HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-03-03 Adopted Council Workshop Minutes.pdfCorporation of the District of Maple Ridge
March 3, 2003
The Minutes of the Municipal Council Workshop held on March 3, 2003 at 9:00 a.m. in
the Fraser Room of the Maple Ridge Library, 130-22470 Dewdney Trunk Road, Maple
Ridge, British Columbia for the purpose of transacting regular Municipal business.
Elected Officials
Mayor K. Morse
Councillor E. Daylcin
Councillor C. Gordon
Councillor J. Harris
Councillor F. Isaac
Councillor C. Speirs
Councillor J. Dueck
Appointed Staff
J. Rule, Chief Administrative Officer
T. Fryer, Municipal Clerk
M. Murray, General Manager of Community Development,
Parks and Recreational Services
J. Sorba, Acting General Manager Corporate and Financial
F. Quinn, General Manager Public Works and Development
C. Marlo, Confidential Secretary
Other Staff as Required
D. Cooke, GIS Technician
K. Grout, Manager, Development & Environmental Services
J. Pickering, Director of Planning
Note: These Minutes are also posted on the Municipal Web Site at www.mapleridge.org
Councillor Gordon was not in attendance at the start of the meeting.
The following items were added to the agenda:
• Discussion of Town Hall Meeting
• Proposed Changes to Gaming Regulations
• Auxiliary Police Force
l . MINUTES -Nil
Council Workshop Minutes
March 3, 2003
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2.1 Fraser River Crossing, John Forsdick
Mr. Forsdick, TransLink, gave a Power Point presentation on the initial results of
the Phase 2 consultations for the open house on the new Fraser River Crossing
held in Maple Ridge. A copy of the presentation was distributed. Mr. Fred
Cumniings, Project Chair, TransLink joined the meeting during the presentation.
The following points were discussed:
• hnprovements to the Pitt River Bridge need to be done in conjunction with the
construction of the bridge. TransLink indicated that this project has a high
• The Pitt River Bridge should not be tolled as this would result in residents
having to always pay to travel out of the community.
• The gateway program planning is to be completed by the end of the year.
• The results package of the open house consultations will be provided by
TransLink to the District.
Note: Councillor Gordon arrived at 9:30 a.m.
• The Jong term and short term differences between the two options for the
crossing will be explained in detail to the TransLink Board Members before a
decision is made.
• No polling of the public around the options is planned.
• A Memorandum of Understanding, with clear definitions of the options and
terms ofreference will be developed with each municipality.
• If Council wishes to express support for a particular option, this information
would be included in the presentation to the Board of Directors.
• Detailed reports on environmental and noise impacts are posted on
TransLink:'s web site.
• TransLink was asked to prepare pictures of the gateway program which
include as much detail on the north side of the river as on the south side.
2.2 GIS Stream Mapping, Rod Stott
Rod Stott and the GIS Technician gave a Power Point presentation providing an
update on Phase Three of the GIS stream mapping project. The presentation
focused on the ongoing watershed information layers, accessibility to data and
new initiatives.
The following points were discussed:
• Opportunities to incorporate a revenue component for the sale of the data.
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Council Workshop Minutes
March 3, 2003
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• Use of stewardship groups such as KEEPS and ARMS. to maintain the data.
• Inclusion of Provincial Government data on Crown Lands into the District's
Staff is to develop a policy related to the selling of new and innovative
programs developed by the District.
Staff is to forward the stream mapping information to Kerry Grozier,
District Manager, Ministry of Forests with a recommendation that the
Provincial Government under·take a similar program for Crown Lands and
integrate their information into ours.
Staff is to include costs for maintenance of the data in the 2004 Business
Note: The meeting recessed at 10:35 a.m. and reconvened at 10:50 a.m.
3.3 Discussion of Town Hall Meeting ___ _
Mayor Morse led a discussion on the format of the March 4, 2003 Town Hall
Meeting on the Homeless issue and the importance of establisrung the
expectations of the meeting. She distributed a copy of a package send out to
individuals who spoke at the January 20, 2003 Town Hall Meeting on the Core
Project Review. She indicated that it was not intended to send out such a package
following every Town Hall Meeting. She felt it was necessary for that meeting,
as the expectations of the meeting had not been clearly expressed at the start of
the meeting.
The General Manager of Public Works and Development Services advised that
other agencies have been invited to attend the nieeting and will be available for
the Mayor to call upon for answers to questions that relate to the services they
provide. Mayor Morse advised that she spoke with Insp. MacRae of the RCMP
about the possibility of utilizing Auxiliary Police to assist with enforcement
The General Manager Public Works and Development Services suggested that at
the meeting Council identify that this is a multi-agency issue and that the purpose
of the meeting is to get different perspectives on the issues, have other agencies in
attendance to answer questions and to identify an action plan. He suggested that
the minutes of meeting be reviewed to determine which issues the municipality is
Council Workshop Minutes
March 3, 2003
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responsible for and which issues other agencies are responsible for. Those
agencies would be contacted with information from the meeting.
Staff is to contact the GVRD to ensure that a District representative is
included on the GVRD Regional Steering Committee on Homelessness.
Staff is contact lnsp. MacRae regarding use of Auxiliary Police.
Staff is to prepare a Power Point presentation for the Town Hall Meeting
identifying the format and objectives of the meeting.
3.1 Policy Manual-Status Report
Staff report dated Febnrary 25, 2003 recommending that staff prepare a quarterly
report regarding the status of policies under review.
The Municipal Clerk reviewed the work done to date to update, reformat and
distribute District policies. A policy manual has been distributed to the Mayor,
Council and senior staff. He advised that the intent would be to provide a further
progress report in early July.
3.2 Policy Working Group Reports -Nil
4.1 Pitch-In Canada, National Civic Pride Recognition Program, Financial
Memo requesting participation in the National Civic Pride Recognition Program
and soliciting membership.
The Municipal Clerk reviewed the procedures used to direct correspondence to an
appropriate agenda and noted that a review of these procedures is part of the work
being undertaking by the Open Government Working Group. He recommended
that Council resolutions to simply receive correspondence be eliminated and the
resolutions instead indicate that Council has considered the correspondence and
no further action will be taken. It was the consensus of Council to proceed with
this recommendation.
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March 3, 2003
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Staff is to prepare recommendations for correspondence that includes a
description of the subject matter and the action decided upon by Council.
Note: The meeting recessed at 11 :55 a.m. and reconvened at 2:30 p.m.
The General Manager Public Works and Development Services circulated a
proposed slide to be used to state the objectives of Town Hall Meeting. It was the
consensus of Council that the meeting proceed in the manner indicated on the
slide with the addition of development of an Action Plan for the short term and a
Strategy for the long term.
3.4 Gaming Regulation
Mayor Morse distributed a copy of a letter from Herb Van Horne, Executive
Director, Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Community Services to Randy Hawes,
MLA, concerning proposed changes to the Gaming Regulations. She suggested
that Council send a letter to the Provincial Government supporting the concerns
expressed in Mr. Van Home's letter. She noted that these changes would have a
big impact on groups in our District and pointed out that the original intent was
for money raised in the community to stay in the community.
It was the consensus of Council that a strongly worded letter be sent to the local
MLA's and copied to the GVRD, LMMA and UBCM.
3 .5 Auxiliary Police
Mayor Morse circulated an e-mail from Jim Genac, ARPOA-BC Media Liaison,
with the Auxiliary Policy Update 2003-1. It was the consensus of Council that a
letter of support for the arming of Auxiliary Police be sent.
Council Workshop Minutes
March 3, 2003
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The Municipal Clerk briefed Council on the mandate of the Council Workshop
He indicated that issues requiring more than a 10-minute presentation or more
information to be gathered before a decision can be made would be included on a
Workshop agenda. Item would proceed from the Workshop to Committee of the
Whole and Council for a decision. As it is a regularly scheduled meeting of
Council no special notice is required to be posted and if deemed necessary
decisions can be made and resolutions passed at a Council Workshop meeting. He
confirmed that a Council Workshop meeting has no fixed adjournment time and
as a result a meeting can be recessed and reconvened at a later time. Council
agreed that a recess could be called by consensus.
Mayor Morse requested that "Matters Deemed Expedient" be added to future
Council Workshop agendas.
Councillor Isaac requested that Council discuss support for the 2010 Olympic bid.
"Matters Deemed Expedient" is to be included as an agenda item on fntnre
Council Workshop agendas.
Discussion of the 2010 Olympic bid is to be included on a future Council
Workshop agenda.
6. ADJOURNMENT-2:55 p.m.
Certified Correct