HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-10-01 Adopted Council Workshop Minutes.pdfDistrict of MaPle Ridge COUNCIL WORKSHOP October 1-,2OO7 The Minutes of the Municipal council workshop held on october L' 2OO7 at 10:30 a.m. in the Btaney Room of the fr¡unicipal Hati, ltgg¡ Haney Place' Maple Ridge' British columbia for the purpose of transacting regular Municipal business' PRESENÏ ) Elected Officials Mayor G. Robson coíÀcirlor E. DaYkin Councillor A' Hogarth Councillor L. King Councillor C. SPeirs Councillor K' Stewart ABSENT Councillor Dueck R/O7 -455 Minutes September L7,2OO7 Appointed Staff J- Rule; Chief Administrative Officer M. Murray, General Manager of Community Development' Parks and Recreation Services P. Gill, General Manager Corporate and Financial Services f. qrinn, General Mañager Public Works and Development Services J. Leeburn, Executive Director C. Marlo, Manager of Legislative Services A. Gaunt, Confidential Secretary Other Staff as Required J. PickerinS, Director of Planning C. Carter, Manager of Community Planning Note: These Minutes are also posted on the Municipal web site at www'mapleridge'ca L ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA Theagendawasapprovedwiththefollowingadditions: 4.3 Flooding Review 2. M'NUTES It was moved and seconded That the minutes of the Council Workshop Meeting of Såþtem¡e r L7,2OO7 be adopted as circulated' CARRIED 3. 4. Council Workshop Minutes October I,2OO7 Page 2 of 4 R/07-456 BL No. 6574-2007 PRESENIAI/ONS AT THE REQUESI OF COUNC/L _ Nít UNF'N/SHED AND NEW BI]SINESS Council Procedures Bylaw - part 1g - Delegations staff report dated septembe r 21-,2oo7 recommending approval of Maple Ridge Council Procedure Amending Bylaw No. 6514-ZOOI to allow for clearlydefíned rules for delegatíons wishing to present to council or to Advísory Comm ittees or CommissÍons. The Manager of Legislative Services reviewed the recommended revisíons. 4.1 It was moved and seconded That Maple Ridge Council proceiJure Amending Bylaw No. 65L4-2OO7 be forwarded to Councilfor consideration. CARRIED ACTION REQUIRED staff is to provide a copy of the amended councit procedures Bylaw - part 1g- Delegations to CouncilAppointed Committees and Commissións for review. 4.2 lmplementation of Sustainability lnitiatives from the Revised Strategic plan staff report dated september 28,2oo7 providing an update on theintegration of sustainability inÍtiatives into business plans. The Executive Director to the chief Administrative officer provided aPowerPoint presentation outlining the revised Corporate Strategic plan andhighlÍghting 16 potential action items being explored for possibie inclusíon inthe upcoming business plans. He advÍsed that an october j_6tn staff í_workshop wíll be held to further refine suggested action items. i 'i' h '',\ì Council WorkshoP Minutes October 1",2OO7 Page 3 of 4 R/O7-457 Sustainability lnitiatives lmplementation It was moved and seconded That the staff report dated Septembe r 28,2OO7 be receivéd and that staff be directed to continue with the work on sustainability initiatives in preparation for business planning discussions. CARRIED 4.3 Flooding Review Mayor Robson asked whether the list of future items required to limit possibilities of flooding has been completed, particularly for the River Road, Golf Lane and Best Street areas. The Chief Administrative Officer advÍsed that a stafl report dated August 29, 2OO7 presented at the September LO,2OO7 Workshop had provided an update and recommendations for areas of improvement and follow up in dealing with.future flood issues. The General Manager, Public Works and Development Services advised that Golder Associates È preparing a report on the River Road situation and that their analysis will be brought forward to Council upon receipt' He indicated that the Golf Lane area was addressed in the staff report on future flood prevention Councillor Stewart provided an update on the Alouette River Flood Management Task Force.. ACTjON REQUIRED Staff is to provide verification that the strata corporat¡on of a building on Best Street has put back valves into the sanitary sewage system to help deal with flooding. 5. CORRESPONDENCE - NiI Council Workshop Minutes October 7,2OO7 PaÊe 4 of 4 6. BR/EFruG ON OTHER ITEMS OF /NTEREST/QUESTIONS FROM COUNCIL Councillor Speirs provided an update on progress being made to reduce the use of plastic bags. 7. MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT- NiI 8. ADJOURNMENT - 7t2O p.m G. Ro Certified Correct ( n ,^,,t., C. Marlo, Corporate Officer