HomeMy WebLinkAboutTAC 2017-03-29 Minutes) City of Maple Ridge ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Active Transportation Advisory Committee, held in Suite 300 in the Maple Ridge Business Centre at Maple Ridge City Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on Wednesday, March 29, 2017 at 7:00 pm COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Bijan Naghipour Cpl. Steven Martin Councillor Masse David Rush Franklin Salguero lneke Boekhorst Kino Roy, Vice-Chair Paul Yeoman, Chair Tara Abraham Wayne Stevens STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT David Pollock Sunny Schiller REGRETS/ABSENTS Lisa Beare Councillor Duncan Member at Large Ridge Meadows RCMP -Traffic Services Council Liaison -Alternate Cycling Rep Member at Large Downtown Maple Ridge Business Improvement Association Youth Rep Member at Large Fraser Health Seniors Rep Staff Liaison / Municipal Engineer Committee Clerk School District 42 Rep Council Liaison 1. CALL TO ORDER AND INTRODUCTIONS The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm. 2. AGENDA ADOPTION R17-009 It was moved and seconded That .the agenda dated March 29, 2017 be amended to add Item 4.4 HUB Cycling Priorities and Item 4.5 Haney Bypass Project and be adopted as amended. CARRIED 3. MINUTE APPROVAL R17-010 It was moved and seconded That the minutes of February 22, 2017 be corrected to show Paul Yeoman as being present, and be approved as corrected. CARRIED ATAC Minutes March 29, 2017 Page 2 of 3 4. NEW & UNFINISHED BUSINESS 4.1 Cycling on Sidewalks The Staff Liaison provided data regarding injuries caused by cyclists on sidewalks. The Committee discussed the impact of the existing bylaw on pedestrian and cyclist safety. Ms. lneke Boekhorst read a letter from the Board of the Downtown Maple Ridge Business Improvement Association (DMRBIA) requesting that Bylaw # 6704- 2009 ("Cycling on Sidewalks Bylaw") be rescinded. This request was unanimously supported by the DMRBIA Board. The RCMP traffic safety perspective was provided by Cpl. Martin. It was agreed to hold Question Period as the next item. 5. QUESTION PERIOD Cydney Stevenson -business owner on 224th -related her experience with customers exiting her business and having near collisions with cyclists. Don Mitchell -Senior's Society -shared the experiences of seniors using 224th. Jackie Chow -cyclist -related her experiences cycling on Lougheed Highway. Ivan Chow -explained different types of cyclists and how they are affected by speed limits. Note: Bijan Naghipour entered at 7:13 pm. \ ) R17-011 It was moved and seconded That the Staff Liaison bring forward suggestions on reducing cyclist/ vehicle/ pedestrian conflicts on 224th Street to a future ATAC meeting for review. CARRIED 4.2 Urban Road Form -Downtown Core 4.3 4.4 The Staff Liaison provided information on road classifications within Maple Ridge, on urban road design and on initiatives that encourage multi modal modes of transportation. The topic was discussed by the Committee. It was suggested the Staff Liaison provide capital spending plans for cycling upgrades to the Committee for review. Membership Update Tara Abraham is currently serving as the Fraser Health representative. Ms. Abraham provided information on Fraser Health's Healthy Built Environment program. HUB Cycling Priorities The Staff Liaison addressed questions raised by Dave Rush regarding specific cycling routes. Mr. Rush reported that the City of Maple Ridge was recently recognized with a "Biggest Leap Award " from HUB Cycling for the City's commitment in delivering bike education to elementary students. ) ATAC Minutes March 29, 2017 Page 3 of 3 4.5 Haney Bypass Project The Staff Liaison provided information on the Ministry of Transportation plan for the Haney Bypass. 6. CORRESPONDENCE 6.1 DMRBIA Letter re: cycling on sidewalks 6.2 Letter from Ms. Annette Morgan re: cycling on sidewalks 7. ROUNDTABLE R17-012 Tara Abraham shared information on the Active Communities grants available through Fraser Health. The deadline for applications has been extended. Any questions regarding the grants should be directed to Ms. Abraham. Kino Roy raised the issue of cyclists having to dismount to cross multi modal paths and the possibility of amending the existing related Maple Ridge bylaw. The Staff Liaison volunteered to provide more information on this topic at a future meeting. Councillor Masse advised there is currently a petition before Council requesting that Council advocate to CP Rail for a reduction in train whistles. The outcome of Council's decision will be shared with ATAC. It was moved and seconded That HUB be invited as a delegation to an upcoming ATAC meeting. CARRIED An update on street sweeping will be provided by the Staff Liaison at the next meeting. lneke Boekhorst will forward additional correspondence on the topic of cycling on sidewalks to the Committee Clerk for distribution. 8. ADJOURNMENT moved and seconded that the meeting be adjourned at 8:48 pm. Chair /ss