HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-04-19 Adopted Public Hearing Minutes.pdfCity of Maple Ridge
April 19, 2016
The Minutes of the Public Hearing held in the Council Chamber of City Hall, 11995 Haney
Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia on April 19, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.
Elected Officials
Mayor N. Read
Councillor C. Bell
Councillor K. Duncan
Councillor B. Masse
Councillor G. Robson
Councillor T. Shymkiw
Councillor C. Speirs
Appointed Staff
F. Quinn, General Manager of Public Works and
C. Marlo, Manager of Legislative Services
C. Carter, Director of Planning
C. Goddard, Manager of Development and Environmental
J. Charlebois, Manager of Community Services
A. Gaunt, Confidential Secretary
Mayor Read called the meeting to order. The Manager of Legislative Services explained the
procedure and rules of order of the Public Hearing and advised that the bylaws will be
considered further at the next Council Meeting on April 26, 2016.
The Mayor then called upon the Manager of Development and Environmental Services to
present the following items on the agenda:
1) Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7188-2015
Purpose: The intent of the proposed Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw
No. 7188-2015 is to expand the existing policy framework for
community amenity contributions (CAC's) city-wide. The proposed
amendments identify the general components of a city-wide CAC
Program, establish the connection between the CAC Program and
density bonus provisions and align it with the existing density bonus
framework in the Albion Area Plan and Zoning Bylaw provisions.
The Manager of Legislative Services advised that no correspondence was received on this
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The Manager of Community Services gave a power point presentation providing the following
• Council Resolution -December 7, 2015
• Consultation Activities
• Amendments to Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7185-2015
There being no comment, the Mayor dec lared this item dealt with.
2) 2013-117-RZ
Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7055-2014
From :
Lot 1, Except Firstly the North 75 feet and Secondly Part subdivided
byPlan 44214, Section 20, Township 12, New Westminst er District,
Plan 4836
12182 228 Street
RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential)
R-3 (Special Am enity Residential District)
To permit a future subdivision of approximately 3 single family lots.
The Manager of Legislative Services advised that no correspondence was received on this
The Manager of Development and Environmental Services gave a power point presentation
providing the following information:
• Application Information
• Subject Map
• Official Community Plan Context
• Neighbourhood Context
• Site Characteristics
• Development Proposal
• Proposed Site Plan
• Proposed Building Scheme
• Terms and Conditions
Caroline Poisson
Ms. Poisson advised on the location of her lot and expressed concern with how the proposed
development will impact her property, pa1iicularly with the location of the proposed lane.
She also expressed concern with a lack of information on the road engineering aspects of
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the development and asked who will pay for new fencing if required, how vehicles will be
stopped from going through her yard and whether or not she will have to incur costs related
to fencing.
Mayor Read advised that Ms. Poisson speak with the Manager of Development and
Environmental Services.
There being no further comment, the Mayor declared this item dealt with.
3) 2011-137-RZ
Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7169-2015
Lot 224, Section 20, Township 12, New Westminster District, Plan
12257 227 Street
RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential)
R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District)
To permit a future subdivision of approximately 3 lots.
The Manager of Legislative Services advised that no correspondence was received on this
The Manager of Development and Environmental Services gave a power point presentation
providing the following information:
• Application Information
• Subject Map
• Official Community Plan Context
• Neighbourhood Context
• Site Characteristics
• Development Proposal
• Proposed Site Plan
• Example Elevations
• Example Garage Elevations
• Proposed Landscaping Plan
• Terms and Conditions
There being no comment, the Mayor declared this item dealt with.
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4) 2014-003-CU
Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7064-2014
Lot 15 Except: Firstly; the West Half Secondly; Parcel 11 (Bylaw Plan
LMP34902) Thirdly Part in Plan BCP29640, District Lot 222, Group
New Westminster District, Plan 11194
West Half Lot 15 Except First: Parcel 7 (Bylaw Plan LMP34902)
Secondly; Part in Plan BCP29640, District Lot 222, Group 1, New
Westminster District, Plan 11194
Lot 16 Except Firstly: Parcel 8 (Bylaw Plan LMP34902) Secondly: Part
in Plan BCP29640, District Lot 222, Group 1, New Westminster
Plan 11194
19975, 19989, 19997 Dunn Avenue
An application has been received for a Temporary Use Permit to
temporarily allow vehicle inventory storage on the three subject
properties, zoned RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential).
The Manager of Legislative Services advised that no correspondence was received on this
The Manager of Development and Environmental Services gave a power point presentation
providing the following information:
• Application Information
• Subject Map
• Official Community Plan Context
• Neighbourhood Context
• Site Characteristics
• Development Proposal
• Site Plan
• Landscape Plan
• Terms and Conditions
There being no comment, the Mayor declared this item dealt with.
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5a) 2015-350-RZ
Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7227-2016
5b) 2015-350-RZ
Lot 2, Section 15, Township 12, New Westminster District Plan
24341112 Avenue
To amend Schedule "A", Chapter 10.2 Albion Area Plan,
Schedule 1: Albion Area Plan as shown on Map No. 921
Low/Medium Density Residential
To amend Schedule "C" of the Official Community Plan as shown on
Map No. 922 "To add to Conservation".
Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7197-2015
Lot 2, Section 15, Township 12, New Westminster District, Plan
24341112 Avenue
RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential)
RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential)
To permit a future subdivision of approximately 9 lots.
The Manager of Legislative Services advised that no correspondence was received on this
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The Manager of Development and Environmental Services gave a power point presentation
providing the following information:
" Application Information
o Subject Map
Official Community Plan Context
o Neighbourhood Context
Site Characteristics
et Development Proposal
o Proposed Subdivision Plan
o Proposed Variances
o Terms and Conditions
There being no comment, the Mayor declared this item dealt with.
6a) 2013-085-RZ
Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7028-2013
6b) 2013-085-RZ
Lot 2, Section 29, Township 12, New Westminster District, Plan
23154 136 Avenue
To amend Figures 2 and 3A of the Silver Valley Area Plan as shown
on Map No. 865. To Designate as Eco Cluster and Conservation
To amend Figure 4 of the Silver Valley Area Plan as shown on Map
No. 920. To add to Conservation, remove from Conservation and to
add Trail, remove Trail.
Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7029-2013
Lot 2, Section 29, Township 12, New Westminster District, Plan
23154 136 Avenue
RS-3 (One Family rural Residential)
R-2 (Urban Residential District)
To permit a future subdivision of approximately 27 lots.
' Public Hearing Minutes
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The Manager of Legislative Services advised that correspondence pertaining to the
application was received from Gerhard Winter.
The Manager of Development and Environmental Services gave a power point presentation
providing the following information:
• Application Information
• Development Proposal
• Subject Map
• Official Community Plan Context
• Neighbourhood Context
• Site Characteristics
• Proposed Subdivision Plan
• Existing House Survey Plan
• Road Width Variances
• Context Map with Road Connections
• Terms and Conditions
Gerhard Winter
Mr. Winter indicated that his property is adjacent to the proposed development. He also
indicated that he had not seen an existing creek on the property shown on a development
plan and asked if the creek will be relocated to the side of his property. He expressed
concern that the proposed relocation of the creek will adversely impact the value of his
property as a result of required setbacks for developments along a stream. He asked for a
picture indicating what will be done with the creek.
David Laird. Aplin & Martin, Applicant Representative
Mr. Laird provided a map of the planned development and indicated where the creek will be
positioned as per direction from City staff and existing environmental guidelines. He
outlined the work to be done on the watercourse and advised on the location of the existing
ditch. He also advised on compensation agreed to between the developer and the City and
the various setbacks to be followed along the creek.
Gerhard Winter
Mr. Winter expressed concern that a decision pertaining to the relocation of a watercourse
was made without the consultation of neighbours. He felt that it is not necessary to move
the existing creek and asked that the decision to relocate the watercourse be revisited. He
indicated that he is not against development in the area.
Dan Cody
Mr. Cody requested that Mr. Laird provide clarification on the 30 m widening of the
watercourse towards the south.
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David Laird. Aplin & Martin. Applicant Representative
Mr. Laird provided clarification on the creek setbacks.
There being no further comment, the Mayor declared this item dealt with.
Having given all those persons whose interests were deemed affected by the matters
contained herein a chance to be heard, the Mayor terminated the Public Hearing at
7:45 p.m.
N. Read, Mayor
Certified Correct
C. Marlo, Corporate Officer