HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-12-10 Adopted Council Workshop Minutes.pdfThe Minutes of the Municipal council workshop held on December 10' 2OO7 at 10:30 a.m. in the Blaney Room of ttre Municipal Hall, l-1995 Haney Place' Maple Ridge, British columbia for the purpose of transacting regular Municipal business' District of MaPle Ridge COUNCIL WORKSHOP December LO,2OO7 Appointed Staff J. Rule, Chief Administrative Officer M. Murray, General Manager of Community Development' Parks and Recreation Services P. Gill, General Manager Corporate and Financial Services B. Mc'Donald, Acting ıeneral Manager Public Works and DeveloPment Services J. Leeburn, Executive Director C. Marlo, Manager of Legislative Services A. Gaunt, Confidential Secretary OtherStaff as Required J. Pickering, Director of Planning R. Acharya, Planner PRESENT Elected Officials Mayor G. Robson Councillor E. Daykin Councillor J. Dueck Councillor A. Hogarth Councillor L. King Councillor C. SPeirs Councillor K. Stewart 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 7. Note: These Minutes are also posted on the Municipal web site at www'mapleridge'ca ADOPTION OF THEAGENDA The agenda was approved with the following additions: Update on Livable Region Strategic Plan Caring Place UPdate Report on Maple Ridge Treatment Centre Whonnock Lake UPdate Council Workshop Minutes December tO,2OO7 Page 2 of 6 2. MINIJTES R/O7-582 Minutes December 3,2OO7 3.1_ ACTION REQUIRED 3.2 3.3 It was moved and seconded That the minutes of the councir workshop Meeting ofDecember 3,2OO7 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED 3.PRESENTAI/ONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL Downtown BIA Update, lneke Boekhorst, Executive Director lneke Boekhorst, Executive Director of the Downtown Business rmprovementAssociation, gave a powerpoint presentation providing an overview of theactivities and accomprishments of the committees foimeo by the DowntownBusiness lmprovement Association. Ms. Beokhorst pàslnteo a retter tocouncil requesting funding from the District for the decurity patror program. That the retter distributed by the Downtown Mapre Ridge Businesslmprovement Association requesting District runoinj io'r tne security patrolProgram be addressed at a future Càuncil Worksho[. Run of River power rnc. presentation, J. Krushnisky, cEo; Russ Tyson,Managing Director, Typlan Consulting Jako Krushnisky, president and cEo of Run of River power rnc. and RussT¡r¡on, Managing Director, Typran consulting gave a powerpoint presentationwhich provided an overview of Run of RiverÞıwer lnc. its current projects andits proposal for hydro-electric projects in the Fraser vaitey Regional District. upper Pitt councir of concerned citizens (upc), Eraine Gords, Burke MountainNaturalists Elaine Golds ouflined the concerns and reasons for opposition by the upperPitt council of concerned citizens and the Burke Mountain Naturalists to theRun of River power rnc. proposars. particurar focus was given to the requestfor a change in the boundary of the pinecone Burke provinciar park toaccommodate transmission rines. Ms. Gords requested that councir expressopposition to the proposed hydro project to the provinciar Government. Council WorkshoP Mi nutes December tO,2OO7 Page 3 of 6 R/07-583 Upper Pitt Council Request It was moved and seconded That the request of the Upper Pitt Council of Concerned Citizens and the Burke Mountain Naturalists to oppose the Run of River Power lnc. hydro project be considered at a Council Workshop. CARRIED 4. UNF/N/SHED AND NEW BUSÍNESS 4.L 2OO7-2OL1 Financial Plan Amending Bylaw Staff report dated December 4,2OO7 recommending that Maple Ridge Financial Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6516-2007 to include expenditures previously approved by Council be given first, second and third readings R/O7-584 BL 6516-2007 Three readings 4.2 It was moved and seconded That Bylaw No. 6516-2007 be given first, second and third readings. CARRIED Purchase of Properly Taxation and utility Billing software system Staff report dated December 5,2OO7 recommending that the Mayor and the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contract with the Tempest Development Group for the purchase and installation of a taxation and utility bil I i ng software system. The General Manager, Corporate and Financial Services reviewed the report. The chief lnformation ofiicer advised that the Tempest Development Group has been used by other municipalities and has a good reputation. Note: Councillor King left the meeting' Council Workshop Minutes December 70,2OO7 Page 4 of 6 R/O7-585 Award of Contract Tempest Develop- ment Group It was moved and seconded That the Mayor and corporate ofiicer be authorized to execute the contract with the Tempest Development Group as attached to the staff report dated December S,2OO7. CARRIED 4.3 Detached Garden Suites Review Stafl report dated November 30,2OOT providing information on the regulatory and technical issues to be considered in allowing detached garden suites andrecommending endorsement of the consultation process and project timeline. The Director of Planning advised that the issue of garden suites has been identified in the Oflicial Community Plan as a possible alternative fordiversification in the housing continuum. Note: Councillor King returned to the meeting during discussion of this item. The Planner provided a PowerPoint presentation which gave an explanation of detached garden suites, provided examples of similar alternatives used inother communities and outlined issues and considerations to be examinedprior to introducing detached garden suites into Maple Ridge neighbourhoods. She gave a description of the consultation process and the timeline of theproject. The Director of Planning added that a very conservative approach was being taken to the location of garden suites which includes specific zoning and criteria. R/07-586 Detached Garden Suites Review It was moved and seconded That the discussion paper on "Detached Garden suites" dated November 30,2OOT be received as information; and further That the consultation process and project timeline described inthe "Detached Garden Suites" report dated November 30, 2OO7 be endorsed. CARRIED Council WorkshoP Mi nutes December tO,2OO7 Page 5 of 6 4.4 Discussion of Metro Vancouver Committee Appointments for 2008 Council discussed recommendations for appointments to the 2008 Metro Vancouver committees. lt was agreed that the Mayor would send a letter to Metro Vancouver advising that names are to stand from last year, and adding consideration of Councillor Hogarth aS a committee member for the Ports Cities Task Force and the Sustainable Region lnitiative Task Force' Note: ltem 4.5 was addressed prior to ltem 4'4 4.5 Update on Livable Region Strategic Plan The Director of Planning provided an explanation of the Greater Vancouver Regional District's Livable Region Strategic Plan and the amending formula nrougtrt before the Provincial Government for approval. R/O7-587 Livable Regional Strategy Plan Amending Formula It was moved and seconded That a report on the Livable Regional strategy Plan, the amending formula and its efiects on the municipality be brought before Council in January 2008. CARRIED Note: ltem 5.1 was dealt with prior to ltem 4'6 4.6 Caring Place Mayor Robson reported on problems being encountered by the Salvation Army 4.7 in terms of cold weather beds Report on Maple Ridge Treatment Centre Mayor Robson advised that the Maple Ridge Treatment centre was exp'eriencing difiiculties and that this was causing concern for outreach workers. Whonnock Lake UPdate The General Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services provided a progress reporl on work being out carried out at Whonnock Lake. 4.8 I Council Workshop Minutes December 70,2OO7 Page 6 of 6 5. CORRESPONDENCE 5.1 school District No. 42 community Education, Letter of support E-mail from Lynne Lloyd, Community Education, Arthur Peak Centre, SchoolDistrict No. 42 requesting a letter of support for a proposal to continueoffering English Language Services for Adults at the Arthur peake Centre. R/07-588 Letter of Support SD No. 42 lt was moved and seconded That the e-mail from Lynne Lloyd, community Education, Arthur Peak Centre, School District No. 42 be received; and further That a letter of support for a proposal to continue offeringEnglish Language services for Adults at the Arthur peake Centre be provided. CARRIED 6. BR/EFING ON OTHER ITEMS OFINTEREST/QUESTTONS FROM COUNCTL - Nit 7. MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT - NiI 8. ADJOURNMENT- 12:39 p.m G. Robson, Mayor Certified Correct u,ll.l .,,/n C. Marlo, Corporate Officer