HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-12-17 Adopted Council Workshop Minutes.pdfDistrict of MaPle Ridge COUNC'I WORKSHOP December L7,2OO7 The Minutes of the Municipal Council Workshop held on December !7 ' 2OO7 aT 10:30 a.m. in the Blaney ioorn of the Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place' Maple Ridge, British Columbia for the purpose of transacting regular Municipal business' PRESENI Elected Officials Mayor G. Robson Councillor E. DaYkin Councillor J. Dueck Councillor A. Hogarth Councillor L. King Councillor C. SPeirs Councillor K. Stewart Appointed Staff J. Rule, Chief Administrative Officer M. Murray, General Manager of Community Development' Parks and Recreation Services P. Gill, General Manager Corporate and Financial Services B. McDonald, Acting General Manager of Public Works and Development Services J. Leeburn, Executive Director C. Marlo, Manager of Legislative Services A. Gaunt, Confidential SecretarY OtherStaff as Required B. Mcleod, Manager of Parks and Open Spaces J. Pickering, Director of Planning, C. Carter, Manager of Community Planning R. Carmichael, Director of Engineering Operations D. Hall, Planner C. Crabtree, lnformation of Services Manager ¡ L Note: These Minutes are also posted on the Municipal Web Site at www'mapleridqe'ca ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA The agenda was approved with the following additions: Annual Georgie Award Nominations school District No. 42 (Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows) 2008 Eligible School site ProPosal 4.6 4.7 Council Workshop Minutes December 77,2OOT Page 2 of 7 2. MINUTES R/07-603 Minutes December tO,2OO7 It was moved and seconded That the minutes of the Council Workshop MeetingDecember !O,2OO7 be adopted as circulated. of CARRIED 3. PRESENTArONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCTL Item 3.1- was presented following ltem 4.3 3.1- Equestrian Trail Network presentation The Manager of Parks and open Spaces provided mapping and informationon the current equestrian trail network as well as desired ioutes for futureuse. He outlined the process which ensures that these trails are consideredwhen a subdivision application comes forward. He advised that one of thepriorities within the trail network is the creation of new routes to takeequestrian use off road allowances and away from vehicular traffic. A discussion was held pertaining to safety improvements for the 132n0 Avenueequestrian route. The Director of Planning provided an overview of the process followed by thePlanning Department to ensure awareness within the developmentcommunity of future equestrian trails. 4.UNF/N/SHE D AN D NEW BUS/NESS Award of Contract, Blaney Bridge Emergency Replacement stafi report dated December t3,2oor recommending that the contract forthe replacement of the Blaney Bridge on 224th streetãt 1,44ïhAvenue beawarded to IOTA Construction Ltd. The Chief Administrative officer reviewed the report. He advised that fundingwill be available through the operating budget and is being realtocated to thisproject. The Director of Engineering operations advised that the some parts of the oldbridge structure will be salvaged and the remainder will go to scrap metal. 4.r Council WorkshoP Mi nutes December t7,2OO7 Page 3 of 7 R/07 -604 Award of Contract IOTA Construction 4.2 R/07-605 Award of Contract Panasonic Ltd. 4.3 It was moved and seconded That the contract for the replacement of the Blaney Bridge on 224 Slreel at t44 Avenue be awarded to loTA Construction Ltd.; and further That the Mayor and the corporate oflicer be authorized to sign the contract. CARRIED RequestforProposal-SupplierofPrintersandPhotocopiers Staff report dated December L2,2OO7 recommending that the contract for the supply of printers and photocopiers for the next five year period be awarded to Panasonic. The lnformation Services Manager provided an overview of the purchase of new printers and photocopiers fãr the District of Maple Ridge' she advised that a single vendor will be used and that the plan will cover all municipal facilities. It was moved and seconded That Panasonic Ltd. be awarded the supply and service contract for the provision of District of Maple Ridge document reproduction equipment needs for the next five years, noting that capital and operating costs are included in the 2oo7 Financial Plan. CARRIED Blue Mountain Sustainability Plan Workbook Stafl report dated December L2,2OO7 recommending that the Blue Mountain Sustainability Plan Workshop as attached be endorsed' The General Manager of community Development, Parks and Recreation Services provided ãn outline of the plan to work on the development of a sustainability plan for Blue Mountain. Council Workshop Minutes December 77,2OOT Page 4 of 7 R/O7-606 Blue Mountain Sustainability Plan 4.4 R/O7-607 Pitt Meadows 2OO7 Draft OCP 4.5 It was moved and seconded That the Blue Mountain sustainability plan workbook attachedto the stafl report dated December !2,2oo7 on this subject be endorsed. CARRIED city of Pitt Meadows official community plan Bytaw 2352,2ool Staff report dated December L3,2Oo7 providing recommendations pertainingto the city of Pitt Meadows Draft official community plan. The Manager of Community planning reviewed the report. It was moved and seconded That the city of Pitt Meadows be thanked for the opportunity tocomment on its draft official community plan; and further That the city of Pitt Meadows be encouraged to strengghen thelanguage around transporLation interests and functionalobjectives for the Pitt Meadows section of Lougheed Highwaybetween Translink's Northern connector overpaıs at Lougheed Highway and the pitt Meadows-Maple Ridge boundary at theintersection of Maple Meadows to support both municipalitiesin pursuing provinciar and regionar road improvements in atimely manner. councillor speirs - opposED CARRIED Run of River Power lnc. Hydro project Consideration of a request of the Upper Pitt Council of Concerned Citizens andthe Burke Mountain Naturalists to oppose the Run of River power lnc. hydroproject made at the December lOth Council Workshop. Council Workshop Mi nutes December t7,2OO7 Page 5 of 7 R/07-608 Upper Pitt Hydro Project It was moved and seconded Whereas Maple Ridge Council has serious reservations about the scale of the proposed Run of River Power Upper Pitt Hydro Project. Now therefore, Maple Ridge Council is in opposition to transmission lines from the proposed upper Pitt Hydro Project crossing a class A Provincial Park, namely Pinecone Burke Park. CARRIED ACTION REQUIRED That the motion pertaining to the Run of River Upper Pitt hydro project be forwarded to the Provincial Government, Mr. Randy Hawes, Ml-A, Mr. Michael Sather, Ml-A, Metro Vancouver and Mr. Richard Neufeld of BC Hydro. 4.6 4.7 R/O7-609 2008 Eligible School Site Proposal Annual Georgie Award Nominations Councillor King reviewed a newspaper article on the Georgie Awards which included the nomination of Portrait Homes' Silver Ridge community for various awards, including Residential Development of the Year' School District No. 42 (Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows) 2008 Eligible School site Proposal Staft report dated December 6,2OO7 recommending that School District No. 42 (Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows) 2OOB eligible school site proposal resolution be accepted. The Planner reviewed the rePort. It was moved and seconded That the eligible school site resolution of the Board of School Trustees dated November 7,2OO7 be accepted' CARRIED Council Workshop Minutes December t7,2OO7 Page 6 of 7 5. CORRESPONDENCE 5.1 Retaining and Expanding Market Rental Housing - City of North Vancouver Letter dated December 3,2OO7 from Darrell Mussatto, Mayor, City of North Vancouver requesting support of municipal Councils in taking action relating to affordable housing and the potential loss of market rental housing stock. R/O7-6tO Market RentalHousing lt was moved and seconded That the letter dated December 3, 2OOT from Darrell Mussatto, Mayor, City of North Vancouver be forwarded to the Maple Ridge Social Planning Advisory Committee for review and report back to a future Council Workshop meeting. CARRIED 5.2 Municipal Fiscal lmbalance - City of Vancouver E-mail dated December tL,2OOT from Sam Sullivan, Mayor, City of Vancouver, requesting support of a resolution asking the provincial Government for reinstatement of the revenue sharing program with local government. R/O7-6tt Municipal Fiscal lmbalance It was moved and seconded That the resolution of the city of Vancouver requesting that the Provincial Government reinstate the revenue sharing program with local government be supported. CARRIED l Council Workshop Minutes December L7,2OO7 Page 7 of 7 6. BR/EFING ON OIHER ITEMS OF INTEREST/QUESTIONS FROM COUNCII - N¡l 6.L Alouette Home Start SocietY Cou nci I I or Hogarth req uested i nformation pertai n i ng to m u n ici pa I ly-owned properties which would fit criteria of lands required by the Alouette Home Start Society. ACTION REQUIRED That staff provide information on municipally-owned properties fitting the criteria of lands required by the Alouette Home Start Society at a future Closed Council meeting. 7. MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT _ NiI 8. ADJOURNMENI - t2:O4 P.m. G. Robson, Mayor Certified Correct C,^- M c',1 /-r C. Marlo, Corporate Oflicer