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Corporation of the District of Map le Ridge
April 28, 2003
The Minutes of the Municipal Council Workshop held on April 28, 2003 at 9:00 a.m. in
the Blaney Room of the Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge,· British
Columbia for the purpose of transacting regular Municipal business.
Elected Officials
Mayor K. Morse
Councillor E. Daykin
Councillor J. Dueck
Councillor C. Gordon
Councillor F. Isaac
Councillor C. Speirs
Cotmcillor J. Harris
Appointed Staff
F. Quinn, Acting Chief Administrative Officer
T. Fryer, Municipal Clerk
M. Murray, General Manager of Conummity Development,
Parks and Recreational Services
P. Gill, General Manager Corporate and Financial Services
F. Quinn, General Manager Public Works and Development
C. Marlo, Confidential Secretary
Other Staff as Required
K. Grout, Manager Development and Environmental Services
J. Sheehan, Environmental Technician
Note: These Minutes are also posted on the Municipal Web Site at www.mapleridee.org
Note: Councillor Gordon and Councillor Speirs were not in attendance at the start of the
Mayor Morse advised that item 4.3 would be dealt with following item 3.2 and
announced the addition of the following item:
4.5 Peter Daflos
R/03-W-l l
April 14, 2003
MOVED by Councillor Dueck
SECONDED by Councillor Isaac
That the minutes of the Council Workshop Meeting of April
14, 2003 be adopted as circulated.
Note: Councillor Gordon arrived at 9:05 a.m.
Council Workshop Minutes
April 28, 2003
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3.1 Update on Arts Centre Opening, Brenda Finlayson
Ms. Finlayson described the activities planned for the weekend of the grand
opening of the Arts Centre and Theatre and circulated a schedule of events.
Note: Councillor Speirs arrived at 9:20 a.m.
Ms. Finlayson is to prepare a letter to be sent by the Mayor to all Lower
Mainland Councils inviting them to participate in the Grand Opening
celebrations of the Arts Centre and Theatre.
3.2 Update on Mosquito Control in Maple Ridge, Environmental Technician
The Environmental Technician and the Manager Development and Environmental
Services reported on the District's mosquito control program. The Environmental
Technician advised that the program is run through the GVRD in partnership with
Langley, Pitt Meadows and Surrey. A contract has been entered into with Morrow
Engineering who will also work closely with the Health Unit. The emphasis of the
program will be on larvae control. A Health Canada Fact Sheet and a copy of an
advertisement placed in the Langley paper describing the program were
distributed. A similar ad will be placed in the Maple Ridge papers.
It was the consensus of Council that a liaison position be created for health issues
and that Cowicillor Isaac be appointed to that position.
A presentation on the Mosquito Control program is to be given at the May
13, 2003 Council meeting. The presentation is to include contact numbers
and web sites that will provide the pub)ic with additional information.
Note: Item 4 .3 was dealt with following item 3.2
\ I
Council Workshop Minutes
April 28, 2003
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3.3 Council Liaison to Community Associations
Council discussed requests that have been received for Council liaisons to be
assigned to KEEPS and to community associations.
It was the consensus of Council that a liaison position be appointed to KEEPS and
that community associations be invited to update CoW1cil on their activities either
through attendance at a Council Workshop or by inviting Council to attend one of
their meetings. Council recommended that a written definition of liaison duties
and responsibilities be created and distributed to groups with liaisons.
Staff is -to obtain a legal opinion on the ramifications of members of Council
attending meetings of community groups.
Note: The meeting recessed at 10:35 a.m. and reconvened at 10:50 a.m. Councillor
Speirs was not in attendance when the meeting reconvened.
Mayor Morse advised that through an oversight a Youth Council liaison had not
been assigned. It was the consensus of Council that Councillor Gordon be
appointed to that liaison position with Councillor Dueck serving as the alternate.
Farm Property Classifications Within Residential Areas
Letter dated March 21, 2003 from the Township of Langley seeking support for
the 1995 UBCM resolution B36 on the Assessment Act Farm Classification.
The General Manager Corporate and Financial Services advised that there are
some loopholes in the provincial legislation that permit lands that would normally
be considered commercial to be designated as farmland. He recommended that
this item be deferred to another meeting to permit input from Councillor Harris.
This item is to be included on a future Council Workshop agenda.
Rural Policing Costs
Copy of letter dated April 9, 2003 from the Mayor of the City of Courtenay to the
Honourable Rich Coleman, Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General
expressing concerns regarding the formula for policing costs.
Council Workshop Minutes
April 28, 2003
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The General Manager Corporate and Financial Services explained that the
formula used to assess costs for policing is based on population. Courtenay is
concerned about this formula as they are paying a portion of the policing costs for
their community while the smaller communities around them are not paying any
costs. He advised that the Solicitor General is looking at a proposal that would
have all communities pay a portion of their costs.
The Municipal Clerk pointed out that Courtenay has asked UBCM to place their
letter on the agenda of the UBCM convention. He suggested that Council might
wish to take a formal position on the issue.
It was the consensus of Council that the letter from the City of Courtenay be
referred to the next Committee of the \Vhole with a recommendation that all
communities be required to pay a portion of their policing costs.
The letter dated April 9, 2003 from the City of Courtenay is to be included on
the next available Committee of the Whole agenda.
Note: Item 4.3 was dealt with following item 3 .2
4.3 Application by Canadian Pacific Railways to Amend Pesticide Use Permit
a) Copy of letter dated April 14, 2003 from the City of Coquitlam to the
Honourable Joyce Murray voicing concerns regarding potential harmful
b) Copy ofletter dated March 27, 2003 from the City of Port Moody to Mike
Pidgeon, Pesticide Management Officer noting various concerns.
The Manager Development and Environmental Services advised that the Ministry
of Water, Land and Air Protection requested input from municipalities on the
application but only gave one week in which to reply. She circulated a copy of a
letter sent by staff in response. She advised that the province subsequently turned
down the application. The legislation controlling the use of pesticides is under
provincial jurisdiction and is under review. The Provincial Government has
informed local governments that a stakeholders group will be formed to solicit
input into the changes.
Council Workshop Minutes
April 28, 2003
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Staff is to prepare a letter to be sent the Ministry of Water, Land and Air
Protection requesting that CP Railways be en couraged to create an
integrated pesticide management program and that local government be
given sufficient opportunity to provide input on changes to the legislation.
Elk Creek Rainforest
Letter dated April 7, 2003 from Joe Foy, Western Canada Wilderness Committee
seeking support for the protection of the Elk Creek Rainforest.
(Report entitled "Elk Creek: Chilliwack's Wild Wonder Worthy of Protection"
previously circulated)
It was the consensus of Council that they did not have enough information on this
issue to respond to the request of the Western Canada Wilderness Committee.
A letter is to be sent to the Western Canada Wilderness Committee advising
that Council does consider this to be a serious issue but does not feel it would
be appropriate to respond without having all the facts pertaining to the issue,
particularly given that the Elk Creek Rainforest is within another
The Working Group on Open Government is to give consideration to
creating a policy, similar to the proclamation policy that would apply to
correspondence such as the letter dated April 7, 2003 from the Western
Canada Wilderness Committee.
Peter Daflos
A letter dated April 16, 2003 from Peter Daflos to Mayor Morse concerning his
request to appear before Council to discuss the expropriation of his property by
the School Board was distributed.
It was the consensus of Council that a letter be sent to Mr. Daflos indicating that
Council has discussed his request and as this matter is not within the jurisdiction
of the District and is under litigation with the School Board, it would not be
appropriate for Mr. Daflos to make a presentation to Council.
Council Workshop Minutes
April 28, 2003
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A letter is to be sent to Mr. Daflos advising that Council has considered his
request but does not feel it is appropriate for a presentation to be made.
Mayor Morse suggested that the Acting Mayor consider attending the weekly
agenda review.
7. ADJOURNMENT -11 :20 a.m.
Certified Correct
T. Fryer,