HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-05-21 Committee of the Whole Agenda and Reports.pdfCity of Maple Ridge COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA May 21, 2024 5:30 PM Virtual Online Meeting including Council Chambers Committee of the Whole is the initial venue for review of issues. No voting takes place on bylaws or resolutions. A decision is made to send an item to Council for debate and vote or to send an item back to staff for more information or clarification before proceeding to Council. The meeting is live streamed and recorded by the City of Maple Ridge. For virtual public participation during Community Forum register by going to the Public Portal at https://mapleridge.primegov.com/public/portal and clicking on the microphone icon for the select meeting 1.CALL TO ORDER 1.1 Territory Acknowledgement The City of Maple Ridge carries out its business on the traditional and unceded territories of the Katzie (q̓ic̓әy̓) First Nation and the Kwantlen (qʼʷa:n̓ƛʼәn̓) First Nation. 2.APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3.MINUTES 3.1 Adoption of Minutes – May 7, 2024 4.DELEGATIONS/STAFF PRESENTATIONS 5.PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Note:  • Owners and/or Agents of development applications on this agenda may be present to answer Council questions pertaining to their item at the conclusion of Staff presentations for that item. • The following items have been numbered to correspond with the Council Agenda where further debate and voting will take place, upon Council decision to forward them to that venue. 5.1 2023­396­RZ, First and Second Reading Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7996­2024 Housekeeping Amendments to the Zoning Bylaw No. 7600­2019 RECOMMENDATIONS: That the staff report dated May 21, 2024, titled “Zoning Bylaw No.7600­2019 Housekeeping Amendments,First and Second Reading, Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7996­2024” be forwarded to the next Regular Council Meeting. 6.ENGINEERING SERVICES 7.CORPORATE SERVICES 8.PARKS, RECREATION, AND CULTURE 9.ADMINISTRATION 10.COMMUNITY FORUM 11.NOTICE OF CLOSED MEETING 11.1 The meeting will be closed to the public pursuant to Sections 90(1) of the Community Charter as the subject matter being considered is related to the following: •    Section 90(1)(l) – discussions with municipal officers and employees respecting municipal objectives, measures and progress reports for the purposes of preparing an annual report under section 98 [annual municipal report];  Any other matter that may be brought before the Council that meets the requirements for a meeting closed to the public pursuant to Sections 90(1) and 90(2) of the Community Charter or Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. 12.ADJOURNMENT City of Maple RidgeCOMMITTEE OF THE WHOLEAGENDAMay 21, 20245:30 PMVirtual Online Meeting including Council ChambersCommittee of the Whole is the initial venue for review of issues. No voting takes place on bylaws orresolutions. A decision is made to send an item to Council for debate and vote or to send an item backto staff for more information or clarification before proceeding to Council. The meeting is live streamedand recorded by the City of Maple Ridge.For virtual public participation during Community Forum register by going to the PublicPortal at https://mapleridge.primegov.com/public/portal and clicking on the microphone icon forthe select meeting1.CALL TO ORDER1.1 Territory AcknowledgementThe City of Maple Ridge carries out its business on the traditional andunceded territories of the Katzie (q̓ic̓әy̓) First Nation and the Kwantlen(qʼʷa:n̓ƛʼәn̓) First Nation.2.APPROVAL OF AGENDA3.MINUTES3.1 Adoption of Minutes – May 7, 20244.DELEGATIONS/STAFF PRESENTATIONS5.PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICESNote: • Owners and/or Agents of development applications on this agenda may bepresent to answer Council questions pertaining to their item at the conclusion of Staff presentations for that item. • The following items have been numbered to correspond with the Council Agenda where further debate and voting will take place, upon Council decision to forward them to that venue. 5.1 2023­396­RZ, First and Second Reading Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7996­2024 Housekeeping Amendments to the Zoning Bylaw No. 7600­2019 RECOMMENDATIONS: That the staff report dated May 21, 2024, titled “Zoning Bylaw No.7600­2019 Housekeeping Amendments,First and Second Reading, Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7996­2024” be forwarded to the next Regular Council Meeting. 6.ENGINEERING SERVICES 7.CORPORATE SERVICES 8.PARKS, RECREATION, AND CULTURE 9.ADMINISTRATION 10.COMMUNITY FORUM 11.NOTICE OF CLOSED MEETING 11.1 The meeting will be closed to the public pursuant to Sections 90(1) of the Community Charter as the subject matter being considered is related to the following: •    Section 90(1)(l) – discussions with municipal officers and employees respecting municipal objectives, measures and progress reports for the purposes of preparing an annual report under section 98 [annual municipal report];  Any other matter that may be brought before the Council that meets the requirements for a meeting closed to the public pursuant to Sections 90(1) and 90(2) of the Community Charter or Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. 12.ADJOURNMENT Document: 3796184 CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING MINUTES MAY 7, 2024 The Minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting held virtually and hosted in Council Chambers on May 7, 2024 at 11:00 am at City Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia for the purpose of transacting regular City business. PRESENT Elected Officials Mayor D. Ruimy Councillor K. Carreras Councillor J. Dueck Councillor S. Schiller Councillor J. Tan Councillor A. Yousef (Virtual) ABSENT Councillor O. Dozie Appointed Staff S. Hartman, Chief Administrative Officer C. Mushata, Corporate Officer Other Staff as Required K. Anastasiadis, Manager of Intergovernmental Affairs M. Best, Interim Director of Planning C. Bevacqua, Clerk 3 S. Faltas, Director of Engineering J. Khaira, Manager of Engineering Design & Construction M. McMullen, Manager of Development & Environmental Services C. Martin, Director of Recreation Services C. Nolan, Deputy Director of Finance C. Neufeld, Manager of Parks Planning & Development R. Ollenberger, Manager of Development Engineering V. Richmond, Director of Parks & Facilities D. Samson, Interim Fire Chief T. Thompson, Director of Finance T. Westover, Director Economic Development Note: These minutes and the video of this meeting are posted on the City’s Web Site at: https://mapleridge.primegov.com/public/portal Note: Councillor Yousef attended the meeting virtually. 1. CALL TO ORDER – 11:00 am Councillor S. Schiller, Chair called the meeting to order and provided the territory acknowledgement. 2. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA R/2024-CW-034 Moved and seconded THAT the agenda of the Committee of the Whole Meeting of May 7, 2024 be approved as circulated. CARRIED Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes May 7, 2024 Page 2 of 3 Document: 3796184 3. MINUTES 3.1 Adoption of Minutes R/2024-CW-035 Moved and seconded THAT the minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting of April 16, 2024, be adopted. CARRIED 4. DELEGATIONS/STAFF PRESENTATIONS - NIL 5. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES – NIL 6. ENGINEERING SERVICES - NIL 7. CORPORATE SERVICES 7.1 2023 Consolidated Financial Statements Staff report dated May 7, 2024, recommending that the 2023 Consolidated Financial Statements be approved. Deputy Director of Finance provided a presentation and answered questions of Council. R/2024-CW-036 Moved and seconded That the staff report dated May 7, 2024, titled “2023 Consolidated Financial Statements” be forwarded to the next Regular Council Meeting. CARRIED 8. PARKS, RECREATION, AND CULTURE – NIL 9. ADMINISTRATION – NIL 10. COMMUNITY FORUM – NIL Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes May 7, 2024 Page 3 of 3 Document: 3796184 11. NOTICE OF CLOSED MEETING 11.1 Resolution to Exclude the Public R/2024-CW-037 Moved and seconded The meeting will be closed to the public pursuant to Sections 90(1) of the Community Charter as the subject matter being considered is related to the following:  Section 90(1)(a) – personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality;  Section 90(1)(e) – the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality;  Section 90(1)(g) – litigation or potential litigation affecting the municipality;  Section 90(1)(i) – the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; Any other matter that may be brought before the Council that meets the requirements for a meeting closed to the public pursuant to Sections 90(1) and 90(2) of the Community Charter or Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. CARRIED 12. ADJOURNMENT – 3:17 pm ____________________________________ Councillor S. Schiller, Chair Certified Correct _______________________________________________ C. Mushata, Corporate Officer ~ Maple Ridge - TO: His Worship Mayor Dan Ruimy and Members of Council MEETING DATE: May 21, 2024 FILE NO: 2023-396-RZ FROM: SUBJECT: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: cow Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 Housekeeping Amendments First and Second Reading Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7996-2024 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 was adopted by Council on December 8, 2020 and has been well received for its ease of use, clarity, and detail by the public and by staff. The Zoning Bylaw is a large, very complex and detailed document that regulates development in the City, and it is important to provide clear, concise language that can be easily and consistently interpreted by all users. As can be expected for a Bylaw of this size and complexity, some additional minor corrections and clarifications have been identified. Thus, these housekeeping amendments to Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 are provided for Council consideration in Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7996-2024, attached as Appendix A. Refer to Appendix B for a markup of the amendment to the Zoning Bylaw. In summary, the text amendments are minor in nature and include the following: (Note: the numbering below corresponds to the clause numbers of the attached Zone Amending Bylaw.) 2. Revisions to Section 302.4 for Split Zoned Lots clarify the requirements for development on lots that contain more than one Zone designation. Where a use is limited to a maximum number per Lot, that limit shall apply to the entire Lot, and where a specific use in a Zone requires a minimum Lot Area, that requirement applies only to the area of the lot that is Zoned for the use. 3. The amendments to the Principal and Accessory Uses and to the Lot Area and Dimensions are specific to a small portion of a Lot which is Zoned RS-2, and to a Lot which is Zoned RS-3. Refer to the plan attached as Appendix C. As per the Local Government Act, Section 464(2), when a Zoning Bylaw is consistent with the Official Community Plan, the City may waive the requirement to hold a Public Hearing. When a Public Hearing is waived under Section 464(2), the City must then give notice in accordance with Section 467 of the Local Government Act which requires that the notice states the purpose of Page 1 of 4 the Zoning Bylaw; the lands that are subject of the Bylaw; the place, times and dat.es where the Bylaw may be inspected; and is published in a newspaper the same as for a Public Hearing. Through this process, the Public Hearing was waived for the last Housekeeping Zoning Bylaw Amendment adopted on January 30, 2024. It can be expected that additional changes to the Zoning Bylaw will continue to occur from time to time as it is used, and as new situations and needs arise in the course of normal business. RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7996-2024 be given first and second readings and; 2. That a Public Hearing for Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7996-2024 be waived in accordance with the Local Government Act Section 464(2). DISCUSSION: 1. Background: On December 8, 2020, the new Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2079 was adopted by Council. Since then, four housekeeping amendments have been adopted by Council. On February 22, 2022 Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7749-202 7 was adopted, on July 26, 2022 Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7827-2022 was adopted, on February 14, 2023 Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7894-2022 was adopted, and on January 30, 2024 Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7928-2023 was adopted. The Zoning Bylaw is a large complex and detailed document that regulates development in the City, and it is important to provide clear, concise language that can be easily and consistently interpreted by all users. As can be expected for a document of this size and complexity, some additional minor corrections and clarifications have been identified. 2. Planning Analysis: The clause numbers in the following discussion of the amendments are in the same numerical order as in Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7996-2024 (Appendix A). For ease of use, refer to Appendix B for a markup of the amendments in the Zoning Bylaw. Clause 2: The amendments to Section 302.4. Split Zoned Lots are to clarify requirements for a Lot that contains more than one Zone. A Split Zoned Lot is a parcel of land that has more than one Zone within the boundaries of the Lot. Where possible, the Lot may be developed with permitted Uses for each Zone, but only within the boundaries of that Zone. The addition of sub-section 302.4.3 requires that, when a use is limited to a maximum number per Lot, that limit shall apply to the entire Lot. For example, a Single Detached Residential use permits only one dwelling per Lot. If a Split Zoned Lot includes two different Residential Zones, only one Single Detached Residential dwelling would be permitted on the Lot. Page 2 of 4 The addition of sub-section 302.4.4 requi res that, when a specific use in a Zone requires a minimum Lot Area, that requirement applies only to the area of the Lot that is Zoned for the use. For example, a Campground use requires a minimum Lot Area of 0.4 hectares in the CS-3 zone. If a Split Zoned Lot was partially Zoned CS -3, the Campground use would only be permitted within the CS-3 Zoned portion of t he Lot and only if the area were at least 0.4 hectares in area. Clause 3: The amendments to the RS-2 and RS -3 Zones are to clarify the Zoning on portions of two (2) lots (Appendix C) that utilized that Albion Area Density Bonus Amenity Contribution. The southern portion of the site was rezoned to RS-1 b with the Density Bonus that allow R-1 Zone requirements. The amendments to the Principal Uses in 610.2.2 and the Accessory Uses in 610.3.3 are specific to a small portion of a Lot which is Zoned RS-2 because it is outside the Urban Area Boundary. It is a Split Zoned Lot with the larger portion Zoned RS-1 b and the small portion Zoned RS-2. The amendment allows the small RS-2 portion to utilize the Principal and Accessory Uses of the R-1 Zone so they align with the Density Bonus uses on the larger portion of the lot. The amendment to Section 610.4 Lot Area and Dimensions deletes sub-section 610.4.3 which was intended to apply only to the RS-2 Zoned portion of Lot 37 as if it were a separate Lot. This clause is not required as the RS-2 portion is part of the Lot 37. The amendment to Section 611.4 Lot Area and Dimensions of the RS-3 Zone, is to add the requirement that sub-section 611 .4.4 is specific only to Lot 38. CONCLUSION: In summary, these text amendments are minor in nature and include the following: (Note: the numbering below corresponds to the clause numbers in the attached Amending Bylaw) Refer to Appendix B for a markup of the amendment to the Zoning Bylaw. 2. Revisions to Section 302.4 for Split Zoned Lots clarify the requirements for development on lots that contain more than one Zone designation. Where a use is limited to a maximum number per Lot, that limit shall apply to the entire Lot, and where a specific use in a Zone requires a minimum Lot Area, that requirement applies only to the area of the lot that is Zoned for the use. 3. The amendments to the Principal and Accessory Uses and to the Lot Area and Dimensions are specific to a small portion of a Lot which is Zoned RS-2, and to a Lot which is Zoned RS-3. Refer to the plan attached as Appendix C. Page 3 of 4 It is recommended that first and second reading be given to Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7996- 2024, and that at a Public Hearing be waived in accordance with the Local Government Act Section 464(2). As per the Local Government Act, Section 464(2), when a Zoning Bylaw is consistent with the Official Community Plan, the City may waive the requirement to hold a Public Hearing. When a Public Hearing is waived under Section 464(2), the City must then give notice in accordance with Section 467 of the Local Government Act which requires that the notice states the purpose of the Zoning Bylaw; the lands that are subject of the Bylaw; the place, times and dates where the Bylaw may be inspected; and is published in a newspaper the same as for a Public Hearing. "Original Signed by Mark McMullen" for Prepared by Ann Edwards, CPT Senior Planning Technician The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A -Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7996-2024 "Original Signed by Marlene Best" Reviewed by: Marlene Best, RPP, MBA Interim Director of Planning "Original Signed by Scott Hartman" Concurrence: Scott Hartman Chief Administrative Officer Appendix B -Markup of amendments in Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 Appendix C -Subdivision Plan EPP136035 Page 4 of 4 CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7996 -2024 APPENDIX A A Bylaw to amend the text and Schedule "A" of Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend the Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended: NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge, enacts as follows: 1. This bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7996 -2024". 2. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 is hereby amended to clarify the requirements for Split Zoned Lots. These are Lots which have more than one Zoning designation within the Lot boundaries. a. Part 3 -Basic Provision, 302 Zones, 302.4 Split Zoned Lot is amended as follows: a) 302.4.1 . is amended by inserting "designation within the boundaries of the Lot." after "one Zone"; b) 302.4.2. is amended by inserting "not confer any rights to" after "shall "; c) new clauses 302.4.3. and 302.4.4. are inserted at the end of the section: "3. Where a Principal or Accessory Use is limited to a maximum number of such Uses per Lot, that limit shall apply to the entire Lot. This includes, but is not limited to, the number of Dwelling Units per Lot." "4. Where a Principal or Accessory Use requires a minimum Lot Area, that area shall be measured within the boundaries of the applicable Zone as if the Zone boundary were a Lot Line." 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 is hereby amended to amend the permitted uses, lot area and dimensions in the RS-2 and RS-3 zones for a specific site, as follows: a. Part 6 -Residential Zones, Zone -610 RS-2 Single Detached Suburban Residential, 610.2 Principal Uses, 610.2.2. is amended by deleting the clause in its entirety and replacing it with: "2. Principal Uses consistent with the R-1 Zone shall be permitted specific to the RS-2 Zoned portion of the following lot: a. Lot 37 Section 11 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan EPP136035 ." b. Part 6 -Residential Zones, Zone -610 RS-2 Single Detached Suburban Residential, 610.3 Accessory Uses, 610.3.3. is amended by deleting the clause in its entirety and replacing it with: "3. Accessory Uses consistent with the R-1 Zone shall be permitted specific to the RS-2 Zoned portion of the following lot: a. Lot 37 Section 11 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan EPP136035." c. Part 6 -Residential Zones, Zone -610 RS-2 Single Detached Suburban Residential, 610.4 Lot Area and Dimensions, 610.4.3. is amended by deleting the clause in its entirety. d. Part 6 -Residential Zones, Zone -611 RS-3 Single Detached Rural Residential, 611.4 Lot Area and Dimensions, 611 .4.4. is amended by inserting "Specific to Lot 38 Section 11 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan EPP136035, the" before "Minimum Lot Area". 4. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , 2024. READ a second time the day of , 2024. READ a third time the day of , 2024. ADOPTED the day of , 2024. PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER APPENDIX 8 Markup of amendments for Zone Amending Bylaw 7996-2024 PART 3 -BASIC PROVISIONS 302.4 Split Zoned Lot 1. A Split Zoned Lot is a Lot that contains more than one Zone designation within the boundaries of the Lot. The following requirements for each applicable Zone shall apply for the Use of each area of the Lot for which it is Zoned as if the Zone boundary were a Lot Line: a. Principal and Accessory Uses; b. Density; C. Lot Coverage; d. Setbacks; e. Height; f. Landscaping and Screening; g. Parking and Loading; h. Other Requirements. 2. A Split Zoned Lot shall not confer any rights to be developed as separate Lots. 3. Where a Principal or Accessory Use is limited to a maxi mum number of such Use per Lot, that limit shall apply to the entire Lot. This shall include, but is not limited to, the number of Dwelling Units per Lot. 4. Where a Principal or Accessory Use requires a minimum Lot Area, that area shall be measured within the boundaries of the applicable Zone as if the Zone boundary were a Lot Line. PART 6 RESIDENTIAL ZONES 610 RS-2 Single Detached Suburban Residential Section 610.2 Principal Uses 2. Principal Uses will be those listed in consistent with the R-1 Single Detached (Lov.' Density Urban Residential) Zone shall be permitted specific to the RS-2 zoned Zoned of the following lot: a. Lot 37 Section 11 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan EPP136035. Section 610.3 Accessory Uses 3. Accessory Uses will be those listed in consistent with the R-1 Single Detached (Low Density Urban Residentia l) Zone sha ll be permitted specific to the RS-2 Zoned portion of t he following lot: Page 1 of 2 Markup of amendments for Zone Amending Bylaw 7996-2024 a. Lot 37 Section 11 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan EPP136035. Section 610.4 Lot Area and Dimensions ~ Minimum Lot /\rea and dimensions shall be not less than: a. In Lot /\rea 378.0m2 (4,069 ft2) b. In Lot VVidth 7.11m (23 .33 ft) c. In Lot Depth 31m (101.7ft). 611 RS-3 Single Detached Rural Residential Section 611.4 Lot Area and Dimensions 4. Specific to Lot 38 Section 11 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan EPP136035, the minimum Lot Area and dimensions shall be not less than: a. In Lot Area 1,885.0m2 (20,290 ft2) b. In Lot Width 29.0m (95.14ft2) C. In Lot Depth 31.0m (101.7ft) Page 2 of 2 21J 2 .; "' -0: "' "t, C ~1-C " -'< C, 3 2 2 I 12th A venue ,. ~ : Rood Oedicolion '·•-! ";,.<f .,.✓------------.,,;;;...:.:==--------....:.,_---" "' 4 ,,,..Jn.0m1 ,.. JJOI ~ ..... fL0m1 ~ .c1--~e--'--~ i~ ~~ ___ ?,:,,.., !1-----~---~.l.\ Park Propo.:;~1,~~t 39 .P~'":f .4 F?em 4 Park .., "" , , . 18 ......... 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