HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-07-16 Adopted Council Workshop Minutes.pdfDistrict of MaPle Ridge COUNC'L I'VORKSHOP JulY 16, 2OO7 The Minutes of the Municipal Council Workshop held on July 16, 2oo7 at.10:30 a'm' in the Blaney Room of the Municipal Hall, 11d95 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British columbia for the purpose of transacting regular Municipal business' PRESENT Etected Officials Mayor G. Robson Councillor J. Dueck Councillor A. Hogafth Councillor L. King Councillor C. SPeirs Councillor K. Stewart ABSENI Councillor E. DaYkin Appointed Staff J. Rule, Chief Administrative Officer M. Murray, General Manager of Community Development' Parks and Recreation Services p. C¡tt, General Manager Corporate and Financial Services f. ıu¡nn, General Mañager Public Works and Development Services J. Leeburn, Executive Director R. Riach, Acting CorPorate Officer A. Gaunt, Confidential Secretary OtherStaff as Required J. Pickering, Director of Planning J. Sheehan, Environmental Technician f 1,. Note: These Minutes are also posted on the Municipal web Site at www'mapleridge'ca ADOPTION OF THEAGENDA The agenda was approved as circulated 2. MINUTES R/07-360 Minutes July 9, 2OO7 It was moved and seconded ThattheminutesoftheCouncilWorkshopMeetingofJuly9' 2OO7 be adoPted as circulated' CARRIED 3, 4. Council Workshop Minutes July t6,2OO7 Page 2 of 3 PRESENTAT/ONS ATTHE REQUEST OF COUNCIT _ Nit UNF/N/SHED AND NEW BUS'NESS 2oo7 west Nile virus Risk Reduction prevention lnitiative update - Randy Heilbron, Fraser Health; Jim sheehan, Environmental rechnician The EnvironmentalTechnician gave an update on the nuisance mosquito andthe West Nile mosquito control programs in Maple Ridge. Randy Heílbron, Fraser Health, gave a PowerPoint presentation summ arizing West Nile virus surveillance results for 2006, West Nile virus activity in 2OO7 and advising on risk reduction activities. Development Cost Charges Methodologr Discussion -Jeff Scherban, Directorof Development and Engineering The General Manager, Corporate and Financialservices reviewed the process involved in the updating of the Maple Ridge Development cost charge bylaw. The Director of Development and Engineering gave a Powerpoint presentation providing an overview of development cost charge methodology changes andidentifying key process issues and considerations required in órderto proceed with an amendment of the Development Cost Charge bylaw. F.4.3 Ridge Meadows Recycling Society - Kelli Speirs, Executive Director; Kim Day, Director of Finance Discussíon of the pros and cons of non-refillable water containers beingintroduced onto the BC market as per letter dated June 20, 2oo7 from theRidge Meadows Recycling Society. The Executive Director, Ridge Meadows Recycling society provided an overview of the differences between water containers being used by Canadian Springs and 15-litre single-use water containers. R/O7-361- Single-use water containers It was moved and seconded That a letter be submitted to the union of British columbia Municipalities expressing that the use of 1s-litre single use water containers is not supported. 4.1 4.2 CARRIED Council Workshop Minutes July 16,2007 Page 3 of 3 5. CORRESPONDENCE 5.1 R/O7-362 BC Homeowner Protection - Green Roofs HomeownerProtectionoffice-GreenRoofsandHomeownerProtectioninBC LetterdatedJune2S,2oo1fromKenCameron,ChiefExecutiveofficer' Homeowner protecl-¡on offi.", seeking comments on conclusions reached by a task group appointed to attend a conference on green roof technolog¡l' It was moved and seconded That the letter dated June 25, 2OO7 from Ken Cameron' Chief tãàrt¡u" otficer, Hómeowner Protection office' seeking comments on gr""n ióãit"chnology be received and no further action taken. CARRIED 6 BR'EF'NG ON OTHER ITEMSOF 'NIEREST/QUESTIONS FROM COUNC'L' NiI 7 . MATTERF DEEMED EXPEDIENT - Nil 8. ADJOURNMENT - 11:50 A.M G. Robson, MaYor Certified Correct R.ach, Acting Corporate Officer