HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-08-20 Adopted Council Workshop Minutes.pdfDistrict of MaPle Ridge COUNC'|-WORKSHOP August 20,2OO7 The Minutes of the Municipal council workshon rrgr!^gn August 20 , 20-97 at 10:30 a.m. in the Blaney Room of tl't" Municipal Hali, 1tg9S Haney Place' Maple Ridge' British Columbia for the purpose of transacting regular Municipal business' PRESENT Elected offícials Mayor G. Robson Councillor E. DaYkin Councillor J. Dueck Councillor A. Hogarth Councillor C. SPeirs Councillor K. Stewart ABSENÏ Councillor L. King Appointed Staff J. Leeburn, Acting Chief Administrative Officer D. Boag, Acting General Manager of Community Develoþment, Parks and Recreation Services p. Gill, beneral Manager corporate and Financial services F. Quinn, General Manager Public Works and Development Services C. Marlo, Manager of Legislative Services A. Gaunt, Confidential Secretary OtherStaff as Required B. McDonald, Director of Licenses, Bylaws and Permits t, Note: These Minutes are also posted on the MunicipalWeb Site at www'mapleridge'ca ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA The agenda was approvéd as circulated' 2. MINUTES R/O7-3e6 Minutes July 23,2OO7 It was moved and seconded That the minutes of the Council Workshop Meeting of July 23, 2oo7 be adopted as circulated' .ARRTED .}3.PRESENIAI,oNSATTHEREQUESIoFcoUNcIL-Nil 4. Council Workshop Minutes August 20,2OOT Page 2 of 4 4.L 4.2 UNFINISHED AND NEW BUSTNESS RCMP Statistical Crime Report, 2OO7 2nd euarter lnspector wakely gave a PowerPoint presentation detailing the RCMp semi- Annual Police Report from Janua ry 2OOT -June 2OO7 . He provided information on staffing levels and strategies for countering graffiti. Provincial Proposal for Single Business License The Director of Licenses, Bylaws and Permits provided a verbal report on theprovincial proposal for single business licenses explaining how the business license system currently works in most municipalities and what the provincial government is proposing. A handout was distributed detailing the Director of Licenses, Bylaws and Permits' concerns in regard to the provincial proposal. R/O7-3s7 Provincial Proposal Single Business lt was moved and seconded License That a letter be written to the Minister of Small Business Revenue and the Minister of CommunityServices detailing concerns with the proposed single business licence. CARRIED 4.3 RCMP Detachment - Basement staff report dated July 9, 2oo7 recommending the ailocation of $lbo,oOo from the Protective services Reserve for the completion of necessary improvements to the basement area of the RCMP buílding. The General Manager, corporate and Financial services advised that the funding for this project is contained within the budget. R/07-3e8 RCMP Detachment Basement Area lmprovements It was moved and seconded That $150,000 from the Protective Services Reserve be allocated to complete the necessary improvements tg the' - basement area of the RCMP building. t , _*' ;\ = ,, '*. CARRIED 5 Council WorkshoP Minutes August 20,2OO7 Page 3 of 4 5.L CORRESPONDENCE M u n ici pa I I nsu ra nce Association Vot¡ n g Delegate Email dated August 2,2OO7 from Tammy Ho, Municipal lnsurance Association of British Columbia, aãvising of the Annual General Meeting on Tuesday' -. - Septembe r 25, ZOOT and oithe requirement to forward a resolution to MIA pribr to September 10 if there is to be a change to the voting delegate' council agreed that councillor stewart will be the voting delegation and Councillor Daykin will be the alternate' 6.BR'EFING ON OIHER ITEMS OF 'NIEREST/QUESTIONS FROM COUNC'lL 6.1 Gas Vendois The General Manager, Public Works and Development Services advised that a report addressing init ¡ttr" would be brought to Council in September' ACTTON REQUTRED 6.2 ACTION REQUIRED lnformation providing a contact number for complaints pertaining to natural tás venoors is to be placed on the District's webs¡te. Thornhill Aquifer Councillor Dueck referred to the Maple Ridge News artic.le dated August 18, 2OO7 on the Thornhill aquifer signs and requested that further information be pr*io"J detailing the oistrict's involvement with the Thornhill Aquifer Protection Si$ns. staff is to provide a report on District involvement with the placement of signage indicating aquifer protection on Thornhill' staff is to contact Fraser Health with regard to well information' d I I l l .1 Council Workshop Minutes August 20,2OO7 Page 4 of 4 6.3 Alouette River Management Society 7. MATTERS EEEMED EXPEDIENT 8. ADJOURNMENT - L2:25 p.m Certified Correct C. Marlo, Corporate Officer Councillor Stewart advised that he will be providing a report from the AlouetteRiver Management Society pertaining to sockeye salmon found in the Alouette River which had come from Alouette Lake. G. Robson,I