HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-02-03 Adopted Council Workshop Minutes.pdfU Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge COUNCIL WORKSHOP · .F_~~ruary 3, 2003 \. The Minutes of the Municipal Council Workshop held on February 3, 2003 at 9:00 a.m. in the Fraser Room of the Maple Ridge.Library, 130-22470 Dewdney Tnmk Road, Maple Ridge, British Columbia foI the purpos~ of transacting regular Municipal business. PRESENT Elected Officials Mayor K. Morse Councillor E. Daykin Councillor J. Dueck Councillor C. Gordon Councillor F. Isaac Councillor C. Speirs ABSENT Cotmcillor J. Harris .-: Appointed $ta}j \ 1.-Rule, Chlef Administrative Officer .... -.T. Fryer, Municipal Qlerk M. Murt~Y, General Manager of Community Development, Parks and.Recreational Services .P. Gill,\:ieneral Manager Corporate and Financial Services • F. Qui.$.z General Manager Public Works and Development Service'§· .. ,. • C. M·arlo, Confidentiai Secretary Other Staff as Requirf!cl. L. Benson, Senior Mari~ger of Finance C. Nolan,' Accountant ll ,i- ~-~1-'! •. ·\. Note: Th~se Minutes are ~so posted ·on the Municipal Web Site at www.mapleridge.org -• 'lt.>j 1. DELEGATIONS :. Nil ·~.}· -~ •• ~;~fl : 2 . UNFINISHED AND NEW BUSINESS 2.1 . Mayor Morse asked the Municipaf:Clerk to indicate if any items on the agenda. would require Council to move irilo a Closed Council meeting. The Municipal Clerk advised that item 2.4, Decorum at Council Meetings, should be·c·onsidered in a Closed Meeting_~ it deals with advice received from the District solicitor. . . .. -. .. ' ' . ' .. ' ~; ~ Policy Sub-Committee Updates a) G1·ants and Donations • • • : . ·/ .. ,, The Accountant TI distributed a handout entitled ''Grants &-t)onations" and reviewed the work done by'-'.tbe Sub-Committee. It was tbe consensus of Council Workshop Minutes January 27, 2003 Page 2 of5 Council that the Sub-Committee should continue as recommended and use the framework described to deal with the requests received in 2003. ACTION REQUIRED The Committee is to report on bow the requests for funds received in 2003 would be handled using the proposed review and evaluation proces_s. This process is to include information on what the groups are currently receiving from the District in terms of money, staff assistance, services and facilities. b) Open Government The Municipal Clerk advised that the Sub-Committee discussed the fundamental principles of can·ying on meetings at its initial meeting, which led to the amendment on January 28, 2003 of the Council schedule to include dates for Council Workshops. He distributed and reviewed a handout entitled ''Rules for Holding a Closed Meeting" listing the appropriate clauses from the Local Government Act that Council may use to close a part of a council meeting to the public. He indicated that there are two instances where Council must go into a closed meeting. The first is if the item is prohibited from disclosure under section 21 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the second is a matter that under another enactment requires that the public be excluded. The sub-committee will look next at the procedures for sub-committee work. Following this a review of the Council Procedures Bylaw will be completed. A CTION REQUIRED The Rules for Holding a Closed Meeting is to be part of the Council Workshop agenda package. The Municipal Clerk is to provide information on how information dealt with in Closed Meetings with an outside committee, i.e. Library Board, Labour Management Committee, can be shared with Council. c) Others The General Manager Community Development and Recreational Services noted that the Prison Crew Policy would be coming before Council at Committee of the Whole. The Special Events Policy will be reviewed by the Citizens Advisory Committee and the Parks & Leisure Services Commission prior to coming before Council. 2.2 Homeless/Squatter Update l . J Council Workshop Minutes January 27, 2003 Page 3 of5 The General Manager Public Works and Development Services reviewed the action items from the previous meeting. A list of invitees and an agenda for a meeting with all affected parties and agencies is being developed. All relevant bylaws have been sent to the District solicitor for review. He is endeavouring to add this topic to the agenda for the SPAC meeting on February 5, 2003. The General Manager Community Development and Recreational Services identified those who would be invited to the meeting. It was pointed out that Mental Health and Addiction Groups should also be included. It was suggested that holding a smaller meeting of those affected by the homeless in the vicinity of the Salvation Army in advance of the larger meeting could be beneficial. Note: The meeting recessed at I 0:30 am and reconvened at 10:45 a.m. 2.3 Promotional Package for Maple Ridge Hospital Mayor Morse advised that the District has agreed to assist Maple Ridge Hospital by providing promotional packages for their recruiting campaign. Other organizations, such as the Chamber of Commerce, have also been approached for assistance. 2.4 Decorum at Council Meetings The Municipal Clerk recommended that Council consider closing the meeting to the public for discussion of this item. R/03-W-0l MOVED by Councillor Gordon SECONDED by Councillor Isaac That this meeting be closed to the public pursuant to Sections 242.2 and 242.3 of the Local Govemment Act and Cowzcil Procedure By-law No. 5871-1999 noting that the subject matter being considered relates to the receiving of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose. CARRIBD The Regular Meeting recessed at 10:55 a.m. and reconvened at 11 :05 a.m. Council Workshop Minutes January 27, 2003 Page 4 of5 The Mwucipal Clerk advised that the RCMP has agreed in principle to enforce an Order to be made by the Mayor with respect to Mrs. Sylvia Osberg. Mayor Morse read the following order: "Over the past year Mrs. Sylvia Osberg has on numerous occasions interrupted and disrupted the business of Council. Despite repeatedly being advised not to persist in such improper conduct, Mrs. Osberg continues to do so. Ou Tuesday, January 28, Mrs. Osberg again disrupted Council during its question period causing Council to adjourn for a short period and jeopardizing the opportunity for other citizens to participate in the question period. Pursuant to s. 242.5 of the Local Government Act I am exercising my authority therein to exclude Mrs. Osberg from the meetings of this Council and the Committees of this Council for a period of three months commencing today and ending May 1, 2003. If Mrs. Osberg is here now I am forthwith expelling her and would ask her to leave. A copy of this order will be posted on the door of the Council Chambers and a member of the RCMP will be present to bar entry or remove Mrs. Osberg if she should seek to attend any Council or Committee meeting from which she has been excluded." R/03-W-02 Mayor's Order S. Osberg ACTI ON REQUIRED MOVED by Councillor Gordon SECONDED by Councillor Isaac That the order of the Mayor made February 3, 2003 to exclude Mrs. Osberg from the meetings of this Council and its Committees for a period of three months be endorsed and supported. CARRIED The order is to be posted to the doors of Council Chambers, and read at the Committee of the Whole meeting of February 3, 2003 and the Council meeting of February 11, 2003. M rs. Osberg is to be advised in writing of the or der. A member of the RCMP is to be available as required at Council meetings. Council Workshop Minutes January 27, 2003 Page 5 of5 3. CORRESPONDENCE 4. BRIEFING ON OTHER ITEMS OF INTER.EST/QUESTIONS FROM COUNCIL Councillor Isaac requested clarification on the process for Councillors to attend training sessions and conferences. She was advised that each Councillor is provided with a budget for training and is able to make his/her own decisions on what events to attend. The conference budget is only for attendance at UBCM and FCM. Council indicated a desire to discuss this issue at a subsequent meeting. ACTION REQUIRED Discussion of the Training and Conference budget is to be included on the next Council Workshop agenda. 5. ADJOURNMENT -11 :30 a.m. Certified Correct T. Fryer,