HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-02-14 Adopted Council Workshop Minutes.pdf) Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge COUNCIL WORKSHOP February 14, 2005 The Minutes of the Municipal Council Workshop held on February 14, 2005 at 9:00 a.m. in the Blaney Room of the Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia for the purpose of transacting regular Municipal business. PRESENT Elected Officials Mayor K. Morse Councillor E. Daykin Councillor J. Dueck Councillor C. Gordon Councillor J. Harris Councillor F. Isaac Councillor C. Speirs Appointed Staff J. Rule, Chief Administrative Officer T. Fryer, Municipal Clerk M. Murray, General Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services J. Sorba, Acting General Manager Corporate and Financial Services F. Quinn, General Manager Public Works and Development Services J. Leeburn, Director of Communications and Human Resources C. Marlo, Confidential Secretary Other Staff as Required R. Lafen-iere, Business Retention and Expansion Officer J. Pickering, Director of Planning Note: These Minutes are also posted on the Municipal Web Site at www.maplerid!!e.org Councillor Gordon was not in attendance at the start of the meeting. 1. ADOPTION OF THEAGENDA Th~ agenda was adopted as circulated. 2. MINUTES R/05~69 Minutes February 7, 2005 MOVED by Councillor Dueck SECONDED by Councillor Isaac That the minutes of the Council Workshop Meeting of February 7, 2005 be adopted as circulated. CARRlED Council Workshop Minutes February 14, 2005 Page 2 of4 3. PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL Note: Com1cillor Gordon arrived at 9:04 a.m. 4. 4.1 UNFINISH.ED AND NEW BUSINESS Business Retention & Expansion Presentation The Business Retention and Expansion Officer gave a Power Point presentation providing information on the role of Business Retention and Expansion. A copy of the presentation was circulated at the meeting. 4.2 Discussion of Recommendations fo r Agricultural Land Exclusion Applications Mayor Morse asked that Council review the five recommendation options that are presented for consideration of applications for exclusion from the Agricultural Land Reserve. Council discussed reducing the number of options and defining what form comments to the Agricultural Land Commission would take. R/05-70 ALR Application Process MOVED by Councillor Isaac SECONDED by Councillor Dueck That the process for referring applications to the Agricultural Land Commission as resolved at the July 19, 2004 Council Workshop be amended to include the following options only: a) The application not be authorized to go forward to the Agricultural Land Commission. b) The application be authorized to go forward to the Agricultural Land Commission with a summary of Council's comments and the staff report. CARRIED It was noted that Council would also have the opportunity to send a further resolution to the Commission that would address whether or not Council supports exclusion. ACTION REQUIRED A copy of the section of the Agricultural Land Reserve Act dealing with submission of applications by property owners and a list of the criteria that Council Workshop Minutes February 14, 2005 Page 3 of 4 that the Commission uses in making its determination is to be circulated to Council. Mayor Morse asked for Council's thoughts on including an update on Council Workshops at Council meetings noting that it would done on an as-needed basis and would not be the subject of debate. It was the consensus of Council that updates on Council Workshops be included on Council agendas as required. ACTION REQUIRED The Procedures Bylaw is to be amended to include an update on Council Workshop meetings on the Council agenda. Note: The meeting recessed at 10: 15 a.m. and reconvened at 10:30 a.m. 4.3 GVRD Report "Review of Potential Governance Models for First Nation- Regional District Relations Post-Treaty" Review of Council's response to the August 12, 2004 request from the GVRD for comments on the report. Council discussed issues pertaining to potential governance for First Nation - Regional District Relations. The Municipal Clerk advised that GVRD staff is preparing a report for the GVRD Board summarizing the comments received to their August 12, 2004 request. It was the consensus of Cotmcil that staff be directed to prepare a resolution for the February 22, 2004 Council Meeting stating Council's preference for "Model 2: Special First Nation Electoral Area" as described in the GVRD report dated June 15, 2004 noting that Council understands that there will be further modifications to the chosen Model. ACTION REQUIRED Staff is to prepare a resolution for the February 22, 2004 Council Meeting stating Council's preference for "Model 2: Special First Nation Electoral Area" as described in the GVRD report dated June 15, 2004 noting that Council understands that there will be further modifications to the chosen Model. Council Workshop Minutes February 14, 2005 Page 4 of4 5 CORRESPONDENCE -Nil 6 BRIEFING ON OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST/QUESTIONS FROM COUNCIL -Nil 7 MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT-Nil 8 ADJOURNMENT -11 :00 a.m. K. Morse, Mayor Certified Correct