HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-10-20 Adopted Public Hearing Minutes.pdfDistrict of Maple Ridge
October 20, 2009
The Minutes of the Public Hearing held in the Council Chamber of the Municipal Hall, 11995
Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia on October 20, 2009 at 7:00 p.m .
Elected Officials
Mayor E. Daykin
Councillor C. Ashlie
Councillor J. Dueck
Councillor A. Hogarth
Councillor L. King
Councillor M. Morden
Councillor C. Speirs
Appointed Staff
J. Rule, Chief Administrative Officer
C. Marlo, Manager of Legislative Services
M. Murray, General Manager of Community Development,
Parks and Recreation Services
C. Goddard, Manager of Development and Environmental
A. Gaunt, Confidential Secretary
Mayor Daykin called the meeting to order. The Manager of Legislative Services explained the
procedure and rules of order of the Public Hearing and advised that the bylaws will be
considered further at the next Council Meeting on October 27, 2009.
Mayor Daykin advised that Item No. 3) RZ was withdrawn from the agenda.
The Mayor then called upon the Manager of Development and Environmental Services to
present the following items on the agenda:
1) RZ/041/09
Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6683-2009
Lots 1 & 4, Section 27, Township 12, New Westminster District,
Plan BCP38687
12905 & 12930 246 Street
RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential)
RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential)
To permit the subdivision of four suburban residential single family
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The Manager of Legislative Services advised that no correspondence was received on this
The Manager of Development and Environmental Services gave a power point presentation
providing the following information:
• Application Information
• Neighbourhood Context
• OCP Context
• Site Characteristics
• Proposed Subdivision Plan
• Submitted Information
Kerry Bodnar
Mr. Bodnar requested clarification on the number of lots in the proposed subdivision.
The Manager of Development and Environmental Services advised that there will be a total
of four new lots created. He also provided an explanation of the change in zoning.
There being no further comment, the Mayor declared this item dealt with.
2) RZ/04 7 /09
Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6681-2009
Lot 1, District Lot 399, Group 1, New Westminster District, Plan
22207 Brown Avenue
RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) & RT-1 (Two Family Residential
or Duplex)
RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential)
To permit a future construction of a "Supportive Housing" proposal
consisting of 46 units.
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The Manager of Legislative Services advised that correspondence commenting on the
application was received from Pam and Lance Ferguson, Linda and Larry Spouler and
Robert Thompson. Correspondence in support of the application was received from Faye
Luxemburg-Hyam from the Family Education and Support Centre, Teresa Green from Cythera
Transition House Society, Meggie Shields, Darryl Lucas from Alouette Addictions, Sheila
Pratt, Lisa Fierro, Marie Mandole from the Ridge Meadows Child Development Centre, Sam
Haffey from Community Living BC, Darrell Pilgrim from the Salvation Army and Lindsay Faas.
Correspondence opposing the application was received from Les Hartwell from Canuck
Plaza and Gary and Sherry Belsey. A petition with 12 signatures opposing the application
was also received.
The Manager of Development and Environmental Services gave a power point presentation
providing the following information:
• Application Information
• Neighbourhood Context
• OCP Context
• Site Characteristics
• Site Plan
• Submitted Information
John Mogk
Mr. Mogk expressed his support of the application stating that it will be of great benefit to
the community and the health of people of the Lower Mainland.
Sheila McLaughlin -President, Alouette Home Start Society
Ms. McLaughlin provided details of the proposed supportive housing project including the
type of housing to be offered, the selection of tenants and what is expected of them, future
staffing for the facility, the implementation of a good neighbour policy and building security.
She provided information on the members of the Alouette Home Start Society Board.
Kevin Westgard-Strata Corp NW 133 Chairman
Mr. Westgard spoke on behalf of Strata Corp NW 133. He advised that the owners of the
strata are opposed to the application. Concern was expressed over the size of the proposed
building and the negative affects on privacy and safety due to the close proximity of the
development to their building. Mr. Westgard provided the Manager of Legislative Services
with a copy of a petition in opposition signed by all owners in the strata. He asked if there
will be more hearings on this matter.
Mayor Daykin provided an explanation of the hearing process for rezoning applications
coming forward to Council.
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James Thain
Mr. Thain expressed concern with the size of the building compared to lot size. He felt that
the building will not fit into the lot without variances, that parking will be too limited and that
the size of the units will not be a proper size for residents.
Ross Ferguson -on behalf of grandmother
Mr. Ferguson advised that his grandmother lives in a neighbouring building accommodating
seniors and has expressed concern over the potential increase in crime in the area as a
result of the proposed development. Mr. Ferguson questioned the experience of the
Alouette Home Start Society in managing such a project. He also questioned the
appropriateness of the location chosen for the project in that the area is home to many
elderly persons who are already not comfortable with the existing level of crime. He asked
what recourse the neighbourhood has should the building not be managed adequately and
begins to deteriorate.
Mark Johnson
Mr. Johnson expressed concern with a proposed development of this type in the
neighbourhood. He asked where residents who do not adhere to the rules of the project will
go and was concerned about neighbouring property values should the facility fail. He gave
the issues with the HEAT facility in the City of Vancouver as an example and asked who,
other than the property owners, will be responsible should the project go wrong. Mr.
Johnson felt that he has not been asked for his input as a property owner.
Chad Hammond
Mr. Hammond stated that the proposed building is within blocks of residences of many
elderly people, an elementary school, a high school and a day care and expressed concern
over the safety of the residents and properties in the neighbourhood should there be an
increase in crime due to the proposed development.
Ranbir Sangha
Mr. Sangha advised that a neighbouring apartment block owned by him has mainly families
with children and elderly people as residents. He expressed that the type of housing
proposed in the application is not the highest and best use for this location. He also
questioned why he did not receive any prior notification of the rezoning application.
Gene Cardoni
Mr. Cardoni agreed with the concerns of neighbouring residents. He stated that the location
chosen for the building proposed in the application is not appropriate and questioned why
this area has been chosen.
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Candace Gordon -Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows-Katzie Community Network Representative
Ms. Gordon read a letter of support for the rezoning application from the Community
Network and provided the letter to the Manager of Legislative Services. She personally
supported the rezoning application as the project identified a gap in the housing continuum
and provides an opportunity for such housing be offered to citizens.
Debbie Vingy -on behalf of mother
Ms. Vingy expressed concern that a facility of this nature will be placed in an area with so
many seniors. She spoke to the existing issues with drug dealing in the neighbourhood and
questioned why persons attempting to beat drug addiction will be placed in such an
environment. She expressed that the downtown core is not the right place for this type of
Kim Venturas
Mr. Venturas noted that residents of the area did not support the application. He expressed
that although there is a need for such a project, the proposed location does not make sense
in that this area already has many issues with crime. Mr. Venturas stated that he also did
not support the application. He encouraged the applicant to look for a different site.
Sherry Belsey
Ms. Belsey expressed concern about community safety should this application be approved
and spoke to the existing issue of crime in the area. She felt that, although such a facility is
needed, a development of this nature should be located elsewhere and that due to the
impact on the neighbourhood, more public input is required. She expressed concern that
this seemed like a done deal and that persons living outside the downtown area did not care
where such a facility was placed so long as it wasn't in their backyard. Ms. Belsey asked
that Council give further consideration to the application.
Samuel Craig
Mr. Craig expressed concern over the size of the building in relation to the parcel of land
proposed for the development, the location of the development and the negative affect it
may have on neighbouring property values. He questioned why persons receiving treatment
for drug abuse will be housed in a building in close proximity to an area already coping with
crime issues related to drugs.
Reg Peterson
Mr. Peterson spoke to the vandalism of vehicles parked in front of his building and
expressed concern that this situation will get worse with the proposed development. He
spoke in opposition to the application.
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Rudy Small
Mr. Small spoke in favour of the application. He advised that he is on the Board of the
Alouette Home Start Society and is the Director of Supportive Housing for Coast Mental
Health. He provided an explanation of the type of housing being proposed and the people
the residence will be supporting. He encouraged all to support persons living in Maple Ridge
including those coping with homelessness.
Robert Thompson
Mr. Thompson expressed concern regarding the success of such a development if resources
are not put into the project in the beginning. He also expressed concern for the safety of the
tenants in the building. He cautioned that should this project fail, the building will continue
to exist for many years.
Blake Torgunrud
Mr. Torgunrud expressed concern that some of the future residents of the proposed building
will cause disturbances. He also expressed concern that should crime increase due to the
facility that his strata fees will increase to cover security and this will place an additional
burden on those living on a fixed income.
Naomi Brunemeyer -BC Housing Management Corporation Representative
Ms. Brunemeyer addressed concerns from a funding perspective and the oversight
mechanism in place for the Alouette Home Start Society. She advised on the lease and the
50 year operating agreement with the Society. She assured residents that the project will
have 5 years of confirmed funding, is a fully funded building and that a covenant will be
placed on the development to ensure proper management of the building. She offered to
answer any further questions the public may have.
Lisa Fierro
Ms. Fierro spoke in favour of the application. She spoke to the types of persons who will be
provided housing in the building and assured residents that support will be provided by
mental health services when required. She also indicated that such a residence is better
located in a downtown area due to the proximity to transportation.
Darrell Pilgram -Director, Caring Place
Mr. Pilgram expressed that drugs and vandalism are happening everywhere and that the
building in the application is meant to try to alleviate these. He stated that the future
residents of the building will be provided with support and counseling and will have to
adhere to an agreement and that the facility will make the neighbourhood and the
community better.
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Rob O'Dey
Mr. O'Dey stated that he is in support of this application and would support such a proposal
in his neighbourhood. He provided background on his involvement with other projects of a
similar nature and advised that community feedback on such undertakings has been
positive once they are in operation. He spoke to BC Housing's funding commitment to
ensure the maintenance of the project and the Alouette Home Start Society's commitment
to ensure the project does not deteriorate in the future.
David Logan
Mr. Logan spoke from the point of view of a person who has been mentally ill and homeless.
He expressed that he has received much support from services in the community and
through that support has become a contributing member of society.
Ross Ferguson
Mr. Ferguson acknowledged the need for the type of housing proposed in the application.
He expressed concern with the placement of supportive housing into an area which is
already coping with. problems and is home to higher risk groups such as seniors. He
questioned what will be done with tenants who create issues, the experience Alouette Home
Start Society has in running such a project and what type of support BC Housing will provide.
He asked that the impact to the existing community be considered.
Sheila McLaughlin -President, Alouette Home Start Society
Ms. McLaughlin addressed the concerns pertaining to the experience of the Alouette Home
Start Society. She highlighted the experience coming to the Society through its Board of
Directors. She also addressed concerns over the type of clientele to be housed in the
proposed building indicating that the clientele will not be as described by speakers.
Mark Johnson
Mr. Johnson expressed concern with the conflict between residents of the area advocating
for their neighbourhood and the groups advocating for the development and that it seemed
the project will go ahead despite objections from the residents. He asked that time be taken
to poll residents and provide an opportunity for them to be heard.
Chad Hammond
Mr. Hammond pointed out the similarities between this proposal and the Caring Place and
the rehab centre. He stated that crime has increased in the neighbourhoods around these
buildings and expressed concern that the same will happen to the area surrounding the
proposed application.
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Robert Thompson
Mr. Thompson asked about the length of time a resident may live at the proposed facility,
what the percentage of the turnover in residents will be and where residents will go should
they not succeed at the facility.
Pam Ferguson
Ms. Ferguson asked where the residents living in the building will be coming from. She
expressed concern that the residents will not be from the Maple Ridge area.
Debra Vingy -on behalf of her mother
Ms. Vingy questioned whether one caretaker will be enough to take care of 45 persons with
Ranbir Sangha
Mr. Sangha questioned whether one caretaker for the number of units proposed will be
enough to deal with the vandalism in the area. He expressed concern that the momentum
to upgrade the area will be negatively affected should this proposal be approved. Mr.
Sangha advised that current residents in his building, many of whom are reformed
substance abusers themselves, have indicated they will leave should the proposed
development commence. He also expressed concern over the amount of anxiety created
within the neighbourhood due to this application and urged Council to reconsider.
Sheila McLaughlin -President, Alouette Home Start Society
Ms. Mclaughlin addressed the questions pertaining to tenancy tenure. She assured
residents that tenants selected will be referred by local support services and will therefore
have to be from Maple Ridge. She also addressed concerns brought forward in terms of the
caretaker of the facility and advised that staffing will include more than just a caretaker.
The General Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services advised
that Council did identify that priority for tenancy at the building must be given to persons
living in Maple Ridge.
Connie McGonigle
Ms. McGonigle advised that she is on the Board of Directors for this proposal and spoke in
favour of the application. She spoke to the potential residents to be housed in the building
and expressed that a project of this nature allows for more control of the type of people
coming into a neighbourhood than regular housing. She also expressed that future tenants
of the building will want to maintain their building and that security around the area will be
an improvement over what exists currently in the neighbourhood.
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Kim Venturas
Mr. Venturas asked for examples of successful projects similar to the one proposed. He
expressed that he may be able to better support such a project if he were provided with
information on the percentage of success rates of persons residing in such homes and on
the follow up done on residents who are asked to leave the premises.
Rudy Small
Mr. Small provided examples of successful projects run by Coast Mountain Health in
Vancouver. He spoke to the eviction rate of tenants living in supportive housing buildings he
is involved with and provided information on how these projects have integrated into the
neighbourhood. He assured residents that persons being asked to leave such facilities are
not evicted onto the street, rather are found a new place to live.
Lisa Fierro
Ms. Fierro commented on the need for subsidized housing for single people living in Maple
Gene Cardoni
Mr. Cardoni asked about the continuation of the application through the approval process
and when the public will be informed of the results.
Mayor Daykin advised on the approval process.
The Manager of Development and Environmental Services provided further information on
the timing of the application.
Mark Johnson
Mr. Johnson expressed that the process involving this application would have been easier
and less confrontational had there been more consultation with the residents prior to Public
Sheila McLaughlin -President, Alouette Home Start Society
Ms. McLaughlin provided a summary of the development information meeting held for
residents in early July regarding the application. She also advised that a Community
Advisory Committee will be formed and residents invited to participate.
Robert Thompson
Mr. Thompson expressed concern that appropriate planning should be in place prior to the
project starting. He also expressed concern that tenancy will not be limited to persons from
the Maple Ridge area.
Kim Venturas
Mr. Venturas asked what recourse homeowners in the area have should the management of
the building not meet expectations and whether the safety of area residents can be assured.
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The General Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services advised
on the recourse available to residents and addressed the concerns pertaining to potential
issues with tenants.
There being no further comment, the Mayor declared this item dealt with.
Having given all those persons whose interests were deemed affected by the matters
contained herein a chance to be heard, the Mayor terminated the Public Hearing at
8:54 p.m.
Certified Correct
C. Marlo, Corporate Officer