate Compliance Meadus, Robson, General support Methods for Alteratlons to Existing Dueck, Yousef, Bulldlngs to Add a Secondary Suite' In the Svendsen, Mayor BC Bulldlng Code; (discussion between members -WIii require more detalls and have not seen bulldlng recommendations) 3.lhat staff pFepaFe amendments to the Dueck (should Svendsen General support on Zoning Bylaw to peFmlt seoondary suites have conversation amended wording In all slngle detaGhed Fesldentlal zones with neighbors), Meadus, Mayor, Amended by Dueck: Yousef (wants to That staff bring back options looklng at look at area plans potentlally allowlng secondary suites In not all single R2 and R3 and bring a report back to detached Councll residential zones and based on size of property), Robson {has issue with saying it is for all neighborhoods - needs to be selective -did not oppose Dueck's amended language), 4.That staff prepare options for Meadus, Mayor, , Yousef, Robson General Support amendments to the Zoning Bylaw to Dueck (duplex ok permit secondary suites in ground--townhouse orientated duplexes and townhouses depends on size depends on Council Workshop Minutes May 24, 2022 Page 3 of 5 (discussion between members and staff - work best with walkout basement units and reach out to other municipalities - staff would put It on the bottom of the priority list) 5.That staff prepare amendments to the Zoning Bylaw permit lock-<>ff suites In apartments and stacked townhouses Detached Garden Suite Recommendations: 6.That staff prepare amendments to the Zoning Bylaw to permit secondary suites and detached garden suites on the same lot In the Agricultural Land Reserve (discussion between members and staff- -look to do what the ALC allows) 7.That staff prepare amendments to the Zoning Bylaw to allow flexible siting of a detached garden suite on a lot 8.That staff prepare amendments to the Zoning Bylaw to remove the minimum size requirement for detached garden suites 9.That staff prepare amendments to the Zoning Bylaw to permit larger detached garden suites In specific residential zones (discussion between members and staff - staff would envision this on larger properties) 10.That staff prepare amendments to the Zoning Bylaw to permit secondary suites and detached garden suites on the same lot In all residential zones 11.That staff develop a program, for council consideration, that would create "pre-approved" building plan templates for detached garden suites neighborhood and size of townhouse), Svendsen (change requirements for apron and parking requirements for units, may be most suited in complete communities) Meadus Yousef, Dueck, Svendsen, Robson (if it was accompanied by owner occupier), Mayor Support Opposed Dueck (in order to Meadus (does support not see this agricultural use of going much to property), Mayor, farm use) Svendsen (it is being allowed by ALC), Yousef (if consistent with ALR), Robson did not oppose Mayor, Yousef, Svendsen, Dueck, Meadus Robson Yousef, Dueck, Svendsen, Meadus, Mayor Robson Dueck, Meadus, Robson, Mayor (with clear Svendsen efforts to avoid subdivision), Yousef (with a maximum up to 14Om2) Meadus, Dueck, Robson, Yousef Mayor, Svendsen (lot size and area plan should be considered) Svendsen, Robson, Yousef Meadus, Dueck, Mayor 3. PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL -Nil 4. UNFINISHED AND NEW BUSINESS 4.1 Connected Community Strategy General opposition Outcome General support General support General support General support General support General support CARRIED Council Workshop Minutes May 24, 2022 Page 4 of 5 General Manager Corporate Services provided background information. R. Mccann of Clearcable Networks and E. Rothschild of Rothchild & Co. presented their project findings and key recommendations of the Report. Note: Councillor Robson left the meeting at 10:03 a.m. and returned at 10:05 a.m. Note: Councillor Robson left the meeting at 10:35 a.m. and returned at 10:37 a.m. Note: Councillor Yousef left the meeting at 10:37 a.m. and returned at 10:43 a.m. Note: Councillor Robson left the meeting at 10:45 a.m. and returned at 10:46 a.m. R/2022-WS-026 It was moved and seconded That Council receive the Clearcable and Rothchild & Co. Connected Community Strategy -Findings and Recommendations Report dated May 2, 2022 for information; and That staff review and develop an implementation plan to address the recommendations proposed in the Clearcable and Rothschild & Co. Connected Community Strategy -Findings and Recommendations Report dated May 2, 2022. It was moved and seconded That the Motion be amended to add "with consideration of the comments by Council members at the Council Workshop Meeting on May 24, 2022." CARRIED The Vote was then called on the Main Motion as Amended and Declared: CARRIED 4.2 Single-Use Item Reduction Bylaw Director of Engineering summarized the staff report and answered questions from Council. R/2022-WS-027 It was moved and seconded That staff prepare a Single-Use Item Reduction Bylaw consistent with the regionally harmonized approach for consideration. It was moved and seconded That the Motion be amended to add "and that staff will incorporate Council feedback from the Council Workshop Meeting of May 24, 2022." CARRIED Council Workshop Minutes May 24, 2022 Page 5 of 5 The Vote was then called on the Main Motion as Amended and Declared: 5. CORRESPONDENCE-Nil CARRIED 6. BRIEFING ON OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST/QUESTIONS FROM COUNCIL Councillor Robson requested clarification of the amount of CAC's collected depending on the date of implementation. Mayor Morden advised that staff will include this information into the pending staff report. 7. MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT-Nil 8. ADJOURNMENT -11:36 a.m. CertifiMJ:£ ll!Jrt-@wrd1, P. Hlavac-Winsor, Acting Corporate Officer