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Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge
June 9, 2003
The Minutes of the Municipal Council Workshop held.on June 9, 2003 at 9:00 a.m. in the
Blaney Room of the Mun.icipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia
for the purpose of transacting regular Municipal business.
Elected Officials
Mayor K. Morse
Councillor E. Daykin
Councillor J. Dueck
Councillor C. Gordon
Councillor F. Isaac
Councillor C. Speirs
Councillor J. Harris
Appointed Staff
J. Rule, Chief Administrative Officer
T. Fryer, Municipal Clerk
M. Murray, General Manager of Community Development,
Parks and Recreational Services
P. Gill, General Manager Corporate and Financial Services
F. Quinn, General Manager Public Works and Development
C. Marlo, Confidential Secretary
Other Staff as Required
J. Pickering, Director of Planning
J. Sheehan, Envirorunental Technician
J. Scherban, Director of Development Engineering
B. McDonald, Director of Licenses, Permits and Bylaws
C. Dale, Executive Assistant
Note: These Minutes are also posted on the Municipal Web Site at www.m::iplericlge.org
May 26, 2003
MOVED by Councillor Dueck
SECONDED by Councillor Daykin
That the minutes of the Council Workshop Meeting of May
26, 2003 be adopted as circulated .
Council Workshop Minutes
June 9, 2003
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2.1 Urban Systems, Colin Meldrum, Kwantlen First Nations, Economic
Development, IR #5
Chief Marilyn Gabriel, Councillor Les Antone and Councillor Tumia Knott,
Kwantlen First Nation and Colin Meldrum, Urban Systems Ltd. were in
attendance to provide an update on the development plans of IR #5. Councillor
Knott gave background information on K wantlen First Nation and their land
holdings in Maple Ridge and Langley. She advised that IR #5 has been identified
as a good location for economic development. They believe it is important to have
a forum such as this to share information with the District to ensure that good
relationships are built from the beginning of the project. Mr. Meldum distributed
and reviewed maps identifying the location of the land and the existing and
proposed land uses. He advised that servicing of the lands for water, sewers and
roads might be required from the District and potential corridors have been
identified. The proposed development includes a potential of 800 homes on the
north side of Lougheed and commercial and industrial to the south. A preliminary
investigation indicates that Kwantlen could service the land without participation
from the District. Maintenance costs will be built into the business plan.
Provisions for fire, police and recreation services and development of a
communication strategy will be investigated in the next stage of planning.
The General Manager Public Works and Development Services pointed out that a
lot of the typical processes required for development do not apply in this case. A
Public Hearing, for example, would not be required. He asked for direction from
Council on whether staff should continue to work with Kwantlen First Nation in
the next stage of their development process.
It was the consensus of Council that staff continue to work with Kwantlen First
Nation noting that there is some concern about extending services beyond the
urban boundary.
2.2 Morrow Engineering Ltd., Dirk Lewis, Mosquito Control Program and West
Nile Virus
Mr. Lewis gave a Power Point presentation on the GVRD Mosquito Control
Program highlighting the following:
• program outline
• mosquito biology
• control systems
• mapping
• larvae treatment
• adult mosquito control
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Council Workshop Minutes
June 9, 2003
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• West Nile Virus
• other things to watch for
Note: The meeting recessed at 10:15 a.m. and reconvened at 10:30 a.m.
Before proceeding with the agenda Council discussed the merits of attaching time
frames to agenda items. No consensus was reached on whether to do so.
The agenda was amended to have items 3 .3 and 3 .5 precede item 3 .1.
3 .1 Silver Valley Commercial/Residential Flex-Zone
The Planner and Paul Rollo, G.P. Rollo & Associates provided an overview of the
rationale for the Commercial/Residential Flex-Zone. The foUowing comments
were made:
• The development application submitted for properties on Fem A venue would
not accommodate this flex-zone. A larger property size would be required to
make land acquisition appealing to a developer as the land assembly then
becomes easier.
232nd and Fern could be an alternate location for this zone, however, it was
pointed out that this area is in the flood plain.
• It is typical for Lower Mainland communities to work with property owners to
create a plan that would attract investors to come in and assemble land.
Brookswood and Ft. Langley were cited as examples of communities where
this type of development has occurred.
With the Silver Valley Area Plan, civic sites are identified that could be
designated for various purposes, including schools, in the future. If a school
site is identified by the School Board in their 5 year capital plan, they would
buy the required land from the Dis1rict when they receive funding.
A lot of research is required to be done by staff before the Silver Valley Area
Plan can be implemented.
The applicants have not been receptive to suggestions that their application is
premature and have asked that their application proceed to Council.
CMHC Affo rdable Housing Projects and Blended Housing Projects
Councillor Gordon reported that the GVRD report on homelessness has been
completed. It was suggested that a presentation he made at a future date on the
report. The General Manager of Public Works and Development Services noted
Council Workshop Minutes
June 9, 2003
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that the deadline for submission of applications for CMHC funding is in July and
recommended that organizations such as UDI and EDAC be sent notices.
An update on the issue of homelessness is fo-be included on a future agenda.
A letter is to be sent to the appropriate community groups notifying them of
the availability of funding through CMHC.
An update on CMHC funding opportunities is to be included on the agenda
of the next Developers Forum.
3.3 Tracking System
Staff report dated June 4, 2003 providing information on a system of tracking key
initiatives and correspondence.
The Executive Assistant gave a Power Point presentation describing the system
that is being developed to track key initiatives and correspondence. The General
Manager Corporate and Financial Services advised that funding for this initiative
is available from the Strategic Priority Account. He indicated that, as Council is
supportive of the system, development of the system will continue and a report
submitted to Committee of the Whole for authorization of expenditures.
3.4 232nd Street Bridge
This item was deferred to the next Council Workshop agenda.
3.5 S.P.C.A. Update
The General Manager Corporate and Financial Services advised that the SPCA
has indicated it is their intention not to provide animal control services when their
contract expires at the end of the year. They have indicated they would be willing
to assist with the transition but they would determine the minimum staffing levels
It was the consensus of Council that staff investigate other options for animal
services and report back to Council.
Staff is to prepare a report on options for the provision of animal services in
the District.
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June 9, 2003
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Note: Item 3.6 was dealt with following Item 2.1
3.6 136 Avenue Construction
The Director of Development Engineering described the pumping system being
installed by Portrait Homes for a new development on 136 Avenue. He advised
that homes in the area located in the ALR are requesting permission to connect to
this sewer system. He noted that the District policy does not permit connections in
the ALR unless there is an overriding health concern. Staff is unaware of any
health concerns for these properties. No accommodation was made in the design
to enable connection to that system. The cost to do so is estimated at $250,000
and would involve 30 properties. •
The General Manager of Public Works and Development Services advised that
residents are being told that the opportunity to connect does not exist with the
system that is being constructed and are being informed of the policy concerning
connections in the ALR. They are also being told that their request will be
reviewed and that an opportunity may exist to submit a Local Improvement
Petition. The Health Department will be contacted to find out if they are aware of
any health issues with the septic systems in that area. Council requested that a
letter be drafted for the property owners and e-mailed to them for review prior to
A letter is to be drafted for the property owners along 136 Avenue who could
potentially connect to the sewer system and e-mailed to Council for review
prior to mailing.
Federation of Canadian Municipalities, Brownsfields Report
Letter dated May 27, 2003 from Marguerite Cheschi-Smith, Chair, FCM
Brownsfields Committee, requesting that a letter of support for the
recommendations contained in the Brownsfields Report be sent to the local
Member of Parliament.
Staff is to prepare a report on this report for a future Committee of the
Council Workshop Minutes
June 9, 2003
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4.2 Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority, Governance Task Force
Memo from Linda McLevy, Assistant Corporate Secretary providing information
on the Report of the Task Force on Governance.
Mayor Morse indicated that she did not feel the Task Force had done a good job
of addressing the issues of sub-regions and distribution of votes. She
recommended that a letter be sent to TransLink asking that these issues be
reviewed by the Task Force.
Staff is to prepare a letter to TransLink asking that the issues of sub-regions
and distribution of votes be reviewed by the Task Force.
7. ADJOURNMENT-12:00 noon
K. orse, Mayor
Certified Correct
T. Fryer, Municipal Clerk