HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-05-15 Adopted Council Workshop Minutes.pdfCorporation of the District of Maple Ridge COUNCIL WORKSHOP May 15, 2006 The Minutes of the Municipal Council Workshop held on May 15, 2006 at 10:30 a.m. in the Blaney Room of the Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia for the purpose of transacting regular Municipal business. PRESENT Elected Officials Mayor G. Robson Councillor E. Daykin Councillor J. Dueck Councillor A. Hogarth Councillor L. King Councillor C. Speirs Councillor K. Stewart Appointed Staff J. Rule, Chief Administrative Officer T. Fryer, Municipal Clerk M. Murray, General Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services P. Gill, General Manager Corporate and Financial Services B. McDonald, Acting General Manager Public Works and Development Services C. Marlo, Confidential Secretary Other Staff as Required L. Benson, Policy Analyst C. Carter, Manager of Community Planning D. Hall, Planner R. Carmichael, Director of Engineering Operations J. Scherban, Director of Development Engineering R. Laferriere, Business Retention and Expansion Officer C. Goddard, Manager Development and Environmental Services Note: These Minutes are also posted on the Municipal Web Site at www.mapleridge.org 1. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA The agenda was approved with the addition of the following item: 4.7 Discussion of June 5 Meetings 2. MINUTES R/06-202 Minutes It was moved and seconded May 8, 2006 Council Workshop Minutes May 15, 2006 Page 2 of5 That the minutes of the Council Workshop Meeting of May 8, 2006 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED 3. PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL -Nil 4. UNFINISHED AND NEW BUSINESS 4.1 2007-2011 Business Planning Guidelines Staff report dated May 5, 2006 recommending that the Business Planning Guidelines be approved. The Policy Analyst gave a Power Point presentation providing an overview of the Guidelines. 4.2 Official Community Plan Analysis Report John Steil and Karen Gregory, Stantec Consulting, gave a Power Point presentation providing a summary of Stantec's findings and recommendations with respect to their analysis of the results of the Visioning Process with the Draft Official Community Plan. A copy of the presentation was circulated. The Chief Administrative Officer advised that the Special Council meeting on May 16, 2006 would provide an opportunity for detailed analysis of the report by Council. The Manager of Community Planning indicated that the recommendation from staff is that the report be accepted and staff be directed to reflect those recommendations in the Draft Official Community Plan. R/06-203 OCP Analysis Report It was moved and seconded That the Official Community Plan Analysis Report be received for information. CARRIED Note: Item 4.4 & 4.5 were dealt with prior to item 4.3 .J Council Workshop Minutes May 15, 2006 Page 3 of5 4.3 Boulevard in the 22900 Block of Dewdney Trunk Road The Director of Development Engineering gave a Power Point presentation which gave an overview of works and services in support of commercial development and specific details of the Lordco commercial site at 22921 and 22941 Dewdney Trunk Road. A copy of the presentation was distributed. R/06-204 DP/096/05 WITHDRAWN It was moved and seconded That the proponent of DP/096/05, Lordco, be respectfully requested to consider the enhanced standard that will prevail on the entire block of Dewdney Trunk Road. It was the consensus of Council that Mayor Robson and the appropriate staff members discuss the sidewalk standards with Lordco. 4.4 Business Improvement Area Report from the Task Force on Downtown Revitalization recommending that the establishment of a business improvement area be endorsed. The Business Retention and Expansion Officer gave a Power Point presentation providing an overview of a Business Improvement Area. Larry Watkins, a resident of Maple Ridge, gave a testimonial of the benefits of a Business Improvement Area based on his experience as President and Director of a Business Improvement Area in Port Coquitlam. 4.5 Hybrid Electric Vehicles 4.6 Staff report dated May 9, 2006 recommending that the Mayor and Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal a contract with West Coast Toyota and Metro Motors Ford for the supply of hybrid electric vehicles for the municipal fleet. The Director of Engineering Operations reviewed the report. He advised that staff is investigating bio-diesel as an alternative fuel. Procedures By.law Amendment -Question Period Staff report dated May 9, 2006 recommending that Question Period at all regular Council meetings be moved to the end of the agenda. Council Workshop Minutes May 15, 2006 Page 4 of5 R/06-205 Procedures By-law Question Period It was moved and seconded 4.7 That Question Period at all regular Council meetings be moved to the end of the agenda, immediately before adjournment. CARRIED Discussion of June 5 Meetings Councillor Dueck suggested that Council consider canceling the Council Workshop and Closed Council scheduled for June 5 and reschedule Committee of the Whole as several members of Council will be attending the Federation of Canadian Municipalities Convention on that dated. R/06-206 June 5 Meetings It was moved and seconded That the Council Workshop and Closed Council Meetings scheduled for June 5, 2006 be cancelled and that the Committee of the Whole scheduled for June 5, 2006 be rescheduled to June 12, 2006. CARRIED 5. CORRESPONDENCE 5 .1 Bill 30 -Amendments to the Utilities Commission Act Correspondence from Shane Simpson, MLA and Norm Macdonald, MLA dated May 4, 2006 and from Richard Taylor, Executive Director, Union of British Columbia Municipalities dated May 3, 2006 concerning the proposed amendments to the Utilities Commission Act. R/06-207 Bill 30 It was moved and seconded That staff be directed to prepare a report on Bill 30 the Miscellaneous Statues Amendment Act, Section 56, dealing with changes to the Utilities Commission Act. CARRIED ) ) Council Workshop Minutes May 15, 2006 Page 5 of5 6. BRIEFING ON OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST/QUESTIONS FROM COUNCIL -Nil 7. MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT -Nil 8. ADJOURNMENT - ~/L liRobs4. Mayor Certified Correct