HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-11-19 Adopted Council Workshop Minutes.pdfDistrict of MaPle Ridge COUNC'I WORKSHOP November t9,2OO7 The Minutes of the Municipal Council Workshop held on , 2OO7 at 1O:OO a'm' in the Blaney Room of the Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge' British columbia for the purpose of transacting regular Municipal business' PRESENT Elected Officials Mayor G. Robson Councillor E. DaYkin Councillor Dueck Councillor A. Hogarth Councillor L. King Councillor C. SPeirs Councillor K. Stewart Appointed Staff J. Rule, Chief Administrative Officer M. Murray, General Manager of Community Development' Parks and Recreation Services p. Gill, General Manager corporate and Financial services F. Quinn, General Manager Public Works and Development Services J. Leeburn, Executive Director C. Marlo, Manager of Legislative Services A. Gaunt, Confidential Secretary OtherStaff as Required L. Benson, PolicY AnalYst C. Carter, Manager of Community Planning A. Wood, MuniciPal Engineer Note: These Minutes are also posted on the Municipal Web Site at www'mapleridqe'ca Note: Councillor Dueck was not in attendance at the start of the meeting' 1-. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA The agenda was adopted as circulated' 2. MINUTES R/07-550 Minutes November 5,2OO7 It was moved and seconded That the minutes of the council workshop Meeting of November 5,2OO7 be adopted as circulated' Council Workshop Minutes November 79,2OO7 Page 2 of 5 CARRIED 3. PRESENIAI/ONS ATTHE REQUESTOFCOUNC'L _ Nit 4. UNF'N/SHED AND NEW BUS'NESS - NiI 5. CORRESPONDENCE - NiI 6. BR/EF'NG ON OTHER ITEMS OF'NTEREST/QUESTIONS FROM COUNC'I - NiI 7. MATTERS DEEMED Ü,PEDIENT - NiI Note: The meeting recessed at 10:05 a.m. and reconvened at 10:15 a.m Note: Councillor Dueck joined the meeting during ltem 8.1. 8. BUS'NESS PLANN'NG 8.1 lntroduction and Background The chief Administrative officer gave a Powerpsint presentation which provided an introduction, an outline of accomplishments and an explanation of changes to the business plan. A handout of the presentation was distributed. 8.2 Sustainability lnitiatives - Angela Griffiths, Sheltair Group Angela Griffiths, Sheltair Group gave a Powerpoint presentation detailing sustainability initiatives. A handout of the presentation was distributed. 8.3 Light Rapid Transit update - Bill Lambert, UMA Bill Lambert, UMA gave a PowerPoint presentation which provided information on light rapid transit. A handout of the presentation was distributed. .t Council WorkshoP Minutes November t9,2OO7 Page 3 of 5 R/O7-55L Light RaPid Transit UBM ACflON REQUIRED The summary letter to be forwarded to Translink is to include the following references: consideration of the area to the east of Maple Ridge in planning for light It was moved and seconded That the information provided by UMA' along with a covering .urr"ry letter, be forwarded tó TransLink for consideration as part of their TransPort 2040 Plan' CARRIED It was moved and seconded Thatthereportentitled"2S6thstreetlndustrialArea"dated Ñou"tn"t 'L5,2OO7 be received as information; ThatstaffbedirectedtocontinuetoworkwithTransLinkfor inclusion of Abernethy Way to 256t' Street in its 10 year capital Plan; and further a 8.4 R/O7 -552 256 Street lndustrial Area raPid transit; o West Coast Exprêss improvements to service; o prioritY for bus route 791; and lthatacopyoftheletterbeforwardedtotheRegionalpartners,namely Mission, Langley, Abbotsford and Surrey' Staff is to invite a west coast Express representative to provide a presentation. 256Street lndustrial Area- c. carter, Manager of community Planning and A' Wood, MuniciPal Engineer APowerPointpresentationwasgivenbytheManagglo^tlommunityPlanning and the Municipat fnlinu.¡, prov-iding itunt for the 256 Street industrial area A handout of the presentation was distributed' I Council Workshop Minutes November L9,2OO7 Page 4 of 5 That staff be directed to work with the Agricuttural Land commission and Metro Vancouver to explore the feasibility forpotential sanitary service for, and road improvements to the 256th Street area. CARRIED Note: The meeting recessed at 12:5b p.m. and reconvened at 1:25 p.m. Park site Acquisition - M. Murray, General Manager of community Development, Parks and Recreation Services The General Manager of community Development, parks and Recreationservices gave a PowerPoint presentation ouflining park and schoolsiteacquisitions in the Silver Valley and Albion urban growth areas. A handout ofthe presentation was distributed. Fraser Escarpment - F. Quinn, General Manager, public works and Development Services The General Manager, Public works and Development Services gave aPowerPoint presentation on weather and climate related issues, noting areaswithin the District most impacted by weather events, particularly in the-FraserRiver escarpment area. A handout of the presentation was distributed. Development Cost Charges program The General Manager, pubric works and Development services gave a . ' \PowerPoint presentation which provided an overview.of the chañges proposedfor the Development cost charges. A handout of the þiesentation wasdistributed \ '\ .t t 8.8 CapitalWorksprogram 8.5 8.6 8.7 The General Manager, corporate and Financialservices gave a powerpoint presentation outliningthe 2008-201.2 Financial Plan and giving an overviewof the capital program. A handout of the presentation was distributed. i Council WorkshoP Minutes November t9,2OO7 Page 5 of 5 8.9 Public lnPut - Nil 9. ADJAURNMENI - 3:10 P.m' Certified Correct G. Robson, MaYor c; C. Marlo, CorPorate Officer \)