HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-09-08 Adopted Council Workshop Minutes.pdfCorporation of the District of Maple Ridge COUNCIL WORKSHOP September 8, 2003 The Minutes of the Municipal Council Workshop held on September 8, 2003 at 9:00 a.m. in the Blaney Room of the Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia for the pmpose of transacting regular Municipal business. PRESENT Elected Officials Mayor K. Morse Councillor E. Daykin Councillor J. Dueck Councillor J. Harris Councillor F. Isaac Councillor C. Speirs ABSENT Councillor C. Gordon Appointed Staff J. Rule, Chief Administrative Officer T. Fryer, Municipal Clerk M . Murray, General Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreational Services P. Gill, General Manager Corporate and Financial Services F. Quinn, General Manager Public Works and Development Services C. Marlo, Confidential Secretary Other Staff as Required D. Pollock, Director of Project Engineering S. Wheeler, Parks and Leisure Services, Liaison to SPAC Note: These Minutes are also posted on the Municipal Web Site at www.mapleridge.org Mayor Morse was not in attendance at the start of the meeting. The Acting Mayor, Councillor Daykin, chaired the meeting in her absence. 1. MINUTES R/03-W-37 Minutes August 25, 2003 MOVED by Councillor Dueck SECONDED by Councillor Isaac That the minutes of the Council Workshop Meeting of August 25, 2003 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED 2. DELEGATIONS -Nil Council Workshop Minutes September 8, 2003 Page 2 of 5 3. UNFINISHED AND NEW BUSINESS 3.1 Meeting with MLA Ken Stewart and Fraser Health Authority Representatives Valerie Spurrell, Sydney Tomchenko, Dr. Ward Tinney, Bev Homan, Catriona Park and Pam Whiting, representing the Fraser Health Authority (FHA), were in attendance for this portion of the meeting. The following items were discussed. • Meals on Wheels Funding • FHA provides funding to Meals on Wheels and contracts with them to provide other services for seniors • FHA is awaiting a business case from Meals on Wheels in order to assess their needs for funding • Regional Health Care Plan/ Livable Region Strategy • FHA is meeting locally and regionally to develop a clinical service plan • FHA is working on a child primary health centre and a hospice centre • An RFQ has been issued to developers to build an office tower on the hospital ground with profits from this venture directed to the hospital • An RFP has been issued for improvements to the hospital • Haney Intermediate Care will be closed and replaced • Goals in FHA planning are tied to Provincial Government goals • Population Projections • FHA looks at population shifts when planning • The number of school age children in Maple Ridge is decreasing • Blended Housing, Transitional Housing, Rehabilitation Centres • The top priorities for addiction treatment are withdrawal management and concurrent disorders. • Home detox is seen as a potential service to free up space for those who are unable to get help at home. • Two handouts were distributed by the FHA to Council • Riverview is closing on a gradual basis and an assessment has been completed to identify the level of care residents will require upon their release. The representatives of FHA left the meeting. • Blue Mountain Watershed • Watercourse/ground water contamination • Expansion of wood lot licenses • No complaints or health concerns have been reported to Ken Stewart. • The Provincial Government is not aware of any impending wood extractions from this area other than from the existing wood lots. 1 'i ) Council Workshop Minutes September 8, 2003 Page 3 of 5 3.2 • Ken Stewart recommended discussing this item with Randy Hawes as Blue Mountain is located in his riding. • Pitt River Bridge -provincial assistance with federal regulations regarding marine law • Ken Stewart offered to arrange for a meeting with the Councils of Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows and the branch of government that deals with navigational issues to discuss opportunities to restrict the hours of opening. Council accepted this offer. Fraser River Bridge Crossing Letter from TransLink dated September 4, 2003 attached. Discussion of next steps. Ken Stewart indicated that as there may be implications to the Provincial Highway he researched the issue and concluded that there may have been some misunderstandings with respect to timelines. He described the Gateway Project and stressed that a northern highway in Maple Ridge is not one of the projects being considered by the Provincial Government. He recommended that all parties to these transportation projects meet and offered to facilitate such a meeting. The Chief Administrative Officer provided on overview of recent events and reviewed the letter received from Fred Cummings. The General Manager Public Works and Development Services indicated on a map how the bridge would be configured without the Abernethy Way connection. Note: Mayor Morse arrived at the meeting at 11: 13 a.m. It was the consensus of Council that Ken Stewart facilitate a meeting as discussed. Council reguested that the following items be included in the discussions at that meeting: • How will a new Pitt River Bridge be funded. • Timing of improvements to the existing Pitt River Bridge. • How flexible is the timing to submit a supplement for the Environmental Assessment. • Role of Old Dewdney Trunk Road as a transportation corridor. • Future plans for a northern highway. • Future need for a northern route from the connector. • Information on the existence of other traffic studies which differ from Trar1sLink's. • Provide data from the TransLink survey conducted in July Council Workshop Minutes September 8, 2003 Page 4 of 5 Note: The meeting recessed at 11: 14 a.m. and reconvened at 11: 15 a.m. 3.3 Ken Stewart departed from the meeting. Community Charter Letter received August 26, 2003 from Ted Nebbling, Minister of State for Community Charter and 2010 Olympic Bid, providing information about the Community Charter. The Municipal Clerk advised that changes to the Procedures Bylaw will be minor. Mayor Morse noted that the ability to designate bylaws that are ticketable is useless without a mechanism in place for a bylaws court to enforce the tickets. A CT/ON REQUIRED Staffis to forward a letter to Mr. Nebbling indicating concern that mechanisms are not in place for municipalities to enforce ticketable bylaws through a bylaws court. 4. CORRESPONDENCE 5. BRIEFING ON OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST/QUESTIONS FROM COUNCIL 5.1 Homeless Coalition Update The SPAC Liaison provided an update on the efforts of the Coalition to assess the needs of the community and to apply for funding. Members of the Coalition will attend the next Committee of the Whole as a delegation and will be seeking Council's endorsement of their funding application for the SCIPI program. The application will focus on transitional housing. She advised that she will be attending meetings of the GVRD Homeless Steering Committee and has been asked to sit on the Grant Committee for the SCIPI program. l ) J Council Workshop Minutes September 8, 2003 Page 5 of 5 6. MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT 6.1 GVT A Governance Meeting Mayor Morse provided information on discussions at the GVRD regarding governance of the GVTA. The Auditor General will not allow an increase to the size of the board. The board consists of 15 members, three of whom are Provincial Government representatives. An option to replace those positions with additional municipal representatives is being considered. This will be discussed further at the Council of Councils. Mayor Morse noted that tax increases are anticipated from the GVRD and recommended that the District begin an education process to inform the public of the impact this will have on their tax bill. A CTI ON REQUIRED A representative from the GVRD is to be requested to appear at a Council meeting to give a presentation on the proposed tax increases. 7. ADJOURNMENT -11 :40 a.m. Certified Correct T. Fryer