HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-02-20 Adopted Council Workshop Minutes.pdf) _) Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge COUNCIL WORKSHOP February 20, 2006 The Minutes of the Municipal Council Workshop held on February 20, 2006 at 10:30 a.m. in the Blaney Room of the Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia for the purpose of transacting regular Municipal business. PRESENT Elected Officials Mayor G. Robson Councillor E. Daykin Councillor J. Dueck CouncilJor L. King Councillor C. Speirs Councillor K. Stewart ABSENT Councillor A. Hogarth Appointed Staff J. Rule, Chief Administrative Officer M. Murray, General Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services P. Gill, General Manager Co1porate and Financial Services F. Quinn, General Manager Public Works and Development Services J. Leebum, Executive Director C. Marlo, Confidential Secretary Other Staff as Required Insp. J. Wakely, RCMP Sgt. S. Hegedus, RCMP Note: These Minutes are also posted on the M unicipal Web Site at www.mapleridge.org 1. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA The Chief Administrative Officer announced that Items 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, and 5.4 were postponed. The agenda was approved as circulated. 2. MINUTES R/06-72 Minutes February 13, 2006 It was moved and seconded That the minutes of the Council Workshop Meeting of February 13, 2006 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED Council Workshop Minutes February 20, 2006 Page 2 of 4 3. UNFINISHED AND NEW BUSINESS 3 .1 Recommended Action Items for Downtown Revitalization Report dated February 15, 2006 from the Council Task Force on Downtown Revitalization recommending that Action Items be endorsed, th at staff be directed to include these items in their 2006 Workplans and that staff provide monthly progress reports. A handout titled "Moving Forward on the Downtown" was circulated at the meeting. Councillor King introduced the Task Force members and provided an update on the activities of the Task Force to date. The General Manager of Public Works & Development Services gave an update on the Smart Growth on the Ground initiatives. The General Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreational Services gave an update on Festivals and Events. Insp. Wakely described the process the RCMP will use to identify strategi es to support the Revitalization plans. R/06-73 Downtown Task Force It was moved and seconded Action Items ACTION REQUIRED That the action items identified in the February 15, 2006 report from the Council Task Force on Downtown Revitalization from the Council Task Force on Downtown Revitalization be endorsed; and That staff be directed to include these items in their 2006 workplans; and further That staff be directed to provide monthly progress reports on the action items. CARRIED A presentation is to be made at a future Council meeting by the Council Task Force on Downtown Revitalization. ) _J Council Workshop Minutes February 20, 2006 Page 3 of 4 3.2 Community Safety Building Staff report dated February 14, 2006 recommending that staff be directed to finalize the design and tender the Community Safety Building renovation incorporating seismic upgrades. The Genera] Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreational Services circulated and reviewed a handout summarizing the objectives, design status, seismic upgrading options and aJtematives contained in the report. John Peddle, CWMM Consulting Engineers Ltd., provided details of the options for seismic upgrading. The General Manager of Corporate and Financial Services confirmed that the seismic upgrade can be funded through reserves without impacting this year's operating budget. R/06-74 Community Safety Building Design It was moved and seconded That staff be directed to finalize the detailed design and tender the Community Safety Building renovation incorporating the seismic upgrades required to achieve a post disaster level of seismic resistance for commercial buildings consistent with the current building code noting that funding for the project will be drawn from both the Protective Services Reserve and the Capital Works Reserve. CARRIED 4. CORRESPONDENCE -NiJ 5. PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL 5.1 TransLink, Pat Jacobsen, Chief Executive Officer -Postponed 5.2 Golden Ears Bridge, Fred Cummings, Project Manager -Postponed 5.3 Transit Exchange, Simon Li, Senior Transportation Engineer -Postponed Council Workshop Minutes February 20, 2006 Page 4 of 4 5.4 Gateway Project, Pam Ryan, Program Development Director -Postponed 6. BRIEFING ON OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST/QUESTIONS FROM COUNCIL -Nil 7. MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT -Nil 8. ADJOURNMENT -11:34 a.m. G. Robson, Mayor Certified Co1rect