HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-09-17 Adopted Council Workshop Minutes.pdfDistrict of MaPle Ridge COUNCIL WORKSHOP September L7,2OO7 The Minutes of the Municipal council workshop held on september t7,2OO7 at 1O:3Oa.m.intheBlaneyRoomoftheMunicipalHall,llgg5HaneyPlace'Maple Ridge, British Columbia for the purpose of transacting regular Municipal business' PRESENT Elected officials Mayor G. Robson Councillor E. DaYkin Councillor J. Dueck Councillor A. Hogarth Councillor C. SPeirs Councillor K. Stewart ABSENT Councillor L. King Appointed Staff J. Rule, Chief Adminístrative Officer M. Murray, General Manager of Community Development' Parks and Recreation Services L. Benson, Acting General Manager Corporate and Financial Services f. Quinn, General Manager Public Works and Development Services J. Leeburn, Executive Director C. Marlo, Manager of Legislative Services A. Gaunt, Confidential Secretary OtherStaff as Required J. Pickering, Director of Planning J. Scherbañ, Director of Development Engineering T. Thompson, Manager of Financial Planning D. Boag, Director of Parks and Facilities p. croo:iendorst, Fire chief/Director of operations and staff DeveloPment Note: These Mínutes are also posted on the Municipal Web Site at www'mapleridge'ca Note:councillor Daykin was not in attendance at the start of the meeting' ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA The agenda was approved as circulated t. Council Workshop Minutes September t7,2OO7 Page 2 of 5 2. MINUTES R/O7-432 Minutes September LO,2OO7 It was moved and seconded That the m¡nutes of the council workshop Meet¡ng of September 70,2OOT be adopted as circulated. CARRIED 3. 3.1 PRESENTAI/ONS ATTHE REQUEST OF COUNCTL "Greeno Taxiservice Proposal - Mr. Karlsawaf The Director of Licenses, PermÍts and Bylaws outlÍned the process Ínvolved inobtaining a taxi cab licence from the passenger Transportation Board. Mr. Sawaf outlined his proposal for a new taxi cab company and explained thatan application to the Passenger Transportation Board requesting taxi cablicenses must be submitted with a letter of support from the municipality. R/O7-433 "Green" Taxi Service Proposal It was moved and seconded ' That a letter be sent to the passenger Transportation Board insupport of the application from Mr, Karl sawaf for a "green" taxiservice. CARRIED ACTTON REQUTRED That the letter in support of the application for a 'green" taxi service include arequest for the consideration of granting six to twelve taxi cab licenses. Note: Councillor Daykin arrived aI IO:4T a.m. 4. UNF/N/S HED ANDNEWBUS/NESS 4.1 Development Cost Charges Bylaw The Dírector of Development and Engineering provided a powerpoint presentation giving an update on proposed amendments to the development cost charges bylaw. A copy of the presentation was circulated. CARRIEb ACTION REQUIRED That the DCC Areas map be amended to include the urban reserve' That staff provide a list of projects included in the urban industrial development cost calculations. That staff investigate sewage connection rates and levies paid to Metro Vancouver by other municipalities. That items in the development cost charges amending bylaw which are open to discussion be higlrlighteã during the scheduled public consultation meetings ãnJ in"t the pub-Íic be given an opportunity to submit written comments to Council. Council WorkshoP Minutes September t7,2OO7 Page 3 of 5 R/O7-434 Development Cost Charges Bylaw 4.2 R/06-435 Underground Wiring PolicY Review It was moved and seconded That staff be authorized to proceed with the Development cost Charges Amending bylaw process as outlined in the presãntat¡on by thã óirector of Development and Engineering' Policy Review - Oveihead Wires The Director of Development Engineering provided a PowerPoint presentation outlining current policiäs, practic-ês and [rocedures on underground wiring in supportät development. A copy of the presentation was circulated' It was moved and seconded That staff complete an investi$ation and review of Policy 9.05 - conversion of Existing overhead utility wiringto underground Wiring. CARRIED t Council Workshop Minutes September L7,2OO7 Page 4 of 5 4.3 Thomas Haney Youth Action Park Tender Award staff report dated August 30,2oo7 recommending that the contract for construction of the Thomas Haney Youth Action Park be awarded to New Line Skate Parks lnc. The General Manager of community Development, Parks and Recreation Services provided a summary of the report. He advised that funding for this project is available and that a mentorship program has been íncorporated into the budget. R/O7-436 Award of Contract It was moved and seconded That staff be authorized to enter into a contract with New Line Skate Parks lnc. for the construction of the Thomas Haney Youth Action Park as specified in the tender documents for $512,553.07. CARRIED Mayor Robson - OPPOSED 4.4 .¡.Y Fire Department Update The Fire ChieflDirector of operations and staff Development províded an overview of the Fire Department operation during the previous six month period. ACTION REQUIRED The Fire chief/Director of operations and staff Development is to provide statistics on fire department responses classified as minor medical assists and incidences where ambulances were detayed. 5, CORRESPONDENCE 5.1- BC Hydro - Electric Beautification Projects Funding Letter dated September 7,2OO7 from Ned Dharamshi, Field Operations- Design, BC Hydro, providing information on applyÍng for funding from BC Hydro for municipal electrical beautification projects. Council WorkshoP Minutes September a7,2OO7 Page 5 of 5 R/O7-437 tsC Hydro Electric Beautification Projects Funding It was moved and seconded Thatthe Ietterdated septemberT,2OOT from Ned Dharamshi, Field operations-Design, BC Hydro pertaining to funding from BC Hydro for municipal electrical beautification projects be received and no further action taken' CARRIED 6 BRTEFING ON OIHER ITEMS OF 'NIEREST/QUESTIONS FROM COUNC'I - Nil 7 . MATTERS DEEMED ilPEDIENT - NiI ) a. ADJ0URNMENT - 12:05 p.m. G. Robson,r Certified Correct M^ C. Marlo, Corporate Officer