HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-07-23 Adopted Council Workshop Minutes.pdfThe Minutes of the Municipal council workshop held on July 23,2oo7 at 10:30 a'm' in the Btaney noot oi tne Municipai Halt, ffSi99 t3l"t Piace' Maple Ridge' British columbia for the prrporu of transácting regular Municipal business' District of MaPle Ridge COUNC'I WORKSHOP July 23,2OO7 Appointed Staff J. Rule, Chief Administrative Officer Þ. Cill, General Manager Corporate and Financial Services J. Leeburn, Executive Director R. Riach, Acting CorPorate Officer A. Gaunt, Confidential Secretary Other Staff as Required g. MacOonald, Director of Licences, Permits and Bylaws D. Boag, Director of Parks and Facilities J. Baile, Parks Foreman It was moved and seconded ThattheminutesoftheCouncilWorkshopMeetingofJuly16' PRESENT Elected officials Mayor G. Robson Councillor E. DaYkin Councillor J' Dueck Councillor A. Hogarth Councillor L. King Councillor C' SPeirs ABSENT Councillor K. Stewart 2. M'NUTES R/O7-363 Minutes July 16, 2OO7 Note: These Minutes are also posted on the Municipal web site at www'mapleridge'ca 1-.ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA The agenda was approved with the following additions: 4.2 Amended statement 1 in the consolidated Financial Plan 2OO7-20L1' ;.á Xingfitn", Enterprises Liquor Licence staff report L: 2OO7 be adopted as circulated' CARRIED Council Workshop Minutes July 23,2OO7 Page 2 of 5 3. PRESENTAI/ONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNC/L _ Nit 4. UNFINISHED AND NEW BUS/NESS Note: ltem 4.3 was dealt with prior to ltem 4.1 4.! Cemetery Master plan - Erik Lees and Elaine Naisby, consultants - LEES & Associates The Director of Parks and Facilities introduced Erik Lees and Elaine Naisby,Lees & Associates consultants. Eric Lees gave a PowerPoint presentation providing an overview of the MapleRídge Cemetery Master Plan Project. The two key questions coming forwardfrom this report pertained to whether the provisión of cemetery r",üir",should remain a core service and what the sense was regarding the deliverymechanisms of the service in terms of retainíng it as a publíc service orproviding the service through alternate means which would include the privatesector. The Director of Parks and Facilities advised that the consultants would bereviewing the long term financial plan for the repair and maintenance ofcemetery sites. He also advised that the consultant company would garnerpublic input regarding the cemetery master plan project throúgn infoimationmeetings, comments sent in to the District website and consuitations withloca I funeral service providers. It was the general consensus that the cemetery service should be retained asa core service, however, public input will be sought. 4.2 R/O7-364 BL 6502.2007 2OO7-2OL1 Financial,plan Amending Bylaw No. 6502_2007 staff report dated July 23,2oo7 recommending that 2oo7-201,1 FinancialPlan Amending Bylaw No.'6502-2oOT ne givenlirst, second and third reading. The Generat Manager, Corporate and Financialservices reviewed the reportand h¡ghlighted the amendments ín the financial plan. It was moved and seconded That Bylaw No. 6502-2007 be given first, second and thirdreading. CARRIED Council WorkshoP Minutes )uly 23,2OOT Page 3 of 5 Note: ltem 4.3 dealt with prior to ltem 4.1 4.3 Kingfisher Enterprises Liquor Licence Staff report dated July 20,2OO7 recommending the issuance of a liquor primary licence for Kingfisher Enterprises Ltd' The Director of Licences, Permits and Bylaws reviewed the report' R/07-365 Kingfisher Ent. Liquor Licence It was moved and seconded That the staff report dated July 20, 2OO7 recommend ing the issuance of a liquor primary licence for Kingfisher Enterprises Ltd. be rece¡vedfor information and be forwarded to the July 24, 2OO7 Council meeting. ) CARRIED 5. CORRESPONDENCE 5.1 New Westminster & District Labour Council Letter dated July 4,2[O7from Carolyn Chalifoux, Secretary-Treasurer, New westminster & District Labour council requesting an opportunity to appear as a delegation at the Septembe r !t,2OO7 Council meeting to speak to a minimum wage camPaign. R/O7-366 New Westminster Labour Council Minimum Wage DEFEATED It was moved and seconded That the letter dated July 4,2OO7 from Carolyn chalifoux, secretary-Treasurer, New Westminster & Distr¡ct Labour Council, be received; and further That the New Westminster and District Labour council be invited to attend a Council meeting as a delegation to speak to a minimum wage camPaign. DEFEATED Mayor Robson, Councillor Hogarth, Councillor Dueck and Councillor DaYkin - OPPOSED Council Workshop Minutes )uly 23,2OOT Page 4 of 5 R/O7-367 New Westminster Labour Council Minimum Wage It was moved and seconded That the letter dated July 4,2OO7 from Carolyn Chalifoux, Secretary-Treasurer, New Westminster & District Labour Council, be received and no further action taken. CARRIED Councillor King and Councillor Speirs - OPPOSED 5.2 Union of British Columbia Municipalities - UBCM Community Excellence Awards Application booklet from the Union of British Columbia Municipalities ("UBCM") inviting applications for recognition in the fields of Best Practices, Leadership & lnnovation and Partnerships to be forwaided to UBCM by July 27 ,2007. R/O7-368 UBCM 2OOT Community Excellence Awards That the 2OO7 Community Excellence Awards application booklet from the Union of British Columbia Municipalities be received and staff þrepare a report and recommendation regarding the subject matter. CARRIED 6. BRIEFTNG ON OTHER ITEMS OF'NIEREST/QUESTTONS FROM COUNC'I - Nil It was moved and seconded 7: MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENI - Nil Council WorkshoP Minutes July23,2OO7 Page 5 of 5 8. ADJOURNMENT - IL"L7 a'm' Certified Correct R. Riach,Acting CorPorate Officer Robson, MaYor