HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-01-31 Adopted Committee of the Whole Minutes.pdf) Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING MINUTES January 31, 2005 1:00 p.m. Council Chamber PRESENT Elected Officials Mayor K. Morse Councillor E. Daykin Councillor J. Dueck Councillor C. Gordon Councillor J. Harris Councillor F. Isaac Councillor C. Speirs Appointed Staff J. Rule, Chief Administrative Officer T. Fryer, Municipal Clerk M. Murray, General Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreational Services P. Gill, General Manager Corporate and Financial Services F. Quinn, General Manager Public Works and Development Services J. Pickering, Director of Planning C. Marlo, Confidential Secretary Other Staff as Required D. Hall, Planner D. Boag, Director of Parks and Facilities 1. DELEGATIONS/STAFF PRESENTATIONS -Nil 2. PUBLIC WORKS AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Note: The following items have been numbered to correspond with the Council Agenda: Councillor Speirs was excused from discussion of item 902 as he owns property in the area. 902 AL/127/04, Application to Exclude Land from the Agricultural Land Reserve, 23467 124th Avenue Staff report dated January 19, 2005 recommending options for consideration of AL/127/04. The Planner reviewed the report noting that the applicant has satisfied all requirements for notice. Committee of the Whole Minutes January 31 , 2005 Page 2 of 4 Ron Moore, the applicant, provided information on the property. He indicated that he has tried to farm the property for 25 years and has found that there is nothing to be produced that will bring a return on his investment. He spoke of problems that have been created for the land by the subdivision to the west. He asked that Council forvvard the application to the Agricultural Land Commission for exclusion. RECOMMENDATION That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of February 8, 2005 .• Note: Councillor Speirs returned to the meeting 3. FINANCIAL AND CORPORA TE SER VICES (including Fire and Police) 931 Social Planning Advisory Committee Amending Bylaw No. 6293-2005 Staff report dated January 18, 2005 recommending that Bylaw No. 6239-2005 to increase the size of the Committee by the addition of one Councillor be given three readings. RECOMMENDATION That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of February 8, 2005. 932 Maple Ridge Size of Council Establishment Bylaw No. 6292-2005 Staff report dated January 26, 2005 recommending that Bylaw No. 6292-2005 which enables Council to remain at six Councillors be given three readings and that approval of the electors be sought through an alternative approval process. The Municipal Clerk advised that he would give a presentation on this bylaw at the Council meeting which will include information on the steps other municipalities have taken and the important dates in the alternative approval process. RECOMMENDATION That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of February 8, 2005. Committee of the Whole Minutes January 3 I, 2005 Page 3 of 4 9,,,, .) .) Disbursements for the month ended December 31, 2004 Staff report dated January 25, 2005 recommending that the disbursements for December 2004 be approved. RECOMMENDATION That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of February 8, 2005. 4. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND RECREATION SERVICES 951 Parks Policies -4.05 & 4.06 Staff report dated January 3, 2005 recommending that Sport Field Closure Policy 4.05 and Sport Field Damage Policy 4.06 be rescinded. The Director of Parks and Facilities reviewed the report and described some of the policy improvements that were adopted under a new policy. RECOMMENDATION That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of February 8, 2005. ACTION REQUIRED Staff is to discuss with field user groups the requirement to turn off field lights at the conclusion of the final event of the day. 952 Indoor Pool Recommendations, Pitt Meadows Family Recreation Centre Staff report dated January 19, 2005 recommending that the recommendations contained in the Professional Environmental Recreation Consultants report on an indoor/outdoor pool addition to the Pitt Meadows Family Recreation Centre be endorsed subject to financial capability being approved in future long term financial plans of both municipalities. The General Manager Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services provided a summary of the report. Committee of the Whole Minutes January 31 , 2005 Page 4 of4 RECOMMENDATION That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of February 8, 2005. ACTION REQUIRED The presentation of this item at Council is to include information on the costs of an additional indoor pool if it was not a shared facility with Pitt Meadows. 5. CORRESPONDENCE -Nil 6. OTHER ISSUES -Nil 7. ADJOURNMENT -l :30 p.m. 8. COMMUNITY FORUM-Nil (~CvD~~ Acting Mayor Candace Gordon Presiding Member of the Committee